Chapter 112
"Keep going."

Su Chang didn't forget why they came out, the resource supply box was the most important thing.

"These three old students just walked over from right in front of us. According to the route, they shouldn't be unable to see the resource box."

Su Chang and the others have a map in their hands, and they can clearly see every place where resource supply boxes are recorded.

But this does not mean that old students cannot take boxes.

It's just that they don't have a map so it's hard to find them, but if they happen to be lucky, they shouldn't let them go.

Hearing this, Su Chang was silent for a moment: "Either they inserted it midway, so they really didn't see the boxes and things."

"Or there are other old students around us, and those guys took things away, so these three people just now have nothing."

Two choices, completely different results.

Ye Jiangshan looked at the three guys on the ground, and no longer hesitated: "Go and have a look, you can't give up just because there may be danger, the loss of energy is a big deal for us."

"That's what we're living on now, and we'd be in a lot of trouble if we couldn't burrow."

Su Chang also agrees with Ye Jiangshan's statement. It is of course best to solve it in a simple way.

Su Chang didn't want to waste any more time outside, so he waved his hand: "Let's get things done quickly, and if we keep procrastinating like this, we don't know if we can make it to the end."

With the three melons and two dates on his body, just him and Ye Jiangshan, Su Chang kept muttering in his heart, how many groups of enemies can be solved in such a situation?
Su Chang is also not sure, at least he has now discovered that his 2.6 life points are really not good in the eyes of this group of sophomores and juniors.

He originally planned to rely on his own martial arts to make peace, and let the teachers outside see his outstanding talent in martial arts, but now that he thinks about it, he should avoid it.

No one made a sound from the communication equipment, which proved that no one had obtained a suitable energy source yet. Su Chang and Ye Jiangshan continued to walk in the predetermined direction for seven or eight minutes, and finally arrived at the approximate storage location of the resource box.

They saw resource boxes, but they were empty.

In the distance, two old students were fiddling with a large pile of weapon parts, apparently from resource boxes.

They plan to use the things here to arm themselves first, at least they will be more able to resist when they encounter danger later.

Not to mention that the resource box here has already been taken by someone, Su Chang and Ye Jiangshan can tell at a glance that the energy in the box is not what they want.

Energy supply is also a minority in the undifferentiated assessment, and there is no reason why it can be easily encountered when going out.

Such a situation was also in their imagination and judgment, and Ye Jiangshan immediately gave Su Chang a signal to leave.

But was rejected by Su Chang.

A slight voice rang in Ye Jiangshan's ears, and what appeared in front of him was Su Chang's eager face: "If I can get those parts, I can make better equipment, which will greatly enhance our combat effectiveness. "

"Forget it, let me tell you the truth. Although we are far away from each other, I can roughly tell what is inside by just looking at it. With what we have on hand now, I can make a small laser cannon."

"Or, just get the mortar."

Hearing Su Chang's last words, Ye Jiangshan almost staggered himself.

The matter is not over yet, Su Chang added: "It's not just an ordinary artillery shell, C-level as a base, B-level can try it."

"I got a batch of steel before, which can be used here. There are all the materials needed for the shells in that box, but they obviously can't use them, so they piled up outside."

"Think about it, what would happen if we had a Class B mortar. With our physical fitness, we could carry this mortar on our backs and use it as a mobile fort."

Class B, it can also be used as a mobile turret.

It is absolutely nonsense for Ye Jiangshan to say that he is not moved. He originally wanted to pass the next non-discriminatory assessment honestly after he tried the old students with 3.6 life points. Get agitated.

It would be a lie to say that you are not moved.

He took a deep breath: "We don't know their strength now, although there are only two people on the opposite side, if we attack rashly..."

"Hey!" Su Chang waved his hand, and then took out a bunch of miscellaneous explosives from his pocket: "They came from the opposite side, right?"

"They have already passed by. There is a rock wall on the left. It is impossible for them to climb the wall. Only our current direction and the right can go."

"I bet they won't go to the right. I mine these things here. When they step on them, we will do it directly and send them away."

"Believe me, although it's my first time playing landmines, I've watched others do it many times, and I'm absolutely professional."

Looking at Su Chang who was extremely excited and had already begun to lay mines, Ye Jiangshan fell into deep thought.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he froze on the spot. Su Chang was about to bury the mine before he asked, "Did you grow up in a war zone?"

"No, Blue Star doesn't have a war zone."

"Then who taught you these things?"

