Chapter 118 Medusa

Bai Kongqing made a little estimation, and the building was at least seven or eight kilometers away from him.

He asked a snake man, and that was where Queen Medusa lived.

The upcoming inauguration ceremony will also be held there.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready for the ceremony."

"Okay, you go down!"

Feng Ling waved to the people around her, and all the snake servants who were serving them retreated.

Feng Ling was the only one left in the room.

She was originally Bingyu, the princess of Snow Country, but for some unknown reason, she transmigrated to this Fengling.

At first, she couldn't accept this identity and was a little autistic.

I often shut myself in the house alone.

Until one day, Xiamei, the former queen of Medusa, found her
The two chatted for two days and two nights.

Only then did Feng Ling realize that she was not a special case!
It turns out that Xia Mei also traveled here.

She was Queen Medusa for 300 years.

Because he was seriously injured in the previous battle, and now he is very old, he had to pass the throne to the next one.

As for why Xia Mei also traveled through time, there is a bizarre legend.

The title of Queen Medusa is cursed by the Higher Realm.

It is God's punishment for the snake race!

As long as one becomes the queen of Medusa, the soul of this snake man will be sacrificed, and the soul of a strange world will occupy this body.

It has always been like this from ancient times to the present, without any exceptions!

In other words, as long as the successor of Queen Medusa is designated, then this successor will be traversed.

After hearing what Xia Mei said, Feng Ling immediately became confused.

It never occurred to her that her time travel was not an accident, but was arranged by a mysterious force!
Until now, Feng Ling still remembers Xia Mei's advice to herself:

"I don't care which world you came from, from now on, you are the Queen Medusa of the snake people!"

"Don't have any illusions, your duty is to protect the snake people!"

"Whether it is now or in the future, you must always live well."

"Here, the only choice for living is to be your queen Medusa!"

After Xia Mei finished speaking, she also took out a mirror that could display some virtual images.

It has the tragic state of the previous Medusa queens!

These queens of Medusa are all traversers who are dissatisfied with their current situation, and they do all kinds of unruly things.

Their death conditions were extremely miserable, as for how they died, Xia Mei just pointed to the sky.

"Do a good job of Queen Medusa, and you may have a chance to return to the original world in the future. If you don't do well, these people will end up."

After Xia Mei left these words, she left.

Within a few days, Xia Mei died!

Recalling these in Fengling's mind, she couldn't help crying.

At this moment, her mood was very complicated:

"When you come to this world, have you been arranged?"

"Royal father, queen mother, Yu'er will no longer be able to serve you by your side."

"Brother Yan, Yu'er didn't have time to say goodbye to you, and I don't know if you are sad for me now?"

"From now on, I will be Fengling"

Feng Ling wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then touched up her makeup.

After a while, slowly got up and walked outside
When Bai Kongqing arrived in front of this huge building, she was even more surprised.

The cylindrical building in front of him was much larger than what he had seen before.

This is not a large size, it is completely an extra large size!

The snake people seem to be a matriarchal society, don't they all like this?

Ahem, is my idea a little too H?

"Look! It's out!"

"Her Majesty! It's Her Majesty!"

Just when Bai Kongqing was thinking about something, the snake people in front all shouted excitedly.

All snake people rejoice!
Bai Kongqing gave a few people nearby a look: What are you doing, I'm frightening labor and management!
He also looked ahead.

I saw a peerless beauty stepping out of the door of the huge building, her coquettishness reveals a kind of nobility and elegance.

Bai Kongqing used the magic pupil.

[Queen Medusa Fengling (Level 50 King Boss)]

You can only see a name, and you can't see anything else.

At this moment, Medusa's eyes suddenly turned to Bai Kongqing!

Bai Kongqing fainted when she looked into her eyes!

He turned his head quickly, his heart trembling:
What are you doing?Was it discovered?
I just used a magic pupil, is that an exaggeration?
Sure enough, Queen Medusa got up and flew up, and she shot a sharp green sword towards Bai Kongqing:

"Bold monster! How dare you come to our snake-human race!"

The surrounding snake people were shocked, and immediately moved Bai Kongqing out of the way!
Bai Kongqing was instantly exposed to the eyes of a large number of snakemen, and some snakemen fighters quickly surrounded him in the distance.
Suddenly, some fine beads of sweat appeared on Bai Kongqing's forehead.

