Chapter 733
Lu Heng enjoyed family happiness for one day, and had to deal with government affairs the next day. This month of drifting at sea has accumulated a month of government affairs!
After all, no matter how huge a ship is on the vast sea, it is just a drop in the ocean, not to mention that the ship is still driving and it is impossible to find its position at any time.

It is not that there were no major incidents during this month. For example, Du Gao led heavy troops to surround Wancheng, and Zhu Huan led troops to approach Shangyong, but Cao Cao sent an army to intercept them.

But this is not a major event. There are three major events. The first is the opening of the first imperial examination in the Great Song Dynasty Hall!Lu Heng, who is an emperor, needs to come up with a question!

Later generations, including Lu Heng, believed that the implementation of the imperial examination system would be full of obstacles. In fact, it was not until the Eastern Han Dynasty that we discovered that this was not the case. In this era, there were actually behaviors similar to the imperial examination system.

Let me first talk about the essential difference between the imperial examination system and the recommendation system. The recommendation system does not mean that there is no evaluation. All the talents and Xiaolian recommended by the localities will still be appointed and dismissed after the evaluation by the central government.

The imperial examination system, on the other hand, abolishes the right of local recommendation, and replaces it with local examinations, which cuts off the recommendation channel.

There is no superiority in terms of the system alone, but various problems will arise when combined with the actual situation, because the overall number of official positions in a court is just a carrot and a pit. If you want to be an official, you must have vacancies to fill them, and talents recommended by local governments Basically, all these fill-in vacancies are filled, and a monopoly appears.

In order to solve this monopoly behavior, the emperors of the Han Dynasty did not think of a way, and Taixue was born!

Taixue is a talent that has not been recommended. After entering Taixue, it can achieve the purpose of entering the imperial court and becoming an official. However, with so many students in Taixue, how to inspect talents?The examination system was born!

In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a Taixue examination system and it was initiated by the famous Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It was called the "Sui Examination" once a year. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was changed to once every two years.

The "year-old examination" is divided into several examination methods, including "shooting policy", "political examination", and "oral examination". Those with excellent scores can become official replacements, and those who fail to pass the test are not even eligible to stay in Taixue.

Therefore, Lu Heng made a change. Instead of shutting out the talents recommended by the local government, they were put together with the Taisheng (Royal College) examination for assessment. The recommended talents were even related to the performance of local officials. Hook, this has been introduced in the previous article and will not be repeated.

It’s just that the resistance from the examination system is actually not great, but the real resistance is the local selection of talents, that is, in addition to the local recommendation of Maocai and Xiaolian, there are also local rural examinations and state examinations, which are the examinations organized by the local "Royal Academy" Talented people will take the examination together with Maocai and Xiaolian.

It is easy to understand that the probability becomes lower as the base increases, which is the root cause of the resistance. Therefore, at the beginning of the setting, Lu Heng made a compromise that Maocai and Xiaolian could skip the township and state examinations and take them directly. HKCEE.

At present, the gentry class still feels that although such a policy has changed, it is actually not too different from the original system of student competition and has not caused turmoil.

It can be said that the examination system alone cannot solve the problem of monopoly of talent output, and only the solution of knowledge monopoly can fundamentally solve the problem of talent monopoly.

It takes time to accumulate slowly, and it may not be completed by one or two generations. You must know that all the mentors in this era are gentry, and most of the gentry are family-based, even poor families!It is fundamental to break through this point!
This scientific examination is the first scientific examination in the Song Dynasty, and it is divided into four subjects: literature, martial arts, medicine, and miscellaneous!

Among them, Chinese and martial arts are very easy to understand. Liberal arts is internal affairs, economics, etc. to select internal affairs talents, and martial arts is policy theory and martial arts. Naturally, they are counselors and warriors respectively. They can apply for each other and announce the results separately for selection and recruitment.

The medical department is divided into medical and veterinary departments. As Lu Heng pays more and more attention to medical treatment, including Hua Tuo, Chen Ziming, Guo Fan, An Daoquan, Zhang Ji, Qian Yi and other genius doctors are getting more and more famous, and everyone is paying more and more attention to it. The people in the Xinglin were naturally conceived and born at this moment.

The final miscellaneous is very complicated, including Taoism, Buddhism, craftsmen, blacksmiths, and many other technological production industries. Naturally, there are corresponding examiners.

Lu Heng checked that there were more than a few hundred candidates who finally qualified for the examination. The Ministry of Education also attached a list. Lu Heng checked that there were still many familiar names.

For example, in the liberal arts, there are Lu Yu (the son of Lu Zhi), Ding Yi, Wen Hui, Zhao Lei, Yang Xiu, Chen Yaosou, Wang Gui, Wang Zuo, Teng Zijing, Cai Jing, etc.

The martial arts department also saw Shi Wengong, Guo Kui, Xiao Jiasui, Xu Ning, Wang Jin, Wang Gui, Li Jilong, Ma Quanyi, Wang Shenqi, Tang Bin, Cui Ye, Nie Gong, Xuan Zan, Hao Siwen, Guo Sheng, Lu Fang , Shibao and so on.

The composition of this group of people is very complex. There are local talents in the liberal arts, and there are also characters brought out by their own summons. For example, Chen Yaosou was unexpectedly exposed, and most of the martial arts are matched by summons.

Lu Heng recorded clearly that he actively summoned a total of 51 people up to Liu Kai, excluding the old enemies, including the four major bandits Song Jiang, Fang La, Wang Qing, Tian Hu, as well as Yang Yao, Liu Yu, and Zhao Kuangyin. We know that there are seven forces , That is to say, nearly 357 people have been balanced out. In terms of this ratio, the talents obtained by Song Dynasty are still far below this number.

Aside from these summoned background figures, Lu Heng still has important figures such as Shi Wengong and Guo Kui he summoned are an important part of the plan, and there are also figures such as Xiao Jiasui, Li Jilong, Ma Quanyi, Wang Shenqi, and Shi Bao that he absolutely pays attention to.

Also, Wang Jin's name is too common. I don't know if it is the master who was persecuted by Gao Qi at the beginning of the Water Margin and met Shi Jin by chance. Compared with these people, Xuan Zan, Hao Siwen, Guo Sheng, and Lu Fang may belong to the second or third class.

However, Lu Heng also noticed two names, one of which was Yang Xiu!
This person is the son of Yang Biao of the Hongnong Yang family, and he should be an official under Cao Cao's rule. Why did he appear in Shouchun?
Contrary to the fact that this person was Cao Cao's spy, Lu Heng believed that Yang Biao had sent his son over. It seemed that Hongnong's Yang family had already made a decision, and sending Yang Xiu was a signal.

The Hongnong Yang family is also a top-notch family of the fourth generation and third father of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Compared with Yang Xiu, his father, Yang Biao, has a much stronger political vision than Yang Xiu.

It is said that Yang Biao is good at being wise and protecting himself, and whether he is politically wise, he is the only high-ranking official of the Eastern Han Dynasty who survived to the middle of the Three Kingdoms period.

Even in history, it is not wise to let his son Yang Xiu join the second generation of Cao. If Yang Xiu can successfully transition to the second generation of Cao, then the Hongnong Yang family is likely to transition to the top of Cao Wei smoothly.

It's a pity that Yang Xiu thought highly of himself and played tricks to constantly create a sense of existence. Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu in part because he had seen through Cao Cao's thinking, and he might not have the intention of beating Hongnong Yang.

But Yang Biao endured the revenge of killing his son. This is the most terrifying thing about this person!

(End of this chapter)

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