The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 100 Absorbable Spiritual Power (Part 5)

Chapter 100 Absorbable mental power (fifth change)
For Su Chang, this journey is also not easy for him.

Although the third brother has lost his arm and his combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, he is accompanied by the second child, who also has considerable strength and deterrent power.

The other two also have enough strength to guarantee their own safety.

He is the only one who is not very good at Su. In comparison, he is definitely the weakest point.

Su Chang vaguely felt that the silver fox king would come towards him.

The reason and basis for the judgment are also very simple. At this stage, the silver fox king has shown quite terrifying wisdom and ability, and the posture presented makes Su Chang feel flustered.

It should also be able to judge the current situation on the court, and understand that Su's place is the best breakthrough point now.

If you want to leave as quickly as possible and smoothly, Su Chang's place will be a good choice.

Su Chang, who is self-aware, silently clenched the laser cannon in his hand, and at the same time began to observe the surrounding terrain, planning to run faster when the time came.

Between money and life, he still chose to take his own life.

He, Su, has never been in a relationship in his life, and he still has a lot of money to spend. There must be a lot of girls in college...

It would be a shame to die now.

Time passed slowly, and the footsteps approached slowly. The Silver Fox King seemed to have gradually realized the problem, and the red dot displayed in his brain began to beat more and more.

It senses danger.

This wave and jump became more intense as Su Chang and others approached. Similarly, the closer to the Silver Fox King in front, the more Su Chang could feel a tingling pain.

It's not the pain of being physically attacked, but a blow to the mental brain.

It feels like a hard needle being forced into your body, followed by a second, and a third.

Su Chang could clearly feel that this spiritual power and spiritual cultivation were not very strong, at least not to the point where he could not resist anyway.

But this special attack method directly enhanced the damage of the Silver Fox King's mental power, making it obviously not much different from Su Chang's mental power, but it was able to suppress Su Chang.

Trouble and headache.

Su Chang rubbed his temples, and at the same time focused on his brain.

In the voice communication, the four groups of people communicate continuously and keep in touch.

Under their gaze, the red dot in Zhi's brain suddenly began to move wildly, and slammed towards the outside like crazy.

Obviously, the silver fox king was aware of what might happen in the future, so he planned to react quickly at this time, so as not to be easily dealt with by Su Chang and others.

It hesitated for a moment in the area between the four groups of people, and then rushed towards Su Chang's direction.

Seeing this, Su Chang spit out a national curse first, and then looked for a place to hide.

At the same time, in the communication device, Su Chang yelled: "Come to me! That beast is coming to me!"

"Basically, I can't stop it. If you are late, the Silver Fox King will run away and don't come looking for me!"

At the same time, hold on to the C-class laser cannon on hand, ready to shoot this silver fox king at a critical moment, at least try to see if you can stop it.

People from the other three aspects quickly realized the seriousness of the problem, and they could also see the direction of the Silver Fox King through their brains, and they came straight towards Su Chang without hesitation.

The Silver Fox King's speed is very fast. Because it is not good at fighting, most of its talents are installed in speed.

Without leaving much time for Su Chang to react, the figure of the Silver Fox King was about to appear in front of him.

After struggling to find a decent hiding position, at least to ensure that he would not be instantly killed by the Silver Fox King at close range, Su Chang picked up the C-level laser cannon in his hand, aimed at the area ahead, and waited for the Silver Fox to attack. Wang appears.

He believed that he had the ability to react instantly. Even if he couldn't hit the Silver Fox King, he could still block and intimidate him in a certain sense.

In Su Chang's vision, the Silver Fox King flashed out from the corner at a terrifying speed.

It is running away.

But in the process of escaping, the silver fox king gave Su Chang a very humane look.

The next moment, an invading mental power entered Su Chang's mind directly, as if someone had hit Su Chang hard with a hammer.

The meaning of the Silver Fox King is obvious, that is, to kill Su Chang directly by attacking with mental power.

Worst of all, it would make him, Su, a fool.

Su Chang really wanted to yell, this guy doesn't play his cards according to the routine!
He tried his best to find a place where he would not be approached at close range, but this guy directly attacked with his mind!
And this casual attack will not affect its escape, so the Silver Fox King chose to take action.

