The game starts from the closed beta

Chapter 201 Mysterious Man

Chapter 201 Mysterious Man

Just spent 15 billion gold coins, just to increase the invincibility time from 2 seconds to 4 seconds, and the other attributes have not changed.

The most critical trigger rate is still 1%, and Mo Fan feels that it is not worthwhile to continue to increase.

This is completely a bottomless pit of krypton gold, so Mo Fan immediately chose to stop upgrading.

Next, Mo Fan opened the Prestige Mall.

There are too many things that can be purchased in the prestige mall now.

There are a lot of dense skins, all of which are monsters that Mo Fan has killed.

For some ordinary skins, Mo Fan has no interest now.

After searching for a while, I finally found the skin I wanted: Xie Wang Mo.

[Evil King Mo skin: 2000 million monster reputation]

This is the most expensive skin Mo Fan has encountered so far.

Choose to buy!

"-2000 monster reputation!"

[System prompt: Congratulations on getting the "Evil King Mo" skin! 】

[Evil King Mo Skin: After use, it can be disguised as the imperial boss Xie Wang Mo! 】

[Power + 15]

[Agility + 15]

[Physique + 15]

[Five elements resistance +1200 million]

[Dark system resistance +2000 million]

[Dark spell skill damage +300%]

[After using this skin, you will get additional skills "Lock Soul", "Evil Explosion Palm", "Evil King Seal", "Evil King Special Damage Reduction"]

[Skin Bonds: Invincible Shadow World ([-])]

【Evil Shadow King (Collected) Evil King Mo (Collected)】

[Bond attribute (activated)]

[When attacked, there is a 25% chance of being invincible for 1 second and recovering 10% of the current HP]

[Skin Bonds: Friends of Life and Death]

[Evil King Mo (collected) Styx Girl (not collected)]

[Bond attribute (not activated)]

[Attacking an enemy unit has a 10% chance of creating a seal. After the seal is successful, there is a 90% chance of causing a decrease in resistance and appearing in a lost soul state. In the lost soul state, the damage received from soul-type attacks increases by 2000%]

After seeing the attributes of this skin, Mo Fan nodded slightly. From the current point of view, the attributes of this skin are considered relatively good.

Especially the bond attribute of Invincible Shadow Realm is simply a weapon for protection.

Another thing that surprised Mo Fan was that this skin was not a time-limited skin.

In other words, Goddess of Luck was lucky again, and he got a permanent skin.

At present, his prestige is neither too much nor too little.

It would be nice to save a lot of prestige.

Mo Fan looked at the other skins in the prestige mall again, and found several skins with similar names.

[Hong Tiancheng skin: 720 million monster reputation]

[Hong Tianlong skin: 720 million monster reputation]

These two unlucky ghosts are probably some players who were killed by themselves in the evil cave.

Now it appeared in his own prestige mall.

"The names are so similar, will there be a skin bond?"

Thinking of this, Mo Fan immediately spent 2400 million monster reputation to buy these two skins.

He immediately found that his attributes had increased a little.

After looking at the skin attributes, there is indeed a skin fetter, and it has been activated.

[Skin Bonds: Brotherly Love]

【Hong Tiancheng (collected) Hong Tianlong (collected)】

[Bond attribute (activated)]

[Power + 6]

This skin fetter directly added 6 strength. Although it is not much for Mo Fan's current attributes, his bonus is high.

It directly increased his strength by 13.

Seeing the unpurchased skins in the prestige mall, Mo Fan immediately began to scan the goods.

No matter what, buy all these skins first, in case there are several skin fetters that have been collected, you can add some attributes for yourself.

No matter how little it is, it can increase a lot of strength when accumulated.

"-400 monster reputation!"

[System prompt: Congratulations on getting the "Evil Lizard" skin! 】

"-400 monster reputation!"

[System prompt: Congratulations on getting the "Evil Wolf" skin! 】

"-1600 monster reputation!"

[System prompt: Congratulations on getting the "Skyfire Red Beast" skin! 】

As Mo Fan continues to buy skins, Mo Fan's reputation is rapidly decreasing.

Originally had a reputation of more than 7 million, but gradually dropped to 4 million.

Looking at the large number of skins he bought, Mo Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, there are some skin fetters among these skins.

After he bought all the skins in the prestige mall, the attributes skyrocketed a lot.

It is true that these skin fetters do not add much individually, but the advantage lies in the large number, and there are also many attributes accumulated.

