The game starts from the closed beta

Chapter 180 Becoming the Master of the Evil Cave

Chapter 180 Becoming the Master of the Evil Cave
After eating, Mo Fan played with the computer for a while.

Then lay on the bed and fell asleep.

I slept for about seven or eight hours.

Every time he goes offline, he has to take a nap, after all, this is the best way to relax.

You can also sleep in the game, but sleeping in the game feels completely different from sleeping in reality.

Sleeping in the game can only be a light sleep, and in many cases it is impossible to fall asleep.

But in reality, there is no such worry, and I can go to sleep without worry.

After washing up, I ate a midnight snack prepared by Hatsune.

Mo Fan entered "Unbounded".

With the changes in the immediate environment, it appeared in the treasure house.

At a glance, those treasure chests lost their colorful colors and turned into golden light again.

There are golden treasure chests everywhere, and they don't emit the light of different colors before.

Thinking of the scene he saw before, Mo Fan said to himself:
Was it because I was too tired before that my eyes were blurred?
Mo Fan immediately flipped out the photos taken here.

These treasure chests were photographed above, but to Mo Fan's surprise, the treasure chests in the photo were not colorful.

The colorful treasure chests and six-color treasure chests marked above all disappeared!
The ones that were replaced turned out to be the same as the golden treasure chests I saw now.

Fuck, the system changed all my photos?

I just logged off the line, there is no need to do this, right?
Mo Fan searched for the photos he took before, one by one, without any colorful labels.


"what is the problem?"

Mo Fan checked it several times again, including the time and angle of shooting himself.

Exactly the same as I remembered.

The only difference is that the content of the photos has completely changed.

"Such a weird thing may be related to this evil cave."

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of any results, so I stopped thinking about it.

The most important thing now is to go to the next level.

Mo Fan looked around.

At present, the only exit here is the hole from above.

Mo Fan tried it, and the wings of the gods and ghosts couldn't fly at all, and the air ban effect here is still there.

The ground is more than 50 meters away from the top of the cave. He is only 15 meters tall, and there is no place to rely on. It is impossible to go up.

Now there is only one way, and that is to dig a hole!
Mo Fan took out the special shovel from before.

Getting ready to dig a hole.
He looked at the treasure chest, then at the ground, and suddenly had a crazy idea.

Since these treasure boxes cannot be taken away on the bright side, what if the soil under the treasure boxes is dug up?
Mo Fan thought of it and did it immediately, and immediately attacked the nearest treasure chest.

A shovel is shoveled next to the treasure chest, and then the shovel is constantly waved.

After a while, a big hole was dug next to the treasure chest, and then began to dig under the treasure chest.

After digging for a while, the corner of Mo Fan's mouth twitched when he saw the scene in front of him!
What the fuck?

How could this be? !

After digging the bottom of the treasure box, I saw a metal cylinder with the thickness of an arm connected to the treasure box below, and I don't know how deep it goes down.

No wonder the treasure chest couldn't be taken away, it turned out to be welded to death by this metal cylinder!
Mo Fan dug down several meters, but he still couldn't dig out the bottom of the metal cylinder.

He glanced at the other treasure chests, and said slowly:

"Not all treasure chests are like this?"

Came to another treasure chest and waved the shovel.

A few minutes later, looking at the same cylinder as the previous treasure chest, Mo Fan knocked on the metal cylinder with a shovel.


There was a harsh scratching sound from the metal cylinder.

Judging from the situation at the scene, these treasure chests are all connected together by this metal cylinder, reaching deep underground.

"I want to see how deep the metal cylinder can be buried!"

"Anyway, we have to dig down to find the exit"

Mo Fan picked up the shovel and dug down along the far side of the metal.

10 meters!
30 meters!
70 meters!
200 meters!
After digging here, Mo Fan had to stop and take a rest.

Even if his strength exceeds 500 million, after digging continuously for so long, his hands are still sore.

Looking at the unfinished metal cylinder next to it, I couldn't help complaining:
How deep is this?

A treasure chest, in order not to be stolen, it is too ______
After Mo Fan rested for a while, he started digging again.

230 meters!
360 meters!
499 meters!
[System prompt: You have discovered the "Evil King's Treasure House"! 】

When Mo Fan was about to swing the shovel, he was very surprised by a system prompt.

