The game starts from the closed beta

Chapter 160 Void Poison Beast

Chapter 160 Void Poison Beast

If it's what Chen Ziqian said, joining this Chen family is really good for him.

Just this underground base, Mo Fan is a little greedy.

If this base was his own, it would be perfect.

But he is not in the habit of subduing others.

Only absolute control is the safest!
What kind of deputy patriarch and what conditions are there are all false, only you are the real one!
Who knows what this Chen Ziqian wants to do.

As the patriarch of a big family, it is impossible to trade at a loss.

Promise him first, and see what's going on. Anyway, I have a battle spirit, and it's the same as torturing Chen Ziqian or dish.

Thinking of this, Mo Fan immediately made a decision:
"Okay, I promise you!"

Hearing Mo Fan's agreement, Chen Ziqian showed joy, and said slowly:

"Very good, you are now the deputy head of our Chen family!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ziqian gave Mo Fan an alloy bracelet, and continued:
"Here is your identity card, you take it, now I will take you to verify it!"

Mo Fan took the alloy bracelet, and followed Chen Ziqian to the depths of the base.

The area of ​​five square kilometers is neither too big nor too small, about the size of a school.

The two arrived at the center of the base by car, where there was a very luxurious office building.

Followed Chen Ziqian through several checkpoints and walked in.

When he came to the hall and looked at the logo in the middle, Mo Fan was shocked.

The logo he was familiar with was the logo of Jieyu Company!

How could this be?
What is the relationship between the Chen family and Jieyu Company?
Could it be that the actual controller of Jieyu Company is the Chen family?

How can it be!

Chen Ziqian noticed that Mo Fan stopped to look at the logo in the middle of the hall, and came to him:

"How? Strange, isn't it?"

Mo Fan nodded.

"Let's go, you'll know what's going on later!"

Chen Ziqian smiled mysteriously and walked inside.

Mo Fan glanced at Chen Ziqian's back, his pupils shrank slightly.

This Chen Ziqian is getting more and more mysterious!
Following him, he soon came to a very large office.

There are a large number of game cabins here, as well as some computers for office use.

There are people in every game cabin and above every workstation.

When these people saw Chen Ziqian, they all saluted: Hello, boss!
Not the patriarch, but the boss?

Is it true that Chen Ziqian is the boss behind Jieyu Company as he guessed?

Before he could think too much, he followed Chen Ziqian to a bigger office.

It's empty here.

I don't know what device Chen Ziqian triggered, the environment in the office changed quickly:
Gradually there are sofa coffee tables, large desks, boss chairs, bookcases, file racks and so on.

After the two sat on the sofa, two cups of tea appeared on the coffee table, still steaming, as if they had just been brewed.

Seeing this miraculous scene, Mo Fan couldn't help asking:

"Chen Ziqian, how did you do this?"

"It's just a simple mimicry technique, nothing!"

"Mimic technology? Isn't this still in theory?"

"With the current level of technology of the Earth Federation, it is indeed in theory, but with the level of technology of Boundary Corporation, this technology has already been realized!"

Hearing Chen Ziqian's answer, Mo Fan was even more puzzled:
"What is the relationship between your Chen family and Jieyu Company?"

Chen Ziqian did not answer immediately, but said slowly:

"Don't worry, you put your hands on the coffee table first, and after you authenticate the deputy patriarch of the Chen family, you will know what's going on."

Mo Fan glanced at Chen Ziqian, and took back the hand he had just raised.

It is probably caused by persecution paranoia, and I don't know what will happen when I put my hand on the coffee table.

In case Chen Ziqian intentionally harmed himself, there was no chance for him to regret it if there was any trap designed on the coffee table.

Seeing that Mo Fan hesitated, Chen Ziqian immediately asked:

"What, do you have any concerns?"


Mo Fan checked the attributes in his mind, and the possession of the war spirit can be activated at any time.

He put his hand on the coffee table!

The coffee table immediately turned into a screen, and Mo Fan's palmprint overlapped with a palmprint that appeared on it.

The detailed data of Mo Fan's body is displayed next to it, which is the same as the data tested in Shengbaochao Technology Company that day.

After a while, an electronic notification sounded on the coffee table:

"The real identity has been confirmed, Mo Fan."

