The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 102 Welcome to Xinghai 1 University (Part 7)

Chapter 102 Welcome to Xinghai University ([-]th update)
Can you buy such a large interstellar ship in three years?

He Su someone owns it?

This thing should not be bought for hundreds of billions, right?

Su Chang asked again curiously: "Mr. Jiang, did you drive it yourself?"

"A little bit."

"How much difference."

"A total of 800 billion is needed, and there is still a shortfall of 790 billion."


Su Chang felt that this woman was somewhat involved.

Sitting on the same ship with her, and it's the seat next to her, nothing will happen, right?
Su Chang was skeptical.

Half an hour later, the ship left the interstellar port and slowly entered space according to the route.

Then, enter the lunar surface base and wait for the next round of space jump.

During this time, Su Chang was not idle, and kept asking Jiang Shiman: "Didn't you say you want to tell me about the school?"

"Now I have time, hurry up and say, don't let me get off the ship and even find the way."

Jiang Shiman had just packed his lunch. Seeing that Su Chang was in such a hurry, he put the things aside and threw out a paper school introduction: "I guess you haven't even read this yet."

"The school is in Tianhe, and the general teachers, locations, and teaching quality are all in this manual. You can just read it yourself."

"What I want to tell you is that after entering the school, the process is to get to know the classmates first, and then to conduct the assessment at the beginning of the semester. You can choose the direction of the assessment yourself. I personally recommend you to apply for science and technology. I can also help you with relevant aspects at that time. teacher."

"It is reasonable to say that there will be no mentors in the freshman stage. For the vast majority of people, it is only in the sophomore and junior years that they will have the opportunity to follow the teacher and be selected."

"But for the seed class, the teacher likes promising students like you the most. Maybe after the entrance exam, the teacher will take a fancy to you and take you away."

At the same time, Jiang Shiman explained the teacher's distinction to Su Chang.

Intern teachers refer to new teachers who have just entered the school and have been in the position of teachers for a short time. The working age is generally within five years.

You need to pass the regularization test to become a formal teacher, so that you can eat Xinghai University's meal with peace of mind in the future, and you won't be kicked away anytime soon.

Su Chang really didn't expect this.

It's the Xinghai era, and there are still iron rice bowls, and there are still so many people pursuing stable jobs.

Sure enough, there will never be fewer people who want to eat federation food with peace of mind.

From trainee teachers to regular teachers, this group of teachers accounts for the largest proportion in the school.

They will be the teachers of the students, and they will also be the staff in various departments of the school, and they will be the backbone of Xinghai.

Go up, super teacher.

People with this title are quite rare in Xinghai University, and they tend to occupy higher positions in the school. At the same time, their strength and levels in all aspects are generally stronger.

They directly control many resources and have more say in many places.

The school is also a place that pays attention to strength.

The reason for such a division is not that the people above have no brains to do it blindly. This way can better distinguish the levels.

The system here is a bit similar to the titles before the new era, but the current system places more emphasis on ability.

Those who have ability are those who have ability, and no matter how qualified you are, it is useless for those who have no ability to endure for a long time.

"A trainee teacher is not qualified to be a tutor, so I am not qualified to teach students. Otherwise, I will definitely take you under my wing and let you work for me."

"Hey, this thing is more fateful. I can only say that it is really important to be with a mentor. The strength and resources of a mentor can directly determine your future development."

"Okay, it's time to travel through the wormhole."

Without giving Su Chang a chance to ask any more questions, Jiang Shiman looked out the window.

Outside, the dark starry sky was dotted with the light of stars.

In addition, the achievements of human civilization are blooming the most dazzling light in the starry sky.

Several beams of light shot out from the base on the lunar surface, opening a huge deep channel directly in front of the starship, which could swallow the entire starship into it.

Afterwards, the windows around the interstellar ship were slowly closed, and the scenes behind were no longer for Su Chang and others to view.

However, Su Chang and others have seen the corresponding pictures in science and education videos and programs, and have a general understanding of this process.

He was shocked by the current human technology, and suddenly thought of Peng Yunjian.

"Where is Peng Yunjian, you seem to have confirmed that there are problems with human's current space jump and wormhole technology? What are you going to do next?"

"If you want to subvert all the space jumping technologies in human society at this stage, then what you are doing is simply a small technological revolution, which will directly affect countless people and shock the entire society."

"There must be your names in the textbook."

