Chapter 9
Speaking of which, Lu Heng took Hu Yanzan's arm and entered the camp and said, "Lu is now a white servant in the court. The soldiers in this camp, except for the five hundred Wujun soldiers, are all private soldiers. Those five hundred county soldiers It is led by Wei Lingcao of Wujun County."

"Zizhong first entered the barracks of my relatives, and served as the deputy commander under Zhou Tai's restraint. Within a month, our army will soon wipe out Yan Baihu. At that time, Zizhong will be rewarded for his merits."

"Thank you lord for your great love, praise will die for lord" Hu Yanzan was so excited that he thanked him and wanted to kneel down and fold his fists, but Lu Heng quickly helped him up.

From a long distance, I saw the old cow walking towards Lu Heng with his fat head on his head, shouting: "My lord! My lord! I heard that I have recruited a very good whip whip master. My old cow wants to fight with you!" He gestures."

Hearing Lao Niu's shouting, Lu Heng explained to Hu Yanzan: "The ones with big heads who are shouting are Niu Gao and Niu Boyuan, they are idiots who have never read a book!"

"Zi Zhong, don't take it to heart, that idiot is good at using a pair of copper maces!"

"Hearing that Zizhong is good at using double whips, I think I want to compete with Zizhong."

After explaining to Hu Yanzan, Lu Heng laughed and cursed at Lao Niu, "You idiot!"

"Zizhong's surname is Huyan, what surname is Hude, and I will apologize to Zizhong later. Zizhong's new investment will be fine, but the point is over. You can't rely on the old to bully the newcomer!"

Turning around, he said to Hu Yanzan again: "This old cow fought Sun Ce repeatedly the month before and became the number one expert in the army. It's a bit drifting."

(Before Zhou Tai's martial arts was only 89 and did not reach the peak and there was no magic weapon, and Lao Niu had a magic weapon, and the 'double mace' stunt restrained Zhou Tai who used a big sword, so Zhou Tai was beaten very hard by Lao Niu every time in the military. Bend.)
"Although Lao Niu's military strength is good, it has not yet reached the ranks of the world's top masters."

"Knock it to let the old cow know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and don't lose your life in vain on the battlefield in the future."

After that, Hu Yanzan and Niu Gao entered the school grounds, including Zhou Tai, Ling Cao, Zhu Huan and other generals accompanying the army, who were all ready to watch the battle. Only Jiang Qin was not here, training Haijiao camp in Zhenze Water Village.

Hu Yanzan took back his war horse, got on the horse and pulled out the steel whip from the saddle, stood in the middle of the school field, clasped his fists and shouted: "Bingzhou Hu Yanzizhong asks for advice."

Lao Niu Gao responded: "Nanyang Niu Gao looks at the mace!"

The two horses staggered and the two generals used the double weapons, and they were all double maces and double whips, which were mainly used for power slapping. The four weapons staggered back and forth and collided with each other.

Seeing that Hu Yanzhuo mainly uses the right whip, slapping back and forth with great force, and the left whip is supplemented by mostly false moves, which are nimble and brisk, as if he is fighting with two people with different styles.

However, although the left whip is a feint move, it can be turned into a real move as soon as there is a flaw. The virtual move and the real move alternately, making it difficult to guard against, and Lao Niu instantly falls into a disadvantage.

Both Niu Gao and Hu Yanzan use double weapons, but they are still different. Lao Niu uses double maces, about four feet three inches long. Double maces are equal in weight.

Because the striking surface is ridged, the force-bearing point has a sharp surface, and the force-bearing force is a cone-shaped blow, and the wound is radial. Once hit, the external injury is more serious than the internal injury and has a certain armor-piercing effect.

Lao Niu makes double maces, which are equivalent to two identical weapons. Two people have the same fighting style, and they can cooperate with each other to fight together or separately.

If the opponent has a single weapon, especially a heavy single soldier, once the close body shows the advantage of two soldiers, he can walk around and respond quickly to change moves.

Hu Yanzan uses double whips, or a variant of double whips, male and female double whips. The left hand whip weighs [-] catties, and the right hand whip weighs [-] catties. The double whips are bamboo-shaped and have [-] knots. The round shape is a pure blunt weapon, and the force-bearing nodes are more destructive. Once hit, the injuries are mostly internal injuries, so the whip must not be used unless it is powerful.

