Chapter 754
The complex situation in Jingnan is a mess. From Lu Heng's perspective, it is not only the Wuxi Man's riots, the hatred of the Han people involved, but also the Wuxi Man's hatred of the Sun family. The Song royal family is also Lu Heng and the Sun family. Enmity, the handling of Zhou Yu's army, and even Fang La's affairs had to be dealt with one by one.

No matter how many things there are, they have to be solved one by one. First of all, there are mainly four forces in Jingnan, Da Song, Sun, Fang La, and Wuxi Man. Balance is no longer passive and can take drastic actions.

That's right, Lu Heng forced Zhou Yu to surrender, and he didn't want to fight to the death on Zhou Yu's defense line in Luo County and Miluoyuan. In fact, there is a very important hidden danger!
The hidden danger is that this time the troops seem to be divided into two groups to surprise Sun Quan and win a complete victory, but Zhao Yun's Thunder Cavalry Battalion, Liu Ji, and Liu Pan's army are all on Fangla's territory, and the food and grass are all supplied by Fangla!

However, Lu Heng's army went south from Jiangxia to Changsha. It was a coincidence that the Fengqiying camp set out first. Zhou Yu then blocked Miluoyuan in Luoxian County. And Liu Ji's infantry will be in a dilemma of running out of food.

This is the main reason why Lu Heng is anxious to force Zhou Yu to surrender. Of course, now Zhou Yu chooses to surrender in order to protect the Sun family. questionable.

Of course, Fang La would probably not do this in this situation, because it was no less than a big gamble that the rewards were not proportional to the effort. In short, it was just a hidden danger. With Lu Heng opening up Luo County, this hidden danger completely disappeared.

Therefore, there is a saying that the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the only correct way is to deal with it in the face of the battle and see the moves.
Speaking of the situation in Jingnan, Zhou Yu's "behaved" gave Lu Heng a certain amount of confidence, and Lu Heng also thought of a way to deal with it. This time there are not many other things in the Song Dynasty, and the navy has brought enough!
Including Zhou Yu's water army, there are a total of four water army corps here, which makes Lu Heng's idea a practical possibility!

First, Lu Heng asked the Haijiao Camp to replace Zhou Yu's navy, stationed in Miluoyuan and Luo County to guard this key position, and then let the Shenshui Camp, Jinfan Camp, and Zhou Yu's navy go down the Xiangjiang River, en route to Linxiang, Xiangnan, and Leiyang. , Ling County (later Hengyang City), Suixian (later Yongxing City), and Chen County (later Chenzhou City), all the populations of the areas most affected by the riots migrated to Jiangxia.

Someone is going to ask, did the Wuxi barbarians watch the Song Dynasty transfer their population blindly?

It is said here that Wuximan and Shanyue live on the mountain like Shanyue, and they can swim well. They have never seen such a thing as a navy. How can they fight against the elite "No. [-] in the World" navy of the Song Dynasty?
What's more, there are hawks and doves among the Wuxi barbarians. Most of the hawks are surrounded in Linxiang, and the ones who stay are probably the doves who have calmed down.

In addition, most of the surviving Han people have fled into the county seat, and the relocation of the population can greatly reduce the ethnic conflicts between the Han people and the Wuxi barbarians.

Fortunately, in this era, Jingnan has a vast land and few people, so the combined population of the places written in this way may not be as large as that of Linxiang.

Then it is to solve the problem of the Sun family in Linxiang. According to information from all parties, Linxiang has not fallen but is in danger, because there is a time bomb that may detonate at any time in the city, and there is a death squad in the city.

When Lu Heng heard the news from Zhou Yu, he was quite speechless. Now is not the time to worry about this. This is what Lu Heng said in the bag of advice to Zhao Yun and Tai Shici.

'Using a large-scale cavalry to raise the banner of the Song Dynasty, oppressing the Wuxi barbarians who besieged Linxiang to retreat, and refusing to retreat and continue to attack Linxiang will be treated as hostility to the Song Dynasty!But don't take the initiative to attack Wuxi Man! '

In this way, Lu Heng expected that the Wuxi Man who besieged Linxiang would have two reactions.

The first is to hesitate when there are disagreements, which will suspend the siege situation. The existence of two cavalry from the Thunder Cavalry Battalion and the Wind Cavalry Battalion at the same time makes it impossible for these Wuxi barbarians to attack the city with peace of mind.

The second type is all hawks through and through, ignoring the warnings of the Song cavalry and directly attacking the Song army, so that Song has enough reasons to clean up this group of people, and even Lu Heng hopes to wipe out the hawks in one fell swoop and then To win over Dove Faction, Sha Moke and other Wuxi barbarian generals have nothing to say, and will even help persuade Dove Faction to get rid of hidden dangers and make a smooth transition.

No matter what the reaction is, Linxiang's external pressure will destroy the remaining internal bombs. Lu Heng thought for a while and told Zhou Yu to send someone to ask Cheng Pu to release all Wuxi barbarians in the city, including the death camp and their families.

In order to ensure the safety of Linxiang, Lu Heng will send envoys from the Great Song Dynasty to negotiate with the people who besieged Wuximan to retreat [-] miles. I believe that these Wuximan outside the city will agree to this condition because of the willingness of the tribe.

This is not only to defuse the internal bomb in Linxiang, but also the first part to defuse the hatred between the Sun family and Wuximan, although it may have little effect.

When Zhou Yu learned of Lu Heng's thoughts, he immediately said that Sun He could go there, and Lu Heng also nodded and selected two of the military officials.

"Ma Rui, Ma Zhi, the Ma family has lived in Jingnan for generations and made good friends with the Wuxi Man. Would you like to go there once?"

"Don't worry, the officials will take orders!" X2, Ma Rui and Ma Zhi came out to take over the task.

The Ma Rui and Ma Zhi named by Lu Heng are not from the Ma family of Ma Teng in Xiliang, but the Ma family of Jingnan who were selected for this scientific examination. The most famous are the two "Majia Wuchang, Baimei is the best".

That's right, these two are the eldest and second eldest of the five permanent members of the Ma family. The seventeenth Ma Liang's character is Ji Chang and the thirteenth Ma Di's character is You Chang.

Of course, now that Ma Liang and Ma Di have no weak crowns, naturally they have no words. I believe that the proverb "Ma's five permanent members, white eyebrows are the best" will appear in a few years.

The reason why Lu Heng took so much trouble is apart from the enmity between the Sun family and the Wuxi Man, Linxiang is the Changsha prefecture, and the population accounts for [-]% of the entire Changsha County. As far as this group of Wuxi Man is concerned, there must be massacres, and so does Lu Heng. To save the people of this city will be so painstaking.

As for the hatred between the Sun family and the Wuximan, it can be said that it will never end. This group of rioting hawks Wuximan will definitely kill the Sun family, but the blood of the Han people in their hands is also bloody and bloody. The first bird of the storm.

As for the hatred between the Sun family and the other Wuxi barbarians, only one side can completely 'disappear'. This kind of disappearance has room for manipulation. For example, letting the Sun family disappear in Jingnan is the best way.

(End of this chapter)

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