Su Chang wasn't joking, if Xinghai and Peng Yunjian could really do all this, then they would really be remembered by the entire human society.

In this regard, Jiang Shiman just waved his hands and didn't care much: "How can this matter be said so easily? If it were really that simple, Frontier University of Science and Technology would not have a falling out with Peng Yunjian."

"There are many things...Of course, now Peng Yunjian is using the most cutting-edge and latest machines in the school, and cooperates with our teachers to conduct research, and the progress will be far faster than before."

"It's at least a hundred times better than being in that dilapidated factory in the black market."

"As for what you said being written into history? Haha, if it is possible to do it one day, I hope my name will also be recorded in a little bit, so that history will remember my name Jiang Shiman."

Jiang Shiman's eyes revealed a moment of yearning and loveliness.

After a while, this kind of happiness was put away, and she chose to throw a blank stare at Su Chang: "Damn, I was almost fooled into it by you. Such a good thing is not my turn."

"I was the one who took the lead, not to mention that according to my understanding, the prospect of this project is still pitiful. We just have a stepping stone in related aspects, and there are still many troubles in the future."

"As far as our current college of science and technology... I'm afraid it's not easy."

Of course Jiang Shiman is aware of the current situation of his Xinghai University.

As a person who once devoted his youth to the Institute of Science and Technology, he has a good understanding of the Institute of Science and Technology, and he also expressed regret for the current situation.

These topics are beyond Su Chang's ability to understand. He hasn't even seen them in school until now, saying that these are all nonsense.

Jiang Shiman continued to eat naturally, and Su Chang didn't bother to say anything more. He ran slowly to the ship's restaurant and secretly added food to himself.

The large piece of beast meat brought Su Chang a great sense of satisfaction.

Returning to the seat again, the windows of the star ship had been reopened, and a beautiful planet appeared in front of Su Chang.

The wormhole shuttle technology directly shortens the distance between the two places, and for Su Chang and others, it is only a matter of eating a meal to complete all the process and experience of the shuttle.

The Tianhe star outside the window is more than twice the size of the blue star, with clouds on the outside and a blue ocean.

It also revolves around a star, but there are quite a few companion satellites around it, roughly counting at least four or five in the past.

Moreover, there is a large meteorite belt not far from the Tianhe star, and it seems that from time to time there will be falling into the Tianhe star.

These are relatively normal, and Su Chang has also learned about them in the book, so it is not shocking.

What happened after that surprised Su Chang.

On the periphery of the planet, there are a large number of space stations and ship equipment, which seem to be guarding against something inside the planet.

At least Su Chang had never seen such a big battle in Blue Star.

In the outer space of Blue Star, most of them are interstellar defense for military purposes, but there will not be such a large number of armed forces waiting.

Jiang Shiman seemed to understand Su Chang's inner confusion, pointing to those things and the Tianhe star in the distance, he said: "Tianhe star is a planet that is managed by the Federation but not completely colonized. It is not counted in the Federation's ten on a planet with native life."

The ten planets with native life forms the basis of the Human Federation. These ten planets are controlled and controlled by the Federation in all aspects.

Maybe there will be some problems in every place, and there will be places that the Federation has no way to contact and has no energy to manage, but generally speaking, the Federation can intervene and control it at will.

In addition, humans have also come into contact with many civilizations and life planets.

If large-scale civilizations such as Kilan Civilization, Nine Palaces Civilization, and Zerg have considerable strength, it is impossible for the Federation to directly colonize them. Generally speaking, contact is relatively gentle, and war methods are not used unless necessary.

As for some weak civilizations, the federal means will not be so polite.

Federation is a federation of human beings, a social structure that maintains absolute rationality and only cares about racial interests and relations.

All the decisions and choices made by the Federation are beneficial to the entire human group, and its existence is also for the continuous development and rise of Blue Star humans.

Mercy, morality, and law are all discussed within the federation, and these are ridiculous when placed in a life-and-death battle between species.

In the sea of ​​stars, two civilizations collide, and the first thing to appear must be war.

Unless one side is so strong that the other side can't even raise any resistance.

The natives of Tianhe Star are a group of life forms that are not much different from human beings, except that they follow the cultivation module similar to the Nine Palace Civilization, and they are also quite hostile to the Human Federation.

Less than two years after the discovery of Milky Way, the Federation began its crusade against Tianhe Star. It has been nearly 60 years since the war was fought, but it has not been taken down.

