Chapter 77 Dong Xi Pan Lin Miaozhen Appears

As mentioned earlier, Pan Lin and Lu Heng agreed on three conditions, as long as they see Jiao Jiao's head, they will go down the mountain to compete with Lu Heng's generals!
If Pan Lin can be made to surrender in martial arts, he will take Longquan Mountain up and down, and all the mountains will surrender to Lu Heng.

Lu Heng has already fulfilled Pan Lin's first condition. Jiao Jiao's head has now been sent up the mountain, and the rest is to wait for Pan Lin, Yan Baihu, and Yan Yu to go down the mountain.

Pan Lin didn't make Lu Heng wait any longer, and after getting Jiao Jiao's head, he paid homage to him for a day, and then went down the mountain with Yan Baihu and Yan Yu to find Lu Heng!
When Pan Lin saw that Lu Heng was indeed a scholar, he became very interested!
And Yan Baihu and Yan Yu naturally returned to stand behind Lu Heng.

The young Pan Lin has a bold personality and admires brave and powerful people. Now the world's number one martial artist recognizes Lu Bu. Pan Lin also thought about one day taking Shanyue's troops and joining the lord to do his best!
But it must also be a first-class hero. In Pan Lin's eyes, a hero with high force is a hero!Lu Bu is such a hero!

Obviously, Lu Heng, a scholar, was something that Pan Lin didn't like. If it wasn't for the friendship between Yan Baihu and Yan Yu, it would be even more impossible for him to come down the mountain to see Lu Heng.

And when Lu Heng saw Pan Lin for the first time, he felt that Pan Lin was strong!

This Pan Lin is not very tall, but he is very strong!

The muscles that are visible to the naked eye seem to be ripped out, and the tendon flesh is similar to that of Schwarzenegger in later generations!

Seeing Pan Lin's face, Lu Heng felt a little unhappy, he looked down on me, Lu, right?Look down on scholars, right?You kid will suffer from it in the future!
Lu Heng has already started to think of a plan for 'revenge' in his heart!
Well, when the two of them saw each other for the first time, they were a little bit at odds, but big things mattered, and they were not three-year-olds, so if they couldn't deal with each other, they wouldn't be friends anymore.

Lu Heng ordered to the system in his mind: "The system will check for me, Pan Lin's full attributes

Pan Lin (nicknamed Pan Xiong)
Peak Five Levels: Commander 51, Martial Force 82, Intelligence 23, Politics 9, Charm 37 (reached the peak)

Special skill: "Adroit Soldiers" - When fighting generals with ordinary weapons such as spears, broadswords, and swords, their own force increases by 2 points

Commander: Cavalry E, Commander Infantry A, Ranged Soldiers B, Sailors F, Siege S, Defender C, Mountain Battle S
Divine Soldier: One-legged bronze doll 槊, weighing 48 jins, its strength increased by 1 point"

After seeing Pan Lin's attributes, Lu Heng thought to himself: "Shanyue still has a lot of surprises, General Shanyue can't do anything, but his force value is still good.

No, Pan Lin's strength is 82, which is about the same as that of Yan Yu, that is, anyone who can abuse Yan Yu can abuse Pan Lin.

Xiao Mian, I, Lu, can't beat you, but some people under my command can beat you! "

Lu Heng shouted to the generals behind him: "Dong Xi, Lao Niu, Yang Yanzhao, Hu Yanzan, Tai Shici, Yang Zaixing, come out!"

What Lu Heng didn't know was that behind Lu Heng, beside Yang Zaixing and Yang Yanzhao, there was a soldier staring at Lu Heng with big eyes, and then secretly shook his head.

From behind Lu Heng, six generals walked out, each armed with weapons, they were Dong Xi, Lao Niu, Yang Yanzhao, Hu Yanzan, Tai Shici, and Yang Zaixing.

The corners of Yan Yu's mouth twitched as he watched, these six people, each of them could completely abuse their own perverts, and there is one person who is not here, that is Zhou Tai who is stationed in Moling in the navy.

