survival game

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

The old man buried sword opened the matter of Zhu Xia Cave, which was quickly approved by the elders.

One is because of the life and death of Buried Sword Valley.

The second is because of the particularity of Zhuxia Cave.

The third reason is that the five elders in Buried Sword Valley didn't think that Chen Fan's subordinates could pass the test of Zhu Xia Cave.

Zhuxia Cave can be said to be the foundation of Buried Sword Valley, or it can be said to be tasteless.

For thousands of years, anyone who can enter the Zhuxia Cave can increase the level of Yuanshen in just a few days, and understand the mystery of the sword, but unfortunately, there are very few people who can enter the Buried Sword Valley in the past. The candidate for the Sect Master of Sword Valley will be able to enter the Presbyterian Church even if he is the worst in the future.

Because everyone who enters the Zhuxia Cave must swear an oath to the ancestors of the Buried Sword Valley: willing to kill demons for the Buried Sword Valley, even at the expense of their own lives.

Then you can enter Zhuxia Cave.

However, the selected disciples of the past dynasties often have difficulty passing the first test of Zhuxia Cave.

Outside Zhu Xia Cave.

Zhang Qinian's Qiziying first vowed that he would sacrifice his life for the buried sword valley to kill the tiger demon.

Chen Fan said to everyone: "This is very important, it is related to whether you can get good luck or not!"

Then Zhang Qinian's Enlightenment camp entered one after another.

After a quarter of an hour.

The old man who buried the sword was startled at first, but then couldn't help being moved.

Facing Chen Fan, he said, "So many people passed by, they are all pure hearts!"

Several elders in Buried Sword Valley also looked at each other in disbelief.

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief: "Master Gu, is there really something that can test people's oaths in this world?"

The old man buried sword said: "The entrance to Zhuxia Cave is actually a phantom mirror arranged by my ancestors in Buried Sword Valley. To kill the tiger demon, whether you are willing to fight with your life or not, the answer will soon be revealed in the illusion, and only those who are willing to fight with your life can enter the next level and get the good fortune in Zhu Xia Cave."

Chen Fan had already guessed at this time that Zhu Xia's cave must contain spiritual items.

After a while, the old man buried sword looked at Chen Fan with burning eyes and said, "These people have all passed the test, and they have all entered the cave at this moment."

The three of them returned to the cave of the old man who buried the sword.

The old man who buried the sword seemed to be in exceptionally good spirits.

Sighing to Chen Fan, he said, "If several of my Buried Sword Valley disciples can pass the test in this cave every year, how can I be the only one in the innate realm of My Buried Sword Valley."

Chen Fan said: "Master Gu, how can we cultivate to the innate state?"

Chen Fan and other Earth players have not received any guidance on cultivation from the system until now. Now that they have finally seen an NPC in the Innate Realm, they naturally cannot miss the opportunity to ask for advice.

The old man buried sword said: "Cultivating to the innate realm, the methods of each sect are actually similar. One is to refine qi at the full level, the second is to reach the seventh level of the soul, and the third is to absorb a trace of innate energy Power. But we must remember that only when the Qi refining level reaches the full level and the Yuanshen level reaches the seventh level can the innate power be absorbed, because after all, the elixir that contains the innate power is extremely precious, and after absorbing the innate power, it will be Need to understand."

Chen Fan asked: "Enlightened what?"

The old man buried the sword said: "The innately strong can borrow a little bit of power from heaven and earth, so naturally they have to realize a little bit of mystery between heaven and earth, such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, and lightning. , God and Qi unite, and finally the three flowers gather on the top, cultivate the innate true essence, and achieve the innate body."

Chen Fan couldn't help but think, it's really not easy to cultivate to become an immortal. It's so difficult to become an innate, not even to build a foundation. With his current situation, it's only that the primordial spirit has reached the third floor, and there is still a long way to go to the seventh floor. , not to mention the spiritual things that contain innate power, he has only heard of the transformation fruit in the first scene, not to mention that he has to realize a little bit of mystery between heaven and earth.

The old man buried the sword: "Remember, after absorbing a sliver of innate power, if you can't succeed in enlightenment within three months, then the power of innate power will return to the space between heaven and earth. You have to break through again, and you have to find the hidden meaning again." Items of innate power."

Chen Fan nodded: "Thank you, Master Gu, for your guidance. But what are the items in the world that contain innate power?"

The old man buried the sword: "You come with me, I will take you to see something."

The old man Buried Sword took Chen Fan into a secret place with a magic circle in Buried Sword Valley, and saw a green vine as green as jade climbing on an ancient tree, and the green vine was covered with knots. There are seventeen fruits, three of which are already vermilion, which is obviously a sign of maturity.

The old man who buried the sword said: "This is the vine of the Jiangzhu Immortal Vine, and its fruit contains a trace of innate power. It is the real treasure of my buried sword valley."

Chen Fan's qi technique shows:
Item: The fruit of the crimson plant.

Level: Innate item.

Innate power: a trace.

Chen Fan was overjoyed, as long as he can use the Qi Wang Technique, at least he won't miss this thing in the future.

The old man buried the sword said: "As long as you help me get rid of the tiger demon in the buried sword valley this time, then I can promise that you can not only use the Zhuxia Cave at any time, but also when the Yuanshen reaches the seventh floor, I can give you a crimson cave." The fruit of a fairy vine."

Chen Fan said: "Thank you, Valley Master, but I don't know if the Tiger Demon's Blood Tiger Mountain also has this thing?"

The old man buried sword said: "Of course there is, but I don't know whether it is a one-off or a growthable one. In fact, every sect has this thing, and this thing is also the foundation of each sect's establishment, but this thing Born of the innate spirit, it cannot be transplanted at all, so the establishment of the sect is actually established in the place where this thing is."

It was only then that Chen Fan understood the rules for establishing sects at the innate level.

A day later, when Zhang Qinian and the others left Zhuxia Cave, most of them had comprehended the mysteries of sword intent and obtained the "Forced Penetration" feature.

So, the second battalion entered right after, and of course, Chen Fan also entered this batch.

Inside Zhu Xia Cave, it was indeed a cave of illusion, but the illusion, for Chen Fan's current cultivation level above the second level of Yuanshen, could be ignored or cheated. Therefore, Chen Fan just looked at the cave a little bit, Then entered the hole.

Inside the main cave of Zhuxia Cave, the place is extremely spacious.

The walls of the cave are all blood-red rocks. Under the reflection of the night pearl, the cave seems to be shrouded in a glow, which should be the origin of the name Zhuxia Cave.

At the end of Zhuxia Cave is a huge relief sculpture about two feet long and one foot wide.

The relief carving is an ancient battlefield, there are ten suns in the sky, and countless slaughters on the ground, everyone, even everyone's expression seems to be real.

It can be seen that the craftsmanship of the person who carved this relief is high.

ten suns?

Chen Fan couldn't help but think of the story about moving back and shooting the sun in Chinese myths and legends.

Under the breath technique:
Item: Mind Relief
Grade: Advanced
Mind points: [-].

Chen Fan was startled suddenly.

The mind point of this thing is so high.

As the crowd entered one after another.

On the reliefs, there are phantoms of those figures fighting. Some use swords, some use bows and crossbows, some use spears and axes. In short, there are eighteen kinds of weapons.

Chen Fan was shocked, this is a goddamn advanced place tailored for them!
(End of this chapter)

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