The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 820 The Situation of the Island Country

Chapter 820 The Situation of the Island Country

The Great Song Expeditionary Army consisted of Zhou Yu's Shenhuo Battalion, Jiang Qin's Haijiao Battalion, and the garrison of the Jeju Army Commander, and of course part of the Yamatai army.

Lu Heng saw the list of memorials and merit reports as follows: Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Ruan Xiaoqi, Zhang Heng, Zhang Shun, Hu Jun, Hu Xian, Chu Neng, etc...

Among them are the familiar three heroes of the Ruan family and the Zhang brothers. It can be said that the water in the water margin will be almost wiped out. With the strength of the Song Dynasty water army, there is no doubt that they want to rely on water warfare skills to gain a foothold in the Song Dynasty. Lu Heng also knows Liu Menglong, Hou Chao, Ke Bing, Tong Liang and others will join Zhou Tai's Shenshui Camp.

But what Lu Heng wondered was whether Ruan Xiaoqi should be one of the important characters in "Water Margin"?

Why didn't she appear in Siam like Yan Qing?
The point is not this, but that Shen Kuo, who followed Zhou Yu to Dongzhou, found a gold mine (Lingjiao Gold Mine) in the south of Dongzhou in the later Luer County, and even discovered several silver mines.

For this reason, Shen Kuo wrote a separate memorial to Lu Heng, explaining the mining methods of these gold and silver mines, the difficulty of mining, and the manpower and financial resources for evaluation. However, Shen Kuo speculated that the gold and silver mined in a few years would be enough to promote the gold and silver standard. , Slowly the era of the copper standard can pass.

Dongzhou's Yama County alone is so rich in gold and silver ores. I believe there will be more surprises further north. For example, the largest silver mine in later generations is said to be on this island.

In addition to the gold and silver mines, there is also a surprise Japanese horse. Zhou Yu described that these horses are generally only five or six feet tall, much smaller than the horses in the Central Plains, but they have the advantages of running easily, climbing mountains, and being easy to raise.

It's just that the local people's ability to train horses is very poor. These horses are in a semi-wild state. When Lu Heng heard these characteristics, he felt very familiar. Yes, Mongolian horses have such characteristics. Lu Heng instantly felt that Huangfu should take them away. Let's see if we can crossbreed the Central Plains horse!

At this time, Lu Heng really felt that the island country was a treasure for the current Song Dynasty. Starting from his own generation, this place was not allowed to be divided, and after continuous assimilation, there will be no modern things in this time and space.

Looking at the rest of Zhou Yu's memorial introduction made Lu Heng frown. There was an obstacle when the expeditionary army went to the island. The Wuhuan army commanders Wang Tong and Wang Ji were beheaded by a general from the island. Zhou Yu led the army to fight against this force. After a fight, it was found that its combat power was much stronger than that of the original dog slave country.

After looking for the local people and combining the information of Jin Yiwei, there are three strongest forces on Honshu Island. The locals call it the Kamakura Shogunate, the Hera Clan, and the Regent Fujiwara Clan.

In Zhou Yu's introduction, these three forces are like the early days of Wei, Shu and Wu. Ci can be seen as the continuation of the regime of the previous generation established like the Shu Han.

Now that the three forces are fighting fiercely, the Ping family and the regent Fujiwara family need to unite to resist the Kamakura shogunate.

Lu Heng pinched his temples when he saw this. Sure enough, the system would not let go of any place. He originally thought that it would be able to flatten the island's native dog slave country and Yamatai country. The Fujiwara family had nothing to do with their own system, even if Lu Heng was killed, he didn't believe it.

When Jin Yiwei provided information about the island country, Lu Heng speculated that there might be a balanced force. There is Siam in the southwest and it is impossible to be so peaceful in the east. The system was developed by the Huaxia people in the future. It is not impossible to deliberately erase the island country, right?
Facts have proved that I thought too much, but there is still a balanced force. The reason why Lu Heng didn't find it is normal. As a person who knows the history of the island country, he is limited to Tokugawa Ieyasu, Oda Nobunaga, Toyota Hideyoshi, Sora cough cough...wrong I haven't even played a certain biography of Taige.

Even because of a certain Orochi game, although there are many characters in the island country, I only remember Ashi, A Guo, and Sanada Nobumura as the characters of the Zhao Yun family in the Warring States Period of the Island Kingdom, and the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed in the Warring States Period of the Island Kingdom two centuries later.

So Lu Heng didn't know that these messes were very normal. In short, the plan to quickly win the other three islands had been shattered, so Lu Heng moved the people from the Southern Huns to Dongzhou to strengthen the local control.

Of course, it is not enough to rely solely on the migration of the Southern Huns. The control of Dongzhou requires continuous migration of the population to achieve complete control of this place, and the navy alone is not enough, and an army must be organized to go to Dongzhou.

Afterwards, Lu Heng summoned Himiko, the queen of Yamatai, um, now she is the female virtuous monarch and the wife of Yipin Gaoming.

Monarch is a kind of title given to women in the Han Dynasty, which was inherited and continued to be used in the Song Dynasty. The island country in this era is still relatively primitive, and has not yet formed the strange image of singers in later generations, that is, the strange beauty of white face and black lips has not yet been born. , on the contrary, it is more natural that the unique craftsmanship of Jinfu is very different from that of Huaxia.

During the conversation, Himiko was not only willing to join the Great Song Dynasty, but also spared no effort to let the Yamatai people migrate to the Great Song Dynasty, which surprised Lu Heng very much.

In fact, this is Lu Heng's ignorance. The original time and space Himiko was a queen who was active in the Han. She sent envoys to Cao Wei at that time many times. Now the Song Dynasty is stronger than Wei. The fighting power that destroyed the dog slave country in World War I deeply touched Himiko. , It is the nature of the island nation to depend on the strong.

When Lu Heng thought that Himiko's attachment to the Song Dynasty was the nature of islanders to attach to the strong, he was surprised that Himiko introduced his ancestor Xu Fu to Lu Heng in detail!

About a few hundred years ago, a fleet arrived in the west of Dongzhou. The leader called himself "Xu Fu of Qin". At that time, Dongzhou was more chaotic than it is now. After arriving, Xu Fu traveled to various countries and changed several of his children to The surnames of the island countries are Fuku, Haneda, Boda, Bota, Hata, Hatake, and Bei.

Only in this way did Himiko know that there is a powerful country in the far west of the sea, and since he was a child, he whispered and saw that he wanted to return to his hometown, so all of Himiko's behaviors in the original time and space were also explained.

However, Lu Heng was very dissatisfied with Xu Fu's affairs, and asked people to find Yu Ji to continue to spread the theory of "Xiandao". Himiko changed his surname to Bei. In this era, commoners in island countries were not allowed to have a surname, so the people who did not have a surname uniformly took Dong as their surname.

In this way, the governance of Dongzhou has more plans in mind, and the Song Dynasty has already fought a battle with the Kamakura shogunate. Zhou Yu analyzed in the memorial that he believes that the Ping family and the regent Fujiwara family will find them soon, and they can use the relationship between the three forces Slowly erode the island, but if Da Song is too strong, the three forces will be united.

Even so, it does not prevent Da Song from developing Dongzhou. After meeting Himiko, he convenes everyone to designate various bills, immigration, and mining of Dongzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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