The game starts from the closed beta

Chapter 96 Four Elephants Holy Land

Chapter 96 Four Elephant Holy Land
After Bai Kongqing killed Xiao Jian and the Ice and Snow Lord, his level was directly raised by two levels again, reaching level 26.

At the same time, just after he put the hidden job scroll into the system space, the system issued another world announcement.

[System Announcement: Congratulations to player 'Bai Kongqing' for defeating the hidden boss 'Ice Lord' in the Ice and Snow World, and obtaining the only hidden occupation scroll, which can be transferred to Sixiang occupation. 】

After this announcement came out, Bai Kongqing, who was already extremely popular, became even more popular, but since it became popular, there were benefits, but there were more disadvantages.

No, some people or organizations with malicious intentions began to find ways to target Bai Kongqing, hunt him down, and obtain good things from him.

At the same time, they believed that Bai Kongqing must be someone with great luck, and they wanted to kidnap him and use Bai Kongqing's great luck to find treasures for themselves.

Bai Kongqing here, after getting the job transfer scroll, immediately used the city return scroll to teleport it back.

As soon as I arrived in the safe area of ​​the main city, I found a group of people surrounding me, and they kept saying weird things.

[Passerby A: Bai Kongqing, right? Are you interested in joining our organization? Our organization has tens of thousands of members. If you want to join, just hand over the only hidden job scroll as a membership fee. 】

An extremely arrogant killer came up and said to Bai Kongqing, the high-ranking tone seemed to be a gift from him to Bai Kongqing, and the look of raising his head showed that Bai Kongqing was going to hold Bai Kongqing with both hands. The only hidden occupation scroll was handed to him with both hands, and then kowtowed and thanked.

At the same time, a man in a black robe next to him also came out, speaking in a hoarse voice, only showing a pair of red eyes, like a red dot sight.

[Passerby B: Hand over the only hidden occupation scroll, I don't need to chase you down, otherwise no matter where you go, you will be hunted down by the Assassin's Union! 】

[Passerby C: Give me the only hidden job scroll, and I will guarantee that you will be fine, they dare not attack you. 】

After the two threatened, another cat and dog came out, looking arrogant, as if he was the best here, but it seemed that when other people saw him, there was indeed a hint of fear in their eyes.

[Passerby Ding: Hand over the only hidden occupation scroll, otherwise you will know the consequences after I investigate your identity and power in reality! 】

Faced with this threat, Bai Kongqing rolled his eyes directly, you go and investigate and see if you are better than Xiao Qi, not Bai Kongqing, even if it is a state machine, it is impossible under Xiao Qi's interference After finding out his identity, Xiao Qi personally assured him that he didn't panic at all.

[Passerby E: Hand over the only hidden job scroll, otherwise...]


Bai Kongqing looked at a group of people who surrounded him, and after listening to it, it was just one thing, hand over the only hidden occupation scroll he just got, and he can choose to spare his life, or join their organization, use My lucky attribute finds treasures for them, but at the same time, the membership fee is always the only hidden occupation scroll.

The forces that intervened include the familiar Mihaly Club, as well as the Aotian Labor Union and the Labor Union.

Bai Kongqing rolled her eyes and ignored this group of trash. I don’t know how many of these people were maimed by me in Xinshou Village. Now I can’t use the monster identity card, so I let this group of trash pretend to be tigers here. If it can be used, huh, hehehe...

"Let's go, let's go, I'm going to change my job, don't let it be my way, a group of people who can't do anything, threaten the No.1 keyboard man, get out of the way." Bai Kongqing pushed away People, walking step by step, but after a few steps forward, he found that the people behind him seemed to have an unsightly expression, and they all started to get angry, so scared.

Bai Kongqing ignored it and wanted to continue walking out, but found that the road ahead was blocked. Not only that, almost all the surrounding roads were blocked.

Won't let me go, hey, I'm so used to it!
If you don’t let me go, then I’ll go offline. I’m not in a hurry anyway. The only hidden occupation scroll is in the system space. I’m not afraid at all. If you like to wait here, just wait here. Go offline and sleep.

There was a flash of white light, and Bai Kongqing's figure disappeared into the encirclement immediately.

The people surrounding him were stunned. They didn't expect the other party to go offline so directly. They saw Bai Kongqing's attitude and their faces were gloomy, but they had no choice but to arrange their subordinates to stay here in shifts. As soon as you go online, it will appear at the position where you went offline last time. There is nothing wrong with guarding this place.

At the same time, these people also started to go offline, intending to find Bai Kongqing's detailed information in reality and threaten him, but this is doomed to be futile.

