Chapter 865
The Song Xia battlefield was anxious and iron kites were killed every moment. Murong Yanzhao and Li Jilong's left and right armies encircled and encircled gradually.

The balance of victory has slowly tilted towards Da Song, just when Li Yuanhao was hesitating whether to send the last Qingqi elite to move back to the situation.

Xixia scouts came to report: "The captive Han people have arrived!"

At this time, Li Yuanhao would not pay attention to the Han people, his attention was all on the battlefield situation, but Zhang Pu's eyes turned to his heart.

"My lord, you can ask General Mu Jun to bring people here and use these Han people to intimidate the enemy!"

Zhang Pu's words made Li Yuanhao's eyes brighten. It is true that these Han people were used to threaten the Song army's camp to retreat last time, and this time they can repeat the same trick.

"Quick! Follow the strategist's plan!"

Just as the messenger was about to say that the leader was not General Mu Jun but...but when he saw Li Yuanhao's cold and murderous eyes, he immediately retreated.

The hesitant look of this messenger is very much like Huang Qiongnv from before. Since the last quarrel, Li Yuanhao didn't let this nominal sister fight in this battle, but only let the camp be guarded.

The messengers rushed away, but Li Yuanhao withdrew his idea of ​​sending out the last elite cavalry.

People were dying every moment on the battlefield. The Tie Yaozi suffered heavy losses under the heavy blows of the Song infantry and the Panlong Forbidden Army. The Proton Army also suffered heavy losses under the leadership of Murong Yanzhao and Li Jilong's army on the left and right flanks.

However, the advantages of the cavalry are still outstanding. For example, many cavalry on the fringes also use their horses to attack and encircle.

These young people had a kind of thought in their minds, why we are not Li Yuanhao's direct descendants, why do we have to work hard, so some proton army broke through the siege and started to flee to take advantage of the chaos.

This is also a manifestation of the imminent collapse of morale. The number of fleeing people was small and they were constantly attacked by catapults and eight-ox crossbows, so Li Yuanhao did not pay too much attention to it. However, as time went by, more and more people escaped and Li Yuanhao Just discovered this clue.

"Jing Xun! Take two thousand cavalry to supervise the battle, and shoot and kill all those who escape without permission!"

"As ordered!"

Li Yuanhao looked at the situation that was still in war, and was anxious that Mu Jun hadn't arrived yet. Li Yuanhao, who had experienced many battles, naturally knew that the appearance of deserters was a sign that morale was collapsing and he was about to be unable to hold on.

After about half an hour, this half hour made Li Yuanhao's heart very tormented. Within half an hour, Li Yuanhao saw with his own eyes that his confidant Fengyan Mansion was beheaded by Hu Zaixing's sickle.

As the commander of the iron kite, Fengyan Mansion is naturally wearing heavy armor, and he is extremely brave in the fight from left to right, but Hu Zaixing just set his sights on this man. A pair of amputated elbows and double sickles fought in less than fifteen rounds and was cut off. headed.

When the morale was further low, there was commotion from the rear. Li Yuanhao didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was just Mu Jun who brought the people over and kept staring at the battlefield, but the commotion in the rear was getting bigger and bigger after a cup of tea.

"What's going on? Can't Mu Jun take care of even a few Han people?" Li Yuanhao was already impatient, and the successive bad news put him on the verge of a volcanic eruption.

But at the next moment, Li Yuanhao felt like he had fallen into the ice cellar from the verge of a volcanic eruption!

"Kill! Brothers, kill them all!" There was a not so loud order from behind, and the people behind cheered up and rushed forward with the leader.

The commanding officer suddenly appeared behind Li Yuanhao's army, and he wasn't even called Mu Jun!It was Shi Bao, General Nanli of the Central Army of the Son of Heaven of the Great Song Dynasty, and this seemingly tattered Han was naturally not a Han commoner who was being held hostage, but the elite of Shi Baoying of the Central Army of the Son of Heaven.

The 2000 guards were not Xixia cavalry, they were of course soldiers of the Great Song Army disguised as Xixia people. Behind Shi Bao were Tang Bin, Cui Ye, Nie Gong, and Wen Zhongrong.

Shi Bao led the army to a limit position, and if he got closer to a position that would definitely be exposed, he charged. At this time, Shi Bao's army was only [-] steps away from Li Yuanhao's central army!

What is the concept of four hundred steps in a straight line?About four or 500 meters sprint!
The later world record for the 400-meter run is 43.03s. Don’t forget that Shibao has 2000 people dressed as cavalry, and this distance can be reached almost in a blink of an eye.

Seeing in the picture, since the goal has been achieved, no more camouflage, the horse needs distance and speed to take advantage of Li Yuanhao's unresponsiveness, and the Nanli General Shi Bao is the arrow, 'Mountain Puller' Tang Bin, 'Mountain Warrior' Cui Ye, 'Mountain Splitter' Nie Gong, and 'Mountain Shaker' Wen Zhongrong followed closely behind.

And Shi Bao's target is none other than Li Yuanhao!
"My lord! That's bad! This is not General Mu Jun! It's an enemy attack!" Zhang Yuan said loudly what Li Yuanhao had already seen.

"Protect the lord! Protect the lord!" The last light cavalry commander, Bald Wolf Fang, yelled loudly, but the sudden situation made everyone stunned for a moment.

"Go!" At this time, Shi Bao had leaped to within a hundred steps, and seeing Li Yuanhao's army in chaos, he threw a meteor hammer at the man under the banner of the Xixia People's Congress without any hesitation!Li Yuanhao!
"Bang!" Li Yuanhao saw an object flash by. He originally wanted to lift his weapon to block it, but the speed was faster than he imagined. Although the weapon blocked it, it was not completely blocked. The force of the meteor hammer hit After loading the weapon, it hit the body.

Although this blow did not kill Li Yuanhao immediately, he also lost his fighting ability in an instant. He only felt his blood surge and spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that the Meteor Hammer missed, Shi Bao pressed down angrily, but he accelerated his horse speed and charged forward. Naturally, his purpose was to kill Li Yuanhao!What does it mean to be daring? This is it!

There were only [-] cavalrymen who were not so professional, and Li Yuanhao's army dared to charge [-] cavalrymen.

"Kill!" However, under the sudden attack, Li Yuanhao's central army was also in chaos. Many Xixia soldiers thought that the enemy was in front, and never expected that there would be an enemy behind.

Bald Langya, as the only remaining general in command, saw Li Yuanhao spitting blood and being injured. His first reaction was to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, and faced Shi Bao's attack with a big knife in his hand.

"Dang! Get out!" Shi Bao roared with a crisp sound of weapon beating, perhaps inspired by the fact that Li Yuanhao's head was right in front of him. Everyone's face was full of astonishment, 'Why is this knife so fast! '

Bald Langya's death and Li Yuanhao's injury completely caused the Xixia Central Army to be in chaos. Although there were two military divisions, Zhang Pu and Zhang Yuan, they had no military power to command the army.

(End of this chapter)

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