Chapter 952
The city of Anbei is full of jubilation now, the Jurchen of Jin Wushu has retreated, and it is the kind that will never return.

This means that Da Song, the war zone in Anbei City, has won!Da Song on the front lines of Yuyang and Anbei won the victory!

Temporary celebrations under such a victory are inevitable, so there were laughter, singing and dancing, and banquets in Anbei City.

On this day, the Xianbei, Han, Huns, and Dangxiang people in Anbei City had no ethnic barriers, only laughter.

Lu Xun sat in a high position, not only as the Marshal of the South, but also representing the emperor, who was indisputable, and was in frequent conversations with Yue Fei.

Yue Yun looked at Cao Kerang with a fighting look on his face. It was not the first time the two had fought against each other. Cao Kerang was the examiner when Yue Yun took the martial arts exam.

Yao Xiong, Yao Si, Yao Gu, Wu Shangzhi, Zan Tongmei, E Quanzhong, Bai Qin, Zhang Kui, Zhang Kang, Yan Chasan, and the Twelve Gods were celebrating their victory.

Gao Huailiang, Lin Chong, Guo Zun, Shi Jin, Yu Deming, Hu Sanniang, Hu Zaixing, Wei Dingguo, Shan Tinggui, Sang Zhong, Fang Tianding, Fang Bo, Fang Jie, Zhang Gui, Wu Li, Qiongying and other generals of the emperor's army also It's fun.

There were also Ju Yi, Lu Junyi, Yan Liang, Yan Rou, Yan Guan, Wen Yang, Qian Hong, Qian Jia, Tian Pengzu and other Bingzhou generals gathered together. It was the first time for the young Yan Guan, Wen Yang, Qian Hong, Tian Pengzu and others Chusai is curious about everything, looking left and right is no different from Grandma Liu.

There was only one person who was thinking about where he was going, and his eyes kept going back and forth to Bei, Wu Li, and Wei Minglinggong, and then looked deeply at Yan Rou, and finally thought deeply in silence.

But this person didn't know that at the highest point of the banquet, Lu Xun's eyes would flick to his side from time to time, and he was also asking about Yue Fei, the highest official of Anbei City, a Xianbei native, intentionally or unintentionally.

The person who is thinking is Ke Bineng, and the one observing him is Lu Xun!
That's right, after Lu Xun entered Anbei City, he began to pay attention to Ke Bineng and asked Yue Fei about Ke Bineng's daily life, preferences, etc. It was Lu Heng who asked his younger brother to investigate Ke Bineng.

The purpose is naturally to completely control the Xianbei people!

Anbei City, at the beginning of its establishment, was a city built to accommodate the Xianbei people like Ke Bineng. With the defeat of Suli in the east, many Xianbei people successively took refuge in Ke Bineng.

Note that you are relying on Ke Bineng, not Da Song directly!
Lu Heng, who has profound experience in governing different ethnic groups, wants to make Xianbei, like Wuhuan, Huns, and Qiang, completely included in the big family of China, and the hidden danger is Ke Bineng.

For this person, Lu Heng asked himself that he was quite familiar with him. In order to make arrangements on the grassland, Lu Heng asked Chen Gong to contact Ke Bineng, and it was because of this person's ambition that he would not give up.

Fuluohan in the west, Budugen in the west, and Suli in the east, which identity is not much higher than the patriarch of this small tribe like Ke Bineng?

But Ke Bineng was able to use his own prestige to abruptly become a major force among the Xianbei people, and even became stronger in the later period of the original time and space, threatening the northern border of Cao Wei.

Now that both the eastern and western Xianbei have been destroyed, only the Xianbei people of Kebineng still have a certain degree of power. The Xianbei population in Anbei City is as high as [-]%!
Now that the Anbei City was established, this group of Xianbei people lived outside the Great Wall. If things go on like this without control, the Xianbei people will be a hidden danger on the border of the Great Song Dynasty.

So what Lu Heng wants is a Xianbei leader like Qubei and Wu Li who can be completely controlled, not a time bomb.

The same Ke Bineng also felt the embarrassment of his situation, which made him appear so abrupt in a happy environment.

Anbei City is the city of the Great Song Dynasty, and then the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty sent his own garrison (Yue Fei and the Yue Family Army). If this is the case, Kebi can think that he can control the situation.

As long as the Xianbei people in Anbei City obey him, they can completely control Anbei City with a single call, and he can also use chickens to lay eggs to regain power in Anbei City.

However, Ke Bineng's wishful thinking seemed to be wrong. The next battle between Liao and Jinnan made the Anbei city a common enemy.

If Yue Fei is a threat, then when Lu Xun and Tianzi Zhongjun came to Anbei City, Ke Bi Neng would be restless!It seems that my plan was wrong!
The first is the balance of power. Only the Yue family army, Kebi, can confidently control [-]% of the Xianbei people in Anbei City, but now Lu Xun's emperor has more than [-] troops.

Now the total force is more than the Xianbei population, so how can we fight?
The second is that Ke Bi Neng misjudged his prestige. Anbei City was built by the Song Dynasty to give Xianbei people a place to live. Ke Bi Neng didn’t take it seriously at first because the sky was high and the emperor was far away. Even if he was grateful, he was not very serious. .

For example, in later generations you donate to the people in the mountains, although you are grateful to Dade, but you are too vague to the distant donors.

But now it's different. Da Song not only gave the Xianbei people a place to live, but also helped repel the enemy Jurchen, so that the Xianbei people can continue to live. The kindness is doubled.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the benefactor's younger brother (Lu Xun) came to the front. He can see and feel it so that all Xianbei people have a specific object of gratitude.

This time buying people's hearts, it can be said that Ke Bineng's appeal has been minimized!
The most important thing is that Ke Bineng realizes sadly that although he is a pawn in the hands of the Song emperor, he is not the only one.

The Yan Rou in front of her was used to beat Ke Bineng!

Ke Bi Neng was not mistaken, even if Gao Shun didn't ask for a fight for the generals, Lu Xun would order the generals to take Yan Rou with him!

Without him, this gentleman has a great reputation in the Xianbei interior, and this Xianbei interior is those that Kebi can control, the Xianbei people who were close to the border of Yuyang County.

Don't forget that Yan Rou is the one who can persuade the Xianbei people to avenge Liu Yu with his lips, and this gentleman's behavior in history is far more useful than an uncontrolled Kebi Neng.

In addition to Yan Rou, Lu Heng also has Budugen as a chess piece that can replace Ke Bineng. This gentleman is a general under Zhuge Liang's Yinshan Great Wall defense line.

Ke Bineng is also a man of power, and he also saw Yan Rou's threat to him, but he had no way to stay under the roof of others.

So Ke Bi Neng also knows that there is only one way in front of him, and the only way out is to completely surrender to the Song Dynasty and be loyal to Lu Heng, just like Qubei, Wu Li, and Wei Mingling, who are actively approaching the Song Dynasty. Nian may become the Jin Richan of the Song Dynasty.

The second way is the half-dead way, let Yan Rou replace him, and then become a mediocre person, cut off his political career from then on. Perhaps relying on the kindness of the Song Emperor, he can live a stable and stable life as a rich man.

The last road is a dead end. Now I am calling on the clansmen to rebel, not to mention how much my appeal is still there. The powerful Song Dynasty even defeated the Liao and Jin alliances. What is the use of rebellion?

(End of this chapter)

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