There were also many posts on the forum because of this incident, all discussing Bai Kongqing's next reaction.

After logging off, Bai Kongqing saw that it was time for dinner, her younger sister and Gu Yunchen were at home, and two unexpected people came at the same time.

One is Liu Qingge, a strong woman with great ambitions, and the other is Nan Xiang, a cute girl.

The two of them didn't know what kind of wind was blowing today, and they came to Bai Kongqing's place.

It happened to be time for dinner, so I was invited by my sister to have dinner together.

As the saying goes, there are three women in one drama, and now there are four women, so it is not a drama, but a plus version of a drama.

When Liu Qingge and Nan Xiang were chatting with Bai Linger and the others, five out of ten rounds were about asking for news about Bai Kongqing.

After hearing these words, Bai Ling'er and Gu Yunchen became vigilant. She didn't know why the other party wanted to inquire about her brother's news, but she instinctively told herself that the other party must have bad intentions.

So the two sisters didn't answer the question directly, but chatted about it.

After chatting for a while, Liu Qingge knew that he couldn't find anything, so he said that I was ready to leave after eating, and Bai Kongqing went offline.

After taking a shower, I came downstairs while wiping my hair.

When Liu Qingge and Nan Xiang saw them, their eyes lit up, their faces blushed, and they sat down again, as if they had forgotten what they said just now, they filled up a bowl of rice again, and sat on the dining table waiting for Bai Kongqing 's arrival

Bai Kongqing didn't notice Liu Qingge and the others at first, until he was halfway up the stairs, and he didn't realize what Liu Qingge and the others were doing here, but he still said hello, after all, the house was given by the other party.

One man and four women ate like this, during which Nan Xiang and Liu Qingge kept picking up vegetables for Bai Kongqing, causing two pairs of chopsticks to break, all of which were caused by Bai Linger and Gu Yunchen.

In the end, the two followed suit and continued to bring him vegetables. Bai Kongqing was flattered, but what followed was panic. Seeing that more than half of the dishes on the table in front of him were in front of him, his younger sister and Liu Qingge were stunned. I didn't eat much.

This made Bai Kongqing want to cry without tears, she couldn't refuse their kindness, she could only eat them all with tears in the end.

After eating, a group of people came to the cinema in the villa to watch a movie.

Four women, one of them chose a movie, no one would let the other, helpless, in the end they could only let Bai Kongqing choose.

In the end, Bai Kongqing chose a classic film on the mountain. After choosing the movie, it was a question of seating. Everyone wanted to sit next to Bai Kongqing. In the end, the four of them guessed...

Bai Kongqing is in the middle, my sister is on the right, Nanxiang is on the left, the others don't matter.

A few girls thought it was quite normal when they first watched it, until...

In the end, the four of them were blushing and burning with desire.

After watching the movie and chatting for a while, Bai Kongqing sent Liu Qingge and Nan Xiang back. There was nothing to do along the way, until at the door, Liu Qingge tapped Bai Kongqing's lips, and ran in shyly.

Seeing her aunt running away shyly, Nan Xiang also kissed Bai Kongqing, she was much bolder than Liu Qingge.

The white space and green that are done are hard to describe and easy to seal the book.

After the last passionate kiss for tens of seconds, Bai Kongqing stared blankly at the villa in front of him, not knowing how to get back along the way.

All he knew was that his sister and Gu Yunchen were a little angry.

When he was sleeping at night, his younger sister deliberately came to his room and slept with him. Gu Yunchen also came in the middle of the night, but after seeing Bai Linger who was sleeping soundly, she went back disappointed.

silent night...

The next day, Bai Kongqing woke up with her blushing younger sister. After washing and eating breakfast, Bai Linger and Gu Yunchen went to work. Also met Nan Xiang and Liu Qingge.

The two of them also got into the car and finished sending them off one by one. Nanxiang was the last one. After being sent to this girl's university, she had an intimate contact with her like last night, and left under the strange eyes of all her classmates. up.


After returning, Bai Kongqing re-entered the game, directly chose to hide the ID, and went online in Shui Luoqian's room. This is the benefit of having a real estate property, and can change the login location.

Then he went to the career transfer hall to find a full-time mentor for career transfer.

And the highest level on the level list is now more than 30 levels. On the way, he met the fourth foreign player on the level list, the king of France Badr, who is already level 33.

The two passed by each other, ignoring each other, and then Bai Kongqing came to the job transfer hall and found the job transfer tutor.

Take out the only hidden occupation scroll and deliver it to the other party.

