The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 787 Mission to Siam Thank you for adding monthly tickets!

Chapter 787 Mission to Siam Thank you for adding monthly tickets!
When Lu Xun used terrain to completely kill Nong Quanfu and Nong Zhigao, on the other side Di Qing also quickly killed Nong Jianhou and Nong Zhizhong.

Nong Jianhou and Nong Zhizhong were hammered to death by Yan Chengfang and Di Lei to surrender all the soldiers. According to the instructions of the Emperor of Song Dynasty, they were directly beheaded without a chance to surrender after the ultimatum.

As for these foreign soldiers who are also valuable population, it is impossible to kill them. There are three ways for them to choose.

The first article is to fight for the Song Dynasty, but will not fight against the Siamese compatriots. With military exploits, you can become a regular army of the Song Dynasty.

The second way is to join the labor reform army, and after five years, you can become a commoner in the Song Dynasty.

The third is that if someone (Siamese) wants to redeem these surrendered soldiers, of course he must pay a certain price.

The first is fast and effective but has high risks. After all, there is only one life for those who dare to fight hard. The second is that there is no safety in life.

Since you dare to tease Da Song Huxu, you must be prepared to cut off your fingers. If it is not the key to Da Song Xinjian's reforms, Lu Heng will definitely drive himself to counterattack Siam. Look at Li Jun's orange!
But now decisively killing Nong Quanfu and Nong Zhigao who were left in the Song Dynasty is also a deterrent to Siam.

Of course you want to say that Siam suffered a loss in this invasion?

In fact, he didn't even kill Nong Quanfu and Nong Zhigao with the help of Da Song. Li Jun took over the large area of ​​land and population controlled by the Nong family, and removed another unstable factor.

In addition, Nong Quanfu's plan to kill with a knife also allowed the population of Huodong and Bexudong to take back the population, and what he paid was only the undigested territories of Ugo and Panyue that had just been conquered.

Therefore, Lehe's strategy is actually not a loss at all, but it has strengthened a lot of strength for Siam.

When Guan Sheng learned from the spies that Da Song decisively killed Nong Quanfu and Nong Zhigao, he was also very surprised.

This was beyond Guan Sheng's expectation. Originally, this person thought that Nong Quanfu and Nong Zhigao would seek refuge with Da Song, but after Guan Sheng knew about them, they would definitely rebel after a while.

In this way, the border of the Song Dynasty can be cholera, and as long as Li Jun destroys Dali and can free up his hands, he can take advantage of the trend to invade again.

However, Lu Heng's decisiveness made Guan Sheng's perfect script come to naught, and the Song Dynasty actually hung the heads of Nong Quanfu, Nong Zhigao, Nong Minfu, Nong Jianhou, and Nong Zhizhong on the border between Siam and the Song Dynasty to demonstrate.

"It seems that the newly established Emperor of the Song Dynasty is a very tough master." Guan Sheng judged in his heart.

But it was only three days later that Guan Sheng received the news that Zhao Defang, the envoy of the Song Dynasty, wanted to see him, and the first thing he said after the meeting was: "Go to Zhao Defang again, on behalf of the Song Dynasty to go to Siam, and I want to see Li Jun!"

Guan Ling and the others glared at each other instantly angrily, wishing to tear Zhao Defang directly, calling the King of Siam by the name of the Siamese minister directly was very tough and unreasonable.

"Why? The dignified Song Dynasty is not as good as the barbarians. Isn't the great country in the Central Plains a state of etiquette?" A Siamese scribe accused.

Zhao Defang bowed his hands respectfully to Dongfang and then said: "Your Majesty said that the Song Dynasty is a country of hospitality and etiquette, and treat friends with good wine and good food, but if there are robbers coming to the Song Dynasty, you don't mind seeing us Chinese people. fist!
You fought without declaring war, and it is already polite for such a vicious guest to treat you like this! "

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to return to Song Dynasty?" Guan Ling threatened viciously.

Zhao Defang glanced at Guan Ling and said, "Now that Marshal Song has led the troops to station at the border, you still want to go to war and Song will accompany you at any time!
Jiaozhou is not very far from the Dali Kingdom, and I believe that the Dali Duan family will not feel comfortable having such bully neighbors.

The last one who treated the envoy of the Song Dynasty so rudely, the grass on the grave was more than three feet high, you can try it!

The next time I come here is to ask Li Jun on behalf of the Great Song Emperor, what do you mean?Invading Yongchang County must give Da Song an explanation!
Why can't he be equal to your little barbarian Wang Ping as the Son of Song? "

Zhao Defang’s words are political and territorial. This time, Siam’s invasion cannot be ignored. A weak country without diplomacy will also be regarded as weak if it has no voice. Therefore, after Nong Quanfu and Nong Zhigao were completely wiped out, Zhao Defang immediately I went to Siam and my attitude was very tough.

In fact, when Zhao Defang said that the Song army was stationed at the border, Guan Sheng's eyes were only slightly squinted. With the strength of the Song army, Guan Sheng was confident that he could guard the border without any problem.

But when Zhao Defang said that he was envoy to Dali, he was shocked by the speed of Song. He already knew whether Dali was guessing or had information that Siam and Dali were at war, but he didn't know.

Guan Sheng was shocked but he couldn't show it. Now it's a game between two great powers and he represents the face of Siam.

"Since your emperor sent an envoy here, you must bring any request to me this time!" Guan Sheng said in a non-essential way.

Guan Sheng thought he was covering it up very well, but all the expressions on his face were fully exposed in Zhao Defang's eyes.

Zhao Defang found that Guan Sheng was full of fighting spirit when he heard that the Great Song Dynasty was stationing troops on the border, but his eyes were slightly squinted and his face was full of arrogance.

On the contrary, when he talked about Dali, his pupils dilated unconsciously, and his hand unconsciously put on the saber.

With the "micro-expression psychology" trained by His Majesty, this is a sign of surprise when someone has a major concern, and the movement of his hands is a lack of sense of security, and the saber in his hand can provide Guan Sheng with a sense of security.

The reason for the lack of security is that United Dali has a certain threat to Guan Sheng or Siam.

Judging from Guan Sheng's performance before and after, it is obviously the latter!
Under this premise, "micro-expression psychology" is of course not a product of this era, but a training class that Lu Heng gave to his ministers in his spare time in order to improve the emperor's prestige and erudition.

Zhao Defang looked at Guan Sheng and said calmly: "The conflict between Song Dynasty and Siam this time is entirely because of Meng Huo, Meng Jie, Meng You and others instigating the relationship between the two countries, and they are also Song's fugitives!
For the stability and peace of the border between the two countries in the future, please hand over the three of them to Song Dynasty.

Also, the Panyue Kingdom and the Ugo Kingdom are all Song states, and the local people are also Song citizens. Your country should release the innocent people of the Song Dynasty! "

Zhao Defang also did not hide the request of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, that is, Lu Heng, because Guan Sheng must report this matter to Li Jun, and not a border marshal can make the decision.

"This!" Sure enough, it has exceeded Guan Sheng's scope of authority and must be reported to Li Jun.

Guan Sheng's reaction was expected by Zhao Defang, and he urgently asked: "If the marshal cannot make a decision, please send someone to lead the way and we will ask the lord of your country in person."

"No, the lord is fighting Dali. We must not let the envoys of the Song Dynasty know about this, let alone let them go to the front line."

Guan Sheng knew that it was absolutely impossible to let the Song Dynasty envoys go to Li Jun at this time. There must be spies who exposed too much, which would not be a good thing for Siam at a critical moment.

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(End of this chapter)

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