Chapter 894

Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu had high official positions in the Han Dynasty due to various reasons. Ma Teng conquered the West and was the Marquis of Ji, while Zhang Xiu was the General of the West and the Marquis of Wan.

Now in the Song Dynasty, we can't treat them badly. We should grant Ma Teng the heroic father, Marshal Lu Wu of the Ma family army, and bestow the Tianshou sword, Ma Chao the handsome sword for the mighty Qiangtian general, Ma Ji the general protector, and Pang De the white horse general. Disujian, Cheng Gongying entered the military plane as a military division general... etc., Ma Teng commanded the Ma family army stationed at Yumen Pass to represent the supreme military commander of Liangzhou.

Zhang Xiuying was granted the title of Protector of Zhang Xiuying, Marshal of Zhang Family’s Enlightenment, and was given the Sword of Heaven. Zhang Quan was appointed as the General of Fuguo, Hu Che’er was appointed as the General of the Capital Guard, and Jia Xu was appointed as the General of Mouguo. commander.

In this way, Ma Teng and Ma Ji are the first generation of Ma Jiajun, and Ma Chao, Ma Dai, Ma Kang, Ma Xiu, Ma Tie, Ma Xun, Ma Li, etc. are naturally the second generation of Ma Jiajun.

Originally, Pound, Pang Rou, Wang Shuang, Han De, Mi Sheng and others under Ma Teng's command belonged to the generals of Ma's army, but the number of Zhang's army was too withered. Lu Heng sent Jiang Ji, Yin Feng, Ma Wan, Cheng Yin, and Cheng Yi , Wang Cheng and others were transferred to Zhang Xiu.

Similarly, compared to the heyday of the Ma family's army, the Zhang family's army was relatively weak. The first generation only had Zhang Xiu, and the second generation now has only Zhang Quan. Lu Heng laughed and encouraged his nephew and Ma Yunlu to have more children!
Yes, in this time and space, Ma Teng also has a little daughter named Ma Yunlu. She married Zhang Quan a few years ago. This is not another random match made by Lu Heng, but a natural marriage between Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu.

Ma Teng's Marshal Lu Wu and Zhang Xiu's Marshal Enlightenment, whose status is second only to the Marshal of the Four Directions Divine Beasts, are officially canonized marshals. It is the first time that Lu Heng has clearly defined the "general gate" and publicly awarded the first and second marshals. I believe it will not happen. They are the only two.

Lu Wu, the divine beast that guards the Kunlun Mountains in the northwest is described in the Shan Hai Jing, with a human face and a tiger body, and nine tails. The capital under the emperor and the nine parts of the sky are equivalent to the patron saint and chief executive of Kunlun Mountain.

It just so happens that the emperor of the Song Dynasty is also surnamed Lu, and the purpose of conferring Marshal Ma Teng and Lu Wu is to garrison the northwest for himself, and it means to command the military in the northwest in name.

Enlightenment or Enlightenment Beast is also a mythical animal in the Northwest Kunlun Mountains in Shanhaijing. It has a body like a tiger and has nine heads, all of which have human faces.

Lu Heng granted Ma Teng the title of Marshal Lu Wu, and Zhang Xiu the title of Marshal of Enlightenment. From the perspective of canonization status, Zhang Xiu was restrained by Ma Teng, as can be seen from the relationship between the two beasts.

Of course, if a Sifang general such as Zhuge Liang is appointed, the two of them will be restrained by the Sifang marshal. Generally speaking, unless there are special circumstances, Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu are the marshals of the second echelon of the Song Dynasty.

At the same time, in order to manage Lingzhou and Liangzhou well, Lu Heng promoted Bao Zheng to be the governor of Liangzhou, Gongsun Ce to be the governor of Liangzhou, Li Ruoshui to be the governor of Lingzhou, and Yang Fu to be the governor to manage the two places respectively.

Bao Zheng was sent to the border because he believed that Master Bao could govern the place where Hu and Han were mixed fairly and fairly, and only the unselfish Master Bao could convince the Qiang people.

The same is true for Li Ruobing. As the only upright official who angrily denounced the Jin people in the late Northern Song Dynasty, he is an upright and upright minister. I believe that Bao Zheng and Li Ruoshui can govern Lingzhou and Liangzhou well.

As for Bao Zheng's task of inspecting the New Deal in the work bureau, it has achieved initial results, and Fu Bi and Wen Yanbo will take over.

