The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 66 Arranging Dongye to send troops to Yuzhang

Chapter 66 Arranging Dongye to send troops to Yuzhang

As for Lu Heng, when this battle happened, he had just set off from Dongye, and it would take half a month at the earliest to reach the southern part of Yuzhang!

After Sun Ce entered Gan County, all the civil and military personnel under his command except Cheng Pu finally got together, and held the most important military meeting so far!
Zhou Yu, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Chen Wu, Zhu Zhi, Lu Fan, Sun Ben, Sun Hao, Xu Kun, Lu Meng, Xu Yi, Han Yan, Zhang Ya, Zhan Qiang and several Shanyue leaders were present!

It can also be said that it was a meeting about the life and death of Sun Ce, the power of the princes!
However, none of the generals here knew this, and only Zhou Yu vaguely guessed some of Sun Ce's thoughts.

However, the first issue Sun Ce raised was not the one he wanted in the end, but the proposal to trade Wang Lang for Cheng Pu.

The old man Wang Lang, after being captured by Sun Ce, followed the army all the way to Gan County, but the old man saw Dongye massacre with his own eyes, and blamed himself for losing a lot of weight, and fell ill during the journey.

Fortunately, Sun Ce didn't dare to let the old man die, because Lu Heng said that if Wang Lang died, Cheng Pu would be cut into pieces by Lu Heng and sent back!
There was nothing to discuss about this matter. No one present objected. Cheng Pu was Sun Jian's old subordinate and had assisted the Sun family for two generations. No one dared to suggest not saving Cheng Pu.

Moreover, the relationship between Huang Gai, Han Dang and Cheng Pu was very good. The three veterans had devoted everything to Sun Ce and had to be rescued. Moreover, the old man Wang Lang was of no use to Sun Ce, he was just wasting food.

The matter of exchanging Wang Lang for Cheng Pu was settled like this, and then Sun Ce threw out a second idea.

Sun Ce looked around the crowd and said: "Now our army has no foundation in Jiangdong, just like a tree without roots, Taishici has more than 4 people, and Lu Heng will lead the main force with 5 to [-] people soon.

Although a certain annexed Zhang Jie Shanyue, they are all mobs, how can they fight against Lu Heng's elite?
There are only more than 2000 soldiers in our army that can fight now (Tai Shici attacked fiercely, and the defenders suffered many casualties), the day when Lu Heng's army arrives is the day when we will be destroyed! "

As soon as Sun Ce said this, Zhou Yu, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Chen Wu, Lu Fan, etc., who accompanied Sun Ce ups and downs and went through life and death, were still calm, but Xu Yi, Han Yan, Zhang Ya, Zhan Qiang The faces of these new investors are very ugly.

In particular, Zhang Ya and Zhan Qiang were Sun Ce who betrayed Wang Lang and took refuge with them, as well as those Shanyue leaders, they would have no good fate in Lu Heng's hands!
The scene was very quiet for a while, Lu Meng was the youngest present, and Sun Ce saw his brother-in-law Deng Dang died in battle, so he let him enter the conference hall to participate in such an important meeting!

Seeing such a scene, Lu Meng shouted loudly: "Little Lu Heng, so what if there are [-] troops, our army will fight to the death with the lord and Lu Heng, let Lu Heng know our integrity! Even if we eat us, we will die!" It's going to break Lu Heng's teeth!"

Seeing Lu Meng's bold words, Sun Ce said loudly without fear of life and death: "Well said! Ziming (Lv Meng's style name is Ziming) is so courageous at such a young age! No loss to Deng Dang's wife and brother!"

Zhou Yu looked at Lu Meng, although his face was still cold, there was a little appreciation in his courageous eyes!

Seeing that the effect was almost complete, Sun Ce continued: "Now a certain army stays in Jiangdong, it will die, and the only way out is to go out of Jiangdong!
Someone intends to use Lu Heng as an envoy to discuss the exchange of Wang Lang and Cheng Pu, and discuss with Lu Heng about releasing a certain army out of the border of Jiangdong! "

Sun Ce now has many generals under his command, but Zhou Yu is the only adviser, and Lu Fan barely counts as half of them. The only wise general, Cheng Pu, is still in Lu Heng's hands.

The old Huang Gai asked Sun Ce solemnly, "Bo Fu has to explain in detail, Lu Heng is very cunning, why did you let me out of Jiangdong?

