Chapter 903 Huaxia Treasure
Lu Heng made a surprise inspection of little Lu Lin's studies and was very pleased. He taught Niu Tong, Xu Sheng and other troublemakers a lesson and returned to the harem very satisfied.

As soon as he arrived at the harem, Lu Heng saw Lu Lingji taking a medicine bath for little Lu Yi.

Lu Heng turned curiously to look at the two-year-old little Lu Yi, who was full of vigor and vigor.

"Officials, Yi'er is very talented, and he is a good seed for martial arts!" Ling Ji looked very happy to see Lu Heng.

"Ma'am, what is the use of this medicine bath? Is the prescription reliable?"

"The prescriptions handed down by the Lu family can nourish the tendons and remove the dross in the body.

The concubine has also discussed with all the genius doctors, the officials can rest assured! "

"Back then, did Lin'er take this medicinal bath?" Lu Heng suddenly thought of his eldest son, saying that parents love younger sons more...

Lu Lingji rolled her eyes: "Lin'er naturally also took this medicine bath when the officials were fighting against the Jurchens.

However, Lin'er's physical aptitude is too poor, and she can't absorb much of the essence of the medicated bath, so it's good to be able to strengthen her body. "

Lu Heng rubbed his nose. As the emperor of the Song Dynasty, he only owed his wife and children, and it usually took more than half a year to fight.

Lu Lingji had a lively and active personality, but because she became the queen of a country and wanted to be the mother of the world, she was trapped in this deep palace.

Thinking of Lu Heng stepping forward and gently hugging his wife, Lu Lingji obviously enjoyed this rare time.

The two have been married for many years and their husband and wife have a harmonious relationship, but sometimes their identities and responsibilities cannot be like ordinary people.

"Maybe you don't have to fight next year, and you can recuperate for a year." Lu Heng was thinking in his mind.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The warm moment was interrupted by splashing water on her body...

The first reaction in Lu Heng's mind was: "That bastard is desperate for his life? Dare he throw water on the emperor and empress?"

Then I saw that my two-year-old brat opened the lid and splashed water!
The instant warmth was broken, and Lu Heng stepped forward to suppress the troublemaker, but when he lifted the lid, he found that it was not light!

An adult can move it, but it is definitely not something a two-year-old can push it away!
"Natural power! My old Lu family wants to produce a peerless general?"

It's very possible!Little Lu Yi's grandfather is Lu Bu!
"Emperor Father, Queen Mother!" Just when Lu Heng wanted to find out, cheers came from Xiao Mianyi Nishang and Liu Shu returning from school with their younger brother Xiao Lulin and younger sister Xiao Xiyu.

Today will be a warm and simple day!
The next day, Emperor Lu Heng of the Song Dynasty sent an inconspicuous imperial decree to the world from Shouchun to all places.

The content is roughly as follows, "The war caused more than a dozen different theories, and countless ancient books were destroyed. Now that the Song Dynasty is finally unified, I decided to collect and transcribe the documents of various theories from the world for a fee, and at the same time build a royal library to collect them.

At the same time, he ordered an attic on the east side of the palace to be specially set up as a library and named "Qilin Pavilion" to store books. "

This order was immediately responded by the whole court, and Wang Lang, Yu Fan, Hua Xin and others handed over excerpts of their books to the royal family.

Administrators from all over the Royal Academy, such as Sheng Xian, Sima Wei, Pang Degong and others also asked people to bring books to Shouchun.

In short, the grand occasion was unprecedented, and tens of thousands of policies were collected in just one week. The aristocratic families are all proud of their own books being copied and do not need any gold or silver.

However, many children from poor families were waiting and watching. After some of them handed over an excerpt of their own to the relevant officials, and as expected there was a fee to collect, they began to excerpt their own collections.

