Chapter 163 Hundred Times Explosive Rate Fist
"That's right! But this [-]x explosive rate coupon is one-time, it seems that there is a usage limit, and the boss who issued this explosive rate coupon is not easy to kill."

As if knowing what Mo Fan was thinking, Jia Renhe replied at this moment.

"Very good, you tell me the coordinates of this boss, and I will make him burst into Xiang!"

Mo Fan replied confidently, and then looked hopeful.

In fact, my heart has long been turned upside down.

Since the [-]-fold explosion rate coupon can be exploded, can it be used on the boss who exploded the coupon?

If it is possible, wouldn't it make a lot of money?
Unlimited swiping [-] times explosion rate coupon?

Thinking of this, Mo Fan became very excited, and wished he could rush over and start brushing immediately.

After giving the boss coordinates to Mo Fan, Jia Renhe urged again

"Peak Master, this boss is near the Unbounded Tower, you must be more careful!"

Mo Fan nodded slightly, and then looked at the coordinates, which were almost the same as those of the Unbounded Tower.

It just so happens that I haven't been to the Wujie Tower, so it doesn't hurt to go to the Wujie Tower to see it.

After glancing at Jia Renhe, Mo Fan said slowly

"Okay, I will record your credit this time, and if you have any questions in the future, you can come to me anytime!"

"Peak Lord, my request is not high. I hope that Peak Master can avenge me before going to the upper realm!"

"Which important person in the imperial capital have you offended?"

"Xia Wang Yunkang!"

"Is he great?"

"It's not so powerful. Legend has it that it is comparable to the strength of Wan Xinghuo enshrined in Dale Kingdom."

After hearing what Jia Renhe said, Mo Fan laughed and said

"Since this is the case, then you don't have to worry, I will go to the Imperial Capital of the Dale Kingdom to avenge you!"

"Thank you Peak Master!"

The Unbounded Tower is in a very desolate boulder Gobi.

Mo Fan took dozens of teleportation formations, and then flew on a silly eagle for two days and two nights, but he still hasn't arrived.

This is the longest time he spent on the road in "Unbounded".

Mo Fan didn't expect that the Boulder Gobi was so far away.

Just when Mo Fan was riding on the silly eagle and was about to go further into the boulder Gobi, the silly eagle became unsteady and fell straight down.

Mo Fan quickly shook his wings, trying to stabilize his figure, but found that he couldn't fly.

"Silly eagle, what's going on?"

"Master, I don't know either, I've never encountered it before."

Just when Mo Fan was about to continue asking, a reminder came
[The system prompts you to enter the Unbounded Tower area, which is suppressed by the Unbounded Tower and is a forbidden area, and you cannot fly! 】

After seeing this system prompt, Mo Fan finally understood what was going on.

Just now I thought that I encountered some kind of boss, it was the boss's fault, but it turned out that's not the case.

Shadiao took him to fly very high, about 7000 meters high.

At this time, it is in free fall.

Seeing that he and the silly eagle were about to fall to the ground, Mo Fan grabbed the silly eagle's feathers tightly and shouted loudly

"Silly eagle, cooperate with me to spread your wings and glide down, otherwise we will all be thrown to death!"

"Okay, master!"

After a while of panic, the silly eagle spread his wings vigorously.

Mo Fan was on its back, tugging on the silly eagle's wings.

Sure enough, the resistance of the air increased greatly, and the falling speed of one person and one eagle dropped sharply.

But the speed is still very fast.

In less than a minute, one person and one eagle hit the ground with a bang, raising a large cloud of dust.

"-230 billion (free fall damage)"

"-62 billion (free fall damage) (damage reduction)"

The silly eagle hit the ground first, and because of its large size and high speed, it died on the spot.

After the silly eagle dies, it takes 3 hours to revive.

However, Mo Fan had a silly eagle as a meat pad, so the damage was less, and he lost 62 billion health points.

"+62 billion (super blood recovery potion)"

After using a bottle of super blood recovery potion, the blood volume immediately returned to full value.

I glanced at the surrounding environment, then compared the map, and determined the direction I was heading.

Mo Fan got up and walked into the Giant Rock Gobi.

The deeper he went into the Jushi Gobi, the more Mo Fan felt a strange smell.

Some are smelly like eggs, and some are floral. These smells are mixed together, which is very unpleasant.

what happened?

Is something rotten?

Mo Fan looked at the surrounding environment and found nothing unusual.

And at a glance, it is all desolate Gobi, and there are gusts of wind, where there is something rotten.

However, when Mo Fan activated his perception, he found something suspicious.

