The game starts from the closed beta

Chapter 127 Unbounded Tower

Chapter 127 Unbounded Tower

"I'm fine, maybe I'll have to wait for a while, the two of you back away, I'm afraid something will happen later!"

Bai Kongqing's dull voice came from the demonization pool.

Bai Ling'er and Gu Yuncen had no choice but to retreat, hundreds of meters away from the demonization pool.

As for Bai Kongqing, as the magic energy in his body continued to increase, he found that the magic value of the magic pool was constantly being consumed.

At this time, it has already exceeded 50, and there is no sign of stopping.

He really didn't expect that the promotion of magic power would consume so much.

About half an hour later, Bai Kongqing felt transparent all over, as if he had opened up Ren Du's two veins.

At this time, the system prompts as scheduled:

[System prompt: Congratulations on casting the [pseudo-magic body]! 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on comprehending [Fan Mowei (big)]! 】

[System Prompt: Congratulations on comprehending [Pseudo-Magic Power]! 】

At this point, 230 million magic points have been consumed!
After knowing the progress of Motong, Bai Kongqing knew that it was not over yet.

Sure enough, the devilish energy entering his body did not decrease but increased, as if attracted by something in his body, it rushed in crazily.

At this time, the movement of the demonization pool was even greater.

A huge black tornado formed around Bai Kongqing's body, and the pool water was also driven up, constantly spinning around his body.

And the speed of absorbing magic energy this time is hundreds of times faster than before!
Could it be that the higher the level of the magic body, the easier it is to absorb the magic energy?
Before he could think about it, his body began to undergo some changes.

First of all, the rotten flesh on his body gradually disappeared and became extremely smooth.

Then these smooth skins grow snake scales and dog hair.

The color of the body also changed.

The green grass turned dark green, and the snake scales and dog fur directly turned black.

The chrysanthemum behind him turned from red to black and red.

The entire body of the monster has become more symmetrical, and it looks very wild.

[System prompt: Congratulations on casting the [True Devil Body]! 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on comprehending [True Magic Power]! 】

After comprehending the false magic power, it really didn't stop, and the magic energy entering the body continued!
Sure enough, as he guessed, the speed of absorbing magic energy was faster this time.

About 1 minute or so, his body began to change again.

This change shocked even Bai Kongqing.

First of all, the grass on his body disappeared.

On his forehead, there is a small black grass tattoo, as if he was born with it.

A black water chestnut appears on both sides of the forehead, which is very prominent.

The snake scales all over his body became very fine and dense, completely covering his face.

The long dog hair has shortened a lot and grows evenly under the armor.

The chrysanthemum behind her became very slender at this time, like a tail.

The color of his whole body is now only one color: black!

And the whole monster's body emits a slight black light, just like a demon god.

It looks very evil and charming, but also has a sense of power and beauty!
[System prompt: Congratulations on casting [Magic Body·Infinity]! 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on comprehending [Magic Power Promise]! 】

[System prompt: The current conditions are insufficient, and the magic body cannot be promoted! 】

[System prompt: The current conditions are insufficient, Mowei cannot be promoted! 】

Seeing the last system prompt, Bai Kongqing knew that it had already reached the limit.

Bai Kongqing found that there is no need to open the magic pupil now, as long as he looks somewhere and stares there for two to three seconds, then the detailed information will be clearly displayed in front of him.

For example, the enchanted pond in front of him.

[Low-level magic pool (incomplete)]

[The cultivation treasure brought by the sinner from the devil world, which can extract magic power from the void, seems a bit incomplete]

[Magic power generation speed: 237 points/minute]

[Magic level: low level]

[Speed ​​of transforming magical power into magical energy: 986 points/minute]

[Current magic value: 104 million]

The information of this enchanted pool is displayed in great detail.

When Mo Tong hadn't been promoted before, he couldn't see such details at all.

Bai Kongqing took a look at the attributes of the magic pupil, magic body and magic power:
[Magic Pupil·Wuji: The binoculars have magical power under the transformation of magic energy, you can easily see more detailed attributes, and it is very easy to break the illusion (invalid for special creatures)]

[Magic Body: Promise: Casting the body with magic energy eliminates the weakness of the body, making it more suitable for fighting, strength +20%, constitution +20%, agility +20%, damage enhancement +25%, damage reduction +25%]

[Magic Power Promise: Increase the upper limit of your own realm level by 40%, suppressing creatures with magical power (divine power) lower than your own level, within the range of vision, the opponent cannot move within 4 seconds, and all attributes are reduced by 25%]

The magic pupil becomes stronger and can see more things clearly.

