The game starts from the closed beta

Chapter 129 Level Explosion

Chapter 129 Level Explosion
The aura value of a monster is as high as 3.2 million, which is much higher than that of a level 40 diamond level boss.

After all the more than 500 monsters were wiped out, they obtained a total of 1651 billion aura points, as well as a large amount of equipment and gold coins.

There are also a large number of ghost blood fragments and star fragments.

The beams of light shone on the ground, creating a bright scene.

Don't be too cool!
Bai Kongqing directly rose to level 59, while Gu Yunchen and Bai Linger are still upgrading!
Up to level 50, the total aura value is only 1092 billion.

Therefore, after the two little mushrooms reached level 50, they were upgraded by 2 levels, directly reaching the upper limit of the boundary level!
"Brother, that's it for me. Have you reached the full level?"

"Brother Fan, this upgrade is too...too fast, right?"

"It feels faster than riding a rocket."

The two little mushrooms couldn't believe it was true at all, and each opened the property panel several times to confirm.

"I don't even look at who is taking you to upgrade, hehe!"

In fact, even Bai Kongqing did not expect to obtain such a high spiritual energy value.

Although he had some guesses, there was a big gap between the aura value he had imagined.

Could it be because of leapfrogging monsters?
After all, the original intention of this dungeon design is for the top 50 teams to play.

The initial level of Bai Linger and Gu Yunchen was level 19, and he could only be regarded as Bai Linger's pet strictly speaking.

Who would have thought that a player at level 19 would brush the ultimate dungeon at level 50?

Thinking of this, he said to the two little mushrooms:

"That is to say, the first wave has such a high spiritual energy value, and there may not be any in the next wave!"

"You two follow me, stay a little farther away, just pick up equipment and gold coins!"

After Bai Kongqing finished speaking, he cleaned up the battlefield with the two little mushrooms.

The mobs you fought in the past only dropped silver coins, but here you will drop gold coins directly.

The two little mushrooms looked like little money fans, excited.

The dropped equipment is the level 50 ghost suit, which is several times better than the level 40 ghost suit.

【Ghost Helmet (Red)】

[Produced from the level 50 copy of the Valley of Gods and Ghosts, one of the parts of the ghost suit]

[Life value + 72]

[Defense: 13 million-16 million]

【Physical +7000】

[Spiritual power requirement: 80 points]

[Level Requirement: Level 50]

【Set attributes】

[Two pieces: attack power +200%, HP +200%]

[Four pieces: Attack has an 80% chance to summon Aurora Fierce Ghosts to fight for you, up to 5 can be summoned, and the survival time is 20 seconds! 】

[Six pieces: The attack has a 30% chance to release Ghost Spirit Slash, causing 300% ghost energy damage to the fan-shaped area in front of it. Ghost energy damage ignores physical immunity, physical defense resistance, etc., and the cooling time is 2 seconds. 】

The set attributes attached to the suit are also very good. As long as you keep attacking, there will be 5 aurora spirits to help you attack all the time.

In addition, this Ghost Slash can take effect on enemy units that are physically immune. This kind of special attack is very rare.

After the three of them were equipped with level 50 equipment, their attributes soared a lot.

After cleaning the battlefield, there are a total of 5 sets of ghost suits, plus more than ten repeated parts, and 73623 gold coins, which can be described as a great harvest!

"Let's go, let's continue, and try to get through this dungeon as soon as possible!"

After changing the equipment, Bai Kongqing continued to go deep into the Valley of Gods and Ghosts, with Bai Linger and Tong Yan following far behind him.

After killing the next wave of Jiguang Liegui, Bai Kongqing finally verified his guess.

Sure enough, the aura value was reduced by more than half.

[Kill the Aurora Fierce Ghost (Level 50 Lingyun Monster), get 1300 million aura points, get ghost bloodline fragments * 5 (level 5), get star fragments * 5 (5 stars), and get 1632 player reputation points. 】

In addition, the fragments and prestige obtained are also much less.

The bonus for killing monsters by leapfrogging just now is really too much!

After killing this wave of monsters, Bai Kongqing immediately terminated the pet relationship with Bai Ling'er, and now they are all above level 50, and the spiritual energy value will not be much less anyway.

What's more, Bai Ling'er and Gu Yunchen are both at the full level now, so they don't need aura points at all.

The more you go into the Valley of Gods and Ghosts, the more monsters you encounter.

It's just that with the pervert Bai Kongqing around, no matter how many monsters there are, they can't stop their progress.

Bai Ling'er and Gu Yunchen, after wearing the level 50 ghost suit, have a blood volume of more than 7000 million and an attack of more than 1000 million.

It can resist the attacks of one or two Aurora Ghosts, so it can occasionally help Bai Kongqing kill some missed monsters.

As the three continued to go deeper, they came to a vast basin.

There are steep mountains on all sides, and a swamp in the middle.