There is nothing on the ground, but there are holes in the ground!

A cave that continues to extend forward is just below!
It's really weird, the ground is fine, why is there a hole in the ground?

Thinking of this, Mo Fan immediately took out the [Spiritual Picking Hoe].

Then I found a weak spot and started digging.

Fortunately, the shape of this weapon is a hoe, otherwise it would be difficult to dig.

Mo Fan's strength is as high as 239 million, so it doesn't take much effort to dig the ground.

After a while, a big hole was dug out, comparable to a Lanxiang excavator!
When he dug through the underground cave, a great smell came out.

Mo Fan quickly covered his mouth and nose, and ran away.

This smell is an enhanced plasma version of the rotten egg smell just now!

It smells so bad!

After a few minutes or so, the smell finally dissipated a bit.

Mo Fan slowly approached the entrance of the cave.

After seeing the situation inside, I finally understood why there was a bad smell.

There are all kinds of skeletons in the cave, human beings, monsters, and all kinds of monsters.

Some seem to have just died, and others are rotting.

And in the open space around the corpse, there is a kind of red flower, which is very beautiful and has a faint fragrance.

The smell mixture that Mo Fan smelled just now should come from here.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Could it be some monster's lair? These things are the food it robbed?"

Mo Fan took out a face scarf, put it on his head, just covering his mouth and nose, and slowly entered the hole.

Anyway, since you found it, go in and have a look, maybe there are some hidden bosses.

[The system prompts you to enter the "Evil Cave Level [-]"! 】

Evil Cave?

Isn't this the place Jia Renhe said?
He was troubled about finding the entrance before, but he didn't expect to get in so easily.

The boss Jia Renhe said is the ultimate boss on the 9th floor of the Evil Cave, the King of Evil.

This evil cave is near the Unbounded Tower.

It's just that the entrance is very difficult to find, I didn't expect to find it so easily now.

After entering the cave, the smell is even stronger.

Fortunately, the cave was relatively large, and the Mo Fan monster didn't feel crowded inside at all.

He walked in very quickly, and there was no corpse and the red flower in the hole at all.

As it went deeper, the cave became dark and very damp.

Just when Mo Fan was about to go deeper, many faint green lights appeared in the cave.

These green lights are like pairs of eyes.

Mo Fan quickly took out the hammer and walked forward slowly.

After getting closer, I realized that these green eyes turned out to be pincers one after another!

These should be the monsters in the evil cave.

What makes Mo Fan strange is, aren't insect monsters only found in the fairy world?
Why is there?

Could it be that Qingyi Changfeng's news is not accurate enough?

At this moment, the pincers were all staring at him, and Mo Fan didn't think too much about it, and used his magic pupils to glance at him.

[Evil pincers (level 75 Lingyun monster)]

[Life value 28 billion]

【Attack 8731 million-9857 million】

【Defense 4732 million-6488 million】

[87 hits]

【Dodge 87】

【Crit 87】

【Resistance 87】

[Five elements resistance 900 million]

【Immune to Poison Damage】

[Dizziness immunity, immunity to dizziness status]

[When the health value of gnawing is lower than 50, the body can be eaten to recover 80 health points. When the health value is lower than 10, the effect of gnawing is doubled]

[While the blood sucking damages the enemy unit, the blood sucking is 40, after three blood sucking, the blood sucking effect is halved]

[The tail of the poisonous pincers is highly poisonous, and it will be poisoned after hitting the enemy unit, causing 300 poisoning damage]

After seeing the attributes of these monsters, Mo Fan was not worried.

This level 75 Lingyun monster is much stronger than the previous level 50 Aurora Fierce Ghost Spirit.

Just when Mo Fan was about to kill some to test the water, the evil pincers approaching him walked past him as if they hadn't seen him.

After a while, Mo Fan found that all these evil pincers were like this, without any exception.

what happened?

Is it because I am also a wild monster?
After playing the game for so long, Mo Fan has always regarded himself as a player, not a real wild monster.

And now, these evil pincers seem to regard him as the same kind?
After seeing this situation, Mo Fan walked straight into the pile of monsters.

Sure enough, none of the evil pincers attacked him.

"If you don't hit me, it doesn't mean that I won't hit you. Try your own attack power first!"

Mo Fan chuckled lightly, took the Sky General's Hammer and made a move.

"-137 billion (spiritual attack bonus) (critical strike) (fixed) (muted)"

"-215 billion (spiritual attack bonus) (Ghost Strike)"

The pincer that bore the brunt was just seconds behind Mo Fan, and it was accompanied by a large circle of pincers around it.

