The game starts from the closed beta

Chapter 69 The Mist Leader

Chapter 69 The Mist Leader

The two apostles who are equivalent to false gods are so strong, so how perverted is the so-called Misty Wolf God himself? You must know that the fetter mission of the Misty Wolf God's identity card will bring pain to the other party, and you don't know how to bring it. How much pain is given to him can be considered as completing the task.

Now that he can't even beat an apostle, how can he beat a real god...

After all, he is not at the same level as the Misty Wolf God guys.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it now, I can only talk about it later..."

"Yes! Let's talk about it later! Especially that little girl named Yu Lingyao, who actually gave me a big blow right after she showed up, let's see how I deal with her in the future!"

Bai Kongqing thought viciously in her heart.

At this time, he looked at his task bar, and there were three tasks hanging in a prominent position.

They are:
[Hidden task: [Dead Soul's Resentment] The status quo of demonizing the Wraith Clan]

[Need to find the leader of the guardian clan, inform the current situation of the undead, and you can get a high reward]

[Hidden mission: Find Miss Dong (the only one)]

[The maid Yu'er entrusts you to find Miss Dong who was captured by the monster, and go to Feiyan City to find out the truth in the wild]

[Identity Card Bonding Mission: The Ancient Mist King, the Resentment of the Clone]

[The split body of the Misty Wolf God with independent consciousness is full of resentment for the main body for trapping itself in the Misty Mountains for a long time, guarding the third area, and vowed to make the other party feel the pain in person. 】

[Task requirements: Inflict pain on the body of the Misty Wolf God as a separate body of the Misty Wolf God, in various ways, and complete the task perfectly to kill the body of the Misty Wolf God. 】

Two hidden missions and one fetter mission.

I don't have any clue about the quest of the Necromancer's Resentment and the Mist King, so I have to do this Miss Dong quest first.

After all, Ms. Dong is in Feiyan City, a job transfer town not far away.


Just as Bai Kongqing was about to leave here, a dazzling light appeared in the sky, covering the corpse of the Misty Wolf God avatar.

Then it rose slowly into the sky, and disappeared into a streak of light on the horizon.

After the body of this branch died, the body hung there all the time, and there was no intention of refreshing it.

Bai Kongqing was still thinking, could it be that these bosses really died after they died?never again?

Unexpectedly, after a strange beam of attractive light appeared at this time, the Misty Wolf God just flew away.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't even leave the body as a souvenir for me?"

"Could it be...he has a necrophilia!"

Bai Kongqing looked at the corpse of the misty wolf god who had already flown into the sky and couldn't see it, his mind was wide open.

[Player Qiangli Sun Xing, hello, your consignment auction "Wraith Suit" was successfully auctioned. After deducting the 1% handling fee, your auction proceeds are 47718 yuan. 】

【...Your auction proceeds are 32154 yuan. 】

【...Your auction proceeds are 30451 yuan. 】

【...Your auction proceeds are 29413 yuan. 】


Bai Kongqing's thinking was interrupted by a continuous notification sound.

It was only at this time that he remembered that the 24-hour auction time he had set for the consignment auction booster set had already arrived.

At that time, all the wind-chasing suits were put on it, close to [-] sets, and now it is finally profitable.

From the first message just now, the account information has not been interrupted until now.

Seeing the constant incoming messages, Bai Kongqing's heart was filled with enthusiasm.

Although the money sold for these single sets is not as much as before, the quantity is large!
Bai Kongqing stared at the email message intently, and automatically received it with one click. Watching the account balance continue to rise, the whole person was very excited.

Haha, how cool!
The balance just reached 1000 million yesterday, and all the money has been recovered today. It is estimated that it must not be less than 4500 million, plus the original 1000 million, rounded up, it is close to [-] million!
"Unexpectedly, I, Bai, would soon become a billionaire at such a young age! The developer of this game is really my noble man!"

Bai Kongqing sat on the ground looking at the information on the email and the rapidly increasing balance in the account, and the corners of her mouth almost grinned to the ears.

By the way, what did you want to do before?

Buy a house, already have it!
Buy a game cabin, already have it!
Gu Yunchen is also suitable for asking a nanny who is kind and easy to overthrow...

oh!correct!buy a car!

Everything else is there, nothing more to buy.

Thinking of this, Bai Kongqing involuntarily raised the corners of her mouth...

Hmm, yes, I will buy a scooter after I log off this time, and it will be convenient to take my sister out in the future. I can't just take a taxi every time.

I just don't know what kind of car Ling'er likes.

Discuss with her at that time, anyway, she goes to work during the day and is not at home.

Buy a bigger one, preferably the one that can be stowed away in the gear, so that it is convenient to handle errands.

Bai Kongqing nodded to himself, looking for a car when he planned to go out.


In the next few minutes, the account reminder has not been interrupted.

Just when Bai Kongqing saw that his eyes were a little blurry, they finally disappeared!
He glanced at the balance in the bank card and quickly closed his eyes.

Rubbing his eyes, after a few seconds, he looked again:

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million... fifty-three million!"

Bai Kongqing counted again carefully and confirmed that it was correct!

"I rely on!"

"This wave is as expected as I expected."

A total of 43533046.62 yuan!
In other words, there are close to 2300 wind-chasing suits, and the average auction price is more than [-].

It completely exceeded Bai Kongqing's expectations.

He had seen the decline getting worse and worse, and thought that it would be good if he could sell all of them, but he didn't expect that there were quite a lot of rich people in this game.

After relieving her agitated mood, Bai Kongqing walked forward.

The fog in the Misty Mountains has thinned a lot due to the death of the Misty Wolf God.

As he walked forward, the fog thinned.

After about a few hundred meters, the debuff buff [Miasma of Mist] on Bai Kongqing completely disappeared.

[System prompt: Congratulations on becoming the No. 9 Novice Village No. 1, and the No. 11 brave man who broke through the Misty Mountains in the entire server of "Lingzhou", and won the title of "Mist Leader"! 】

[Fog Leader: Each Novice Village can be obtained by the first one to walk out of the mountain area shrouded in fog for a hundred years. As the title of pioneer, when wearing it, you can get strength +8, courage +5, intelligence +5, spirit +3 and other attributes addition. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on leaving Novice Village and coming to the Feiyan City area! 】

[System prompt: After reaching level 10, you can go to Feiyan City to change jobs. After changing jobs, you can unlock job changing skills and more ways to play! 】

Sure enough, I was the first one to come out of this novice village. After all, the last Misty Wolf God is really perverted. Others don’t have such good conditions as me. They can only swipe. They can only die a few times. Find out the mechanism and find someone You can only beat them by beating them, otherwise it is impossible...

No, it is estimated that those members of the Guwu family hidden in the world can also swipe alone, after all, they have their own advantages.


(End of this chapter)

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