Chapter 87 Boss 2
I saw the dragon knight raised his right hand, swung the big knife in his hand, and slashed forward. A faint light from the knife emanated from the blade, instantly smashing the team leader's three-layer shield.

"Come back!" Bai Kongqing and the others hurriedly shouted upon seeing this.

And the team leader was experienced, and when he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately dodged back to Bai Kongqing and the others.

"Fortunately, I ran fast. Otherwise, with the injury just now, I might be crippled if I don't die again." After the team leader returned to the team, he looked at the dragon knight in front of him, and said with lingering fear on his face: "The damage of this boss is a bit too strong. You must know that my first layer of shield has more than 1000 armor value, and the third layer of it will be directly broken by a random blow. Except for me, the knight and the daddy, you two are not at all I can't bear it a few times."

After listening to what the team leader said, everyone's expressions became very solemn, and when they turned their eyes to the dragon knight above again, they were no longer as relaxed as before.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)cut~~┌П┐('!)"

The dragon knight retreated after seeing the captain hit him, and didn't chase after him. He just glanced at the four of them with a disdainful expression, and then sat back on his own dragon chair again, with the big knife in his hand. He put it to the side, leaned lazily on the back of the chair and fell asleep again, ignoring Bai Kongqing and the others below.

Perhaps to it, these are just four little ants, and there is no threat to itself at all. It is more important to sleep now. As for the few of them, it will be dealt with after waking up.

Bai Kongqing and the others were discussing how to fight, but they didn't expect that at this moment, intermittent dragon breaths could be heard. The four of them raised their eyes and saw that the Dragon Transformation Knight had already fallen asleep on the dragon chair. .

Bai Kongqing didn't feel much about this. He saw that Dragon Knight had a drowsiness characteristic at the beginning, so he didn't have any other thoughts when he saw the other party falling asleep.

The other three, on the other hand, were dazed for a while, and then became angry one by one. They felt that the boss was insulting them and didn't take them seriously.

But they couldn't do anything, the Dragon Knight was too strong, even the only professional tank knight couldn't carry it twice, so even though they were angry, they didn't rush to do it blindly.

"Listen to me, don't worry. After the battle just now, I found that the sword in the dragon knight's hand seems to be very important to it. It is possible that its powerful strength can be exerted mainly by relying on these two swords." The captain said The voice came out, and said to Bai Kongqing and others: "It is asleep now, we can take the big swords on both sides of it at this time, so that this dragon knight loses his weapon, maybe there is only one to fight, and the system also I wrote it, you can enter at level ≥10, which means that this task can be completed as long as you form a team with level 10 or above. The system can’t release some tasks that cannot be completed to players, so the point of breaking the game may be on the two knives .”

Following the captain's explanation, the other two also felt that it made sense. Bai Kongqing looked at the captain, nodded without showing any signs, and looked at him with admiration in his eyes. Sure enough, this person is a gamer. The game talent is strong, the mind is meticulous, and you can see through something with a little touch.

As the team leader said, the source of the dragon knight's power is the two knives, and the information Bai Kongqing saw from the system is as follows:

[Dragon Knight (lv21 Bronze Level Boss)]

[The original body was a lizard wild monster. By chance, it absorbed a trace of the seriously diluted dragon blood, which mutated, gained great strength, and thus had a trace of dragon blood. However, the dragon blood is too strong, and the lizard wild The monster can only keep falling asleep to absorb the blood of the refining dragon, so he suffers from narcolepsy. 】

[Weapon: Dragon Tooth Blade (pseudo-artifact, cannot drop)]

[After a great power found the wreckage of a giant dragon, he pulled out the dragon tooth that still had a trace of dragon's essence and blood, and made two dragon tooth knives, which were lost in a war]

[Weapon skills: Dragon Sword Qi, Dragon Blade Slash]

[Dragon Sword Qi: inject a certain amount of aura into the Dragon Tooth Blade. The more aura there is, the higher the damage will be. Then, a dragon-shaped sword aura will be slashed in any direction, and the damage value will be 1000+ base damage (skill level bonus + attack power)]

[Double Sword Bonus: All skill levels of the user +2, attack power +700, life value +2300, spiritual power +270]

[Single sword bonus: All skill levels of the user +1, attack power +260, life value +1100, spiritual power +110]

[The user needs to have the blood of the dragon, and the level needs to be lv20]

[Attack Power: 189-239]

【Defense: 80-100】

【HP: 10000】

【Spiritual Power: 600】

[Skill: Long Tongue]

[Dragon Knight will stick out its tongue to attack any active individual in front of it]

[Special skills: discoloration, rage]

[Color change: When the Dragon Knight feels a crisis, he will try to change the skin color of his body to blend into the surrounding environment and achieve the effect of invisibility]


Bai Kongqing and the others listened carefully to the team leader's method of combat.

"Everyone listen to my instructions." Then he looked at the assassin and gave an order: "The assassin uses the aura concealment talisman that he bought at the beginning, cooperates with the concealment skill, restrains the aura of the whole body, and carefully moves to the dragon knight's aura first." Behind you, be careful not to reveal a little movement, so as not to wake up the other party."

"Then you see the timing, get the two big knives in your hands, and when they reach ""'s hands, immediately use the instant body technique to leave there, and it's best to come back to us."

"Then I will raise the shield to attract its hatred. If my guess is correct, then the dragon knight will not be able to drop my shield in seconds without the two swords, so I think the shield will most likely be able to Hold on a few times."

"Daddy is still the same, watch the milkman or the milk shield at the right time, try to prevent my shield from being broken, and I will absorb the hatred of the other party."

"It's fine for the mage to output without brains in the rear, don't worry about it so much."

"The other party finds that they have no weapons, so they will definitely find a way to get them back. At this time, at this moment, we must go back to the back of the team. We don't know if Dragon Knight has any other skills, but just in case, you stand behind Be sure to remember not to let it get the weapon, after the dragon knight finishes using the skills, you can throw the weapon to the mage first, and then my dad and I stand in front, and you find a way to give him a few hits."

"We'll just use it to consume it, just use it to death. In the end, according to the usual practice, when the health of each boss drops to 10%, it will go into a berserk state. At that time, it will be up to Dad."

With that said, the team leader looked at Bai Kongqing.

Bai Kongqing met his gaze and nodded, expressing his reassurance and absolute stability.

"In the berserk state, assassins are the least prone to accidents. After all, they are fast. Mage is a profession with high output but low other items. Therefore, mages, when you see dragon knights go berserk, you must come immediately. behind me, or you will be instantly killed."


One or two minutes later, Bai Kongqing and others listened to the squad leader's plan and agreed, and then began to form an array to attack and kill the sleeping Dragon Knight.


(End of this chapter)

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