[Kill the evil pincer (level 75 Lingyun monster), obtain 7800 million spiritual energy, obtain 5 pincer bloodline fragments (level 7), obtain 5 star fragments (7 stars), and obtain 8600 player reputation points]

[Kill the evil pincers (level 75 Lingyun monster)]

[Drop equipment "Stand of Judgment"]

[Drop equipment "ghost eye ring"]

【Drop gold coin 1873】

【Drop gold coin 1231】

After killing some of the pincers, the surrounding evil pincers rioted in an instant, and they all rushed towards Mo Fan.

It seems to have switched from homogeneous mode to collective mode at once.

However, Mo Fan didn't feel scared at all. He carried the huge hammer of the gods and ghosts, and flew up and down, blowing away the evil pincers blocking the road.

Mo Fan's attack is too high, these evil pincers are almost instant goods, no evil pincers can last for 1 minute.

The ground is full of equipment and gold coins, shining golden.

After clearing the evil pincers in this area, the equipment was put away
[Wand of Judgment (Golden)]

[The unique equipment of the evil cave, after collecting a set, you can easily defeat the monsters on the second floor]

[Attack power 1746 million-2137 million]

[Power + 6]

[Agility + 6]

[Physique + 6]

【The curse has been sealed】

[Level Requirement Level 70]

【Ghost Eye Ring (Golden)】

[The unique equipment of the evil cave has special functions]

[Attack power 1783 million-1892 million]

【Defense 523 million-732 million】

[Power + 6]

[Agility + 6]

[Physique + 6]

【The curse has been sealed】

【Level 70 Balls】

After seeing the detailed attributes of these equipment, Mo Fan showed surprise.

The column of equipment skills is all sealed, and I don't know what it takes to unseal it.

Is it to kill the boss on this floor?

Thinking of this, Mo Fan accelerated his efforts.

As he continued to go deeper, Mo Fan finally found a relatively large place.

It was a stone temple, almost filled with pincers, and the ground could not be seen, it was completely dark.

Switching to the spiritual hoe, Mo Fan used the skill.

"It really breaks the sky!"

A burst of scorching energy was released from the hoe in Mo Fan's hand.

Immediately, a large number of damage figures emerged from the heads of these evil pincers

"-34 billion (true horse breaks the sky) (spiritual attack bonus) (eliminates harm for the people) (critical strike)"

"-34 billion (true horse breaks the sky) (spiritual attack bonus) (eliminates harm for the people) (critical strike) (freeze)"

The attack range of this skill is very large, and almost all the evil pincers in the entire stone palace were attacked.

Then a large number of evil pincers were killed, exposing the brown ground.

[The system prompts that your behavior has aroused the wrath of the "Giant Claw King", and the Giant Claw King appears on the first floor of the Evil Cave! 】


The ground of the stone hall shook violently, and thick dust fell from the top of the head, as if it was about to collapse.

In the middle of the stone hall, many cracks appeared on the ground, extending directly to Mo Fan.

"What the hell? Making such a big fuss?"

As soon as Mo Fan's words fell, the cracked ground exploded upwards, and a giant pincer worm with a length of seven or eight meters came out of it.

After the giant pincer worm came out, there was a hissing sound, which was very ear-piercing.

"-3752 million (clincher sonic damage)"

"-1834 million (clincher sonic damage)"

A series of red damage numbers popped up above his head.

Mo Fan didn't expect that the sound of the pincer insect could cause sound attack damage.

Insects are generally afraid of fire, so Mo Fan changed into the skin of Wan Xinghuo.

"-8000 spiritual power!"

"Wanhuo Chaozong!"

"-300 spiritual power!"

"The Flame of the Spark!"

In an instant, a large number of flames rose from the ground, covering the entire stone palace.

On the top of the giant clamp worm, a series of injuries emerged
"-576 billion (Singhuo Flame) (Wanhuo Chaozong fire damage bonus) (spiritual attack bonus) (fire magic formula damage bonus)"

"-576 billion (Singhuo Flame) (Wanhuo Chaozong fire damage bonus) (spiritual attack bonus) (fire magic formula damage bonus)"

"+18 million (blood sucking)"

And the blood volume of the giant clamp worm was displayed immediately
[Evil Giant Claw King (Level 90 King Boss) 7521 billion/9825 billion]

This level 90 king-level boss has a blood volume of more than 9000 billion, which is almost a trillion blood, which is really terrifying!
Is this really a monster from the mortal world?

Why is it not restricted by the upper limit of the boundary level?
Is this evil cave not of the mortal world?
Before he could think too much, King Claws screamed a few times after being attacked, and came straight to Mo Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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