"The identity of the game has been confirmed, hey, hey."

"Open DQ world identity authentication: Chen family - deputy patriarch!"

"Create DQ world file."

"Build success!"

"Congratulations on your successful DQ World identity authentication, and you will be rewarded with one revival of DQ World!"

The notification sound ended here, and the screen on the coffee table went off, turning into an ordinary coffee table.

Withdrawing his palm, Mo Fan felt unreal.

He can clearly remember that when he killed Tianchu before, his name showed that there was a DQ world on it.

Now it seems that this DQ world is the current real world!
I thought that being the deputy head of the Chen family was just a formality, but I didn't expect that there was something deeper.

At this time, there are a lot of questions in his head.
Looking at Chen Ziqian, I feel like I don't know where to start.

And Chen Ziqian seemed to know Mo Fan's doubts, and said slowly:
"Mo Fan, I know you have a lot of doubts. Even if I talk here for a few days and nights, I probably can't explain it clearly."

"You are now the deputy patriarch of our Chen family. You can check these things in our base, and you also have this access right now."

As Chen Ziqian said, he opened his alloy bracelet. There were several pages on it, which displayed some information about the Chen family.

"Okay, I'll take a look first."

Mo Fan also opened his alloy bracelet, clicked on the virtual screen, and began to browse.

After Chen Ziqian saw it, he said:

"I still have something to do, take your time, if you have any questions, you can contact me through this alloy bracelet."

With that said, Chen Ziqian got up and prepared to go outside.

But when he reached the door, he stopped again, turned around and said:

"By the way, you now have the authority of the deputy patriarch, and you can use all the functions of this base. There is an alloy bracelet on it. You can take a closer look."


Mo Fan nodded.

After Chen Ziqian left, Mo Fan didn't look at the things on the alloy bracelet, but immediately got up and walked outside.

The journey was unimpeded, and no one stopped him.

Returning to the villa on the ground by the same route, he didn't see anyone from Chen Ziqian, so it seemed that something really happened.

After entering the Flying Leopard, Mo Fan said something to go home, the car started immediately, and left here.

In a room of the villa, Chen Ziqian was having a holographic video call with a man in green robe.

"Lord World Master, everything has been arranged according to your instructions!"

"Very good, this way, our bargaining chips have increased a lot!"

The man in green robe seemed to be very satisfied with Chen Ziqian's actions, nodded repeatedly, and then continued:

"Intensify the cultivation of this Mo Fan. This guy may be able to advance to the first rank in the future. Then we can all follow the meat. Come on!"

"Yes, Lord World Master!"

Chen Ziqian replied very respectfully.

The man in the green robe slowly disappeared in place, and hung up the holographic video.

Chen Ziqian kept saluting for about a minute, and he didn't relax until he heard no sound.

This mysterious World Master is his boss.

When Chen Ziqian came out of the room, Zhenji greeted him immediately:
"Master, Mo Fan is gone!"

"Gone? When did you leave?"

"As soon as you came up, he left!"

"This guy"

Chen Ziqian shook his head and laughed, then said:

"It's okay! He will come back!"

Mo Fan found a very strange thing.

He originally thought that Chen Ziqian or the robots in the villa would stop him from leaving, but he didn't expect that the journey would be unimpeded!
what happened?

Could it be that Chen Ziqian really wants me to be the deputy patriarch?

Taking advantage of the time in the car, let's see what's going on with the Chen family.

Thinking of this, Mo Fan opened the alloy bracelet and began to check the information on it.

If you don't look at it, you will be fascinated by it, staring at the virtual screen without moving.

The expression on Mo Fan's face changed again and again, sometimes surprised, sometimes suspicious, sometimes shocked!
He felt that his heart was fluctuating more than ever before.

If the blood of the mushroom spirit in the game is still there, then the mushrooms on his body will most likely grow into outer space!
The real day!
When Flying Leopard arrived home, Mo Fan was still watching.

There's just too much information here.

Not only from the Chen family, but also from Jieyu Company. The relationship between them can be said to be very complicated.

A brand new world is slowly unfolding in front of Mo Fan!

Mo Fan took a deep breath, turned off the virtual screen on the alloy bracelet, and got out of the car.