This kind of mental pressure was very great, and Su Chang went straight into his own spiritual world.

Inside the spirit.

The entire sky was covered with a strange silvery white, and the world on the sea began to gradually distort, and more powerful storms were set off, with the appearance and posture that the entire sea was about to be swept up.

Seeing this scene, Su Chang had [-] curse words in his mouth. If that silver fox king stood in front of him now, Su would never care whether he could beat him or not. A punch would be enough. fist.

"Spiritual secrets are really important. The mental gap between me and that beast is obviously not too big. It is because the silver fox race has its own special offensive methods that I was caught."

"I can only hypnotize now. I can't just hypnotize that beast and make that guy listen to me, right?"

"After this incident, I must make up for the vacancy in my spiritual secrets."

To put it bluntly, the most important thing in front of Su Chang now is how to solve the strange sky above.

This power, the power of the Silver Fox King, is constantly stirring Su Chang's spiritual world, and it seems that it will directly crush his spiritual side.

Su Chang also doesn't know any special spiritual defense secrets, but simply uses all the power in the mental square to resist this silver-white sky.

The raging sea boat no longer confronts Su Chang, and the waterspout formed by the monstrous waves no longer threatens him, but directly hits the top of his head.

The power of the volcanic island no longer vents and erupts wantonly, and streams of lava hit the dome directly, showing a special kind of powerful power.

At the same time, the blood-red sapling that had not moved for a long time began to grow silently, directly passed the germination stage, and a small tree appeared in front of Su Chang.

Afterwards, the special power belonging to the blood-red world also appeared, and began to assist Su Chang's mental health.

The three forces, large or small, slowly superimposed together, and after a period of time, the situation in the spiritual square finally stabilized.

The boat on the raging sea, the volcanic island, the blood-red sacred tree and the power of the silver fox king are intertwined, maintaining a strange stability.

Seeing that the situation in the spiritual world was almost stable, Su Chang immediately prepared to withdraw from the spiritual world.

Taking a last look at Ling Fang, he always felt that this situation was a bit strange.

The mental power of the Silver Fox King above his head seemed to have become rigid and fixed, and was beginning to be neutralized by Su Chang's own power.

As soon as his mind moved, a silver-white spiritual force appeared in Su Chang's hands.

This power that does not belong to him has a corrosive effect on his mental body, and after holding it for a long time, Su Chang left a quite obvious scar on his mental body and hands.

[A touch of spiritual power of a silver fox king with 9.6 health points]: This is a very simple spiritual power. In the material world, it will not show any posture or shape, but in the spiritual world, it can be held in the hands.

[Note]: Because this spiritual power does not belong to you, it is harmful to you, please clear it as soon as possible.

Su Chang fully understands the harm this mental power can do to him, otherwise, why would the Silver Fox King be so confident in playing tricks on him?
He had also heard long ago that one must guard against all kinds of mental attacks in a real battle. In fact, it was not uncommon for Fasuchang to use superficial mental attacks before, and the facts proved that they were indeed effective.

It’s just that his so-called mental attacks at that time were relatively childish and not as good as what others are doing now.

What really shocked Su Chang was that this mental power could be read by the synthesis module.

This is a major discovery!
Past experience tells Su Chang that anything that can be read by a synthesis module can be synthesized by someone from Su.

Since this spiritual power is also available, does that mean that Su Chang can also synthesize this spiritual power in this way?

Su Chang didn't know.

But he wanted to give it a try.

[Su Chang’s touch of spiritual power]: A touch of spiritual power belonging to Su Chang.

Seeing this crude introduction, Su Chang's heart trembled, but he quickly adjusted his mentality.

After all, it is my own thing, and I know what my level is, and it doesn't make much difference whether the system explains it or not.

Put both spiritual powers on the synthesis module.


[A touch of absorbable spiritual energy]: The essence of spiritual energy can be directly absorbed and transformed into pure spiritual power. Similar things will fetch a high price in the federation.

