Chapter 204 Commander

After treating Qian Xue again, she looked at the weak Mo Yuhua and said:

"If you continue, you will really die, you..."

"Mom, stop talking and continue!"

Mo Yuhua directly interrupted Shu Manning's words, his tone was strong, but his voice was very small.

"Can't continue!"

"Come with me..."

Shu Manning sighed, got up and left.

Mo Yuhua glanced at Qian Xue on the bed, and followed Shu Manning out.

After a while, he followed Shu Maning to a very small stone room.

Shu Manning opened the door, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees, and a gust of cold air came out from inside, making Mo Yuhua shiver uncontrollably.

"What's in here?"

"It's two ice coffins!"


Mo Yuhua suddenly thought of a lot.

Did mother let him and Qian Xue lie down?


Now he has become extremely weak, and Qian Xue had a problem when using [Time Backtracking], which is already a dead end.

My persistence is just to let Qian Xue live for a while.

Thinking of this, Mo Yuhua murmured:

"It's fine, it's fine to lie in a coffin..."

"Son, there is no other way, I really..."

"Mom, I know, there's no need to say more, no matter what, it's good to be with Xiaoxue!"

"Silly son, you really look like Mom, but unfortunately... Chenyu has already walked ahead of me."



After listening to Shu Manning's narration, both Mo Fan and Mo Han's eyes were blurred with tears.

"How could this be?"

"Is there really no way for them to be saved?"

Mo Fan clenched his fists tightly, heartbroken.

"Most of my strength has been lost, and I am no longer at the original level. I forcibly used [Time Backtracking], which is already going against the sky. Let alone resuscitating them now, it is unknown how long their corpses can be kept."

Shu Man stared at the two people inside the ice coffin, his expression extremely gloomy.

"No, there must be other ways!"

At this time, Mo Han screamed, lying on the ice coffin and crying bitterly.

Seeing her appearance, Mo Fan felt uncomfortable.

Originally, I came here happily with my sister just to meet my parents, who knew it would be such a result.

Before Qian Xue didn't want to see herself and her sister, maybe she just didn't want to see them sad. After all, they have been missing for more than ten years. Now that they are in this state, seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other.

"Fanfan, Hanhan, how did you two find this place?"

Shu Manning asked with some seriousness at this time.

Mo Fan explained how he found the address, and Shu Manning smiled wryly:
"So that's the case, so Yuhua has already understood virtualization, and his talent is better than mine, alas~"

"Now maybe only one person can save the two of them..."


"Void Poison Beast King!"

After hearing this name, Mo Fan's expression changed.

This is an existence of the same level as the Immortal King, even if it is found, will the Void Poison Beast King save it?

"Grandma, where can I find the Void Poison Beast King?"

Mo Han had a hint of expectation, and his eyes were full of determination, as if as long as Shu Manning told her, she would find it.

"Little sister, let's go back!"

Before Shu Manning could answer, Mo Fan interrupted.

"Why? Don't you want your parents to be resurrected?"

Mo Han asked with red eyes.

"Of course I hope, but... I don't want to lose a sister like you again!"

"Even if we know where the Void Poison Beast King is, it's not something we can deal with right now!"

Mo Fan said in a deep voice, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Fanfan is right. The Void Poison Beast King is at a different level of strength from ours. Even with my peak strength, I can't compete."

"What's more, I am now a heretic among the Void Poison Beasts, and I have become the enemy of the Void Poison Beast King."

Shu Manning said with a heavy heart.

"So I can only talk about it in the future. I will work hard to improve my strength. One day, I will revive my parents!"

Mo Fan replied with firm eyes

Mo Han also slowed down at this moment, looking at the second elder in the ice coffin in a daze.



After returning from Shu Manning's place, Mo Han has been depressed.

Mo Fan didn't persuade him either.

There is always a buffer period of time.

The most important thing now is to improve your own strength.

I had killed Bing Yuanqing in the forest before, but Mo Fan hadn't had time to look at the dropped items.

Back in his room, Mo Fan opened the backpack and took out the contents.

【FSA Commander Authority Token】

[You can enter the FSA official operating system after use]

This token should be Bing Yuanqing's own authority. Now that he is killed by himself, it makes sense for the "Unbounded" system to separate his authority.

Mo Fan chose to use tokens.

