Chapter 196 Continue
There are such powerful characters in "Unbounded"?
Thinking of this, Mo Fan was eager to know the truth.

He patted Chen Ya on the shoulder, and Chen Ya was startled. He took several steps back in an instant, and looked at Mo Fan vigilantly:

"What are you going to do?"

"Okay, this is the end of the matter now, you deal with Chen Ziqian's funeral, I will investigate this matter!"

Mo Fan replied, then looked at Chen Ziqian and sighed helplessly, and continued:

"Send me Chen Ziqian's coordinates, and I'll check it out in the game!"

"OK then."

Chen Ya nodded, as if he had just recovered.

No matter who knows such news, the heart will not be at peace.

The same is true for Mo Fan, this news really overturned his three views.

In the past, if it was said that real characters could be killed in the game, he would never believe it.

But now, instead, I feel...something normal? !

Many things that happened to me can prove one thing - games can really affect reality!
Whether it's the changes in the body or the appearance of the game system, it can be proved.

So it doesn't seem surprising that there is a way to kill real people from games.

Just never heard of it.

Mo Fan took a deep breath and walked outside.

At the moment when he turned around, he seemed to think of something, turned his head and said to Chen Ya:

"By the way, this matter is kept secret for the time being, don't let it out, just declare that the brain is dead in the game."

"Yes, Deputy Chief!"

"You still call me the deputy patriarch? Did Chen Ziqian arrange someone else to be the patriarch before his death?"

"No no!"

"Well, from today onwards, I will be the patriarch here!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

Back at the base control center, Mo Fan announced the news of Chen Ziqian's death.

After everyone knew the news, they were all deeply saddened.

After all, most of the people here are surnamed Chen, and Chen Ziqian treats them well. If they stay together for a long time, they will have some affection to some extent.

"I also regret what happened to the previous patriarch Chen Ziqian."

"I will definitely find the murderer in "Unbounded" and avenge Brother Chen."

"Now, the position of patriarch is up to me, and I will lead everyone to move forward!"

After a brief speech, Mo Fan successfully inherited the position of patriarch.

There are also some Chen family children who are dissatisfied.

After seeing Mo Fan's strength, they all surrendered.

After all, in this base, apart from Chen Ziqian, Mo Fan has the highest authority, coupled with Mo Fan's strong strength, no one dares to disobey.

Soon, with the help of those technicians, Mo Fan obtained the highest authority of the JYGS-3723 base.

Although I encountered some troubles in the process of obtaining permissions, they were all resolved smoothly.

Mainly Chen Ziqian's biometric verification.

Now that Chen Ziqian is dead, using his biological characteristics is also very simple.

So these problems are not a problem at all.

After obtaining the highest authority of the base, Mo Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past, this base was controlled by Chen Ziqian, so he always had some worries in his heart.

Now that Chen Ziqian is dead, he has the final say on this base, so the worries in his heart have dissipated a lot.

Opening the control system of the base, Mo Fan checked the functions and permissions one after another.

After several hours, it was finally sorted out.

At this time, his understanding of the JYGS-3723 base has been raised to a deeper level.

First of all, the first one is some enterprises of the Chen family.

In the federal territory, there are more than 100 companies controlled by the Chen family, including the Chen family consortium, with total assets as high as 2000 trillion!

Together, these enterprises are involved in almost all kinds of industries, and there are even some military enterprises serving the Federation.

No wonder the Chen Consortium is so powerful, backed by the federal background, it is very difficult to collapse if it wants to.

Mo Fan saw some familiar game companies and game clubs from these companies.

Among them, the Blue Ocean Club that Mo Fan is familiar with is also among them, but it is just a small company of its branch.

Seeing this, Mo Fan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

If Chen Ziqian hadn't brought him here, he really wouldn't have gotten these things.

Now, Chen Ziqian died unexpectedly, and the Chen family consortium is also in his hands.

As for Chen Ziqian's family members and members of the family, no one came forward.

Mo Fan checked the list of some members of the Chen family.

The Chen family was originally a family of ancient martial arts, but now the talents are withered. In Chen Ziqian's generation, there are only him and his sister Chen Ziyue.

The others surnamed Chen are not pure Chen family blood.