The folk customs in Liangzhou are strong and there are many strong generals, but not many scribes, but they are all good talents!
Looking at the talents from Liangzhou, Li Ru, Jia Xu, Cheng Gongying, Han Sui and others, even Fazheng are actually from Liangzhou.

There are many people under the command of Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu who deserve Lu Heng's attention. Ma Chao, Pang De, Wang Shuang, Mi Sheng, etc. are all generals.

Yang Fu is also one of the list, this gentleman is a rare scholar in Liangzhou, and his reputation is not too great.

But this gentleman defeated Ma Chao's important figures in the original time and space history!
Ma Chao killed Wei Kang, Zhao Ang and others in disorder, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the local clans. Yang Fu joined forces with Jiang Yin, Zhao Ang, Yin Feng, Yao Qiong, Kong Xin, and the strange woman Wang Yi in Wudu to beat Ma Chao to death. Leaving Liangzhou.

This person is upright and from Liangzhou, and he is the best candidate to cooperate with Li Ruoshui in governing Lingzhou.

At the same time, Lu Heng expressed his love for Ma Xun, Ma Li, and Zhang Quan and let the three join the army of the emperor. Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu were overjoyed and agreed.

Ma Xun, Ma Li, and Zhang Quan can be understood as protons, but they are also close ministers of the emperor. The meaning is that the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom.

Even in the process of discussing the details, each new generation, the descendants of the Ma family and the Zhang family have to study in the Royal Academy and select the best one as the next generation spokesperson.

After dealing with the biggest matter, namely the two forces of Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu, Lu Heng ordered the two to conquer Cheriji and Song Jian of the Western Qiang.

Both are remaining forces in Liangzhou, and Xiqiang is the Qiang people who followed Li Yuanhao's white terror and are still fleeing.

Song Jian is a rebellious army left over from the Ma Teng era. On the surface, he took refuge in Xixia and actually became a king on his own. The original time and space were not wiped out by Xia Houyuan until seven years later. He has been a local emperor for more than 30 years.

Convincing Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu in this way is just the beginning, and a series of follow-up things will happen when Bao Zheng and Li Ruoshui are actually taken over.

After temporarily solving Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu, Lu Heng has to deal with the second headache, the Xixia royal family and monarchs!

Of course, now that Xixia has been destroyed, there are still clans like Li Jipeng, Li Liangfu, Li Chengwei, Li Ningming, and Huang Qiongnv.

However, apart from Li Jipeng and Li Liangfu, these people also have a layer of status as prisoners of war!
In order to appease the Qiang people, Lu Heng named Li Jipeng Marquis of Yingqiang and Li Liangfu Marquis of Yongqiang, and other Western Xia clans including Huang Qiongnu, Li Ningming and others moved to the capital of Shouchun.

Weiming Linggong, Hunwei Shanyu, Weiming Langyu, Weiming Langbu, Ye Mie Langluo and other troops all formed the Qiang army. The army led by Weiming Linggong was like Qubei and Wuli Xiongnu armies. The same as the Son of Heaven Legion.

There were also captives Wuzang Yepang, Liang Yibu, Liang Qibu, Liang Deyang, Wo Daochong and others. Among them, Wo Daochong had died of a hunger strike when Lu Heng arrived in Gaoping. Lu Heng sighed deeply that there were still loyal ministers loyal to Xixia.

Don't talk nonsense for Wuzang Huaipang, Liang Yibu, Liang Qibu, and Liang Deyang. Their property will be confiscated and demoted to ordinary people, and they will never be hired!
Lu Heng plans to build the Lingzhou branch of the Royal Academy in Lingzhou, and invites Yeli Renrong, Hunwei Mingyu, Gule Maocai, etc. as Qiang tutors. Lu Heng will also transfer Confucianism to Lingzhou to teach Han culture.

Ren Dejing, Liu Zhizhi, Lan Chenghu, Bi Dinglong, Cao Xianshun, Cao Zongshou, Yingcheng, Yu Long, He Zhen, Wang Zhongbao, Zhang Zhengsi, and Lu Heng, who have made great contributions this time, will also be rewarded one by one.

Among them, Lu Heng, Ren Dejing, is going to transfer him away from the border. Although he is credited to Song Dynasty now, his performance in history is not very good. In short, everyone is happy with his promotion.

(End of this chapter)

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