[Congratulations on obtaining the commander authority of the FSA official operating system! 】

Seeing the prompt in his mind, Mo Fan nodded secretly. While obtaining this authority, some more information appeared in his mind.

Then I turned on the computer, entered a few lines of code, and immediately a biometric authentication box popped up:

"Biometrics in progress..."

"Successful recognition! Welcome Commander Mo Fan to enter the FSA operating system!"

An extremely complicated holographic operation interface appeared in front of Mo Fan.

There are all kinds of information and data on it.

There is even an official announcement from the FSA.

One of them stands out:
[Important announcement: All units, please pay attention, Commander Bing Yuanqing numbered FUK1250 is missing! 】

After seeing this news, Mo Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect the FSA to respond so quickly.

Bing Yuanqing had just been killed by himself, and there was news of his disappearance here.

If I hadn't obtained the permission of this operating system myself, I really don't know.

Bing Yuanqing is a virtual poison beast, so are there more virtual poison beasts in FSA?
Or, could the chief executive of the FSA be a virulent beast king hiding in the DQ world?
The more he thought about this, the more Mo Fan felt that his guess was right, it seemed to be an intuition.

In "Unbounded", because I have the blood of the demon and the underworld, my perception is as high as 2000, so in the real world, my perception has always been good.

Therefore, Mo Fan still has a lot of confidence in his intuition.

If the chief executive officer of the FSA is the Void Beast King, can we find some clues here?

Thinking of this, Mo Fan began to search in the FSA operating system...

After about ten minutes, Mo Fan's face became more and more ugly.

The Void Poison Beastmaster didn't find many traces, but found a lot of information about himself and his younger sister Mo Han.

The detailed information in the FSA simply subverted his three views.

Just talk about your own information, from your birth certificate, how many times you have eaten, and how many times you have used the toilet, you can find it here!
After seeing this information, Mo Fan immediately thought of his parents.

When he searched the names of Mo Yuhua and Qian Xue, more detailed information was displayed in front of him.

It's just that it was cut off when they disappeared, and there was no follow-up.

Thinking of where his parents were, Mo Fan felt relieved.

In the cracks of the DQ world, even the FSA is beyond reach!

Bing Yuanqing's second item is a skill.

【Skill · Virtual Body】

[DQ World Skills, Grade C]

[Learning requirement: Possess the blood of the Void Poison Beast]

After seeing this skill, Mo Fan chose to use it without hesitation.

The skill book in his hand gradually disappeared, and a mysterious power injected into his body.

[Congratulations on learning the skill virtual body! 】

【Virtual Body (C-Class)】

[Using the power of the virtual poison beast in the body to virtualize your body, you can avoid all physical damage, and the duration is related to your blood of the virtual poison beast]

After seeing the skill introduction in his mind, Mo Fan immediately chose to use it.

With the explosion of the Void Poison Beast's power in his body, his whole body was covered by a mysterious energy.

Mo Fan obviously felt his body become lighter.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Fan found that his substantial body gradually became blurred.

Afterwards, virtual lines appeared one after another on the body, like a cartoon character.

Mo Fan stood up from the computer chair, and his arms passed across the computer desk. He didn't feel it at all.

Immediately control the body and start various experiments.

After a while, he discovered that he could pass through any object he wanted if he wanted to.

He can control this ability as he pleases, as if there is no time limit.

But in the description of the skill, the duration is related to the blood of the Void Poison Beast.

Is it because his Void Poison Beast bloodline is too strong, so he can persist for so long?

Thinking of this, Mo Fan couldn't help showing a strange expression.

In any case, this is a very practical skill.

In the real world, there is another guarantee.


Next is [Bloodline No. 87433], this bloodline should be Bing Yuanqing's Void Poison Beast bloodline.

Although Bing Yuanqing's strength is nothing to him, it can beat Shu Manning.

It can be seen from this that regardless of Shu Manning's strength, Bing Yuanqing's bloodline is not bad.

It's just that compared with his own No. 97 bloodline, it's still a bit far behind.

Mo Fan dripped the blood on his hand, and an alert sound immediately appeared in his mind:
[Detection of No. 87433 bloodline...]

[Start PPVN plan article 18223! 】

[Successful startup! 】

[Begin to fuse bloodline No. 87433...]

