Chapter 875
Jia Xu is one of the top counselors in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and he is also known as the "poison man". He can be said to be exhaustive in his life.

It is said that there are five levels of counselors. "Self-seeking", "seeking people", "seeking soldiers", "seeking the country", and "seeking the world" are the five realms. Some people say that only by "seeking the world" can they be called real. Counselor, this is a bit too demanding. In the words of later generations, it is called 'The Holy Mother'!
What is "seeking the world"?
The official interpretation probably means that it is not planning with the world as personal or group capital, but a great wisdom to care for the common people in the world.This is the highest state of a counselor, and such a counselor can be regarded as a counselor.

If this standard is used to say that there are no counselors in the world, it can only be said to be the product of some people's imagination!

With this standard alone, there will be many paradoxes. Where should loyalty and filial piety be placed?

Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been in a dilemma. Loyalty and filial piety have been in an extreme dilemma in troubled times. Do you still want to protect the origin of the world?Only two words can be said haha!
If we use this standard, Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Lu Su, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, etc. that we are familiar with are not considered counselors!
Jia Xu plotted to cause chaos for the country, which led to the death of Wang Yun, the last fig leaf of the Han Dynasty, and ruined the last chance of the Han Dynasty. This was definitely not "conspiracy for the world" but "chaos for the world"!But do you dare to say that Jia Xu is not a counselor?

When Zhuge Liang came out of the mountain, Cao Cao already had a tendency to unify, and Liu Bei was just a small town in Xinye. If this standard is called "seeking the world", then Zhuge Liang should help Cao Cao to unify quickly, instead of helping Liu Bei, the owner of this small small town, three points world!

Zhuge Liang came out to assist Liu Bei, isn't it just planning with "group capital"?But do you dare to say that Zhuge Liang is not a counselor?
Jiangdong, where Lu Su took refuge in when the world was divided among the heroes, is unclear at this time and cannot be evaluated. However, during the Battle of Chibi, it was still said that Cao Cao had a chance to unify and end the troubled times. Should have persuaded Sun Quan to surrender like Zhang Zhao!

This is planning for the sake of the world. Persuading Sun Quan to lead the battle to lead to three points in the world is to plan for "individual or group capital!" But do you dare to say that Lu Su is not a counselor?
If this is based on the so-called "seeking the world" standard, only Liu Ba can be called a counselor at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty!
When Cao Cao had the power to unify, Liu Ba did not choose Liu Bei but urged to persuade Jingzhou to surrender to Cao Cao to speed up the unification of the world. Liu Ba achieved this so-called "conspiracy for the world"!
Throughout the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was only one case of Liu Ba!
So with this standard, only Liu Ba can be called a counselor in the entire Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu, Guo Jia, Zhou Yu, and Lu Su are not considered counselors. Do you want to say haha?

So using such a standard, standing on the commanding heights of morality is just empty talk, completely abandoning the bullshit arguments of human nature, loyalty, and position.

What is "seeking the world" in real reality?
Jia Xu's chaos of war, Zhuge Liang's Longzhong Dui, Lu Su's three-part world, Liu Ji's order of the south and then the north, and Mao Jie's Feng Tianzi has ordered his subjects not to submit (proposed by Mao Jie rather than Xun Yu) are all enough to be called In order to plan for the world, he plans for the unification of the world with a clear blueprint for the monarch. If he can achieve this strategic policy, it can be said to be "planning for the world."

Someone here refutes how Jia Xu's rebellion can be included in it?It's all about self-defense!
No!It's just that no one in the Xiliang Army seized the opportunity!

At that time, the military strength of the Xiliang Legion was still top-notch in the world. At this time, if someone could persuade the Xiliang Legion to cheer up and control Emperor Xian's "holding the emperor to make the princes" would definitely become a powerful prince in the world.

Closer to home, the reason why Jia Xu came here was because Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu suffered a lot in attacking Wuzhi, and when exchanging news with Da Song, he learned of the strategy of "Sanshui Great Victory" and wanted to capture Wuzhi.

When Jia Xu entered the tent of the Qiang leader, and the other party naturally asked why Wang Shuang and Jia Xu came, Jia Xu's first sentence shocked the scene: "Of course it is for the life of the patriarch and the life of the whole clan."

Jia Xu's words changed the face of the Qiang patriarch, and he watched the patriarch Jia Xu ask three questions in a row.

"Does the patriarch want the Baima Qiang clan to be buried with Li Yuanhao?
Are the internal opinions of the various ethnic groups in the Qiang Alliance inconsistent?
Even if you return to the territory of the Qiang people, will the Song Dynasty let you go after destroying Xixia? "

Every time Jia Xu asked a question, the Baima Qiang patriarch's expression turned ugly, because every question Jia Xu asked was on the point, and now the Baima Qiang patriarch was hesitating.

"Sir! Of course we know that Li Yuanhao's fall is imminent, but at that time, Cher Duoji, Mi Dang and others plundered the Han people wantonly. We heard that the Song Emperor was furious. This is the reason for our hesitation!"

That's right, the Qiang patriarchs who wanted to surrender to the Song Dynasty had the same concerns. They were not stupid and naturally knew why Cherduoji and Midang insisted on opposing it.

"So the patriarch needs to save himself. I believe the patriarch has not done too many things that anger people."

"Of course not. How could we, Baima Qiang, be such vicious and despicable people!"

"So as long as the clan leader has great achievements and court, and with the support of General Ma and General Zhang, I believe that the clan leader can turn the crisis around, even as if he has been humbled."

Qubei is naturally the one of the Southern Huns. Now that he has taken refuge in the Song Dynasty, not only does he not have to worry about his life, but he also has high-ranking officials and rich salary. Jia Xu is worthy of being a master of controlling people's hearts.

Convincing Zhang Xiu to move out of Zhang Yan, and persuading the head of the Baima Qiang clan to move out of Qubei, both of them are very good jade beads, and Lu Heng's policy advantages for all ethnic groups are also reflected, otherwise Jia Xu wants to take advantage of it. can't do it.

It was much easier for Jia Xu to fool the head of the Baima Qiang clan than it was to fool Zhang Xiu. He convinced the head of the Baima Qiang clan in just a few clicks. This person first contacted a few Qiang clan leaders who were friendly but did not participate in the White Terror.

After forming a force, Jia Xu planned a strategy for them to seize power. It was also a very simple strategy to call all the Qiang alliance patriarchs to discuss major issues. A group of Qiang patriarchs who were stained with the blood of the Han people, such as Qiang and Yacobu, were killed completely.

The rest is that the basic laws on the grassland do not need to be guided by Jia Xu, and several patriarchs annexed the forces of several forces such as Xiqiang.

The reason why all this can be done is because the Qiang Alliance is a loose organization, and the allied army Babao Wuliang who came to rescue cannot interfere in the interior, let him self-govern to help defend the defense line, but let Jia Xu divide and destroy internally.

After everything was successful, the head of the Baima Qiang clan, who gained the initiative, suddenly turned against the Xixia army when Ma Teng and Zhang Xiu were attacking, and the Wushi defense line fell.

(End of this chapter)

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