The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 699 Breaking through Fancheng

Chapter 699 Breaking through Fancheng
"Attack with the whole army! Grab the city!" Zhao Yun saw Gao Chong, Zhao Kuangyin, Zhang Qing, Ding Desun, Gong Wang and others killing the city wall, so he knew that the city was about to be broken, and he gave the order to attack with a roar.

Seeing the infantry who had been watching the show under the city and carrying the ladder, they also began to charge in an all-round way and prepared to cooperate with Lu Gong's ants to climb the wall and start climbing the city to attack.

The biggest damage in siege warfare is actually the process of climbing the city wall. In this process, there are countless obstacles to break through, such as moats using terrain, suppression of long-range archers, condescending rolling logs, rocks, boiling oil, and fierce fire oil. Killing is what makes siege warfare cost the most, so most of the battle damage is caused by the consumption of siege equipment.

As long as you can kill the city wall, it can be said that you have won half of the battle, and the other half is the opponent's fight with the flesh and blood of soldiers.

But now Zhao Yun used the siege equipment in the first five days to attack the city, and then suddenly robbed the city and the "fire suppression" tactics of sophisticated equipment greatly reduced the cost of the siege, and even used the cooperation of Lv Gongche and fierce generals to directly attack the city wall.

To make a simple analogy, if the level of Da Song's equipment is lv5, then Liu Bei's equipment technology tree has not been opened, and he is still defending the city in the most primitive way!
In addition to the superiority of the Song army's equipment, there is also an important reason for Liu Bei's lack of background. Guan Yu seems to have 1 horses, but only [-] can be used. It will be discarded immediately.

These people can hit people with rolling logs and stones, but they only need two months of training in hand-to-hand combat. At this moment, most of their minds are blank.

So when Pei Yuanshao came with a team of personal guards carrying cans of kerosene, Zhang Qing just used stones to push Guan Ping back. !"

After Zhang Qing roared, he took out two stones from the cyst and held them with his index finger, middle finger and ring finger respectively: "hit!"

After a sound, the kerosene tank that Pei Yuanshao was carrying was smashed with a 'boom', and the man was caught off guard by the kerosene being drenched all over, "Ah! ' Then he screamed and fell down covering his face.

Obviously, the two flying stones thrown by Zhang Qing, the first one hit the fire oil tank in the middle, and the second one hit Pei Yuanshao's face. All the flying stones hit the man's combat power and were directly destroyed.

You must know that although Zhang Qing's unique skill cannot kill the general immediately, but the temporary "disabled person" is very strong. Liao Hua's face is red and swollen now. Yang Zhi, the bearded man Zhu Dian, the winged tiger Lei Heng, the big sword Guan Sheng, the two-spear general Dong Ping, the vanguard Suo Chao, and many other titans.

When Zhang Qing saw Fei Shi's meritorious service, he did not hesitate to lead his guards to kill him with the white pear gun. Those who were killed on the city wall were all elite soldiers of the Song Dynasty. He knew what it was when he smelled the strong fire oil, and immediately went to Pei Yuanshao. Dozens of people were killed.

The leader, Pei Yuanshao, was hit by Zhang Qing's flying stone and lost his combat effectiveness. Zhang Qing took out the white pear flower gun and shot Pei Yuanshao, and then led his men to kill and disperse the enemy troops.

Only one excited soldier turned his head and ran away, then picked the nearest Lv bus and threw it on fire, burning several Song soldiers in front.

The fire attack that Guan Yu had high hopes for only burned down one Lu Gong chariot, which was obviously of no use at all. With the fierce fighting on the walls of Fancheng, more and more soldiers climbed up the city wall.

"General Guan, we can't hold on any longer!" A deputy general killed a Song Dynasty soldier and shouted at Guan Yu, who was still fighting with Gao Chong as he watched the soldiers climbing up the city wall one after another.

Guan Yu narrowly dodged Gao Chong's shot, "Squeak!" With the sound of the gate opening, the gate of Fancheng was opened, and it was Zhang Qing who came out from the gate.

"Kill!" The moment Zhao Yun saw the opening of the city gate, he ordered Lei Qiying to press on and enter the city together with Yang Miaozhen.

"Brother's entrustment cannot be ignored! The city is alive and the people are alive, and the city is dead! Those who are willing to come with me enter the city to fight!" Guan Yu roared at this time and went to kill in the city under the guard of his own soldiers.

Zhou Cang and Guan Ping forced their opponents back to follow closely, and the remaining elite thousand people also followed Guan Yu into the city to kill, while the other chaotic defenders surrendered one after another.

After half an hour of street fighting, the defenders in Fancheng are getting less and less Above any elite that Zhao Yun has ever seen.

If there were not only 500 people, and Zhao Yun personally led the Thunder Riding Battalion to charge the battle, this army would be very difficult.

In a residential alley in Fancheng, Guan Yu and Guan Ping, father and son, stood firm in this alley. The alley that Guan Yu chose was very tricky, with Han River on one side and a dead end on the other. Lei Qiying’s war horses couldn’t get in at all, and Zhao Yun had to dismount. He led the army and fought fiercely with Guan Yu.

Surrounding Zhao Yun were Liu Ji, Yang Miaozhen, Gao Chong, Zhang Qing, Ding Desun, Gong Wang, Ling Tong, Jiang Yi, Zhou Shao and other generals who led their troops to surround the intersection on one side.

At this time, Guan Yu was dripping with blood, his green robe was soaked with bright red blood, and blood was still oozing from a shot on his shoulder. This shot was naturally the result of Guan Yu's impatience to force Gao Chong to retreat. The gun caused Guan Yu to lose a lot of combat strength, and the young general Guan Ping also had two wounds on his body, and he was gritting his teeth.

"Kill!" Zhou Cang and Zhao Kuangyin were fighting together again, but the former was panting and in a very bad state. With less than a hundred people left, he was still fighting in the end. It was Zhou Cang's desperate fighting and guarding that allowed Guan Yu and Guan Ping to retreat. Entering this alley, Zhou Cang was not only Zhao Kuangyin's opponent, but he was still fighting here and he was obviously determined to die.

"Bang! Dang! Bang! Bang!" Soldiers were killed one after another and only Zhou Cang was left. Seeing the military exploits in front of him, Zhao Kuangyin no longer stayed behind. While parrying Zhou Cang's sword with a coiled dragon stick, he found a small flaw. The stick shattered Zhou Cang's arm with a bang.

Zhou Cang was in pain and fell to the ground with his sword. Zhao Kuangyin took two quick shots in succession and directly shattered Zhou Cang's chest and Tianling Gai. The speed was so fast that even Zhao Yungang had no chance to speak and spare Zhou Cang's life.

"Zhou Cang!!" Guan Yu roared angrily, watching Zhou Cang slowly fall to the ground, glaring at Zhao Kuangyin with murderous intent.

"Brother Yun, it's better to surrender! With Brother Yun's talents, I believe that your majesty will reuse him! The unification of the world is the general trend, don't be stubborn!" Zhao Yun stepped forward and looked at Guan Yu, whose blood-stained shirt was unbearable. There was still a friendship back then. Open your mouth to persuade you to surrender.

"Taoyuan's sworn brotherhood cannot be violated, Zilong don't persuade him any more! Guan will not work for anyone other than elder brother!" Guan Yu pierced the Qinglong Yanyue Knife into the ground and looked at the acquaintance opposite with great emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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