These snake people are not rubbish, they are all excellent monsters with a minimum level of 40.

There are more than 3000 million blood alone, and his explosive skills are limited, and hard steel is not easy at all.

Seeing that Medusa's green long sword was about to hit her, Bai Kongqing took off Shi Gang's identity card and jumped up.

After jumping onto the eagle's back, the cloud piercing eagle soared upwards.

Just after Bai Kongqing thought he dodged Medusa's attack, a green light shot through the cloud piercing eagle directly to Bai Kongqing!
"-1.6 million (Green Poison Sword)"

Bai Kongqing's blood bar disappeared instantly!
[System prompt: You were killed by Queen Medusa Fengling! 】



Bai Kongqing resurrected behind a cylindrical building.

"Fortunately, I bought a few resurrections in advance, otherwise I would really die!"

After earning several million prestige, he bought five resurrections in the prestige mall.

Bai Kongqing thought that there were not many people who could kill him in seconds, but he didn't expect that this Medusa could do it.

The continuous improvement of strength made him a little swollen.

Even sometimes, I simply look down on some wild monsters in the game.

I didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble today.

The cloud piercing eagle was killed, it took 3 hours to revive, and there was still a long wait!

Bai Kongqing looked at the surrounding environment, and this place is still in the territory of the snake people.

It's just that he is in a corner, and no snake man has found him for the time being.

Shi Gang's appearance is definitely not acceptable.

In the territory of the snake people, it is impossible to move a single step without a snake people identity card.

Bai Kongqing put on the scarecrow ID card, and then went outside secretly.

He planned to kill a snake man first, and then change the identity card of the snake man.

This Medusa is really too powerful, if she finds it, she will probably be seconded by her again.

The strength of the king-level boss is really too strong.

Bai Kongqing estimates that this Medusa has at least 1 million attack power.

If you want to kill her, you must have a defense of at least tens of millions, or an attack power similar to hers.

It is difficult to meet this requirement in a short period of time.

Relying on the perception of the Nether Bloodline, Bai Kongqing quickly found a single snake man.

The snake man happened to be inside the house, and Bai Kongqing touched it.

Looking at the snake man in front of him, Bai Kongqing was a little surprised, it turned out to be a beauty.

Without waiting for the snake man to make any yells, he changed the Mad Saber ID card in seconds, and stabbed him with a sword!

"-9847544 (broken defense)"

"-29542632 (Crit)"

[Kill Snakeman·Huanyu (Level 42 Excellence Monster), get 2600 million aura points, get Snakeman Bloodline Fragment*5 (level 4), star fragment*5 (4 star), get 1360 player reputation . 】

With a critical strike, this snake man will be killed in seconds!
Bai Kongqing opened his mouth wide when he saw the rewards such as the aura points and fragments he had obtained.

This has always been strange, it is equivalent to half a level 50 bronze boss, and the reward for killing it is too generous.

He checked the prestige mall, and sure enough, there was Huanyu's ID card.

Choose to buy!

"-20000 player reputation!"

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the "Huanyu Identity Card"! 】

[Huanyu Identity Card: After use, you can pretend to be a snake-man Huanyu. 】


【Physical +1300】

[After using this identity card, you will get the extra skill "Seduce". 】

Although this identity card has no fetters, the added attributes are also average.

But it is a permanent ID card.

Character finally exploded once.

Bai Kongqing put it on directly, and her appearance immediately changed into the snake woman just now.

Looking at my external image, I touched my whole body and felt okay.

Am I women's clothing?

Bai Kongqing couldn't help laughing at himself.

Then I checked the skills attached to this identity card.

[Seduce: After using it, increase your charm by 100%, and have a great chance of attracting male snakes to have sex with you! 】

Fuck, this skill is too.
Do not use it!
At least in the territory of the snake people, this skill must never be used.

Otherwise, the fame of the first life will be ruined like this.

Bai Kongqing took a deep breath and slowly left the room.

A group of snake warriors hurried past outside.

It can be seen from their tense faces that they are here to hunt down Bai Kongqing.

Fortunately, Bai Kongqing has now changed into a snake identity card. No one would have guessed that he would become a female snake.

Bai Kongqing walked on the street as if nothing had happened.

Just when he thought there was nothing wrong, suddenly a male snake man came to him:

"Huanyu, haven't you heard me calling you for a long time?"

"you are?"