The two sides have been exhausted, waiting for the other to shed the last drop of blood.

"But let me tell you, the Federation will surely win this war," Jiang Shiman waved his hand, and his tone was full of affirmation: "The only difference is whether we directly suppress the other side after victory and forcibly integrate into us, or whether the two sides Relatively peaceful modes of coexistence."

"It's coming soon. The patience of the Federation is limited. These natives of Tianhe think they can protect Tianhe forever with their own means, but they don't know how ridiculous this idea is."

The options in Jiang Shiman's words seem to be similar, but the meaning behind them is completely different.

Forcibly blending in is actually a kind of cleansing or killing.

A relatively peaceful model also exists in the current federation planet.

That is, if the natives of the original planet choose to surrender and give up resistance, the Federation will receive all the systems, education, civilized jurisdiction and knowledge of the other party, and then transform them and become part of the human group.

Become a true federal citizen.

Then, after assimilation from generation to generation, they will truly become part of the Blue Star humanity and become "indigenous humans" in a certain sense.

This method can greatly reduce the federation's combat losses while obtaining a large amount of supplementary benefits. History has proven that this will be a good choice.

Of course, there are pros and cons to everything.

Some choices are hard to say.

While Su Chang was talking to Jiang Shiman, the interstellar ship had passed through the federal defense system outside Tianhe Star and officially entered Tianhe Star.

The interstellar ship pierced through the clouds and headed directly towards the land below, a large green ocean forest appeared in front of all passengers.

The tallness of the trees has never been seen on Blue Star.

Then, a sizable human city appeared in front of Su Chang.

"Is there still a city here?"

Of course Tianhe Star has traces of the Federation, Su Chang is not an idiot, of course he knows this.

What he didn't expect was that there was actually a living city here.

It stands to reason that such a city with low defense capabilities should be difficult to survive on a planet where the natives have considerable power. After all, who knows when the natives will rush into the city and start killing.

And it is impossible for the citizens to have the power to resist, and there will be a lot of losses if they are not sure.

Before Jiang Shiman could reply, another man around him gave the answer: "You can call it a city, but we prefer to call it the First Federal Star Sea University."

"From the sixth year after the discovery of Tianhe Star, Xinghai University moved here, and slowly developed, it became what the city in front of you looks like today."

"As for the safety of Xinghai University...but any native of Tianhe who has a brain will not step into Xinghai University, otherwise many people will die."

On many, the man puts the accent on purpose.

Su Chang looked at the man in front of him, and just as he was about to ask for his name, Jiang Shiman behind him took the lead in answering, interrupting Su Chang again: "Master Yan Te, long time no see!"

This interstellar flight is a direct flight from Blue Star to Tianhe, and there is only one human gathering point on Tianhe.

Although there are also staff who want to enter the outer space of Tianhe Star to do things, but at this time, the larger proportion is still a large number of people in Xinghai.

Along the way, Jiang Shiman has brought Su Chang to meet many people.

But it was the first time that his tone was so excited.

Master Yan?
Special teacher?

Thinking of this, Su Chang gradually understood why Jiang Shiman showed such an excited expression.

According to her, every special-grade teacher is a treasure of the school, even in a place like Xinghai University, the number of special-grade teachers is quite rare.

I met someone here, and he looked familiar, so it seemed normal to have such a reaction.

The man called Master Yan smiled slightly, waved to Jiang Shiman, and then asked Su Chang, "Is this a freshman from this year?"

Teacher Jiang Shiman replied: "Yes, he is the No.1 applicant for the exam this year. The ruthless guy who made a mech in the exam room has already booked a seed class."

Nodding, Yan Teshi said that he understood.

Then he said to Su Chang: "We have already mentioned you before you came to school."

"I have the ability and courage. I heard that the core invigilation room was dismantled as a logistical source of energy. It's courageous enough."

"I thought you were talented in science and technology, but after taking a look today, it seems that your life points and spiritual cultivation are not bad."

After looking Su Chang up and down, Master Yan's expression looked a bit pity: "It's a pity that my main teaching direction is the study of civilization, which is not suitable for you, otherwise it seems good to accept you as a disciple."

As he spoke, the starship officially landed and began to leave.

Special Master Yan finally said: "Anyway, welcome to Xinghai University."

"There is no dignity here, only talent, hard work, results and progress."

(End of this chapter)

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