The treasury of the evil king?

The bottom here is full of dirt, where is the treasury of the evil king?
Is it still below?

When Mo Fan continued to swing the shovel to dig a few times, he really couldn't dig.

The shovel seemed to be shoveling on some hard metal.

Dig up all the soil in front of you, revealing a very flat metal ground.

According to the system prompt, this should be the treasury of the evil king.

The metal cylinders up and down the treasure chest are also connected to the metal ground below.

But the metal floor is extremely smooth, without any gaps or holes for entry.

Mo Fan continued to dig to the side.

Since there is no entrance here, the entrance must be somewhere else.

With continuous digging, Mo Fan discovered many metal cylinders, which should be connected to the treasure chest above.

After about ten minutes, they finally reached the edge of the metal ground.

A little light shone through the dug gap ahead.

There is an exit here!
Mo Fan didn't even dig, and with all his strength, he punched directly at Guangguang.


With a loud noise, a huge gap was blasted by Mo Fan in front.

Billows of smoke and rock fragments splashed in all directions.

After the smoke and dust cleared up, the sight gradually became clear, and Mo Fan was very surprised by the situation outside.

It turned out to be a very classically decorated room.

It should be a bedroom.

Mo Fan crawled out from the hole.

[System prompt: You have entered the palace of the evil king! 】

Seeing the system prompt, Mo Fan froze for a moment.

Could this be the place where the evil king Mo lived?
There is a fetter of [Shadow World Invincible] on the skin of the Evil Shadow King, and the character needed in it is the Evil King Mo!

Mo Fan walked around the room a few times, but did not find a single figure.

The place where he came out just now is just behind a mural, and it is now a mess.

The decorations in the room are very simple, and a few palace lanterns illuminate the whole room.

In the innermost part is a Humu bed, which is half blocked by a screen. In the middle of the room is a desk with paper, ink, pens and inkstones, and some books.

Mo Fan walked straight over.

Seeing the names of the books on the table, I was immediately surprised.

"The Management Policy of the Evil Cave"

"The Design of the Fifth Floor of the Evil Cave"

The Grotto of Evil Annual Earnings Roundup

"How to Improve the Operating Profitability of Evil Cave"

"Some Ways to Buy and Introduce Bosses"

After flipping through one book after another, Mo Fan rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Look carefully again.

The more he looked at Mo Fan, the more shocked he became.

This Xie Wang Mo seemed to be a shrewd entrepreneur who actually managed the Evil Cave as a giant company.

If it is not in "Unbounded" now, Mo Fan even doubts that this is a real entrepreneur who has crossed in.

As can be seen from these books, each floor of the Evil Cave is carefully designed.

Every time a player dies, the equipment and spirit stones that drop, if no one picks them up, almost all fall into the pocket of this evil king.

Also, after the boss and the monster died, all the corpses recovered by the system came to this evil king.

These corpses can also be sold for money, or exchanged for spirit stones and spirit sources.

Seeing those terrifying numbers on the book, Mo Fan's heart was moved.

[Total income in 2076: 7362 million spiritual sources]

[Total income in 2077: 6742 million spiritual sources]

The annual income of this evil cave has reached at least 5000 million spiritual sources.

And Mo Fan not long ago, he was still complacent about obtaining tens of thousands of spiritual sources.

Looking at the design below the fifth floor of the Evil Cave, Mo Fan also understands why the environment on the fifth floor and the sixth floor are the same.

Starting from the fifth floor, the next few floors are all exactly the same.

Using a fairy artifact called [Four Fantasy City], the environment on the fifth floor was completely copied, and four identical copies were made.

These dungeons are all real, thanks to the fairy artifact of [Four Fantasy City].

That is to say, the real evil cave has only five floors, and the last four floors were created by Xie Wangmo through the fairy artifact [Four Fantasy City].

Then put different monsters and bosses in each layer, let players kill them, and give rewards.

Every time a player passes through a dungeon, [Four Illusory City] will generate a large number of spiritual sources, and Xie Wang Mo mainly makes money through this.

These bosses were also purchased by Xie Wangmo from various places at the expense of spiritual resources.

Bosses purchased in bulk are worthless to Xie Wangmo.

In order to attract a large number of players to come to the evil cave, so as to increase the income of the evil cave.