Lu Heng looked at the "Gongyang Biography" annotated by Dong Zhongshu's isolated edition with great satisfaction. Lu Min presented Lu Zhi's "Hanji", "Shangshu Chapters", and "Sanli Jiegu", and Xi Xi presented Zheng Xuan's "Jing "Shiyi", "Gongyang Chunqiu", "Santong Calendar", "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" and so on.

There are also Hua Tuo's "Qing Nang Shu", Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", Qian Yi's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", "On Infants and Children", "Qian's Children's Prescriptions", "Pediatric Medicine Syndrome Straight Jue" , Chen Ziming's "Women's Encyclopedia of Good Prescriptions" and "Surgery Essentials", An Daoquan's "Medical Daolun", Kong Hou's "Medical Classics", Huangfuduan's "Horse Classic", "Ox Classic", "Animal Theory Miscellaneous" "Science", Shu Dong's "Five Poisons" and so on a large wave of medical theories.

Among them is the lost "Book of the Green Sac", which is a treasure of Xinglin that the world regrets!Let Lu Heng attach great importance to it!
There are also the first draft of "Mengxi Bi Tan" being compiled by Shen Kuo, "Bencao Illustration" and "Xin Yixiang Fa Yao" being compiled by Su Song, and Song Ci's "Collection of the Cleansing of Wrongs".

The books collected this time include a large collection of poetry, scriptures, medicine, military books, science, miscellaneous treatises, poison art, animal husbandry, engineering, economics, history, music scores, herbalism, etc.

These are the crystallization of knowledge of China, the most precious treasure of China. Lu Heng first asked people to classify and collect them, and then asked someone to compile the "Da Song Da Dian", which absorbed the essence of the code to form a book and used movable type printing to make Da Song textbooks.

However, Lu Heng was flipping through a military book in his hand, "Whatever separates must have its unity, and what divides must have its unity. Therefore, in all directions in the world, there are people who belong to each other. There are thousands of threads, and those who hustle and bustle naturally It has its source..."

The whole book of war is not long. The whole book is less than [-] characters and less than [-] bamboo scrolls. It is divided into ten chapters.

Introduce the human body from the aspects of qi, body, shape, five internal organs, and five elements. Among them, it is written that the heart and mind are in harmony, the mind and qi are in harmony, qi and strength are in harmony, and the inner three are also in harmony.Hands and feet are combined, elbows and knees are combined, shoulders and hips are combined, and the outer three are also combined.This is Liuhe.

When Lu Heng read this article, he felt very familiar. If he travels to the world of martial arts, it will definitely be a peerless magic skill. Absolutely Heneng "Nine Yin Scriptures" opens, 'The way of heaven, damages more than makes up for it, so it is false victory In fact, less than enough is more than enough'comparable.

Lu Heng also specially recruited Yu Ji from Taoism to analyze this work.

Lian Yuji was shocked when he saw the first seven articles of this article, and asked who the author of this article was.

"A policy essay, signed by Yue Fei and styled Pengju." Lu Heng continued to look at the next two articles.

If the first seven chapters seem to be the treasures of Taoism, analyzing the human body from the perspective of qi, body, shape, five internal organs, and five elements, it also implies the importance of a country's heart, qi, and spirit from top to bottom.

The last three chapters have changed the style of painting, describing various situations and changes on the battlefield from various aspects such as vertical and horizontal, terrain, and fighter planes.

But even so, all kinds of metaphors, such as the eagle catching the bird and the lion pulling the rabbit, are very vague and difficult to understand. Lu Heng read it four or five times and still can't understand the deep meaning.

Lu Heng flipped through the book in his hand that was suspected to be "Wu Mu's Last Letter". Although the famous book title was not specified, it was clearly signed by Yue Fei!
In history, Yue Fei left "Man Jianghong" and there are rumors that he left "Wu Mu's Suicide Note", and Yue Fei's era had the existence of Wanyan Gou, all remonstrance must use metaphors, even if Man Jianghong has hidden meanings It is not surprising that Wu Mu's suicide note has this style.

(End of this chapter)

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