The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 833 The Situation in East Asia

Chapter 833 The Situation in East Asia

The appearance of Bo'er Jijin Temuzhen has attracted Lu Heng's absolute attention. If Wanyan Aguda and Yelu Abaoji are mid-term bosses, then Genghis Khan is definitely his final clearance boss!

It was estimated that he had to defeat this final BOSS before he could rest in peace. The purpose of sending Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping to the northern grasslands was to learn about Temujin, and to buy back a batch of Mongolian horses in the name of a horse dealer. .

After Lu Heng communicated with Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping in detail, he probably knew that the sphere of influence of Mongolia now occupies land directly north of the Xianbei people, which is about the same size as the land actually controlled by the Xianbei people today. It is Liao.

Lu Heng learned the information from the population of Su and Zhang and drew a picture to make a horizontal comparison. Now Mongolia is very similar to the newly unified tribe in history and the period when Wang Han was fighting for the front. Kun is almost equal to Uyghur, Yelu Abaoji's Liao is Xiliao, that is to say, now 'Genghis Khan' is really about to start his life.

But in this era, Wanyan Aguda and Yelu Abaoji are hard bones for Lu Heng, and they are not hard bones for Temujin. The Jurchen's combat power is worlds apart.

In any case, the understanding of 'Genghis Khan' Lu Heng is only an early information. Now Temujin is still north of Xianbei and does not border the Song Dynasty, and it will take some time to destroy Jiankun.

Jiankun is also one of the ancient nomadic peoples. It existed as early as the rise of the Xiongnu. At that time, it was the same as Wuhuan and Xianbei. Li Ling, the grandson of the famous general Li Guang, was named the King of Jiankun. During the Three Kingdoms period, he was also a force that should not be underestimated in the northern grasslands. It was not until the end of the Tang Dynasty that it gradually disappeared from the historical stage. It can be said that it is a very ancient nation.

After the northern grassland forces were introduced, they looked at Dongzhou on the Eastern Sea.

When Lu Heng learned that the situation of the "Three Kingdoms" could not be settled in one battle, Lu Heng transferred the Pang Ji tribe who destroyed Lu Meng and a wave of martial arts talents to this place for stability.

However, the situation on Honshu Island has undergone earth-shaking changes within three years. First, the Genji and Heira clans of the Kamakura shogunate fought frequently.

In the end, Minamoto Minamoto, the famous Genji general, will suffer heavy losses in the first battle, including Hirae Jingsheng, Hiramori Jun, Hirae Jingzheng, Hirashi Mori, Hirajuheng, Parallel Sheng, Hira Kunika, and Hira Masamori. A bunch of Ping died in battle, The Ping family, who was originally able to fight against Genji, was hit hard and could only stay on the defensive.

At the time when Genji and Heiji were fighting, the regent Fujiwara silently developed and annexed a force occupying Hokkaido, Ashikaga Takauji, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds, surpassing the Heira who was defeated by Genji, and his overall strength jumped to the second place. Shi is still the Shu Han who occupies Jingzhou, and now it is the Shu Han who defeated Maicheng by Guan Yu.

Da Song, on the other hand, observed the melee between the Genji, Hera, and Fujiwara forces and did not interfere, but Zhou Yu led his troops to take down Shikoku Island, which has a very low presence in the island country, although the total area is not as large as the entire island country. A quarter of the total, but took two of the four islands.

Today, the island country Song Dongzhou occupies two islands, Kyushu Island and Shikoku Island, which are respectively named Kumamoto County and Shikoku County. At that time, Lu Heng named it entirely because Kumamoto County, which suffered a great fire in later generations, would be on Kyushu Island. Lu Heng was delighted to think that it would be thousands of years later. Human Kumamon belongs to Huaxia, but it suddenly occurred to me that Hiroshima, which was hit by a nuclear bomb, seems to be near this location...

It's not right. If you push the island country flat, the future generations should not have the disaster of modern history if they are up to date.

Far away, in short, after three years, the island country is a game of four forces, including the Song Dynasty in the east, and then the three powers of Honshu occupy the Ping family in the east and the Song Dynasty, and Kamakura, which occupies most of the central part of Honshu. The Shogunate Genji, and the Fujiwara clan who occupied western Honshu and the Hokkaido region.

As the Ping Clan's defeated territory is constantly being eroded by the Gen Clan, he has already asked the Great Song Dynasty for help. Last year, Lu Heng received the Ping Clan's envoy Ping Chongsheng, but Lu Heng would never treat the Ping Clan like Dali. .

As a traveler in another time and space, like all his fellow travelers, he must take the four islands as his responsibility, so now Lu Heng is just using Ping's.

The west, north, and east sides of the Great Song Dynasty are all introduced in detail, and then the south side of the Great Song Dynasty is also the most peaceful direction, and it is also the main direction of the great navigation era. It is very simple. In addition to the island countries, the East has to go through the vast Pacific Ocean to have land. , but there are many islands and continents in the south.

Today, Da Song Haizhou has confirmed that it has occupied the Philippines, Brunei, and Malaysia. Although there are fleets that can reach the farthest Jakarta this year, they cannot send troops.

It’s not that I don’t want to but I can’t. It’s very simple. It takes half a year for sailing ability to reach Brunei to return to Yizhou (Wanwan) or Zhuya (Hainan) port. It takes more than half a year to reach Shouchun, and a year to go south and back. Left and right such frontier control will be very low.

The fleet that arrived in Jakarta set off a year and a half ago and only came back now. To control these territorial issues, we have to return to the original point of "technology". This technology is the technology of sailing ability!

The reason why the British Empire on which the sun never sets in the later generations has so many colonies is not that Great Britain does not want to occupy these places, but that it is too far away to control them, and the concept of colonies has also been thought about by Lu Heng, but in the end he still vetoes himself, no, it should be said yes Delay!

It is impossible to become a big fat man by eating one bite at a time. With the current strength of Song Dynasty, it is impossible to disperse its energy to build some colonies. At least it is possible to start the colonial model after unifying the whole country and destroying the old enemies.

From a historical point of view, the colony was just a temporary pleasure, and in Lu Heng's thinking, it was only a secondary thing. The future empire of Great Britain on which the sun never sets is beautiful enough, right?

But in the end, there was only one piece of dried tofu in Great Britain. All the colonies became self-reliant and the country of America was cultivated by themselves. This is the best testimony.

The advantages of opening the era of navigation are also very obvious. First, although the output of gold and silver mines is not as good as that of island countries, there are still a lot of them. There are also huge mining of tin, coal, fierce oil (petroleum), and iron ore, especially iron ore. Abundance provided a wealth of raw materials for the armor and equipment of the Song Dynasty.

In addition to mines, there are also special agricultural products that Chinese people can eat thousands of years earlier, such as durian, coconut, banana, curry, cardamom, Manila hemp, etc., not to mention the rich seafood. Types of salted fish.

(End of this chapter)

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