In the swamp, there are dense monsters.

There are seven or eight types:
[Drunk Yin Poison Ghost (Level 50 Lingyun Monster)]

[Tiangang crystal ghost (level 50 Lingyun monster)]

[White light ghost (level 50 Lingyun monster)]

Bai Kongqing took a look and found that the attributes of these ghost spirits were similar to those of the Aurora Fierce Ghost Spirits, but their immunity characteristics were different.

Some are immune to metal damage, some are immune to wood damage, and some are even immune to physical damage.

If he hadn't collected the ghost suits in front of him, it is estimated that these physically immune ghosts would not be able to fight at all.

This area should be the monster spawning area of ​​the Shengui Valley dungeon, an experience field.

It's just that I didn't see the first boss, why did I go directly to this monster spawning area?

Under normal circumstances, isn't the monster spawning area reached after the first mini-boss is defeated?
With some doubts, Bai Kongqing entered this area.

At this moment, Bai Linger and Gu Yunchen behind him exclaimed in unison:
"Brother, be careful!"

"Brother Fan, there is a boss above his head!"

Hearing their shouts, Bai Kongqing reacted very quickly and rolled to the side.

Then there was a loud noise where he had just landed, and a huge footprint appeared there.

I saw a towering golden giant jumping down from the mountain wall above the Valley of Gods and Ghosts.

"After so many years, someone finally came!"

The golden giant leaned over to stare at the three of Bai Kongqing and laughed softly.

To the ears of Bai Kongqing and the others, the sound was really too loud.

This golden giant is very sturdy and muscular. It is about 60 meters high, like a large version of King Kong.

[Pseudo-God · Litian General (Level 50 Diamond Boss)]

[The general who guards the Valley of Gods and Ghosts is infinitely powerful]

[Life value: 22 billion]

[Attack Power: 2764 million-3271 million]

[Defense: 1372 million-4932 million]

【Hit: 72%】

[Dodge: 72%]

[Crit: 72%]

【Resistance: 72%】

[Five elements resistance: -200 million]

[Poison Resistance: -50]

[Physical damage reduction +80%]

[Five elements damage enhancement: When receiving five elements damage, the damage is doubled]

[Diamond Shield: When receiving physical damage, there is a 60% chance of being immune to that physical damage]

[Physical Damage Resistance: When physical damage exceeds 1 million, only 1 million damage is received]

[Li Wang Fist: Concentrate the strength of the whole body, punch the enemy, causing damage of 200% of the attack power, consume 300 million points of spiritual power, cooldown time 60 seconds]

[Lihuang Fist: Concentrate the strength of the whole body, punch the enemy, causing damage of 500% of the attack power, consume 1600 million points of spiritual power, cooldown time 120 minutes]

[Lishen Fist: Concentrate the strength of the whole body and punch the enemy, causing 800% attack power damage and consuming all spiritual power. The attack direction of this skill cannot be changed after it is determined, and the cooldown time is 24 hours]

Seeing the detailed attributes of this boss, Bai Kongqing clicked his tongue.

This boss is too unfriendly to players who are pure physical attack!

And the physical damage caused can be up to 1 million at a time, and there is a 60% chance of immunity. It is estimated that no matter who comes, it will cause a headache.

Fortunately, the five element resistance and poison resistance are both negative, which is not too pleasant for Bai Kongqing.

Seeing this big guy staring at his sister and Gu Yunchen with ill intentions, Bai Kongqing put on the skin of a Hades snake, and rushed up with the Nether swords.

No matter how powerful you are, eat me first and then talk!
Seeing Bai Kongqing attacking, Li Tianjiang's eyes were full of disdain.

He took two steps back, and Bai Kongqing's attack immediately fell through.

"Boy, is that why you want to fight me?"

"I can crush you to death with one finger!"

As he said that, Li Tianjiang's hand, like the palm of a Tathagata, slapped Bai Kongqing.

After Bai Kongqing saw it, he desperately ran to the side.

Just when Li Tianjiang's palm was about to fall to the ground, Bai Kongqing immediately used the Nether Ghost Step, and teleported three times in a row, narrowly escaped.


Li Tian slapped his huge palm on the ground, like an earthquake, making the ground tremble endlessly.

Bai Ling'er and Gu Yunchen, who were far behind, had their hearts in their throats.

After seeing Bai Kongqing out of danger, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that Li Tianjiang's actions next time made them tremble with fear.

After seeing Bai Kongqing escape, Li Tianjiang was a little surprised.

He slapped his palm on the ground and grabbed Bai Kongqing, as if he wanted to catch Bai Kongqing.

Although Li Tianjiang's body is very huge, in fact, his movements are very flexible.

After Bai Kongqing saw it, he was very upset.

What the hell, the rhythm is a bit wrong!

Don't be afraid of him just because he is big.