You must know that in order to securely defeat Pan Lin, Lu Heng didn't even let Ling Cao, who had a force value of 86, come out!
Zhu Huan and Xu Sheng should be able to draw with Pan Lin, but they were both put on the bench by Lu Heng!Too cruel!Too cruel!
Unlike Lu Heng, Pan Lin had a cheating device like a system, so he could only look at the six generals.

I saw these six people, all of them majestic, Dong Xi held a barbed wire, Lao Niu and Hu Yanzan naturally had double maces and double whips, Tai Shici held a crescent halberd, and Er Yang each held a long spear!
Among these six people, Taishi Ci has the greatest reputation, especially among the Shanyue group, the legend that Taishi Ci's arrow fixed Huayang Mountain is still widely circulated.

So Pan Lin only knew Tai Shici, apart from Tai Shici, Dong Xi was the bravest, with the tallest nine feet, holding a barbed thorn bone.

As for Lao Niu and Hu Yanzan, both of them are strong men with unshaven beards, each holding a weapon, and Kong Wu's powerful appearance is definitely not to be trifled with!
As for Yang Zaixing and Yang Yanzhao, they were ignored by Pan Lin. From Pan Lin's point of view, how could these two handsome boys be strong generals!

After defeating them, they feel ashamed!

Pan Lin hesitated for a long time, and Pan Lin ruled out Tai Shici first. He, Pan Lin, was also from Shanyue and respected Tai Shici very much, so he didn't want to compete with Tai Shici.

In the end, Pan Lin, who was full of confidence in himself, chose Dong Xi, who was the most handsome!

In his opinion, he must defeat the strongest to prove that Lu Heng is incapable of controlling him, Pan Lin!

Pan Lin stretched out his finger to Dong Xi, expressing that he wanted to compete with Dong Xi!

Seeing that Pan Lin actually chose Dong Xi, Lu Heng felt a little upset!
After picking for a long time, I actually chose the weakest one! "cut!"

Lu Heng didn't know that Pan Lin thought that the choice was the strongest!

Dong Xi smiled, walked out of the line holding the barbed wire thorns, walked to the school grounds and stood still, while Pan Lin also took out his weapon, the one-legged bronze doll, from behind, and walked into the school grounds.

However, there is a huge difference in height between these two people, one tall and one short, and Pan Lin almost only reaches Dong Xi's chest.

Dong Xi is more than nine feet tall, while Pan Lin is only seven feet five inches. It may not be very vivid to say that. According to later generations, Dong Xi is 209cm, while Pan Lin is only 172cm. This makes the comparison clearer.

In fact, Dong Xi was better at fighting on foot, and riding on an ordinary war horse couldn't support him at all. He was a big man of nine feet, and he had to add 55 catties of barbed wire!
It was even more unbearable, only his own horse could barely go to the battlefield!
Dong Xi didn't ride a horse when he saw Pan Lin, he didn't want to take advantage of Pan Lin and shouted: "Pan Lin! Bring your horse, you can also choose to ride and fight!"

Pan Lin shook his head and said: "I don't have a horse, and I don't have horses on the mountain, and I don't know how to ride a horse, so let's fight on foot!"

When Dong Xi heard that Pan Lin chose to fight on foot, and saw Pan Lin's weird weapon 'one-legged bronze doll', he chuckled and thought to himself: "This weapon doesn't look light, I hope it's an honest guy, don't be fake. skill!"

After confirming the infantry battle, the two didn't answer any more, and rushed towards each other with weapons in hand!

Then Lu Heng's ears began to be damaged, "Dang! Dang! Boom! Boom!" Both of them used heavy weapons, a barbed thorn and a one-legged bronze doll, like two hammers hitting each other.

It was Lu Heng's personal soldier who peeked at Lu Heng before, and secretly said: "Two brute bulls who can only use strength!"

Yang Yanzhao heard the soldier's words and stared at him viciously. The soldier signaled to shut up, but the soldier seemed not afraid of Yang Yanzhao, instead he stuck out his tongue playfully at Yang Yanzhao and blinked his eyes.

Yang Yanzhao also seemed helpless towards this soldier, he shook his head and stood by the soldier for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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