"I am self-taught. There is a sloppy king who teaches me how to make weapons every day. After learning mechs, I will learn nuclear energy. After nuclear energy is done, I will be familiar with laser laser weapons."

"After all the teaching, tell me how to play on the battlefield. After a little learning, I will understand."

After arranging things, Su Chang pulled Ye Jiangshan and retreated further back.

Ten minutes later, the two old students on the opposite side finally got all the parts on hand, packed up the useless things, and got up immediately.

"No, they don't seem to be coming in our direction."

Under Su Chang's watchful eyes, these guys had no choice but to go to the nearby rocky beach.

Seeing that he was about to miss the landmine, Su Chang, who didn't want to miss the mortar, finally made a move.

Jumping directly over several surrounding obstacles, he arrived at the rocky beach ahead of time, took out his long-barreled cannon, and fired directly at the two guys on the opposite side.

Then, just throw the last two bombs on him.

He also said to Ye Jiangshan: "The things they assembled can't be used now, so don't worry about the rags they have on hand."

"It's best to lead them in that direction. If that doesn't work, sink them here."

Ye Jiangshan is not a nonsense person, he didn't even have time to give Su Chang a face, so he rushed over: "Okay!"

The speed is fast and the body is elegant.

Su Chang could only say that he was in the same team as this guy, otherwise he would not have been able to leave alive when he met Ye Jiangshan.

After Ye Jiangshan quickly approached the other party, he made a direct move without saying a word, and sent one of them away directly three times in a row.

The remaining guy realized that the situation here is not simple, and said cursingly: "Fuck, whether you are freshmen or old students, it doesn't matter if you are freshmen, if you are old students, play this trick with me, don't force me to follow you!" Turn your faces."

"Behind me is also the top [-] squad, everyone, don't pretend!"

The strength shown by Ye Jiangshan is indeed strong, no wonder this guy thinks they are old students.

Su Chang also probably has an understanding of the so-called top [-] teams.

That is to say, Xinghai University has a large number of warrior teams, and most of these teams are formed by the students themselves.

There is a ranking list that directly records the ranking of all registered teams.

There are more than 6 students in Xinghai University, and there are thousands of teams, large and small. It is indeed quite remarkable to be able to be in the top [-].

Of course, these words are all nonsense to Su Chang and Ye Jiangshan.

After all, the two of them don't care if you are in the top [-] squads, and they can beat you in the non-discriminatory assessment first.

Ye Jiangshan kept chopping with a sword in front, and Su Chang kept hitting with a gun in the back.

The guy was desperate and ran towards another road in an instant.

Then there is no more then.

The mine was stepped on, and there was a shocking explosion. Because the mine was buried by Su Chang, it was judged that Su Chang's points jumped again.

After dealing with these two guys, they picked up the things they had on hand, and the surrounding grass moved slightly, and several figures walked out of it.

As soon as the face was revealed, the voice sounded.

"The freshmen in the seed class are really good and they didn't pass the exam for free."

"Student, in fact, we don't want to do anything, but the token reward is really generous, we can't refuse, why don't you take the initiative to hand it over?"

"Always have to load it, right? The teacher didn't want you to win this indiscriminate assessment. Finish it early and go back to class early."

"Just as a friend, we can still meet at school and have a meal together?"

The old student on the opposite side is actually not aggressive.

They are not friendly to new students, but there are differences.

The people in the seed class are the best ones in this year. Generally speaking, these guys in the seed class will not be simple stuff in the future. Let alone skyrocketing in the future, they will always be better than them.

Ordinary old students don't want to offend them, so they talk well, and it's almost enough.

Of course, Su Chang and Ye Jiangshan still had that cold expression, and they didn't take what these guys said at all.

A few words will make them consciously hand over what they have at hand?

crazy?I still went out without breakfast in the morning, and now my head is deprived of oxygen.

Looking at the things on hand, Su Chang said to Ye Jiangshan again: "The B-class mortar is out of reach now, I still put some things in it and didn't take them out."

"Hold it for 5 minutes, and I'll get a C-level one to push up first, okay?"

Looking at the person opposite, Ye Jiangshan made a judgment instantly: "Okay, just 5 minutes, don't trick me, next time the cafeteria will invite you to eat claypot rice."

Shaking the corners of his mouth, Su Chang didn't want to complain about treating guests to dinner and claypot rice, so he immediately started fiddling with the things on hand and quickly made mortars.

C-level things are no longer a big problem for him, and the two old students have assembled them before. Although there are some deviations, they can be used if they work together.

Su Chang has been playing with weapons until now, and most of the time he really does it.

(End of this chapter)

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