Chapter 744 Encircling Zhou Yu
There is a war in Jingnan. Sun Quan, under the command of general Lu Meng, storms Yiyang. Both sides hurt each other. There is a cavalry in Jingbei. .

Naturally, this cavalry was the Thunder Cavalry Battalion, a veteran of Lu Heng's five major cavalry regiments. They set off from Wancheng all the way to the south, passing through Xiangyang, and arrived at Jiangling.

In addition to this cavalry, there are two other naval forces on the Yangtze River marching westward from the Lujiang River. They returned to Jiang Qin's Haijiao Camp and Li Bao's Jinfan Camp together with Lu Heng. It is self-evident that all the three major naval forces of the Song Dynasty gathered together in Shenshui Camp of Zhoutai above the Yangtze River.

On the largest building boat, Lu Heng looked at the scenery on both sides of the strait. Of course, this time he was not here to travel but to fight. Behind him were Cao Kerang, Guo Zun, Hu Zaixing, Hu Sanniang, Lin Chong, Wang Gui, Shi Jin, Li Gun, Xiang Chong, Li Jilong, Murong Yanzhao, Ren Fu, Bo Jian and other Chinese generals.

There is also a cavalry galloping on the shore. The leader is Tai Shici. Behind him, He Yuanqing, Ma Zhong and other generals are obviously another cavalry Fengqi Battalion.

Both the fleet and the cavalry were targeting the same place, Changsha County. This time the military operation was clearly divided into two routes to attack Sun Quan. The first route was Zhao Yun’s Thunder Cavalry Battalion. Then Du Gao ordered Liu Pan’s army to enter Jiangling to wait for Zhao Yun’s army to arrive. .

The purpose is to take the army northward to attack Wancheng by surprise again, but suddenly counterattack and let Zhao Yun fight back with the carbine and lead the elite to attack Jingnan suddenly, and even the ships that mobilized the Yangtze River were Jingzhou's original navy, not Lu Heng's Any of the three major naval forces.

The envoy Jin Jie sent by Fang La made Du Gao's strategy even more concealed and decisive. This time Zhao Yun's army attacked from Fang La's territory.

What?Why was Zhou Yu's navy able to cross the Yangtze River smoothly?

Because of the cooperation of another Lu Heng army, Lu Heng sent Zhou Tai's Shenshui Battalion to search for Zhou Yu's water army before the battle started, leaving the latter at a loss, while he brought the Thunder Cavalry Battalion and the other two water troops. The army set out from Huainan to make a mighty attack on Changsha County.

The purpose of this troop dispatch is one word 'quick! 'To make Sun Quan completely unprepared, it feels like the Song Dynasty's army suddenly rushed in front of him.

So this time, as soon as Lu Heng's army arrived near Jiangxia, they let the two water armies approach the shore. Tai Shici's cavalry went one step ahead and rushed thousands of miles to attack Yiyang to join Zhao Yun's army, while Lu Heng's main force went all the way south to the Changsha County Government. Linxiang (that is, Changsha City in later generations).

Of course, Song Jun’s actions were not small. When Zhou Tai’s Shenshui Battalion took the initiative to search for Zhou Yu’s navy, the latter immediately sent a troop to the inland to inform Sun Quan, hoping to persuade him to give up his rift with Fang La. Unanimously external.

If it weren't for Zhou Yu being on the Yangtze River, it's a pity that the water battle is not a land battle, and the limitations on the water are too great. This navy army can't give up, otherwise Zhou Yu would like to go back to defend Changsha directly.

It was Zhou Yu's decision that paid a heavy price afterwards. After putting down Lu Heng's main force and Fengqi Battalion, Haijiao Battalion and Jinfan Battalion rushed directly to Zhou Yu's navy.

And Zhou Yu's navy has been fighting Zhou Tai's Shenshui camp in the Dongting Lake area. In the past two years, Zhou Tai's Shenshui camp and Zhou Yu's navy have fought against each other. There have been small-scale frictions between the two sides, but no real fight.

The reason is also very simple. Everyone knows that the Song Dynasty has three naval armies with almost the same strength, and Sun Quan only has this navy army left. The Sun Quan Group will be even more unable to gain a foothold without the natural danger of the Yangtze River.

And Zhou Yu also used the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, especially the section of Dongting Lake, to deal with the complex water system and the Shenshui Camp. Of course, at that time, the Song Dynasty did not intend to start a full-scale war with Sun Quan.

This time was different. In order to destroy Sun Quan, Sun Quan's naval army had to be eliminated. Lu Heng brought the finally vacated Jinfan Camp and Haijiao Camp together.

The Dongting Lake of the Yangtze River at this time was much larger than that of later generations. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Dongting Lake was also called Yunmeng, which means a big lake. It was much larger than the Dongting Lake of later generations. With the movement of the Yangtze River and the sedimentation, Yunmeng was born in Junshan and changed its name to Dongting Lake.

Dongting Lake in this era is composed of three large lakes in the east, south and west. South Dongting Lake is composed of Wanzi Lake and Tuolian Lake in later generations, but it is much larger than later generations. West Dongting Lake is the big city of Changde City in later generations. A large area, later generations are long gone.

Moreover, the tributaries of the three lakes connect with each other and flow into the Yangtze River. Zhou Tai and Zhou Yu have been playing "hide-and-seek" in this terrain for a year. It is impossible to trap a navy that is determined to preserve its strength. navy.

This time, Zhou Tai's search for Zhou Yu's water army invited him to fight as usual, and he found Zhou Yu's water army in West Dongting Lake. After seeing Zhou Tai's water army shooting at each other, he began to retreat to the depths of Dongting Lake, obviously wanting to retreat. South Dongting Lake.

However, Zhou Yu found out that Zhou Tai, who had been chasing him so hard before and had to give up some stalks before retreating, was not in a hurry to catch up this time. Instead, he blocked the main roads to the West Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River, and began to build chains on both banks.

Zhou Tai's abnormal behavior caught Zhou Yu's attention. Lieutenant General Sun Yu laughed when he saw Zhou Tai's action: "Governor, looking at Zhou Tai's actions, he wanted to block the entrance of the Great Lake and the Great River. There are so many lakes in the Great Lake. The entrance can enter the big river, and it is impossible for Zhou Tai and one Shenshui camp to block it, and two more Shenshui camps are almost the same."

Zhou Yu heard Sun Yu's words and murmured: "Two more Shenshui battalions! Two more Shenshui battalions! It's not good that the Song army will make a big move!"

Based on Zhou Yu's understanding of his opponent Zhou Tai, this person is not a person who will do useless work. Since Zhou Tai started to do these things, it must have a certain purpose. Since one navy cannot block the three navy in Dongting Lake?

However, there were three famous naval forces in the Song Dynasty. Zhou Yu's face changed instantly and he immediately ordered: "Zhou Shan and Jia Huakuai each take a fleet to the east and north of the Great Lakes to see if there is any movement of the enemy!"

"Here!" X2, Zhou Shan and Jia Hua took orders and left.

"Is the Governor worrying too much?" Sun Yu's face changed slightly when he saw Zhou Yu's eager look.

"I hope someone is worrying too much, otherwise we are in danger!" Zhou Yu said lightly, but his eyes were looking at Zhou Shan and Jia Hua's fleet leading the team away.

About three hours later, Zhou Yu saw a big banner with the word "Jia" on it, and felt a little ominous in his heart.

"I would like to report to the Commander-in-Chief that there are a large number of Song army fleets in Beihu Lake. General Jia Hua was shot and killed by the enemy, and our ships suffered heavy losses!"

(End of this chapter)

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