The magic body adds more attributes than before, and the attributes have been greatly improved.

And the increase in magic power made Bai Kongqing think of Zhan Shuang's [Mingwei·Wuji], his Mingwei seems to be on the same level as himself.

They both increase the upper limit of the boundary level of level 20, but the effects produced are different.

Now I can upgrade 20 levels more than ordinary players!
Although I don't know what conditions are needed to continue to improve the magic power, but judging from the situation of Zhan Shuang, it will definitely not be so easy.

Otherwise, why didn't such a big boss like him raise the rank of Mingwei?
The demonic pool gradually calmed down, and the demonic energy no longer penetrated into the body.

The demon energy that enveloped him also gradually dissipated.

Bai Kongqing slowly came out of the demonization pool.

Bai Ling'er and Gu Yunchen who were in the distance also came over.

"Brother, you look so cool!" Bai Ling'er said in surprise, and Gu Yunchen next to him also nodded repeatedly.

"Really? I thought it would scare you!" Bai Kongqing smiled.

"That's not the case, anyway, it's very special."

Gu Yunchen came to Bai Kongqing at this time, looked at him curiously, and then asked nervously:
"Brother Fan, can I touch it?"

Bai Kongqing pursed her lips, spread her hands and replied, "Of course, come on!"

After getting the consent, not only Gu Yunchen, but Bai Linger also participated.

Immediately, Bai Kongqing felt uncomfortable being touched by the two little mushrooms.

"Wow, this feels so good!"

"That's right, this dog fur feels so smooth and smooth, just like the real thing!"

"Also, this scale is so textured"

Bai Kongqing immediately felt that something was wrong and stopped him:
"Hey, I told you two, touch it, don't buckle it!"

"The scales grew on my body, and they still buckle?"

"Oh, it hurts me to death!"

Hearing Bai Kongqing's yell, the two little Guliang immediately laughed regardless of their appearance.

Especially Gu Yunchen, who covered his stomach and squatted down with a smile.

"Still laughing, what's so funny!"

"I'll know if it hurts or not if I button it for you!"

Bai Kongqing curled her lips and said casually.

However, seeing the two little mushrooms immediately stopped laughing, Bai Kongqing immediately realized that he had said something wrong.

The faces of the two little mushrooms turned red.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely embarrassing!

After a while, Bai Ling'er was thicker and broke the silence:

"Brother, you agreed to take us to level up, but in the end, you came to this magic pool to comprehend the power of magic. Now you should fulfill your promise, right?"

"Of course, wait for me, I'll see if I can get rid of this treasure of the sinner!"

Bai Kongqing turned around and came to the side of the demonization pool.

This low-level enchanted pool is a square with a length and width of more than 20 meters. I don't know what material it is made of.

Bai Kongqing put his hand on it, trying to put it into the backpack, but the magic pond didn't move at all.

what's the situation?
Could it be that the way I take the baby is wrong?

Bai Kongqing tried again several times.
I tried it from every angle and position, but it still didn't move!
This demonization pool can only be collected by sinners?
I still don't believe it!
Next, Bai Kongqing turned on the violent mode, and the two little Guliang were dumbfounded.

Long swords, long spears, and long sticks have been used all over, and none of them can shake this demonization pool!

Damn, did the sinner set a password?

Also with fingerprint unlock?

This Nima!
Bai Kongqing kicked the pool hard!
At this moment, I don't know what mechanism Bai Kongqing touched, but I saw the magic pool slowly moving to one side, revealing a dark hole.
"Brother Fan, are you possessed by the Emperor Ou?"

Gu Yunchen said in surprise, his eyes were full of envy.

It can make a hole casually, no wonder it is so powerful.

"Ahem, I am not possessed by Ouhuang, I am possessed by Ouhuang's father."

After Bai Kongqing finished speaking, the two little mushrooms spat at him.

And he smiled and came to the entrance of the cave to investigate carefully.

Needless to say, he has a predestined relationship with this hole.

It's just that kicking casually as if exasperated can make a hole, which the sinner probably couldn't think of.

Bai Kongqing also took a closer look at the place where he kicked, but there was nothing special about it.

After walking around the entrance of the cave for a long time, I didn't find any danger.

"Come on, let's go in and see!"