Mo Fan checked the profile of Chen Ziyue. She works for a company named Yumei, lives outside and doesn't come back often.

There is no other information, very scarce.

This was probably Chen Ziqian's protection for Chen Ziyue.

Mo Fan found Chen Ziyue's phone number and dialed it.

As the two phone rings rang, the video call was connected.

On the screen in the central control room, a young and beautiful girl was revealed. It was Chen Ziyue.

Chen Ziyue didn't know Mo Fan, but he knew the base control center.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Where's my brother?"

After asking three times in a row, Chen Ziyue stared at Mo Fan without blinking.

"Hello, Chen Ziyue, I'm Mo Fan"

"Oh, I know, my brother told me about you, so you are Mo Fan."

Before Mo Fan could finish speaking, Chen Ziyue interrupted.

"That's right, Chen Ziyue, I want to tell you something more important now."

Mo Fan spoke halfway, but he didn't know how to speak.

Could it be that: Chen Ziyue, your brother is dead, and now I am the patriarch of the Chen family?

If so, Chen Ziyue probably thinks that he killed his brother, and then tried to usurp power?

Thinking of this, Mo Fan couldn't help but feel a little headache.

"What's important?"

Chen Ziyue immediately asked with some anticipation.

Before Mo Fan could answer, she spoke again:

"Let me guess, is it about my brother?"

After Mo Fan heard this question, his heart skipped a beat: No way, this girl knew it so soon?

However, Chen Ziyue's next answer made him feel a little relieved:
"Mo Fan, my brother is too annoying. He always finds trouble to arrange my life. Now that I have grown up, I don't need anyone to arrange it!"

"He couldn't persuade me before, but now he arranges you to come, hum!"

"You help me tell him that he is not allowed to disturb my work again, okay, that's it, I hang up!"

After Chen Ziyue finished speaking, she hung up the video call without any hesitation.

Seeing the disappearing picture on the screen, Mo Fan was stunned.

Isn't Chen Ziyue's temperament too detached?

Do you know that your brother is dead!

Thinking of this, Mo Fan suddenly had mixed feelings.

He found Chen Ziyue's email address, edited an email and sent it to Chen Ziyue.
Next is some information about the robot.

Mo Fan discovered that Chen Ziqian had a connection with the previous Tianchu.

After Tianchu was killed by himself, Chen Ziqian's contact person was changed to Tianyuan.

Mo Fan remembered very clearly that this Tian Yuan was the leader of the mechanical survivors.

Judging from the contact information, Chen Ziqian mainly provides some rare materials and energy to Tianyuan.

And Tianyuan provided Chen Ziqian with a large number of blueprints for robot manufacturing, as well as some samples of the robot body.

The most recent transaction was a week ago.

After seeing this, Mo Fan immediately left the control center.

Go to a warehouse deep in the base.

Along the way, no one dared to stop him.

After coming to a huge warehouse, Mo Fan found a large number of ancient warriors guarding it.

One of the team leaders trotted up to Mo Fan and said respectfully:

"Patriarch, you are here!"

The authority of the Mo Fan patriarch has been fully unlocked, and Mo Fan's body is now a key to walking. It is not surprising that these people know him.

"Well, open the door!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

The leader immediately issued an order to the surrounding soldiers to open the door.

One of the soldiers pressed the combination lock next to the door, and the thick alloy door slowly opened to both sides.

After seeing all kinds of boxes piled up inside, Mo Fan was a little excited.

According to his information, these are all Guwu mechanical bodies.

At a glance, the entire warehouse is.

If all of them are used, there will be at least an army of tens of thousands of ancient weapons and mechanical bodies.

Just after Mo Fan walked into the warehouse, the alloy door of the warehouse slowly closed.

Mo Fan didn't care when he saw it. After all, this is an important military area, so there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Go to a large wooden box and open it.

Inside is the Guwu mechanical body.

This mechanical body implanted with the ancient martial arts program is much stronger than ordinary mechanical bodies.

Even the power users of the federal FSA can fight against some of them.

It has to be said that Chen Ziqian is a genius who actually combined ancient martial arts with mechanical bodies.

When Gu Wu fell, he found another way, even if it was illegal, it didn't stop him from doing so.

