Chapter 718 Ambush the White Wolf
Wuhuan, also known as Wuwan, is one of the ancient nomadic peoples in the northern grasslands. As early as the time when the Xiongnu was powerful, the status of Wuhuan people and Xianbei people were quite equal, and they were one of the main components of Donghu.

After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made hundreds of Huns, the Xianbei people rose slowly in the long river of time, and even reached their peak under the leadership of Tan Shihuai.

The Wuhuan people saw that their neighbors around them were powerful, and then became the vassals of the Xianbei people. It was like a pair of neighbors who were both relatively rich and equally wealthy. The sudden rise of talents has acquired the déjà vu of all nearby land.

The Wuhuan people were the ones who watched the rise of the Xianbei people. After the death of Wuhuan Shanyu Qiu Liju, his son Lou Ban came to power at a young age, but the internal affairs were unstable. Nengchen Di died in battle, but instead fulfilled Tadun and became a dominant force.

After the rise of Wanyan Aguda and the Jurchens, Tadun keenly felt that this was a good opportunity to encroach on Xianbei and counterattack Xianbei, so he directly sent envoys to the Jurchens. The Jurchens needed allies to fight against the Xianbei people, and the Wuhuan people could defend the southwest. to date.

This time, Tadun almost went out to attack Da Song, leaving only adult nephews Lou Ban and Huliu with some clansmen stationed in Liucheng. In this case, this Lou Ban was the youngest son of the year. Also, with the support of King Nanlou and Nengchendi, he became Wuhuan Shanyu, while Tadun retired to the throne but was very similar to the role of Dorgon in the later Manchu Qing Dynasty, named Wang Shiwei Shanyu.

Ta Dun led the army back to Liucheng, surrounded by Sufuwan, Tanzhiwang, Su Puyan, Wuyan, Yu Nengchen, Kou Loudun, Aluopan, Pufulu, Qiaowang, Karasuma Guiyihou Wang Tong, Wang Ji, Na Lou and other large and small tribal leaders more than ten people.

Karasuma is also a typical tribal system of grassland nomads. Tadun is the strongest tribe and Karasuma Khan.

For example, Su Puyan and Wu Yan are the people who supported Lou Ban in the original time and space, and they are also the leaders of two relatively powerful tribes. Ta Dun's abdication is obviously at odds with Ta Dun's face and heart.

As for Karasuma Guiyi Hou Wangtong and Wang Ji, their names are obviously different from Tadun and others. They are Chinese names. These two are Wuhuan people who were attached to the original Han Dynasty by the Liaodong vassal state, so they are not only Han surnames but also Han-made. The official position, Karasuma Guiyihou was the official position bestowed on this part of the Wuhuan tribe by the Eastern Han Dynasty. As for why this part of the people got together with Tadun, it has already been explained in the previous article and I will not repeat it here.

It can be seen that the current Tadun army is stronger than the Tadun army that Cao Cao had in the original time and space, because the Wuhuan people in the original time and space stayed honestly in Liaodong and did not produce so many moths. In the later period, this part of the Wuhuan people He also often helped Tian Yu, Qianzhao, Cao Zhang, Yan Rou and others of Wei State to send troops to Xianbei.

On this day, Tadun had already marched to the boundary of Bailang Mountain. Looking at the Bailang Mountain in front of him, he always felt a little uneasy. Once again, he called the scouts and asked: "Have you found out that the Emperor of the Song Dynasty is attacking Xuan Tu?"

"Shan Yu, the little Han emperor who is willing to risk his life to guarantee the Great Song Dynasty is leading an army to fight Xuantu, tens of thousands of people!"

The scout's words reassured Ta Dun a lot. This man was a little trembling and a little afraid of Song's strength. He originally thought that the strength of the Jurchen would be cheap enough to send troops by himself, and he could rob food, population, wealth, and women by going south to Youzhou.

To be honest, before dispatching troops, Tadun thought that the Han people were still the same as they were a few years ago, when Liu Yugang died, Gongsun Zan was busy fighting Yuan Shao, and Youzhou, Bingzhou, and even parts of Sili were simply the back gardens of nomads. Come in and out.

During this period, Cao Cao hadn’t risen, Yuan Shao hadn’t unified the north, and the north was suffering, especially in Bingzhou and Youzhou. The princes were busy with civil wars. Small-scale raiding of grassland by nomads was commonplace, and large-scale southward looting was not uncommon. Talented women Cai Wenji was also captured on the grassland during this period.

In those few years, when they were hit by white disasters, they went south to grab a wave. Not only did they have food for the winter, but Han women warmed their beds. Thinking about it, those few years were definitely the happiest days.

After Yuan Shao's rise, he also adopted a policy of grassland national harmony. Due to Yuan Shao's power, the Southern Huns, Wuhuan, and Xianbei all restrained a lot.

Originally thought that Yuan Shao would be able to return to a fairy-like life after his death, but he did not expect that the newly built Great Song Dynasty would be able to do so. He lost a lot in attacking Yuyang but did not cross the Great Wall. Even the Jurchens were beaten and retreated!Jurchen's fighting power is overwhelming, but I have seen it with my own eyes!
It is rumored that the emperor of the Song Dynasty was a tough lord. A Han emperor who shouted: "Anyone who violates China will be punished even if he is far away" is definitely a disaster for the grassland people.

Ta Dun felt that his life in the past two years was absolutely difficult, and he even wanted to give up this place after returning to Liucheng, and head north to the Jurchens' territory to lean against the big trees to enjoy the shade, right?
As long as he passed the White Wolf Mountain in front of him, he could return to Liucheng, Ta Dun thought.

"Shoot the arrows! Kill! Kill! Kill!" The sudden rain of arrows stumped the Wuhuan army who were still marching, and tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalrymen panicked.

Suddenly the sound of shouting and killing came, and Tadun, who was still planning ahead, was thinking wildly, staring blankly at the tribesmen on the ground in front of him, and at the not-too-distant White Wolf Mountain, groups of cavalry were rushing towards their army formation!

"Prepare to meet the enemy! Prepare to meet the enemy!" Ta Dun saw groups of Great Song cavalry shouting in panic.

Cao Kerang, Hu Yanzhuo, Hu Yantong, Gan Ning, Tao Sanchun, Gao Huailiang, He Yuanqing, Wang Yin, Lu Junyi, Yan Liang, Lao Jie, Ma Zhong, Tai Shixiang, Ding Feng, Ding Feng, etc. will rush to kill together no matter what Tadun is thinking down.

And behind this group of generals, there are [-] cavalrymen charging down the mountain condescendingly. The sloping hillside allows the horses to accelerate quickly to directly make up for the lack of run-up space.

As for the rain of arrows, sharp weapons such as crossbow battalions and eight-ox crossbows have been arranged on the mountain for a long time, and the condescending shooting, even because of the huge army of Wuhuan people, they don't need to aim, just shoot the arrows!

Cao Kerang is riding a red gray fire dragon horse with a big iron gun in front of him. Behind him is Tao Sanchun's iron and rotten silver hammer, He Yuanqing's mixed iron hammer, Gan Ning's Jiuqu boring, Hu Yanzan's gilded jujube wood spear, Tai Shici's His crescent halberd, Lu Junyi's unicorn spear, Gao Huailiang's bright silver spear, Hu Yantong's and Hu Yanzhuo's double whips all rushed into the chaotic Wuhuan formation.

At this time, the Wuhuan people remembered that they needed to fight back, and one by one raised their scimitars and lances to prepare to fight back, but the next moment it was the bodies of their own clansmen that came to meet them!

(End of this chapter)

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