After seeing this situation, Mo Fan made his next decision. In the future, no matter what kind of skin it is, as long as it appears in the prestige mall, it will be purchased.

After finishing the skin, Mo Fan opened the spiritual power system panel.

Looking at the remaining spiritual power and the level of spiritual power, the corners of Mo Fan's mouth curled up slightly.

There are currently 12376 billion spiritual power left, and another 69139 billion spiritual sources, and it is not known how many levels of spiritual power can be raised.

[System prompt: You will consume 8547 million spiritual power to raise your spiritual power level to 123, are you sure? 】


[System prompt: Congratulations on raising your spiritual power level to 123! 】

As the spiritual power decreased, the spiritual power level rose to 123, and the spiritual attack and spiritual defense each increased a little.

Mo Fan has the deepest experience of the benefits of spiritual attack and spiritual defense.

Especially when his attributes reached a high level, the bonus ratio of spiritual attack and spiritual defense is simply not too cool.

After looking at the remaining spiritual power, Mo Fan turned off the upgrade prompt, took out the [vibrator] and put it on the upgrade button.

After turning on the [Vibrator], Mo Fan's spiritual power level began to soar!

And his spiritual power is constantly decreasing.

Level 124!
Level 125!
Level 478!
After the spiritual power level rose to 478, Mo Fan's more than 1 trillion spiritual power was exhausted.

It takes 85 billion spiritual power to raise the spiritual power level again!
After looking at the remaining spiritual sources, Mo Fan immediately began to switch.

"-30000 billion spiritual sources!"

"+3000000000000 trillion spiritual power!"

After seeing so many transformations of spiritual power, Mo Fan couldn't help sighing:
"Now that you have such spiritual power, you should be able to upgrade for a while!"

Mo Fan turned on the [Vibrator] again, and the level of spiritual power rose to the sky like a rocket.

Level 478!
Level 479!
Level 2273!
In about half an hour, the level of spiritual power rose to 2273!
To increase the level of spiritual power again, 3768 trillion spiritual power is required.

At present, there are 57823 million spiritual power left.

[Spiritual Power Level: Level 2273]

[Spiritual power upgrade requirement: 3768 trillion spiritual power]

[Spiritual attack: 2323]

【Spirit Defense: 2273】

[Spiritual power training speed: 165 points per minute (doubling the meditation training speed)]

[Current spiritual power value: 57823 billion]

【Spirit source: 3913999964542】

After looking at the attributes of the spiritual power system, Mo Fan nodded in satisfaction:

"Now this spiritual attack and defense should be enough, right? Hehe!"

After finishing the spiritual power system, Mo Fan began to prepare for the fusion of blood.

First, he glanced at some of the bloodline fragments he had obtained newly.

[Level 11 monster lizard blood fragments: 1010 (can be fused)]

[Level 11 wolf blood fragments: 1010 (can be fused)]

These two bloodlines are quite special, and Mo Fan picked them out from the ordinary bloodline fragments at a glance.

The first is the blood of the demon lizard, and Mo Fan clicked fusion.

The mysterious force in his body suddenly appeared, and Mo Fan's body was instantly turned upside down, and everywhere was in a mess by the impact of the mysterious force.

Then his body began to change.

The first is the spiked chrysanthemum tail, originally white, with thin arms.

It gradually turned brown-black, and became thick and thick as thighs, very powerful.

Then there is the smooth body surface, which was originally formed by the fusion of armor, but now it has grown fine armor again, which looks very resistant to beating.

Then there is Mo Fan's dog head, which has become a little smaller.

Seen from a distance, there are some outlines of lizardmen on Mo Fan's body, but it's not so obvious.

On the whole, it is very strong and has a sense of violent aesthetics.

[System prompt: Congratulations on merging with the blood of the demon lizard! 】

[Talent "Demon Lizard Bloodline [Tier 35 Transformation God]": Attacking enemy units has a 500% chance of entering a berserk state, attack power +500%, attack speed +500%, movement speed +10%, lasts [-] seconds]( Fusible)
Seeing the talent attribute of the blood of the demon lizard, Mo Fan was very surprised, it turned out to be a violent talent.

So far, none of the bloodlines he has obtained has a violent talent.

If you have to say yes, then the blood of the Juggernaut is a little bit similar.

With this berserk talent, the explosive power can be raised to another level in future battles.

Next is the bloodline of Shilanglang, the name of this bloodline makes Mo Fan slightly moved.

He was very curious about what kind of changes would happen after the fusion of this bloodline.