Looking at the streamlined Guwu mechanical body, Mo Fan nodded repeatedly.

After walking around in the warehouse, Mo Fan was about to leave.

At this moment, a male voice came from behind him lightly:

Mo Fan's heart suddenly contracted and he turned around.

In front of him was a man in a green robe, wrapped himself in the robe, and couldn't see anything clearly.

Mo Fan turned around the warehouse just now and didn't find this person, nor did he perceive it.

It made him startled. Thinking of this, he immediately asked:
"Who are you? How did you get in?"

The green-robed man didn't answer immediately, but put the green-robed hood on his head behind him, exposing his head.

After seeing this person's appearance, Mo Fan was shocked:
"Zhan Zhan Shuang?"

This person has half a skull face, exactly the same as Zhan Shuang!
The man in green robe was very surprised when he heard Mo Fan's shout.

Then he closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Mo Fan and said:

"I see!"

"I'm not Zhan Shuang, I'm the lord of the DQ world, you can call me Zhan Wu!"

After hearing this name, Mo Fan felt as if he had seen it somewhere.

Quickly ran through his head, and soon found that Zhan Wu was actually in Zhan Shuang's skin bondage.

The name of the bond is "Regret".

Thinking of this, he immediately asked:

"What's your relationship with Zhan Shuang?"

"You recognized Zhan Shuang as me, what do you think we are related to each other?"

"Then why are you here?"

Mo Fan was suddenly full of doubts.

Zhan Shuang is in the game, but Zhan Wu appears in reality, and is also the leader of the DQ world. What is going on?

"Zhan Shuang and I are brothers, so naturally we both come from the Netherworld. As for how we appear here."

Having said this, Zhan Wu smiled and came to Mo Fan:

"You don't have to know now."

"I came here to find you, mainly to tell you one thing."

"Chen Ziqian was originally the spokesperson of the DQ world. Now that he is dead, you will take this position."

Zhan Wuyong spoke to Mo Fan in a commanding tone, as if after saying it, Mo Fan would definitely execute it.

Mo Fan was very disgusted, and said coldly:

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you?"

Zhan Wu glanced at Mo Fan, but didn't speak.

Before Mo Fan had time to react, a green light beam connected from Zhan Wu's fingertips to Mo Fan's head.

Mo Fan was unable to move as if he had been cast with a freeze spell.

Then the whole body emits a green light.

His expression was dull and his eyes were dull, as if he had lost his soul.

It lasted for a few minutes, Zhan Wu withdrew the light beam, and Mo Fan also woke up.

He looked at Zhan Wu in front of him, with an expression of disbelief all over his face, and even a trace of fear in his eyes, as if Zhan Wu had seen something extremely terrifying for him.

"How is it? Do you still listen to me?" Zhan Wu asked with a smile.

"Master World Master!"

Mo Fan bowed to Zhan Wu immediately, not daring to neglect at all.

"You don't have to be so polite, we just need to treat each other as equals, after all we are on the same boat."

Zhan Wu said in a low voice, then seemed to think of something, and sighed again.

"Okay, Zhan Wu."

Mo Fan nodded, he suppressed the doubts in his heart, and looked at Zhan Wu with a very complicated look.

"Mo Fan, I know you have a lot of questions to ask right now, but we don't have much time. The [Real World Protection Competition] is about to start, so hurry up and improve your strength."


Looking at Zhan Wu who disappeared into the air, Mo Fan was slightly stunned, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, he said to himself:
"It never occurred to me that Chen Ziqian's death was actually related to the [Real World Protection Competition]."

Taking a deep breath, Mo Fan turned and left the warehouse.

Back at the base command and control center again, Mo Fan immediately opened the virtual control panel and rummaged through it.

After a while, I finally found the operation log between Chen Ziqian.

hidden in a hidden folder.

There are many records of Chen Ziqian's use.

Among them, there are hundreds of thousands of chat records with characters in "Unbounded".

In particular, a woman named Zhenji has the most chat records.

Mo Fan was a little dazzled.

Mo Fan directly searched for the keyword "Real World Conservation Competition" in the search box.

Soon a lot of chat records were displayed.

(End of this chapter)

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