Most whip wielders are stronger than mace wielders, and the weights of the two whips are different, one is lighter and the other is heavier, one is fast and the other is slow, and there are many false and true, it is like fighting two people with two different weapons with completely different styles at the same time.

[The system detects that the host's general Niu Gao and Hu Yanzan are fighting fiercely]

[Niu Gao's current basic force is 88, the force value of the gilded double mace has increased by 1 point, and the combat general uses double whips as dual weapons to determine that the 'double mace' stunt is invalid. The current force is 89. 】

[Hu Yanzan's current basic force is 94, and the force value of the two water-milled eight-edged steel whips has increased by 1 point. The combat generals use double maces as dual weapons, and the current force of 95 is determined to be invalid for the 'double mace' stunt. 】

Lao Niu and Hu Yanzan's "double whip" and "double mace" stunts offset each other, and there is a difference of 5 points in the strength of the magic weapon. Lao Niu is only 89 and has not reached the top level, while Hu Yanzan has reached 95, and has reached the end of the top master at that time , Two levels behind, Lao Niu met his opponent this time.

Sure enough, in the first [-] rounds, Lao Niu was still able to hold on, but after more than [-] rounds, he retreated steadily. He had only the power to parry but not to fight back.

After Lao Niu barely resisted fifty rounds, he conceded defeat and the two got off their horses and laughed. Huan's end Lu Heng shook his head.

Lu Heng stared at Lao Niu and said coldly: "Lao Niu, do you still want to drink?"

"Tomorrow, if you don't get dealt with by the military law, you will be punished as a general who knows the law and commits a crime. If you want to become rotten beef, old cow, someone in Lu will not stop you."

"Uh, the second son misunderstood, misunderstood the holiday, let's go drink on the holiday."

The old cow was so frightened that his face turned pale and he spoke cowardly and touched the row of big white teeth protruding from his head, which caused the generals to laugh and the atmosphere in the army was happy.

After everyone laughed, Lu Heng entered the Bow and Crossbow Battalion and the soldiers were training. This Bow and Crossbow Battalion was the most important thing in Lu Heng's heart, and he was going to use it to deal with the cavalry of the northern princes.

Entering the bow and crossbow camp, I found that there are two types of crossbows in the army. There are "Nie Zhang crossbow" and "Kui Zhang crossbow".

The crossbow is small in size and can be opened with a single arm. The bow has a power of about two stones and a range of about 80 to 200 steps.

The crossbow cannot be opened by arm strength alone, and needs to be supported by the feet to open the crossbow. The strength of the crossbow is between three stones and eight stones, and the range is between 120 steps and 240 steps.

The arrows used are ordinary double-hooked arrows, and the arrows are round and have no blood grooves, and their armor-piercing ability is not strong.

Soldiers shoot twelve arrows and hit six of them to be qualified. If they exceed the target, they will be rewarded, and if they are not enough, they will be punished.

Lu Heng first called the Lu Family Steward and Quartermaster to come, and ordered that all arrows, whether bows or crossbows, be replaced with new three-edged arrows.

He ordered the steward of the Lu family to look for Wang Chong, went to the Zhu family to build a batch of bows and arrows, and personally drew the drawings of the pulleys to the Lu family craftsmen, and ordered to study how to place the pulleys on the crossbows so that the soldiers could pull the bows and crossbows to save effort.

A reward of one hundred gold will be given to those who develop a placement method without reducing the stability of the crossbow, and a thousand gold will be rewarded to those who can shoot the crossbow repeatedly. I believe there must be a breakthrough under the heavy reward.

Afterwards, Lu Heng ordered all the crossbowmen to line up and divide them into three teams according to the morning report. For each quiver, twenty arrows are divided into three teams commanded by the captain.

The first team is divided into two rows. The front row squats down and shoots with the crossbow in hand, and the back row stands and shoots with the crossbow in hand.

Those who hit less than [-]% of the target will be fined, those who do not change teams in time will be fined, those who will not reload in time will be fined, and those who hit more than [-]% of the target will be rewarded.

Lu Heng also ordered the archers to divide into three formations and stand on both sides and behind the crossbowmen. Each man brought six quivers with twenty arrows in each quiver, and the rear formations shot straight to the left and right.

