The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 768 Said to Surrender Lu Su

Chapter 768 Said to Surrender Lu Su
Under the escort of his personal guards, Lu Heng and Zhou Yu went to Lu Su's residence with the purpose of self-evident. Soon Lu Heng saw Lu Su for the first time and his own impression was very different. Lu Su in the novel is a The image of a good old man has been used as glue between Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu many times.

However, the Lu Su in front of Lu Heng has a stable and steady temperament, and the face of the Chinese character reveals determination. Seeing Lu Heng and Zhou Yu smile bitterly: "Lu Su, a grassroots man, has seen the emperor of Song Dynasty!"

"Zijing please hurry up. I believe Zijing knows the purpose of my visit this time. This is a letter written by Liu Ye before I read it."

When Lu Su saw the letter in his hand, he was very moved. He still remembered that it was Liu Ye and Zhou Yu who had a letter to make him difficult to make a choice. In the end, he believed that Zhou Yu chose to join Sun Ce. Sun Ce is dead and Sun Quan is also captured. There is a sense that things are right and people are wrong.

Lu Su had already guessed the contents of Liu Ye's letter. Whether the emperor asked Liu Ye to write the letter or the latter was out of friendship and morality, it was a sincere emotion.

When I opened the letter, it turned out that although Liu Ye was a letter of persuasion, it was from the perspective of a friend, and he pointed out that Zhou Yu also took refuge together. This is a great blessing. When Lu Su read the letter, Lu Heng excused the scenery and left the yard. Let Zhou Yu and Lu Su talk alone.

Lu Su and Zhou Yu looked at each other with wry smiles... Didn't make Lu Heng wait any longer. After Lu Su and Zhou Yu left the room, no one knew what they were talking about. Lu Su bowed to Lu Heng : "The grassroots Lu Su is willing to work for the Song Dynasty!"

"Zijing, please get up!" Lu Heng quickly helped Lu Su up. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, there are not many talents who can be valued by Lu Heng so much. people.

The reason why Lu Heng attaches so much importance to Lu Su is not only Lu Zijing's talent, but also the influence of the Huainan Lu family, Hebei Zhen, Xuzhou Mi, Jingzhou Kuai and Cai, Jingnan and Huainan Lu.

The Lu family is also a very influential family. The early funding sources for Sun Ce and Sun Quan were provided by the Lu family. After the entry of the Jingnan family and Lu Heng's seizure of Huainan, which destroyed most of the Lu family's industries, the Lu family The importance is gradually decreasing, and it can be said that obtaining Lu's channels has an important impact on the New Deal.

After dealing with Lu Su's matter, Lu Heng took a day off and called all the important officials in Shouchun, including the cabinet, the [-]th Ministry, the Military Aircraft Department, and the Marshal of the Navy. National policy for decades.

It was also because of such an important argument that Fan Zhongyan asked for instructions to join several of his important deputies. Soon Lu Heng saw three scribes coming in official robes, obviously they were officials of the Song Dynasty.

"Weichen Wang Anshi, Lu Huiqing, Han Jiang" see Your Majesty!
Good guy, Wang Anshi’s New Deal core members have almost all their hearts here, and all three are radicals. Fortunately, Fan Zhongyan is watching them, otherwise Lu Heng is still a little flustered. In fact, some of Wang Anshi’s reforms in the Northern Song Dynasty were mixed. , the previous article has repeatedly explained that Fan Zhongyan's new policies are like traditional Chinese medicine, and Wang Anshi's reforms are like strong medicine, which is somewhat overkill.

It was also this kind of strength that made Lu Heng a little flustered, but the calm Fan Zhongyan was able to neutralize the opinions of Wang Anshi and others who were overcorrecting.

In this way, Lu Heng and the important court officials began to discuss one after another, including first formulating a series of mechanisms such as official assessment, promotion, demotion and punishment in the "Ming Chuzhi", which is to put it bluntly, the promotion of nine-rank officials The assessment of local political performance, the assessment of central officials, and the assessment of special officials, etc.

On this basis, it is necessary to thoroughly discuss the land measurement and the "square field average tax law". Simply put, the administrative units should be sorted out while measuring the land. Only in this way can the official assessment be set up more clearly.

Local officials well understood that the Song Dynasty was established on the basis of the Han Dynasty, and the basic administrative unit did not change fundamentally, that is, the smallest unit was the pavilion, then the township, county, county, and country, and the country, ministry, and then the state.

Among them, there is a lot of confusion, such as counties and states, as well as vassal states, ministries, and state affairs that are the legacy of previous dynasties. In the Western Han Dynasty, there were a large number of kings and fiefdoms owned by the state, with Qingzhou and Yanzhou as the most common, such as Zhongshan Kingdom, Beihai Kingdom, etc. As mentioned in the previous article, vassal states and vassal states, such as the Jianwei vassal state, Liaodong vassal state, etc., were very chaotic due to the inward migration of people other than the Han people to the Han Dynasty.

The corresponding official responsibilities are also confused due to various historical reasons. For example, the governor and the state pastor are two official positions with conflicting and overlapping powers. Simply put, the only difference between the governor and the state pastor is military power. I won’t repeat the reasons for the restoration of the state pastoral system. Fans of the Three Kingdoms probably know it.

Another example is that the concept of Xiang in Beihai Xiang overlaps with the official positions of the prefect, the king, and the minister. The first two are better understood. The Prime Minister of Beihai, and the administrative region is a county, which is the corresponding prefect. As for the "king" and "minister", there is a little bit of conferring the meaning of the king, that is, the highest official of the subordinate country is called the "king".

Of course, this king is an administrative official, not the kind of king who has food, there is an essential difference!
Such chaotic official position attributes and administrative divisions greatly limited the clear setting of promotions. Lu Heng directly decided to abolish all the subordinate countries, states, and ministries under the Song Dynasty, and uniformly adopted the "county system" in order not to cause turmoil. The country used the previous name, but the country was replaced by a county. In other words, there will be no Beihai country in the future, only Beihai county.

Dependent countries and ministries are more troublesome, which involves other ethnic autonomy, which can be divided into two types. The first is the vassal state that was brought down by the Song Dynasty. For example, there is no objection to the abolition of the Liaodong vassal state in Liaodong. Under the policy of ethnic minorities in the Song Dynasty, the resistance to Sinicization should not be very large.

At the same time, the discussion of the "Baojia Law" should be introduced, and the smallest unit of five should be changed to "Baojia", five guarantees to one big guarantee, ten ten guarantees to one capital, and ten capitals to one township. If there are more than five townships, one county must be established. In simple terms, five households constitute one insurance, 25 households constitute one major household, 1 households constitute a metropolitan household, [-] households constitute a township, and [-] Five hundred families will need to establish a county seat, and this county seat is roughly equivalent to the concept of a city in later generations. Every ten counties will need to establish a new county. When the number of counties in a state exceeds a certain amount, the state will be re-divided.

This not only re-divided the administrative counties and counties, but also equaled the first census of the Song Dynasty, in conjunction with the land measurement census.

In this way, the official positions of Baochang, Dabaochang, Duchang, Township Chief, County Magistrate, Prefect, State Governor, etc. are clearly defined, and then deputy officials are established according to each administrative level.

(End of this chapter)

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