Chapter 792
Lu Heng entertained the big families for the New Deal. First, after measuring the land in Huaizhou, he must start measuring the land in other places.

Second, a problem arose when the New Deal implemented the Baojia Law.

This problem is the hidden population of the two major systems, tenants and slaves under the aristocratic family.

A brief introduction to the tenants is that it is impossible to cultivate all the land of the aristocratic family by themselves, so they will let others cultivate it in the form of "outsourcing", and get a certain share of the harvest.

There are also two types here, one is the tenant under the aristocratic family, and the other is the free tenant.

The reason for these two distinctions is that farming in this era was still dependent on the sky for food, so the tenants in the disaster year could not be rented at all!
There are two kinds of rents. The first is rents shared by aristocratic families, and the other is taxes from the imperial court.

Therefore, the aristocratic family will send people to say that if the "household registration" is all in the clan, the imperial court taxes will be borne by the aristocratic family.

Once the tenants heard that it was good, they would naturally agree to reduce part of the tax, and then there was the second option.

If it's just this, the harm is actually not that big, because this is still a lease relationship, and there are legal protections and basic rights and interests.

But this is just the beginning. If you continue to fail to pay the rent, you will be forced to sign another contract and sell yourself under the pressure of debt, and your status will become another kind of slave household.

This kind of contract is very famous, that is, after signing, "I will be a slave for a lifetime, and I will be a slave for generations!" That's where it started.

Some will help these people to report to the government, and some will not, and directly use some means to erase them from the government's household registration.

Because according to the law, the members of the family have to pay various taxes, which directly tests human nature, but in the face of reality, this thing cannot stand the test at all.

From then on, people in this line will always be black households, and the result is self-evident, because they are black households and are not protected by the law, and no one even knows when they die.

Therefore, it has become a priority to clear out the tenants and slave households from the aristocratic families, although there are various laws in the New Deal to 'force' these people to give up voluntarily.

But in the actual process, Wang Anshi found that the effect was not satisfactory. In order to solve this problem, Lu Heng discussed with everyone and adopted a two-pronged approach.

On the one hand, it is no longer just relying on the law to persecute, so the resistance is too great to be replaced by interest replacement. Although these people are illegal, they are the property of the family over time.

It's very understandable to ask you directly for a sum of money. Your first reaction must be why, not that the money came from a wrong way.

But if you can exchange this money from an improper source, you can exchange it for fair money, even if there is a loss, you will be willing, otherwise there will be no such thing as money laundering in the future.

On the other hand, if you are still obsessed with obsession and don't accept the benefits, then you can directly attack with a heavy fist. In this way, you will control most of the aristocratic families, so there is this conversation.

Someone may ask, what kind of benefits do you give?
Lu Heng used this reason to bind the commercial channels of these aristocratic families with the official, and then the equity system could be implemented.

In other words, in addition to solving the problem of hidden households of the aristocratic family, Lu Heng used his interests to win over the monopolized industrial chains of the aristocratic family!
To give a simple example, the Shu brocade of the Qin family in Yizhou is a must, but only the Qin family is the largest. Can others not produce Shu brocade?

Of course not, but the Qin family controlled the source of raw materials, and Lu Heng used official power to break these monopolies. Only in this way can the economic system of this industry rise.

When these giants of aristocratic families take the lead in agreeing, other small and medium-sized aristocratic families have to weigh their own energy.

Sure enough, Lu Heng controlled some giants to carry out restructuring, and the small and medium-sized aristocratic families that depended on these giants had to follow suit, and then the resistance to splitting up and cracking down on a group of New Deals suddenly eased a lot.

Among them, Bao Zheng, who was in charge of supervision, had outstanding political performance. He found out the unsolved case with only clues, and copied several heinous families as a deterrent.

Mr. Bao walks the front line of measuring the land with a bold, careful, good at solving cases, and selfless image, and countless monsters and monsters are frightened!

When Lu Heng felt that Bao Zheng was too "high-profile" and would make some people jump over the wall and want to send someone to protect him, he heard that Bao Zheng had Gongsun Ce as his deputy, guarding the dynasty, Ma Han, Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, and Yan Qing, the leader of the guards. protection of.

Lu Heng took a look and ouch!Except for Zhan Zhao, Master Bao's team is complete!But what the hell is Yan Qing getting involved with Mr. Bao?Why didn't it show up in Siam?Is this to replace Zhan Daxia?
But after thinking about it, with Mr. Bao's personality charm, it is too normal for Yan Qing to work.

Lu Heng thought for a while and sent Zhan Zhao there for three reasons.

First let Zhan Zhao arrange the spies of the Imperial City Department along the way.

Second, Lu Heng needs to know first-hand information about the New Deal from the people at the bottom, so he can optimize and correct strategies immediately.

The third is to express Lu Heng's attitude. There is a clear deterrent to the attitude of this new policy, and I believe that there will be a lot less evil spirits.

However, when Lu Heng saw that Bao Zheng submitted the copy of the case, it was even more exciting. He copied the murderer's black shop and killed Li Li. There was also a case where Ximen Qing, a wealthy businessman from Cangting County, was greedy for the beauty of Pan Jinlian, the wife of Wuhan University, and colluded with Wang Po and Pan Jinlian. After poisoning Wuhan University, Ximenqing even bought Cangting county magistrate at a high price to hastily close the case. Wu Song heard about Bao Qingtian's name and went to appeal for injustice.

After Bao Zheng found out, he went to Qingzhou to examine the case. The Ministry of Criminal Affairs sent Wu to overturn the original autopsy results. Wu Dawei was confirmed to have died of poisoning. The criminals in the huge cover-up case know the law and break the law.

At the same time, Mr. Bao also found out a number of cases of the Ximen family being rich and unkind, seizing civilian women and fertile land, and Ximenqing had no less than five murder cases in his hands.

Wu Song is grateful to Master Bao and wants to repay him with martial arts, but at this time Master Bao has no shortage of guards. Seeing Wu Song's strength and extraordinary ability, he also knows that the emperor's love for talents can be promoted by breaking the rules, so he can treat talents well. I wrote a letter of recommendation and went directly to Wu Song to Beijing (Shouchun) to meet the emperor.

Wu Song admired Mr. Bao even more, not only for the kindness of Zhao Xue, but also for the kindness of supporting him. He swore on the spot to work for the Song Dynasty, which made Mr. Bao very pleased.

Lu Heng was also very pleased to see this incident. Wu Song didn't need to splash blood on the "Mandarin Duck Building" and he wouldn't die of the law, so Wu Song wouldn't become the good and evil part of the walker!It was the head of Wudu who was willing to serve the country and had a heart of innocence in the early stage!

It can be said that Wu Song is another tragedy compared to Lin Chong, and he is also a super popular character. It is a pity that he has changed a lot like Lin Chong before and after.

(End of this chapter)

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