Saying that, Bai Kongqing entered the underground cave.

Bai Ling'er and Gu Yunchen also followed in.

After coming down from the top, there is a narrow and long step. The inside is relatively dark, and you can only see a few meters away.

Bai Kongqing took two little mushrooms and kept walking down.

After about a few minutes, a bright light appeared ahead.

After coming out, the scene in front of them surprised the three of them.

Row after row of stone statues are evenly distributed in this underground stone hall, and torches are lit on the surrounding walls, illuminating the place very brightly.

The stone statues are grotesque, mainly some strange creatures, and there are all kinds of them.

Bai Kongqing even saw the stone statues of Demonized Wraith and Crazy Blade here.

"Brother, what is this place?"

"I don't know, it may be the place where the evil spirits live, go ahead and have a look!"

Bai Kongqing shook his head, and then said:

"By the way, don't touch these stone statues yet."

As they spoke, several people continued to walk forward.

The further you go inside, the weirder the atmosphere becomes.

Among the group of stone statues, Bai Kongqing also saw some stone platforms on which were placed some strange biological remains, but they were all made of stone.

Soon, they came to the innermost.

There is also a stone platform here.

However, the biological stumps on this stone platform were not made of stone, and had a strong smell of blood.

On one side of the stone platform, there is a stone shelf on which are placed some dismembered props and some sundries.

"It's disgusting, why does it feel like an anatomy lab?"

Bai Ling'er covered her nose and frowned, Gu Yunchen was not much better.

"Maybe it was made by the devil"

Bai Kongqing came to the stone shelf, ready to see if he could find anything.

Just then, laughter came from behind them.

It's the devil!
"It's really a bit of a surprise, I didn't expect you to find this place."

The sinner slowly walked over from the other side of the stone hall.

Bai Kongqing immediately came in front of the two little mushrooms, blocked the sinner's sight, and said:

"Sinner, I have reached level 50 now, how do you submit this task?"

"Also, how to get to this second realm?"

The sinner didn't speak immediately, but stared at Bai Kongqing with interest for a long time, nodding frequently:

"As expected of heresy, the speed of this strength improvement is fast!"

"It's about the same as the power of my first seal."

Bai Kongqing also showed a strange look at this time, even with his advanced magic pupil, he couldn't check the attributes of the evil spirit, only one name could be seen.

Is this really a level 60 gold boss?

He could clearly remember that the demonic power of the sinner was much stronger than his demonic power.

Before he could think too much, the sinner continued:
"Don't worry about taking me to the second realm. You haven't passed the Unbounded Tower yet. You can come to me when you pass through the Unbounded Tower in this realm!"

With that said, the sinner came to the stone shelf, rummaged through a book, and handed it to Bai Kongqing:
"Take it!"

After receiving it, Bai Kongqing casually glanced at it:
[Low-level monster cultivation secret technique]

[Some biological corpses can be used to create powerful monsters, and the strength of monsters is related to biological corpses]

[Currently cultivable monster level: low level]

[Conditions for cultivating monsters: demonization pool, biological corpses]

Bai Kongqing looked at the book, and then at the sinner, showing doubts.

Create monsters?
In other words, the demonized wraiths outside this demonized land were all created by sinners through this low-level monster cultivation secret technique?

No wonder the situation in this stone hall is so weird, it turns out that it is some corpse materials collected by the sinner.

At this time, the corner of the sinner's mouth was slightly raised, and he said slowly:

"This book is given to you first, and when you break through the Unbounded Tower, I will also give you the enchanted pool outside. You now know what the enchanted pool does."

"These things are the ultimate reward for you to complete the mission"

Having said that, the sinner glanced at the two little mushrooms behind Bai Kongqing and smiled strangely.

Seeing this situation, Bai Kongqing knew that it was time to leave.

At a certain moment, Bai Kongqing had the urge to kill the sinner, but reason prevailed, and the sinner was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Also, Bai Ling'er and Gu Yuncen were there.

Otherwise, if you kill him directly, you may get more than one enchanted pool.

"Well, I hope you mean what you say, let's go first!"

Bai Kongqing took the two little mushrooms, turned around and walked outside.


"What else?"

"Remember, you only have 30 days. If you haven't broken through the Unbounded Tower within 30 days, the mission will fail!"

After the sinner finished speaking, he began to process the monster's corpse on the stone platform.

Mo Fan took the two little mushrooms and left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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