Xie Wangmo spared no expense to create an item unique to the Evil Cave: Multiplier Explosion Coupons!
The lowest is [Double Explosion Rate Coupon], and the highest is [[-]x Explosion Rate Coupon].

Therefore, there are many players who come to the evil cave.

This is why the annual income is so high.

[Hundred times explosion rate coupon] Only the boss [Evil King Mo] on the ninth floor of the evil cave will explode.

The boss in this ninth floor dungeon is not the real evil king Mo, but a clone of him.

Xie Wangmo himself was at the back, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The more Mo Fan learned from these books, the more surprised he was at Xie Wang Mo.

This man is a complete business genius.

Playing the way of business so sneakily, it is hard to believe that he is a boss in the evil cave.

"How is it? Have you finished reading it?"

A male voice came from behind Mo Fan, making him tremble all over.

Turning around, I found that it was a very elegant and easy-going man.

[Evil King Mo (Level 150 Royal Boss)]

Seeing this guy's name, Mo Fan could put a basket of eggs in his mouth.

A king-level boss that is one level higher than a king-level boss?

Before Mo Fan could speak, an invisible aura came from Xie Wang Mo.

It was as if he had instantly transformed from an ordinary person into a god who controlled everything.

[System prompt: You are suppressed by the power of the evil king, all attributes are reduced by 10%, negative resistance is reduced by 100%, and lasts for 10 seconds! 】

At this time, Mo Fan also activated [The Prestige in the Grass].

A power similar to that of the evil king burst out from him.

After Xie Wangmo sensed it, he showed a surprised expression, as if he had discovered something incredible.

He immediately put away his evil king's prestige, and said slowly:

"Okay, put away your power, let's have a good chat!"

Mo Fan knew that this power was just a temptation and could not affect him.

After all, the power of the two is similar, and their influence is limited.

So I also put away my hastily prestige.

If his power was not so strong, this Xie Wang Mo would definitely kill him in seconds, right?
Mo Fan glanced at Xie Wang Mo and asked:

"Xie Wangmo, have you always lived here?"

"That's right. To my surprise, you actually dug here directly from above"

Xie Wang Mo came to the big hole that Mo Fan had dug, his face was full of disbelief.

"Speaking of it, I was also very surprised. I wanted to go to the seventh floor, but the portal disappeared, and there was no entrance to the seventh floor. I simply kept digging down, but I didn't expect to come to you."

Mo Fan said this, but he was thinking about other things in his heart.

It can be inferred from the book just now that this Xie Wang Mo is very powerful.

To be able to enter other realms and trade king-level bosses above level 100 with other people, without any strength, it is estimated that others will swallow them to the bone.

In addition, after operating the evil cave for so long, he has obtained countless spiritual resources, and there are too many places where he can improve his strength.

Therefore, the strength of this Xie Wang Mo can be said to be unfathomable.

Talk to yourself now, maybe turn around and prepare to kill yourself.

"So that's the case, it seems that this bug should be fixed as soon as possible, otherwise I'm here"

Xie Wangmo said, turned to look at Mo Fan, and shook his head slowly.

Looking at the long name above Mo Fan's head, he asked again:

"Your name is really long. Are you a player or a boss?"

"What do you think?"

Mo Fan did not answer directly, but raised his vigilance.

"No matter what you are, since you are here, you don't need to go back, just be my pet!"

After Xie Wangmo finished speaking, a cloud of black air flow appeared in his hand and circled continuously, then flew out of his hand and came towards Mo Fan.

In an instant, it accelerated suddenly, like a black light hitting Mo Fan's body.

Mo Fan didn't have time to dodge at all, the speed was too fast.

"-3847 billion (soul lock) (fixed body) [spirit defense reduction] [damage reduction]"

A damage figure popped out from above Mo Fan's head.

While causing damage, it is also immobilized.

It's just that this damage triggered the passive of [Guardian of the Ice and Snow God].

"The Seal of Ice!"

Mo Fan's whole body was frozen, immune to some damage, and indirectly released the control.

The moment the seal was lifted, Mo Fan switched the Nether Swords.

"Double swords come together!"

"Mysterious Ice Water Dragon!"

The two swords of Nether merged into one, and a misty water dragon appeared out of thin air and flew towards Xie Wangmo.

Some of the furniture in the room was wet from the water from the water hose.

(End of this chapter)

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