The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 940 Zhang Xianzhi’s Prestige

Chapter 940 Zhang Xianzhi’s Prestige
The duel between Wang Shao and Wanyan Zonghan continues. The latter is worthy of being one of the most famous Jurchen generals, and also a very difficult opponent!

Just when the balance of victory was slowly tilting towards Song Dynasty, another army appeared on the battlefield.

This time it was not the army of the Song Dynasty, but the reinforcements of the Jurchens.

This army is neither composed of Han people nor grassland people such as Jurchens, but an army composed of Koreans.

It is also because the Koryo army is not sharp enough, and it is the infantry that cannot catch up with Wanyan Zonghan's legion's marching speed and is left far behind.

Both sides are fighting to decide the winner, and now they appear on the battlefield.

Previously, Wanyan Zonghan had always believed that this army was just an auxiliary force. It was used to clean up the battlefield and there was no need for them to go to the battlefield at all.

But I didn't expect that now it has become an important force restricting the situation on the battlefield.

Goryeo became a subsidiary state of the Jin Kingdom and was squeezed by the Jurchens in various ways. In addition to resources such as iron ore, craftsmen, grain, and money, Goryeo also had to fight for the Jurchens and was frequently deployed for military operations.

In addition to Wang Jian personally leading troops to attack Hanzhou (the land of the Three Hans) in the Song Dynasty, this army was also the one that was pulled out to help the battle.

This Koryo army was jointly commanded by Liu E and Du Chong who had defected to the Jurchens, and Koryo generals Sha Gui and Liu Tiangong.

"It's Mr. Nianmuhe who is fighting! Hurry up and support Mr. Liu E!" Seeing the fierce battle, Yan Zonghan was still at a disadvantage and immediately yelled that he was about to join the battle.

"It's the Goryeo Army! These Jurchens are the dogs! Come with me, brothers!"

Zhang Xian, who was chasing Wuyan Puluhun, saw the changes in the battlefield and immediately gave an order without the slightest hesitation.

Zhang Xian knew that he had to stand up to this Koryo new force, and now both sides were in a state of anxiety. Although the Song Army had the upper hand, no one knew what would happen if this new force entered the battle group.

Zhang Xian deserves to be the No. [-] figure in the Yue family army, and now he is also Wang Shao's important right-hand man, and his grasp of the battlefield is also superb!

There are fierce generals in the Yue family army, one fierce man after another but not many can be said to be handsome, but Zhang Xian is not only a fierce general but also a handsome man!
"The traitors are here with their lives!" Zhang Xian stepped forward with a gun and shot Liu E, Sha Gui, Liu Tiangong and others with a big gun.

Because Zhang Xian knew that although his army was elite, it had been fighting for a long time and was exhausted, and the opponent had just arrived on the battlefield with superior physical strength.
Therefore, Zhang Xian hopes to kill the enemy and reduce the morale of the enemy with his own bravery. This is the fastest way to disintegrate this new force

"Kill!" Liu E yelled to face Zhang Xian, but he was obviously not Zhang Xian's opponent, and he couldn't support it after only five rounds.

"Quick! Sha Gui, Liu Tiangong, you two, come forward and help!" Du Chong ordered to the Second General of Korea beside him.

Both Liu E and Du Chong were Jurchens who the Han people took refuge in, but they were fundamentally different.

Liu E was a Han Chinese who came under the rule of the Liao people after Shi Jingtang became the emperor of the Liao people at the end of the Tang Dynasty.

After more than a hundred years, the Han people in the north at that time were very different from those in the south.

Liu E is a Han who grew up under such circumstances. Zhang Xian actually wronged Liu E by calling Liu E a traitor.

Growing up in an environment governed by alien rulers, the only way to be assimilated!This works all over the world!

But Du Chong was different. Historically, this man was a traitor who invested money in money, and he was notorious and was punished by everyone.

This person is cruel, good at meritorious deeds, selfish but without plan, and can ignore conscience, country, and life for his own selfish desires.