And where is our army going, and where are we going?

Could it be that our army is going to go through the entire Jiangbei and go up to vote Yuan Shu again?
Or do you want to go south to the barren land of Jiaozhou? "

Sun Ce looked at Huang Gai and suddenly smiled and said, "Uncle Gong Fu and Uncle Yi have forgotten Huan Jie and Zhang Xian?"

Huang Gai and Han Dang were dumbfounded when they heard Sun Ce say Huan Jie and Zhang Xian. Some past events slowly came to mind. Back then, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, Han Dang and Zu Mao were still young and followed Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian .

During the period of Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the fourth year of Zhongping, Qu Xing, a native of Changsha, rebelled, claiming to be a general, and gathered more than 1 people to attack and besiege the city.

The imperial court appointed Sun Jian as the prefect of Changsha, and went to wipe out the rebel army.

When Sun Jian went to the county, he checked and selected officials to govern the people, and he made it clear: "Just treat the good people well, deal with officials and Cao documents well, and follow the rules. As for the thieves in the county, leave it to me!"

He did what he said, and immediately led the soldiers to plan a strategy. In just one month, he defeated Ou Xing and conquered the county.

The person who inspects and selects officials is Zhang Xian!

Back then, Zhang Xian and Sun Jian cooperated very tacitly, and their writing and military skills complemented each other. They successively quelled the rebellions in Jingnan, Changsha, and Guiyang.

It can be said that this period was the beginning of Sun Jian's brilliant life. After the Dong Zhuo Rebellion, Sun Jian attached himself to Yuan Shu, and never returned to Changsha until he crossed the river and killed Liu Biao.

After Sun Jian's death, Zhang Xian succeeded Sun Jian's Changsha prefect, and Liu Biao rode into Jingzhou to become Jingzhou shepherd. Changsha County was under Jingzhou. It can be said that Liu Biao was Zhang Xian's immediate boss. you.

As for the other Changsha native of the Huan rank, he was a meritorious Cao Shi who was the governor of Changsha in his early years. Sun Jian, the prefect, recommended him as Xiaolian.

Afterwards, he was appointed by the imperial court as Shang Shulang. Huan Jie returned to his hometown for the funeral because of his father's death, just in time for Sun Jian to die in battle when he attacked Liu Biao.

Huan Jie was grateful for Sun Jian's kindness, so he risked his life to visit Liu Biao and ask for Sun Jian's funeral.

Liu Biao was moved by his loyalty, so Huan Jie took Sun Jian's body and coffin away.

It can be said that Huan Jie was Sun Jian's disciple and a great benefactor of the Sun family. Huan Jie was at odds with Liu Biao all his life, and he persuaded Zhang Xian to join Cao Cao during the Battle of Guandu in history.

The two hit it off and supported Cao Cao against Liu Biao in Jingnan. The two fought against Liu Biao year after year. Later, Zhang Xian died of illness and Changsha City was breached. Huan Jie had to hide by himself.

After a long time, Liu Biao recruited him to serve as a sacrificial wine, and planned to marry his wife's younger sister, Cai Shi.

Huan Jie pushed that he already had a wife, but refused to accept it, and then resigned because of illness, and finally took refuge in Cao Cao.

It can be said that Zhang Xian, Huan Jie and the huge Changsha County are the last legacy Sun Jian left to Sun Ce!
In history, Sun Ce died after taking Jiangdong. He did not make good use of this inheritance at all. Now that Jiangdong is occupied by a stronger gentry, Lu Heng, Sun Ce has nowhere to go to Changsha.

After Huang Gai slowly recounted the past, no one in the world did not know Sun Ce's meaning. From the south of Yuzhang to the west, cross Tailing Mountain to the west, which is the boundary of Changsha!
But there is one last question. Huang Gai asked: "There is a way out, but although Changsha is near, there are hundreds of miles along the way. Our army is only infantry. How can we get there? Don't forget that Lu Heng already has six or seven thousand cavalry. The crowd!"

Hearing Huang Gai's last question, Sun Ce suddenly said murderously: "Someone asked Wang Lang to replace Cheng Pu, and left Lu Heng Ruo Da's south of Yuzhang, if Lu Heng is still infatuated, he won't give someone a way out!
There are several cities in the south of Yuzhang, and how many cities were slaughtered by a certain grandson, let's see if Lu Heng dares not to let him go out of Jiangdong! "

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(End of this chapter)

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