Mo Fan took a deep breath and clicked Fusion.

It was still that mysterious force, constantly colliding in the body.

Every time the blood is fused, this mysterious power will appear.

Mo Fan had also speculated before, thinking that this was the power of the "Unbounded" system.

Otherwise, how would these blood powers enter his body?
Regardless of whether it was true or not, Mo Fan's brows were tightly furrowed at this time, as if he was enduring great pain.

Fortunately, the continuous process was not very long, and it was about the same time as the fusion of the blood of the monster lizard just now.

The changes in the body are not as big as before, and the main changes are in the head and limbs.

First of all the head has become much larger and has returned to its previous size.

Then there are the eyes, which are at least twice as big as before, with very sharp eyes and clear water chestnuts.

Finally, there are the limbs. The nails on the hands and feet have become sharp claws, which can be stretched and stretched, and can be revealed at any time.

From the cold light on the sharp claws, it can be seen that this is not a decoration, but a very aggressive weapon.

[System prompt: Congratulations on merging with the wolf blood! 】

[Talent "Blood of Shilang [Hua Shen Tier 460]": launch a destructive combo attack on the enemy unit, causing 10% dark damage, and reduce its dark resistance by 60% within [-] seconds] (can be Fusion)
"Well, that's right, it even comes with an attribute attack."

After seeing this talent, Mo Fan smiled.

The talents that appeared before were either passive or special types.

And the wolf talent is an active skill talent, this is the first time it has appeared.

When fighting in the future, there will be an extra talent skill.

After looking at all his bloodline talents, Mo Fan planned to combine some bloodline talents.

Just when he was about to act, a window popped up in front of him:
【Wake up the alarm clock】

【Time to wake up!Time to wake up! 】

This is his wake-up alarm clock.

I didn't expect that it was time to play.

When playing the game, it seems that the passage of time does not seem to be felt.

Mo Fan shook his head, turned it off, and exited the game.

Watching the hatch of the game cabin slowly open, Mo Fan gave a lazy waist.

Then he immediately crawled out of the game cabin without feeling sleepy at all.

With his current physical strength, it would be fine if he didn't sleep for days and nights.

The improvement of his physical fitness made him no longer like ordinary people.

Putting on his clothes, Mo Fan went to the bathroom.

For some reason, looking at himself in the mirror, Mo Fan felt a strange feeling.

Is this really me?

What a change!
I remembered when I had no money before, the goal at that time was to make money.

Swap the gaming helmet for a gaming pod.

Swap the rental house for a bigger house.

Then hire a nanny.

All of these goals have now been achieved.

No matter in the game or in reality, money is just a number to him.

Now with new goals.

In reality, that is to find parents and bring them back.

Then in the game, gain a foothold in the wilderness, develop your own power as soon as possible, and figure out the relationship between the real world and the game world.

Thinking of this, Mo Fan smiled and said to himself in the mirror:

"Handsome, come on!"

When Mo Fan came out of the room, he found that Mo Han was already sitting on the sofa.

"Little sister, wake up so early?"

Seeing Mo Fan coming out, Mo Han immediately said:
"Brother, hurry up and have breakfast, and we will set off after eating."

"You, after waiting for so many years, still care about this little time?"

"To tell you the truth, I didn't sleep well last night. Can we not worry about our parents' affairs?"

"Little sister, no matter how anxious you are, you must calm down. I am more anxious than you about parents' matters, but what's the use of being anxious, what we have to face today is not that simple."

Mo Fan paused, then said:

"Only in a calm state can we deal with some variables calmly. Just relax, I will definitely get our parents back,"

Hearing what Mo Fan said, Mo Han sighed lightly, then smiled and said:
"Maybe I'm too worried, brother, I'll listen to you."

After the two of Mo Fan came to Moon Bay, they were both filled with emotion.

Some childhood memories flashed across my mind.

Moon Bay is a mid-to-high-end community in City H, not a luxury residential area.

But because of its long history, it has deep cultural connotations.

"I haven't been here for a long time, it's still the same, nothing has changed."

Looking at some buildings in the community, Mo Fan sighed.

"Yeah, things are different and people are different. Time flies so fast. More than ten years have passed."

Mo Han also said something, his eyes were full of complex colors.

"Little sister, after I go in later, you follow me, don't be impulsive, I don't know what kind of person this Ice King is now"

"I see, brother, let's go in."

When he came to the familiar gate, Mo Fan felt his thoughts drift back to 12 years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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