After the crossbowmen must shoot all the arrows alternately, the archers must also shoot all the arrows in their quiver. Those who have more arrows will be punished, those who hit less than [-]% of the target will be punished, and those who will hit more than [-]% of the target will be rewarded.

After getting familiar with this kind of training, it can also evolve into six-segment shooting and nine-segment shooting. Let’s not mention it for now.

The initial training was very chaotic. Some who bumped into their own people in confusion when changing formations, some who could not reload within the specified time, or those who did not follow orders to shoot were punished one by one.

Lu Heng didn't care either. He believed that the rain of arrows he imagined in his mind after a few days of training would come soon.

Zhu Huan, Lao Niu, Hu Yanzan and other generals saw this set of tactics, their eyes glowed and they praised them silently.

After observing the crossbow battalion, Lu Heng led the generals to the infantry drill ground, took out the mandarin duck formation and modified it according to his own ideas and ordered people to make wolf whisks.

Qi Jiguang's mandarin duck formation is an arrow-shaped formation. The arrow is a soldier holding a flag, two long sword shield soldiers or rattan shield soldiers on the left and right, and two wolf soldiers, two pike soldiers, and two firecrackers. A total of 9 soldiers formed a small battle group.

However, it is the Eastern Han Dynasty now, and there is no gunpowder or even black powder. This configuration is naturally removed, and the banner soldiers are too important in the Eastern Han Dynasty to be used as the leader of the battle.

At the same time, arrow formations cannot be used. Most cavalry assaults use arrow formations or cone formations to pierce, and infantry against cavalry also use arrow formations purely to seek death.

Lu Heng is going to use the concave formation, also known as the pocket formation. The front row is equipped with two large soldiers next to each wolf soldier. They stand in several rows and cooperate with each other to withstand the impact and rush of the cavalry. The rear row is equipped with long spears and hook sickles. Gun and sword shield hand.

The pikemen mainly kill cavalry soldiers. The hook and sickle guns are short with barbs, and the sword and shield are flexible and specialize in chopping horses' feet.

If necessary, one or two more hammermen or axemen can be added to fight against heavy cavalry. However, the main opponents at present are the princes of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and there are almost no princes who use heavy cavalry. They are waiting for old enemies such as Jin to deploy them.

When Lu Heng took out these two killer weapons, the generals looked at Lu Heng dumbfounded, with a little admiration, especially the huge head of the old cow, with eyes as big as copper bells, and a big mouth. look.

Coupled with that big beard, Lu Heng really wanted to make a Viking horn helmet for the old cow. It would be really fun, why don't you try it?The devil in Lu Heng's heart was calling out.

After inspecting the military training camp, Lu Heng led the generals to the Haijiao Camp. Jiang Qin was training the navy, but Lu Heng knew nine out of ten about the navy. The army is coming.

The naval tactics of later generations are too advanced, no matter whether torpedoes or long-range strikes, they are all high-tech, and even Lu can't.

This made Lao Niu and the others breathe a sigh of relief, and they didn't almost regard their second son as a monster.

However, Lu Heng still found that the big ships of the Eastern Han Dynasty were all flat-bottomed boats, and the ancients dared to cross the sea with flat-bottomed boats. (During the Three Kingdoms period, there was already a record of crossing the sea from Xuzhou to Liaodong)

Flat-bottomed boats are suitable for use on rivers and coasts when the wind and waves are not strong and are only suitable for small boats, but they are not suitable for long-distance voyages across the sea and the construction of huge ships.

The larger the ship is built, the higher the center of gravity of the hull, and it is easy to capsize once it is tilted when encountering waves or strong winds.

Lu Heng actually saw several five-story flat-bottomed boats. Lu Heng remembered Jiangdong general Dong Xi during the Three Kingdoms period. That unlucky guy died like this. remarkably brave.

However, although Lu Heng did not put forward suggestions and tactics for the navy, he drew blueprints of sailboats, triangular sails, and bicycle wheels, thinking that his cousin Zhu's family is a shipbuilding family.

When I had time, I chatted with them about the experimental replacement of the naval armament, and now the old cow turned into a dumb cow again, and Lu Heng became more impulsive when he saw the old cow's stupid look.

