The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 70? 1 Tong Jiangdong Grandmaster Arrives

Chapter 70 The Unifying Jiangdong Grandmaster Arrives

After Lu Heng took over Gan County, he saw the old man Wang Lang in the prefect's mansion.

The old man was drinking to get drunk. It seemed that the incident in Dongye had a great impact on the old man Wang Lang.

The old man lost a lot of weight, his clothes were ragged, and he was a little rough. He smelled of alcohol all over his body, and he was completely different from the old man who was full of spirits back then!
As soon as Wang Lang saw Lu Heng, he rubbed his eyes first, and after confirming that he was not dazzled, he hugged Lu Heng and cried loudly, "I regret not listening to Zhong Xiang's words, I should have waited for Yunlong to set off together, it was someone who killed me!" The people of Dongye!"

Lu Heng stepped forward and sat beside the old man, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it down!

The old man Wang Lang was not responsible for the Dongye massacre, but the old man blamed everything on himself.

The old man Wang Lang has a certain ability to command troops, and he has been in a stalemate with Sun Ce for a long time in history, but now it is the combination of Sun Ce + Zhou Yu. Lu Heng is very afraid of this combination, and it is not surprising that this old man lost.

At this time, all words of comfort were in vain. Lu Heng drank with the old man one cup after another, and the old man cried loudly while drinking.

In the end, the old man didn't know whether he was drinking wine or his own tears. The Dongye incident was a pain in the hearts of all Jiangdong people. The old man Wang Lang was an official all his life and took the people as his own responsibility.

Now so many people were being slaughtered in front of his eyes, and he was powerless to stop it. How could Wang Lang not feel pain in his heart?

Lu Heng knew this and stayed quietly by Wang Lang's side, drinking cup after cup with the old man.

In the end, Lu Heng felt a little drunk, and said to Wang Lang, "Old man, I got drunk with you today, and the people of Dongye still need you to govern.

There were only 373 households out of 7 in Dongye, and most of them were old and weak and could not take care of themselves. The corpses of the common people were collected for seven days.

Dongye needs a good official to revitalize him. Someone exempted Dongye from taxes for ten years, so someone asked Yu Fangong to wait for you in Dongye first. With Mr. Yu, a man who understands medicine, he can prevent the plague.

When someone pulls up Longquan Mountain, the people of Shanyue will be moved down the mountain and resettled in Dongye. I believe that within ten years, the old man will be able to return a certain prosperous Dongye? "

Wang Lang finished his last glass of wine, stood up unsteadily, looked at Lu Heng and said, "Yunlong, it's a deal! It won't take ten years, but I will give you a prosperous Dongye in five years!"

Since Sun Ce was able to withdraw from Ganzhou, he would definitely not stay in other counties. After Lu Heng entered the city, he ordered Tai Shici to go directly south to capture Nanye further south.

As Lu Heng expected, the next day Tai Shici asked the messengers to report that Nanye was also a city without defenders.

The old man Wang Lang took away a few of Lu Heng's guards, and set off for Dongye by himself, without even saying goodbye to Lu Heng, and just left.

Since then, the battle in the south of Yuzhang has come to an end, and the south of Yuzhang has officially belonged to Lu Heng!
The only Shanyue force in the south of Yuzhang is Zhang Jie, and Zhang Jie's troops were basically taken away by Sun Ce. Originally, only some old and weak members of Zhang Jie's old lair were still in the mountains, and they only needed one capable minister to manage them!
"System prompt: The host has won the attack in the south of Yuzhang, and participated in the forces Sun Ce and Lu Heng.

The main generals of Sun Ce's army were Han Dang, Chen Wu, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, and Zhu Zhi.

The main generals of Lu Heng's army, Tai Shici, Zhang Hong, Bu Zhi, Xu Sheng, Sun Ce's army lost 3767 people, and Lu Heng's army lost 3663 people.

Congratulations to the host for gaining the entire territory of Yuzhang Army, with a reward of 10 reputation points. Congratulations to the host for gaining 30 reputation points with the entire territory of Jiangdong. The current reputation is 150 points.

Congratulations to the host for completing the system task: Reward for unifying Jiangdong - 5 points each for basic attributes except force value.

Host's current five-dimensional: commander 86, force 37, intelligence 88, politics 77, charm 95 (Lu Heng will lead troops every time he goes out, he has not reached the peak, the command value will increase quickly, but the region will be stable soon, and the event will leap again after political needs)
Release the latest mission - want to be the emperor?Idiots?Eliminate Yuan Shu and seize the entire territory of Yangzhou!award? ? ? ? ?

Reward the blueprint of the stepper armor to the host, reward a special character to draw a chance once, and the chance can be reserved for the host to use immediately? "

Lu Heng heard a series of rewards in his mind, and finally finished the task of unifying Jiangdong!

It seems to be a few years faster than Sun Ce in history?

Someone Lu remembers that Sun Ce unified Jiangdong when Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor!