It was this person who ordered the excavation of the Yellow River at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, resulting in the displacement of the people in the Lianghuai River and the corpses all over the fields. The plague for many years made the people miserable.

This person's crimes are worse than those of Liu Yu and his son who appeared in the previous article, and they are too numerous to write down. He has long been on Lu Heng's must-kill list.

Zhang Xian alone against the three generals Liu E, Sha Gui, and Liu Tiangong is not weak at all, and it can be said that he has gained a comprehensive advantage.

Picking and killing Liu E in ten rounds, and hitting Fei Shagui's weapon in twenty rounds, Liu Tiangong was so frightened that he was so frightened that he never dared to fight Zhang Xian again and left.

While Zhang Xian, Liu E and others were fighting fiercely, the Great Song infantry also fought with the Goryeo soldiers.

Although the Song soldiers fought fiercely for a long time, their physical fitness was far inferior to that of the Korean soldiers, but the morale of the soldiers of the Song Dynasty was high.

Seeing Zhang Xian's record of killing a general, flying a weapon, and scaring away a general, they shouted excitedly: "General Zhang is mighty! Kill!"

The morale of the Koryo army suffered a fatal blow, and Liu E, a Jurchen, was killed while supervising the army in Koryo. In addition, Sha Gui and Liu Tiangong were not unknown people in Koryo.

This time the morale was low, as Zhang Xian expected, the Koryo army began to waver!
What is even more deadly is that after Zhang Xian killed Liu E, he was ready to kill another Jurchen commander who was Du Chong.

While fighting fiercely with Liu E, Zhang Xian looked at the Koryo army with ease, and found that it was not Liu E or the two Koryo generals who were really giving orders, but Du Chong, a civil servant!

Zhang Xian took the lead immediately and was about to come to take the head of the enemy general among the ten thousand troops.

But as a villain, Du Chong didn't cooperate at all. When he saw Zhang Xian killing him, he ran away without hesitation.

Du Chong didn't think about how important his run would be to the changes in the battlefield.

Even if Du Chong knows that if he runs away, the whole battle will be lost, Du Chong doesn't care at all!
nonsense!Victory belongs to the Jurchens!It belongs to Wanyan Zonghan!And his life is Du Chong's own!

As one of the Jurchen supervisors of Goryeo, Liu E, another supervisor of the Goryeo army, also died. When Du Chong, the 'highest person in charge', ran away, the morale of Goryeo's originally not very elite army instantly collapsed and began to collapse.

And all this, less than a quarter of an hour before the Koreans entered the battlefield!

"The Jurchens' reinforcements were defeated! They were defeated by General Zhang Xian! Brothers, kill them!"

The sharp-eyed soldiers of the Song Dynasty shouted excitedly when they discovered that the new Jurchens had joined the legion and were being chased by Zhang Xian!
"Trash! What a bunch of trash! What are Liu E and Du Chong doing!" Wanyan Zonghan also heard the shouts of the soldiers of the Song Dynasty, took the time to see that the Korean army was running for their lives, and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

"Blow the horn and gather the army to retreat!" Wanyan Zonghan ordered the retreat without hesitation.

Because Wanyan Zonghan knew that this battle had been lost and there was no possibility of victory.

The defeat of the Koreans would relieve the Jurchen Legion, which was already at a disadvantage.

Without this tone, even the Jurchens would fail and be afraid!
Only by reorganizing the army and gathering all the elite can we avoid greater losses.

So Wanyan Zonghan decisively ordered to retreat!

"Woo~woo!" The sound of horns spread across the battlefield again. This time it was different from the previous charge and the whole team, and it was a sign of retreat.

At this moment, the Jurchens who were still fighting fiercely heard the horn and immediately retreated in the direction of Wanyan Zonghan's Langqi.

But all Jurchens knew psychologically that the Jurchens lost this battle!
(End of this chapter)

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