[Young man, are you sure you want to change your job as Sixiang doctor? 】

【OK/Not sure】

The vicissitudes of the job-changing tutor's words came slowly.

Then Bai Kongqing chose OK.

With his click, a new task for the job change trial appeared in his task bar.

【Professional Change—Sixiang Physician】

[Task level: SS]

[Recommended character level: ≥24 levels]

[Mission description: If you want to become a four-element profession, you must defeat the powerful four-element beast, obtain powerful soul power and various attributes, use the power of the four-element to cleanse the body, and become the body of the four-element, in order to master the power of the four-element Power, the four-element attribute power is the power of the sun, the power of Taiyin, the power of Shaoyin, and the power of Shaoyang]

[Task requirements: single-player challenges only, team challenges are invalid]

【Task Guidelines】

Bai Kongqing took a look at the quest, and didn't know where to find the four elephant beasts. He didn't know who the four elephant beasts were, and was distressed when he happened to find that there was a task guide under the task bar.

He clicked quickly, and then a page popped up.

[Task guide: To complete the task of Sixiang, you need to defeat the mythical beasts Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu to gain their power, and then you can complete the task of changing the job of Physician of Sixiang]

"I'm going, the legendary four beasts, is it so difficult... This task is too difficult..." Bai Kongqing looked at the mighty four beasts, swallowed, and then his expression became firm again: "No matter how difficult it is, you'll know after a fight, and you won't die anyway! Let's go!"

After Bai Kongqing clicked to start the task, a copy selection interface popped up in front of him, and a voice came from the system at the same time:
[System prompt: Please select the mission copy you want to challenge]

There are portraits of the four divine beasts lined up below, and you can enter which copy wherever you click.

Bai Kongqing felt that for the first dungeon, test the waters first, choose one with weak attack power and not difficult to deal with, Xuanwu is the top choice.

He stretched out his little hand and tapped on the portrait of Xuanwu, and then his whole body was enveloped by a ray of light, and he was teleported into the Xuanwu Holy Land.

At the same time, the outside world once again issued a world announcement:
[World Announcement: Player 'Bai Kongqing' accepts the job transfer task of the hidden profession 'Four Elephant Physician'. The Secret Realm of Four Elephant Holy Land will be opened for a limited time, and all players who have reached lv24 can enter. 】

As soon as this advertisement came out, those people guarding the Baikongqing landing point were dumbfounded, and the organization behind them was also dumbfounded, staring at each other, not knowing what they were thinking.

But after a while, they realized that the most important Bai Kongqing is no longer here. The holy land secret realm, as a time-limited secret realm, has never been explored by anyone. Who knows what good things are in it, and the first choice is to go there now.

In an instant, players who had reached level 24 in "Lingzhou" entered the Four Elephant Portal one after another, and were introduced into the Four Elephant Holy Land.

Unlike Bai Kongqing's location, they had to climb floors, and Bai Kongqing did face the Lord of the Holy Land directly.

After entering the Four Elephant Holy Land, the players found that this place is simply a paradise, the environment is beautiful, but the monsters are a bit strong and perverted.

The lowest level is lv30, and the holy places you enter are different, and the monsters you encounter are also different.

The wild monsters in the Xuanwu Holy Land are in the sea, and they are basically turtles and snakes. There are a few wild monsters from seafood, and there are turtles and snakes.

Qinglong Holy Land is also the sea, but it's on the bottom of the sea. Those who didn't buy water-proof beads basically died as soon as they entered, and the wild monsters were basically scale insects.

The Suzaku Holy Land is in the forest, full of birds and wild monsters.

The White Tiger Sacred Land is also in the forest. As the king of beasts, the White Tiger Sacred Land has the most types of wild monsters, no less than a hundred, and all of them are powerful.

Most of the players who have no strength and only have a level are basically wiped out as soon as they enter. Only those masters persisted a little longer, but they still died and were injured.

In the end, they can only form cliques, those with trade unions call unions, and casual cultivators without trade unions shake people, but unfortunately, the Four Elephant Holy Land does not allow team formation, you can only agree in advance, and even if you choose the same A copy of Holy Land, teleportation is also random teleportation, the probability of encountering is too small.

The Four Elephants Holy Land is still very big, and it is difficult to meet together. This has also led to a phenomenon. After millions of players enter, only there are people nearby, so they will immediately form a gang to tide over the difficulties, and then find them together. people go.

It's really hard for them people.


 This chapter is for tomorrow, I sent it wrong, rest tomorrow, don’t buy it

(End of this chapter)

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