Chapter 99

Zhuge Xiu and Zhuge Lan looked at the three couples boating on the lake, thinking that it was about time that these two idiots appeared.

Sure enough, Yan Baihu and Yan Yu walked towards the Zhuge sisters. The two faltered, even talked and gestured, expressing that they wanted to go boating on the lake with the Zhuge sisters.

Sister Zhuge, seeing Yan Baihu and Yan Yu's blank and tense expressions, felt a little funny and cute, so they nodded in agreement.

In this way, regardless of the process, Yan Baihu and Yan Yu successfully invited the Zhuge sisters as they wished.

This made the two erhas so happy that they were just dancing!
Lu Heng looked at Yan Baihu and Zhuge Lan, Yan Yu and Zhuge Xiu rowing the small boat, slowly paddling towards the middle of the lake, showing a happy auntie smile!
Lu Heng specially ordered that the two Erha, Yan Baihu and Yan Yu, row the boat far away from Zhuge Liang so as not to destroy the good atmosphere.

It's a pity that my injury, Lu, is not healed, otherwise I would really like to go boating with Lu Lingji! ! !

When the boat of Yan Baihu and Yan Yu turned into a small dot, Lu Heng focused his attention on the woman Yang Miaozhen.

Lu Heng always felt that this woman, Yang Miaozhen, was abnormal. Logically speaking, she, a saboteur, should intervene in such a matter.

But now, not only did Yang Miaozhen not take any action to destroy it, he actually helped me, Mr. Lu, get rid of four of the "Five Tiger Generals"!

Abnormality will lead to demons!
Lu Heng pulled Lu Lingji towards Yang Miaozhen.

At this time, Yang Miaozhen didn't know what she had said to the four little ghosts, but she was fighting one on four, holding a pestle and white pear flower gun, and was confronting Tai Shixiang, Ding Feng, Ding Feng, and Lu Kai.

Unlike his father, Tai Shici, who used a crescent halberd, Tai Shixiang held a painting halberd in his hand,
The two brothers, Ding Feng and Ding Feng, followed Hu Yanzan to learn martial arts and practiced double whips and horse lances. At this time, the two brothers each held a pair of copper whips. Of course they were small ones, but they seemed to weigh about ten catties.

The last Lu Kai apprenticed to Lao Niu, but he was only 15 years old, and he learned more from his father Lu Dai's family martial arts, and inherited the big sword used by his father.

The four little ghosts were divided into four corners, surrounding Yang Miaozhen in the middle, looking ready to go.

Lu Heng looked at it and felt curious, and ordered the system in his mind: "System, help me find out the attribute values ​​of these four little ghosts."

Tai Shixiang

Current five dimensions: Commander 64, Force 76, Intelligence 38, Politics 27, Charisma 55, Archery 77
Ding Feng
Current five dimensions: commander 44 force 65 intelligence 53 politics 24 charisma 45
Ding Feng
Current five dimensions: commander 32 force 49 intelligence 33 politics 21 charisma 46
Current five dimensions: Commander 64, Force 70, Intelligence 45, Politics 33, Charm 56, Archery 73”

Lu Heng was very surprised when he saw the attributes of these four little ghosts, especially Wu Li. A famous teacher produces a good apprentice!

Especially Ding Feng and Tai Shixiang's progress is particularly fast. Tai Shixiang's force value has already surpassed the third-rate, and it is stronger than in history.

As for Lu Kai, Lu Heng didn't remember to use the system to check this kid. After all, his history is very unknown, so he was selectively ignored, and he was not paid as much attention to him as Shi Xiang and Ding Feng.

Lu Kai also gave Lu Heng a big surprise. It seems that his method of cultivating the second generation is very effective!

However, among these four boys, the strongest Tai Shixiang is only 76, and the weakest Ding Feng is only 49. However, Ding Feng is the youngest at 11 years old and is definitely no match for Yang Miaozhen.

Sure enough, the five started fighting, and Yang Miaozhen rushed directly to the youngest Ding Feng.