[Note 1]: By continuously absorbing spiritual energy, the warrior's spiritual power will continue to increase while strengthening his physical body in the spiritual world. In this way, he can enter the realm of breakthrough.

[Note 2]: You can also choose not to absorb the spiritual energy, but to directly perceive the spiritual understanding in the spiritual energy. Although it will not enhance the spiritual cultivation, it can better improve the spiritual realm, such as entering from great concentration to real concentration.

[Note 3]: You can also directly use this spiritual energy to do damage, just add your spiritual power to it, and the best tonic will become a deadly poison.

This is the first time Su Chang has seen something with three precautions, which is enough to show its specialness.

At the same time, this is also the first time Su Chang knows that mental power can be increased in this way, and the synthesis module can be used in this way.

This was not the case at the very beginning. Before the synthetic module was upgraded, Su Chang couldn't see any module prompts in the spirit square.

Apparently, at that time, the synthesis module was not applicable in the spirit square.

Until now, the synthesis module has unlocked new postures as Su Chang's life points exceeded 2 during the application process, so there was such a change.

Su Chang did not expect that his seemingly difficult experience this time could actually be a blessing in disguise in a certain sense.

Looking at the large silver-white sky above his head, Su Chang realized that this is not a disaster at all, but a blessing in an absolute sense, a treasure for him!
Suppressing his inner feelings, Su Chang slowly came to his senses, plunged into the sea water, and withdrew from the spiritual side.

The passage of time in the spiritual world is different from that of the outside world, and Su Chang didn't spend too much time in his own spiritual world, so when he woke up, the Silver Fox King was still in his field of vision and hadn't completely escaped. .

In fact, it was also because the silver fox king had been focusing on Su Chang, wanting to see what kind of situation Su Chang was in, so as to feel at ease.

That's why I chose to stay in place for a while.

Seeing that Su Chang was able to stand up, although his appearance and posture were very tired and weak, he still had a certain amount of vitality and was still alive and well.

The Silver Fox King couldn't sit still.

Its purpose is to kill Su Chang, not to see his arrogance here alive and kicking.

It stopped the pace it was planning to leave, and planned to kill Su Chang directly while the others hadn't arrived.

It has absolute hatred for Su Chang and his group.

But the others are relatively troublesome to deal with, and Su Chang is the weakest among them, so he will naturally become its primary target.

Of course, this was because the silver fox king had no way of judging the spiritual realm and cultivation of the few of them.

If the silver fox king knew that Su Chang was the one with the highest spiritual strength among these five people, he might choose to give up this idea and would rather kill other people than waste time on him, Su.

But as far as it is now, the killing intent of the Silver Fox King obviously cannot be lowered, and his eyes are fixed on Su Chang, and the distance between him and Su Chang is getting closer and closer.

In the blink of an eye, it will arrive.

Regarding this, Su Chang was very calm.

He had actually given up on chasing the Silver Fox King just now. He felt that if he ran away, he would just shoot him away. At least this time, he would be mentally rewarded.

Unexpectedly, the silver fox king ran back without knowing his life or death!

He took out the fruit of the cold tree that many people in the wilderness often chew in their mouths.

Then, activate the pure mental power you just obtained!

Su Chang has always kept in mind the things mentioned in the third note.

When the Silver Fox King arrived in front of Su Chang, a laser cannon was launched brazenly.

The Silver Fox King seemed to have realized this a long time ago, reacted quickly, dodged the laser cannon attack, and showed a very humane expression, as if he was complacent that Su Chang's plan failed this time.

What it didn't expect was that the next moment, the suppression of a spiritual force fell directly.

A streak of pure white absorbable spiritual energy was mixed with a trace of Su Chang's spiritual power.

This kind of doping is very little, but it is like thick ink entering clean water, instantly dyeing the entire water area black.

Then, the black water was directly poured into the mouth of the Silver Fox King, causing his brain to freeze instantly.

Su Chang can roughly judge that the damage caused by this "poisoning" effect is related to his mental strength.

Su Chang's own mental strength is like the most primitive poison.

The original poison is fierce, and the things produced are of course level.

The original poison is not good, how can you let the following things play a special role?
(End of this chapter)

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