Lu Heng stroked his beardless chin, at least he didn't embarrass the time traveler. Sure enough, I, Lu, was the protagonist of the script!

Burenjia drawings, haha, it's great!
My hoplites are finally coming to life!

Of course the special drawing must be drawn, Lu Heng ordered in his mind: "Receive special character reward drawing!
The host receives a special reward drawing, randomly draws a hero with special abilities in the Song Dynasty, and the special ability must be greater than the basic five-dimensional hero, the system is matching...

Qian Yi's peak five latitudes: Commander 11, Force 16, Intelligence 68, Politics 64, Charm 75, Medicine 98
Yang Miaozhen’s five peak levels: Commander 86, Force 95, Intelligence 55, Politics 43, Charm 88, Guidance 98
Shen Kuo's peak five latitudes: Commander 65, Force 32, Intelligence 96, Politics 85, Charm 88, Invention 99
Lin Lingsu's peak five latitudes: Commander 12, Force 11, Intelligence 86, Politics 32, Charm 89, Bewitching 94
Song Ci’s peak five levels: Commander 23, Force 33, Intelligence 87, Politics 76, Charisma 88, Medical skills 92, Autopsy 99
Seeing this list, Lu Heng shouted in his heart that he must not Lin Lingsu!

What's the use of this waste!

Do you want me, Lu, to build Gen Yue?

It's better to let the goods harm Zhao Ji, and let Zhao Ji raise more children!
Except for Lin Lingsu, the others are all very good talents, and the worst Qian Yi is a pediatrician!
Song Ci also entered the palace for the second time, so it is no problem to be able to serve as the prefect, but the ability to do autopsy will be lost to Dali Temple in the future!
After that, Bao Zheng was summoned to have a partner to solve the case. As for who is the leader and who loses in Dali Temple, it depends on who is summoned first.

To be honest, Lu Heng was very entangled between Shen Kuo and Yang Miaozhen. Yang Miaozhen was a top female general in terms of strength. If Yang Miaozhen was drawn with a systemic sex, there was a high probability that it had something to do with the two brothers Yang Zaixing and Yang Yanzhao.

Shen Kuo's ability is also very good!Invention 99, the author of the famous Mengxi Bi Tan!
From the perspective of comprehensive ability, Shen Kuo is far more helpful to Lu Heng than Yang Miaozhen. Shen Kuo is not only proficient in mathematics, chemistry, water conservancy, astronomy, geography, but also has a good understanding of military affairs!

It can be said that if Shen Kuo exists, it is equivalent to having one more scientist + inventor + counselor!

After struggling for a while, the balance in Lu Heng's mind slowly tilted towards Shen Kuo. Bless the system in his heart and let me draw Shen Kuo! !

"The system congratulates the host: Yang Miaozhen, the master of the Song Dynasty, has come to the host's sphere of influence, please recruit the host as soon as possible!
Because the host summoned Yang Miaozhen, the old enemy Yelu Wuzhi came to Yelu Abaoji's camp, and Ren Duoding came to Li Jiqian's camp.

Special rewards: Drawing souls of Song Dynasty heroes does not consume reputation points!The current reputation value is 150 points.

Lu Heng secretly analyzed in his heart, now he has Yang Zaixing, Tai Shici, and Hu Yanzan as his generals, Yang Yanzhao, his nephews Zhu Huan, Xu Sheng, and counselors Yu Yunwen and Ding Wei are enough for the time being.

Now that Lu Heng's base is expanding too fast, many newly invested areas need to recuperate. Danyang County, Yuzhang County, and the southern part of Kuaiji County are even more slaughtered!
In fact, Jiangdong's population and economic center of gravity are in the north, and the gap between the south and the north is not a little big. Take Kuaiji County as an example, even if there is no such thing as Sun Ce's massacre of Dongye.

The economy in the south is also far inferior to that in the north. Many political talents under Lu Heng's command, such as Yu Yunwen, Zhang Hong, Zhang Zhao, and brother-in-law Gu Yong, are all rich in internal affairs.

But a certain master, Yu Yunwen, must be with him, because those who fight in the South and the North cannot settle down in one place for politics!
The brother-in-law is going to be in charge of Jinyiwei, Zhang Zhao is in charge of Danyang, and Zhang Hong is in charge of Yuzhang. It needs a great talent in internal affairs to be in charge of Kuaiji County, especially Dongye, who will not be able to recover in ten years!

So this time Lu is going to summon a political talent. There are many internal affairs talents in the Northern Song Dynasty, such as Wang Anshi, Fan Zhongyan, etc. Lu Heng expects that he will draw that hero!
 Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets!
  Thanks to the loyal book friend Wu Sangui for the recommendation ticket!
  Thanks to the book friend Luo Yu Binfen for the 2 recommended tickets!

  Thank you very much, Sleeping Xiaolu for your long-term attention!

(End of this chapter)

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