The angle of the straight spear was very tricky. In the middle of Ding Feng's double-whip defense, an ingenuity coupled with the elasticity of the white wax rod lifted Ding Feng's double whips, and the white pear flower gun leaned against the situation, and Ding Feng was hit aside. Instant kill with one move.

Seeing that his younger brother was killed in seconds, Ding Feng rushed towards Yang Miaozhen with double whips in his hands, and performed a move called "Yan Hui Double Striking", but it was actually holding double whips, crossing and striking inward.

Of course, Tai Shixiang and Lu Kai were not wooden figures standing there, they rushed to the side of Yang Miaozhen, Tai Shixiang drew a halberd with a plain thrusting move, there was no fancy move, just a quick word.

As for Lu Kai's broadsword, he slashed across Yang Miaozhen's other side, showing no mercy at all. If it hits the target, it's not a matter of injury, but a matter of life and death.

Seeing the three boys making moves, Yang Miaozhen cooperated tacitly to lock all the space that he could dodge, and shouted coquettishly: "Good job!"

Yang Miaozhen is also a bold person with high skills, the pestle and white pear flower gun was bent into a sixty-degree arc by Yang Miaozhen, and it hit Ding Feng's face with a bullet!
The whole white pear flower gun was thrown towards Ding Feng by the rebound force. This kid had never taken such a trick before, so he was shocked!
Ding Feng crossed his whips, ruthlessly resisted the flying pestle and white pear flower gun, and then lifted it upwards forcefully, trying to directly knock Yang Miaozhen's weapon into the air.

But what Ding Feng didn't expect was that Yang Miaozhen rushed towards him with this move, and directly grabbed Ding Feng's wrist with both hands, and when he stumbled, Ding Feng fell violently.

Yang Miaozhen jumped up and took back her pestle and white pear flower gun, turned it over in the air, and then used the elasticity of the weapon to slap it fiercely on the double whip lying on the ground.

With great force, Ding Feng's double whips were directly hit on his body, and he rolled back, Ding Feng KO.

Yang Miaozhen dealt with the two brothers Ding Feng and Ding Feng, each with only one move, the field of martial arts was changing rapidly, Yang Miaozhen attacked naturally and dodged Lu Kai's blow.

But don't forget, Tai Shixiang is still holding the painting halberd tightly, and there is a stab directly attacking Yang Miaozhen!

At this time, Yang Miaozhen had just landed from the state of rolling in the air, and the tip of the pestle Bailihua directly touched the ground, and the hard tip of the gun penetrated three or four inches into the soil.

When Tai Shixiang sprinted in front of Yang Miaozhen, suddenly the white pear flower gun was fired, and mud, fine sand and debris splashed Tai Shixiang's face.

Tai Shixiang didn't expect Yang Miaozhen to use this trick to break his own stab, in order to avoid the mud and sand, he subconsciously withdrew the trick and closed his eyes, which is the instinct of self-protection.

The battle between masters often changes in an instant, and it is just a chance, not to mention the difference in martial arts between Yang Miaozhen and Tai Shixiang.

How could Yang Miaozhen let go of this good opportunity, using the white pear flower gun like a stick, drawing Tai Shixiang directly bored Tai Shixiang.

If Tai Shixiang hadn't been wearing armor, he wouldn't have been able to get off the ground for a few days!
As for why Tai Shixiang wears armor?Although Lu Heng was on an outing this time, security was also very important. The master of all the boys ordered them to dress up as if they were fighting, so several boys were wearing armor and carrying weapons.

The strongest Tai Shixiang was also killed in two moves, leaving Lu Kai alone. Lu Kai, who had just made a move, was panicking when he saw his friends fall down one by one!
Especially Tai Shixiang, although the armor resisted most of the attacks, but the impact was not at 01:30, Tai Shixiang was still retching now.

Lu Kai's heart sank, he rushed forward with all his might, and then there was no more. The difference in force value was too large, and Yang Miaozhen continued to kill him with two moves.

This time the competition was approaching, Lu Heng's system didn't even have time to report, and Tai Shixiang and the other four boys were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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