After inspecting the army, Lu Heng went to Gu's house once before returning to Lu's house. This time, he didn't pay a special visit but dropped by.

Lu Heng thought that not only in the military, advanced equipment and sources of troops are needed, but intelligence is also very important. Since ancient times, wars have been fighting for intelligence, so he went to his brother-in-law Gu Yong.

When Lu Heng entered the Gu family's mansion, when he saw Gu Yong, he went straight to the point and said, "Brother-in-law, I'm going to let my brother-in-law set up a spy camp similar to the pre-Qin Black Ice Terrace, called Jinyiwei. This army is not in the open but in the dark.

"Divided into left and right guards, the east guard named 'Dongchang' is responsible for operations, assassination, poisoning, rescue, etc."

"The West Guard, called 'Xichang', is responsible for collecting intelligence, spreading rumors, discord, smuggling military supplies, etc."

"Jin Yiwei only has the right to report to collect intelligence and act, and can't act without authorization. Anyone who violates the order will be killed."

"Uniformly cast the waist plate with patterns engraved on the East Factory engraved with Pixiu and the West Factory engraved with 梼杌. Each waist plate has Roman numerals. Only one of each number will not be recast once it is lost."

"Jinyiwei implements father-son or master-student succession, and uses Gu's restaurant's business in Jiangdong to spy on information. Only brother-in-law Gu Yong is in charge of this unit and directly reports to someone."

"Recently my brother-in-law sent a reliable person and the Lu family to the north to buy horses and open a restaurant. After all, we are in the south of Jiangdong, and the transmission of information from the northern princes is very slow. It has been a few months since important military information reached Jiangdong. Everything is too late. "

Gu Yong defined Lu Heng's suggestion very affirmatively, and expressed his willingness to use all the capabilities of the Gu family to build Jinyiwei. At the same time, he asked Lu Heng what Roman numerals are, and other details.

After discussing the matter of Jinyiwei, Lu Heng also taught Gu Yong the last dozen or so dishes, and the Lu family participated in investing in the opening of Gu's restaurant throughout the Eastern Han Dynasty, and took [-] to [-]% of the income.After all the discussions were over, they had dinner at Gu's house before returning home from Gu's house.

When Lu Heng returned to the Lu family, Lu Heng found a reliable person from his eldest brother and a team from the Gu family, and together they brought a lot of money and went north by boat to Youzhou and Liaodong to buy horses.

Lu Heng suggested to find out about Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping. In the novel, if these two can help Liu Bei, they will not be cunning people and can be trusted.

It's just that I don't know if there are such two people in this world, and they are planning to open restaurants, brothels, etc., and establish an intelligence agency to inquire about the intelligence of the northern forces.

According to the plan, Lu Heng wants to wait until the spring of next year, when the Lu family’s new tea market opens, before going to the north to buy horses. At the same time, he can wait for the Zhu family to build large-scale sharp-bottomed boats, but it seems that it will take a long time at present. Thinking that the war will start next year, horses are indispensable. It's better to hurry up and buy a batch of horses first.

I wanted my elder brother to go there in person, but I thought that the Lu family needed my elder brother to be in charge, and seeing that today's sea boats turned out to be flat-bottomed boats is too dangerous, I dispelled this idea.

I remember that in history, the eldest brother passed away within a few years after this year, and there is no record of how he died, so don't take this risk.

Speaking of Jiangdong in history, many talents died young (not to mention that Sun Ce was assassinated), and now Lu Heng is related to Lu Ji, Gu Shao, and Zhang Yun. He died in his thirties.

Not to mention that important officials such as Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, Lu Su, and Tai Shici all died early in history. Is it because Jiangdong is located on the coast and has a large temperature difference throughout the year?

In this era when a cold can kill you, you still have to make plans early. You have to find Hua Tuo and let him stay in Jiangdong before he dies. It seems that Hua Tuo saved Zhou Tai's life in Jiangdong in the past two years in the novel.

Or after the prestige value increases, a few famous doctors are summoned. Are there any famous doctors in the Song Dynasty?Could it be that he summoned Song Ci, Lu Heng returned to his room after a busy day and slowly fell asleep while thinking wildly in his head.

(End of this chapter)

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