Bai Kongqing had a question mark on his face, he didn't know this male snake man at all.

He doesn't dare to use the magic pupil easily now, it would be bad if Medusa sensed it.

From the lewd eyes of this male snake man, it can be seen that this man may be Huanyu's old friend.

"I'm Ali. Last night, we still... pretended not to know me today?"

Ali smiled obscenely, and was about to touch Bai Kongqing's hand when he came up.

Bai Kongqing hurriedly hid.

What the hell did Huanyu do with this guy last night?
No matter what, you have to stabilize this person first, otherwise you will expose your identity.

"Ali, come with me!"

Bai Kongqing walked back anxiously, preparing to lure Ali to Huanyu's house and kill him.

"Huanyu, can't wait?"

"If it's cheaper this time, I'll make you very comfortable!"

Ali followed Bai Kongqing a little excitedly, smiling lewdly, and almost threw himself on Bai Kongqing.

Bai Kongqing trembled when she heard the words of the lsp behind her.

Let me go, is this Huanyu a chicken?

What the hell did I do to get a cock wife's identity card?
No wonder there are such lewd skills!
Bai Kongqing quickly lured Ali to Huanyu's house.

After closing the door, Ali rushed towards Bai Kongqing like a hungry wolf.

Bai Kongqing didn't even change his identity card, took out the Nether Swords, and stabbed Ali!


"-1947790 (Poisoned)"

"-7298961 (Crit)"

"-1192631 (bleeding)"

This time, he didn't miss the snake man Ali in front of him.

Ali looked at the long sword stuck in his chest in disbelief, and murmured:
"You are not Huanyu"

Before he could continue, Bai Kongqing stabbed him twice again and launched a nether blow to kill Ali!
[Kill the Snake Man Ali (Level 42 Excellent Monster)]

The kill reward is the same as Huanyu, very rich.

Seeing the rising spiritual energy value, Bai Kongqing had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly thought of a good way to collect spiritual energy value and fragments.

And he found that the skill of "seduce" seems to be useful as well.

Thinking of this, Bai Kongqing smiled excitedly.

He hid Ali's body in the back room and cleaned up the blood.

Then out the door.

After a while, Bai Kongqing came back with a male snake man.

"Honey, can't wait!"

"Come on, let my brother comfort you"

This male snake man, like Ali, is like a hungry tiger rushing to eat.

Bai Kongqing changed her charming appearance before, and showed a disgusted look at the male snake man.

Just like killing Ali, he did the same thing, killed the male snake man, and gained another wave of aura points and fragments.

Seeing the rising spiritual energy value, Bai Kongqing became excited again.


This method really works!

Next, Bai Kongqing kept using the Huanyu ID card to seduce the male snake man.

Get them to Huanyu's house and kill them, then continue to the next wave.

About 41 of them were killed, and Bai Kongqing rose to level [-]!
Level 4 fragments have accumulated more than 200 pieces.

Just when Bai Kongqing was about to go out and continue to implement the upgrade plan.

He found someone knocking on the door.

Open the door in the past, and there is a snake man with the appearance of a shrew. When he sees Huanyu, he doesn't give her a good face:

"You bastard, quickly call out my husband Ali!"

Bai Kongqing resisted not to make a move, and said with an ugly face:
"Ali is not with me!"

Just when she was about to close the door, the shrew pulled the door:
"Girls, someone saw Ali go in, how long do you want to hide him?"

"Ali, you bastard, come out to my mother quickly!"

"If you don't let me out, I'll kill your little friend!"

The shrew's voice was so loud that it quickly attracted all the snake people on the street.

Bai Kongqing was also a little anxious at this moment:
Damn, you shrew, don't make me miserable.

If the snake warrior or Medusa is attracted, it will be troublesome.

Bai Kongqing glanced at the snake people around him, and immediately walked outside.

The shrew saw that something was wrong, so she stopped Bai Kongqing!

"Wait! Where do you want to go, you bitch?"

"You're such a slut! Get the hell out of here!"

Bai Kongqing also became angry at this time, and cursed loudly.

"Hehe! I told you a few words and you jumped up for my old lady! I owe you a beating!"

After the shrew finished speaking, she rushed over immediately, ready to slap Bai Kongqing.

Bai Kongqing couldn't bear it anymore, took out the twin swords of Nether, and stabbed the shrew.

The surrounding snake people were immediately shocked when they saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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