Looking at the real world outside, Mo Fan felt unreal.

It's like he just came out of the game before.

Watching Flying Leopard slowly enter the underground garage from in front of him, and then the anti-theft door of the unit building opened automatically after biometric identification, and Mo Fan walked in.

He is sure, this is a real world!

Back home, Mo Han was eating, as if he had just come out of the game.

Hatsune waited on her side.

Seeing Mo Fan come back, Mo Fan and Hatsune shouted in unison:
"Brother, you are back!"

"Mr. Mo, you are back!"

It seemed a little funny, the two women looked at each other and smiled.

"Well, I'm back!"

Mo Fan also smiled and came to the dining table to sit down.

Hatsune obediently added a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

And Mo Han seemed to have noticed something was wrong with Mo Fan.

She found that Mo Fan seemed a little different from usual.

Especially the eyes, I feel weird looking at myself
She immediately asked:
"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, eat your meal!"

Mo Fan picked up his chopsticks, picked up a shredded radish, and just stared at it, without eating it for a long time.

It seems that this shredded radish contains some mysterious truth.

It wasn't until he realized that Mo Han had been looking at him strangely that he stuffed it into his mouth.

"No, brother, you must have something to do!"

Mo Han put down the bowl and chopsticks and stared at Mo Fan.

Then he got up and came to Mo Fan, and walked around him a few times, as if trying to find out something different.

"Okay, okay, you've made me dizzy, I'm really fine, I'm just thinking about how to tell you."

Mo Fan got up and grabbed Mo Han, and dragged her to a chair to sit down.

"say what?"

Mo Han looked curious.

"Little sister, if I say I mean if! If our current world is all fake, would you believe it?"

"Brother, don't scare me! Are you sick? Why don't you go to the hospital?"

Seeing Mo Han's expression, Mo Fan suddenly went crazy.

It's like a feeling that everyone in the world is drunk and I am alone.

After taking a few deep breaths, he said solemnly:

"I'm not sick, and I've got nothing wrong, just wondering what you think about it."

Mo Han's big eyes blinked a few times, a little surprised, and then replied:

"If you want to say that this world is fake, let him be fake. What does it have to do with us?"

Hearing Mo Han's casual answer, the corners of Mo Fan's mouth twitched.

It really is!
Even if the world is fake, so what?
False is true, true is false, if they are all false, then we in it may not be real!

Thinking of this, Mo Fan smiled and said:
"Okay, it's okay, let's eat!"

What Mo Fan saw in the alloy bracelet before, in addition to the information of the Jieyu company and the Chen family, there is also an explanation of this DQ world.

According to the above explanation, the real world (DQ world) that Mo Fan lives in is actually fake!
The DQ world is actually a virtual world!
A virtual world invaded by virtual poisonous beasts!
Everything in this DQ world is just a set of data.

Compared with the real world, everything in the DQ world is flashy and will collapse with one blow!
And "Unbounded" is the real world, a real world built by countless powerful people.

The core personnel of Jieyu Company are all NPCs from "Unbounded". The main purpose of these NPCs is to attract people from the DQ world into "Unbounded", making the real world of "Unbounded" stronger.

And the Void Poison Beast is a very powerful alien beast that can be found everywhere in the heavens and myriad worlds.

As long as it invades the real world, it will become a virtual world.

Even if a certain real world is invaded by virtual poisonous beasts, no one in this world will notice anything.

The main reason is that they not only have a powerful body, but also have very special abilities.

In summary, there are four main capabilities:

[-]. Latent ability:
This special beast is very good at camouflage. It can change the shape of anyone, or a certain item.

For example, it can become an axe, and nothing will change for ten or twenty years.

For another example, it can become a certain person and live with you for a lifetime, and you will not feel any abnormality.

[-]. Infectious ability:
As long as it has enough energy, it can reproduce itself infinitely.

However, every time it is copied, the strength of the Void Poison Beast itself will drop a little.

According to the strength of each Void Poison Beast, the copying ability is also different.

The most important thing is that the copied Void Poison Beast has the ability to virtualize the real objects around it once.

After the real object is virtualized, it is very easy to be controlled by the virtual poison beast, so as to help the virtual poison beast hide itself better, or do some other things.

(End of this chapter)

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