[It is detected that the level of this bloodline is lower than yours, so it can be absorbed directly! 】


[Successful absorption! 】

[Body [-]D data recalculation...]


[Acquired the special ability of No. 87433 bloodline "body strengthening", "breath concealment"]


Although this bloodline is relatively weak, it also gave Mo Fan two abilities.

For Mo Fan, these two abilities are really tasteless.

Now, as long as the "War Spirit Possession" is used, in the real world, it is almost invincible.

No one can easily withstand the attack of more than 2000 billion.

After absorbing the blood, Mo Fan left the room.

Seeing Hatsune cleaning up the dishes, she asked:
"What about little sister?"

"Mr. Mo, Ms. Mo came into the room after eating. I think she is not in a good mood..."


Mo Fan replied calmly, and then looked towards Mo Han's room.

The door of the room was closed tightly, and the screen next to the door frame still showed Do Not Disturb.

"It seems that my little sister has been hit this time..."

Mo Fan shook his head and sighed lightly.

Then some thoughts in my heart became more firm.

"Hatsune, Ms. Mo has been in a bad mood for the past few days, so please take care of her."

"Yes, Mr. Mo!"

"Well, have you finished packing yet?"

"Is Mr. Mo okay?"

Hatsune asked very innocently, as if she didn't understand what Mo Fan meant.

"That... that... you come with me..."

After Mo Fan finished speaking, he went back to the room.

Hatsune looked at Mo Fan's back, his eyes lit up, and he followed closely behind.

After a while, the door of Mo Fan's room was closed, and the voice inside could no longer be heard...



Entering "Unbounded" again, it was already two hours later.

After venting a bit, Mo Fan finally felt a little better.

Coming out of his own residence, he vibrated his wings and flew into the air.

Looking at the busy crowd on Lu Xiaofeng, Mo Fan felt as if he had passed away.

Thinking of what he was going to do, Mo Fan flew down again.

Go to your residence and close the door tightly.


On Lu Xiaofeng, a large group of players were attracted by Mo Fan's behavior.

"Hey, did you see it just now? Is that the Peak Master?"

"Seems to be……"

"What seems to be, besides the peak master, who has such big wings?"

"The peak master has disappeared for a long time, and I don't know if I can see him this time..."

"You don't know, don't you? It is said that the emperor of Dale Kingdom will come to Luxiao Peak to meet the peak owner, but there has been no news of the peak owner."

"Really? Why don't you notify the Peak Master immediately?"

"What are you worrying about? Deputy Peak Master Liu must have told the Peak Master long ago..."


Just when Mo Fan was about to fuse his blood, there was a knock on the door.

Mo Fan had no choice but to stop, frowning and replied:
"Come in!"

After Liu Zhengtong opened the door and came in, he saw Mo Fan's face and expressed apology:
"Peak Lord, the emperor of Dale Kingdom wants to see you, but I don't know where you are..."

"Hehe, I just happened to be going to the imperial capital of Dale Kingdom..."

After Mo Fan heard what Liu Zhengtong said, he immediately thought about Jia Renhe.

He glanced at Liu Zhengtong and asked:

"Do you know what the emperor of the Great Le Kingdom wants me to do?"

Liu Zhengtong shook his head and said:

"I don't know, Le Huang dragged people to Lu Xiaofeng to inquire about you several times, but you were never there."

"In that case, let me go!"

"Okay, then don't bother the peak master."


After watching Liu Zhengtong leave, Mo Fan also left Lu Xiaofeng.

Vibrate the wings and soar up.

At an extremely fast speed, rushed to the nearby city.

After spending about two hours, he finally arrived at the imperial capital of Dale Kingdom——Lecheng.

Lecheng banned flying, so Mo Fan had to walk.

This is the largest city in the Great Le Kingdom, very prosperous.

When those players saw Mo Fan, they all screamed:
"Could it be that my eyes are dazzled? this Brother Tao?"

"Really, it's Brother Tao, brother Tao has come to Lecheng!"

"Oh my god, my idol actually appeared in this place, right?"

"Brother Tao! It's Brother Tao!"

"Hey, don't touch Brother Tao's name, Brother Tao's name is too irritating!"

"Who the hell pushed me?!"

"Oh no, Brother Tao's name has changed!"




(End of this chapter)

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