If it goes on like this, sooner or later he will be played to death by this Litian general.

I have 101 billion blood now, but he only has 22 billion blood, still afraid of being a dick? !

Thinking of this, Bai Kongqing didn't dodge or dodge, but took the twin swords of Nether, and stabbed Li Tianjiang's palm with all his strength.

"-1 million (physical immunity)"

"-15.1 billion (bleeding)"

"-15.1 billion (bleeding)"


Before Li Tianjiang could make any other moves, his eyes widened, and he fell down unwillingly!

"Fuck? Just kill him like this?"

Bai Kongqing glanced at his Nether Swords, and then at Li Tianjiang, a little unable to believe his own strength.

Why am I so powerful? !

No, it should be "grass chrysanthemum blood" powerful!
If I had known this before, why would I hide from him? I just went up and did it.

Bai Kongqing saw the beams of light all over the ground, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

[Kill the False God Litian General (level 50 diamond boss), get 5 million aura points, get False God Bloodline Fragment*10 (level 6), get star fragment*10 (6 star), get 100 points player reputation. 】

[Dropping equipment "Spiritual General's Cloak", "Spiritual General's Badge", "Spiritual General's Wings", "God's Source Fragment", "Fantan Fragment"]

[Drop equipment "Ghost Leg Armor", "Ghost Boots".】

【Drop Lingshi*1 pieces】

Seeing General Li Tian who was instantly killed by Bai Kongqing, Bai Ling'er and Gu Yunchen couldn't believe it.

Although Bai Kongqing was a little bigger after wearing the Hades skin, but compared with General Li Tian, ​​he was completely small.

Just now when Li Tian was about to capture Bai Kongqing, the two of them were very worried.

It's just that the result was too unexpected, General Li Tian was just like that? !

The hanging hearts of the two were irritated to the point of being on a roller coaster.

I'm in a stunned state right now
After Bai Kongqing was intoxicated with his own strength, he picked up the equipment with some excitement.

This Litian will explode more than 30 pieces of equipment, most of which are parts of the ghost suit.

Not to mention the ghost suit, it is the main output equipment of this dungeon.

These suits can spread his reputation as a suit brother!
And other equipment and items are the reason for Bai Kongqing's excitement.

[Ghost and Ghost General's Cloak (Golden)]

[The treasure treasured by Gu Litian, the ghost, is made of unknown materials from the upper world, very soft and durable]

[Agility + 3]

[God Hidden: Stay in place for 6 seconds and enter a hidden state, which lasts for 120 seconds. After launching an attack, the hidden state will be broken, causing 200% crit damage. The hidden effect is invalid for enemy units whose level is 10 higher than your own. The cooling time is 600 Second】

[Ghost: Consume 50 spiritual power to create a ghost clone, which has 10% of the main body's attributes, lasts for 20 seconds, and has a cooldown of 1800 seconds]

[Like a Shadow: Consume 100 million spiritual power, increase movement speed by 1000%, last for 30 seconds, cooldown time is 600 seconds]

[Spiritual power requirement: 500 million]

[Level Requirement: Level 50]

The attributes of this skin are not very good, but the accompanying skills and effects are very good.

It is simply an artifact for sneak attack and escape!
With this cloak, Bai Kongqing feels that there is no place he cannot go in this game.

[Ghost General Badge (Golden)]

[The proof of killing the gods and ghosts, Gu Litian, it is said that if you collect all 30, you can go to the dungeon messenger to exchange for equipment]

It takes 30 times to change equipment, and I don't know if it will be dropped every time.

If not, I don't know how many times I have to swipe to change the equipment.

The equipment replaced in this way must not be worse than the cloak just now, right?

Save it for now, and check it out later when you have time.

[The Wings of the Gods and Ghosts (Dark Gold) (Semi-finished Product)]

[The flying wings that Gu Litian will build are semi-finished due to the lack of some materials]

[Flying speed +100%]

[Rapid flight: Consume 10 spiritual power to increase flight speed by 200%, lasts for 30 seconds, cools down for 60 seconds]

[Flight accident: There is a 30% chance that the flight speed will drop by 50% during the flight]

[Spiritual power requirement: 1000 million]

[Level Requirement: Level 50]

This equipment is a flying prop, but it is a pity that it is a semi-finished product.

Although it can be used, it slows down from time to time during use, which is quite disgusting.

Now that he has a silly eagle mount, he doesn't have to fly anywhere by himself.

You can keep it as a spare.

The fragment of the source of God was obtained when killing Gouyasha, which is exactly the same as that one.

I couldn't find the source before, but I didn't expect it to be in the ultimate dungeon at level 50.

【Fantan Fragment】

【Collection of 100 Fandan Fragments can be synthesized into Fandan grade pills, which can increase the level, applicable range: 70-99 levels】

Is this required for leveling up after level 70?
(End of this chapter)

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