Chapter 85 Trial Three

After some offensives, the monster Magic Dryad on the first floor of Fantasy Wonderland was cleaned up.

As a reward, everyone collectively rose to a level, and the experience value of killing the magic tree spirit was stored in the trial mission experience pool, which would not be settled until the mission was over.

"Sure enough, it's still cool to brush up dungeons! You have a lot of experience, you come fast, and you can level up quickly!" Seeing that the group has risen to a level, Bai Kongqing laughed, and after everyone finished picking up the equipment, Bai Kongqing said: "gogogogogo , start the car, the captain will go to the second floor."

Hearing Bai Kongqing's words, the team leader nodded, and then opened the mission teleportation array and came to the second floor together.

[System prompt: You have come to the second floor of 'Dream Fairyland']

[There are many dangers in the fairyland, I wish you a safe completion of the task. 】

After arriving at the second floor of the Fantasy Wonderland, I saw that it was even more dilapidated than the first floor. As far as I could see, there were basically no intact buildings and scenery.

In front, three wild monsters who looked like western armor had discovered and surrounded them.

【Armor Guard (Elite)】

[Level: lv15]

[Attack Power: 49-79]

【Defense: 20】

【Magic Power: 230】

【HP: 2000】

[Skill: Lightning Strike]

[After using the skill, the agility will be increased by 35% in the next three seconds, and three assaults will be launched forward, each assault will cause damage equal to 180+ (attack power + speed 20%), and the activation of the skill will consume 40 spiritual power. Assault consumes 10 spiritual power]

[Cooling time: 180 seconds]

[Special Skill: Armor of Guard (Passive)]

【Injury reduction by 5%】


"Everyone, be careful, there are three elite monsters on this floor, and the level is actually level 15, which is a bit tricky." After reading the information of the armored guards, the team leader said to Bai Kongqing and the others solemnly: "We only You can change your strategy."

"I'll turn on the shield first to block two of them, and focus on killing the remaining one first, so that you can kill them. Try not to let them activate their skills, or they can kill mages and assassins in seconds." The captain said Then, he immediately opened the three-layer shield, looked at the three armored guards in front of him and said, "Attack!"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed into the hatred range of the three armored guards, stopped two and isolated one of them.

Seeing someone provoking the three brothers, the armored guards became furious one by one, and attacked the knight, but the shield was firmly blocked by the shield, unable to break through for a short time.

Seeing this, the isolated armored guard wanted to kill the knight from behind, because the knight's three shields were all in the front, and there was no defense for the back.

But when it was about to start its action, it had already turned on the shadow and came behind it, and a backstab critical hit directly knocked out more than 700 of his HP.

Immediately afterwards, the mage's fireball technique also hit it, and Bai Kongqing also shot towards it. After a few attacks, the armored guard had already lost most of his health.

At this moment, it couldn't care less about beating that knight anymore. Its object of hatred had been changed to this moment. It had red eyes, and after glancing at its own brother, it then cast its gaze on Bai Kongqing and the others, furious. The voice came from the mouth:
"Damn humans! How dare you sneak attack us! Court death! Lightning raid!"

As the armored guard said, a silver-white light appeared from his body, and then he turned his body and rushed towards this moment.

In the blink of an eye, several red damage figures appeared above the assassin's head. In just two clicks, the assassin's HP had dropped to 25%. Just as the armor guard was about to harvest the assassin's head, Bai Kongqing threw a healing spell on it.

The armored guard also hit the assassin at this time. After the smoke dissipated, the assassin lay on the ground clutching his chest. Although he was fine, it was of no use for the time being. His HP had dropped to about 1%, and he hung on his heels.

"Cough cough..."

"Damn it! You didn't die!" The armored guard roared angrily when he saw the assassin who was seriously injured but not dead.

"Huh, fortunately, I reacted quickly and gave you a healing technique, which gave you two mouthfuls. Otherwise, you would have been instantly killed by the opponent's skill." Bai Kongqing exhaled a foul breath and said happily.

"Thank you brother for saving your life!" The assassin thanked him with a smile while clutching his chest.

Just when the armor guard was about to attack again, the mage and Bai Kongqing went up to stop it, and asked the assassin to recover a wave of blood first, and a backstab later would kill him directly.


On the knight's side, the first layer of the three-layer shield has been broken, and cracks have begun to appear on the second layer. He also noticed the assassin's danger just now, so he turned around and said in a hurry: "Everyone, hold on, let's kill it. You can kill these two, you have to speed up, I feel that these two armored guards are ready to use their skills after seeing this brother injured."

"If they don't activate their skills, I should be able to hold on for another 30 seconds. Hurry up." Seeing that the armored guards started to increase their attack power, the team leader quickly stabilized the shield and urged Bai Kongqing and the others.

And in the rear, Bai Kongqing and the others also nodded after hearing this, and launched a fierce attack on the armored guard who was alone, and just gave the assassin a healing spell.

After the second milking, the assassin had already recovered his fighting power and joined the battle again. The three of them worked together to finish off the armored guard in a few seconds.

Then they came behind the knight. Seeing this, the team leader hurriedly said to them: "Before my shield is broken, you can send remote output behind me, how much blood can be knocked out, get them!"

While speaking, the second layer of shield was also broken, leaving only the last layer.

Seeing this, Bai Kongqing and the other three began to scrape the two armored guards with their own methods.

Suddenly, the bodies of the two armored guards all lit up with silver-white light, and they had already used the skill lightning strike.

Immediately afterwards, the two armored guards slammed into the last layer of the knight's shield. With just one click, the shield became full of broken cracks, and it was about to dissolve automatically. Bai Kongqing quickly milked the shield.

Immediately, the shields were forcibly stuck together again, and the next second, two armored guards collided again.

'Boom! '

The shield completely disappeared, but it was not a loss, it just resisted the combined attack of skills.

"Damn it! You even repaired the shield and let us waste a combined attack, you guys are damned!"

The two armored guards were furious when they saw that their second combined attack hit the shield. Then they combined their attacks again and crashed into Bai Kongqing who was repairing the shield.

'boom! '

Bai Kongqing's body was instantly knocked into the air, falling tens of meters behind him, and his blood volume instantly decreased by 60%.

In two seconds, the armor guard had already activated his skills, and the brothers attacked together, and the damage increased a little. This time, if an assassin or mage came to carry it, he would basically be killed. Fortunately, Bai Kongqing is a daddy and has a thick body, so he can resist it .


(End of this chapter)

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