The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 60 Sun Ce sent troops to attack Kuaiji

Chapter 60 Sun Ce sent troops to attack Kuaiji

Lu Heng was very surprised when he heard Zhang Zhao's words. It turned out that the old man Zhang Zhao was the host!

Lu Heng's impression of the old man Zhang Zhao was somewhat inconsistent!
But Zhang Zhao’s words did say that in Lu Heng’s heart, the danger of Sun Ce must be eliminated quickly. After a few years of waiting for Cao Cao and Yuan Shao’s rise, if our army is still dragged by Sun Ce in the south, how can we join the gluttonous feast of the Battle of Guandu!
Lu Heng immediately said: "Zi Bu's words are very suitable for a certain purpose!

With Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's ability to constantly disturb Jiangdong and make our army exhausted, it is extremely detrimental to our development!

Because it should be pulled out quickly, otherwise Ruo Mang will be stabbed in the back! "

Yu Yunwen came out and said: "Now that Sun Ce and Zhang Jie are sending troops to Kuaiji, Wang Shijun (Wang Lang) will definitely lead troops to support him personally. The main battlefield of this battle is in Kuaiji instead of Yuzhang. My lord can order General Taishi to send troops to attack the southern part of Yuzhang!
The lord personally led the army to go south to Kuaiji and merged with Wang Shijun to destroy Sun Ce! "

Ding Wei also opened his mouth and said: "Because the leader of the Kuaiji Mountain is more and more levied against the embankment, just like Yuzhang Mountain is getting more and more festivals, if you hate our army so much, the battle of Kuaiji will be a quagmire!
As for Yuan Shu's prediction, Yuan Shu focused on the north instead of the south for two reasons. First, Yuan Shu did not mobilize ships this time when he mobilized troops and horses.

Second, Yuan Shu's generals Zhang Xun and Ji Ling were both stationed in the north and there was no sign of mobilization.

Thirdly, Yuan Shu just suffered a big loss from the lord a few years ago. If he fought us in all directions, he would have to dispatch all his troops. The north of Shouchun has no danger to defend. Cao Cao, Lu Bu, Liu Bei and others are eyeing them. Good but not so unwise!
Zhi boldly believes that Yuan Shu's mobilization of the army should go northward, plotting Xuzhou to attack Liu Bei. "

Lu Heng heard Ding Wei's words and found it very reasonable. Not all Shanyue leaders were as unambitious as Yan Baihu, Yan Yu, Mao Gan, and Jin Qi. Danyang's Shanyue was taken so smoothly, probably because the leader Zu Lang and others had already die!
Lu Heng looked at his intelligence leader Gu Yong and asked, "Yuan Tan, how is the situation in Kuaiji Shanyue? And how is the situation of the aristocratic family?"

Gu Yong came out and introduced to everyone: "Wang Shijun (Wang Lang) adopted a policy of tolerance towards Shanyue, and the local Shanyue would not send troops to encircle and suppress the Han people if they did not loot the Han people!

Kuaiji Shanyue is mainly concentrated on Longquan Mountain. It is the largest Shanyue force in Kuaiji County. For many years, it has relied on the old leader to restrain his subordinates so that war will not break out.

However, at the beginning of this year, the old leader of Shanyue in Longquan Mountain had just died, and the new leader Pan Lin was a character who opposed the Han. He had conflicts with the local wealthy a long time ago!
Now that Pan Lin has become the leader of Longquan Mountain, he is likely to become our enemy.

As for Kuaiji County, the aristocratic families are not top-notch, and many of them fled to Kuaiji from other counties, such as Wei Teng, the representative of the Wei family, Jiao Jiao, the representative of the Jiao family, and so on.

Therefore, in Kuaiji County, the conflict between Shanyue and the Hao clan is very serious, and it is much more difficult to conquer Kuaiji Shanyue than other counties! "

Finally, Lu Heng asked Zhang Zhao and Sun Shao: "Now that spring is just about to begin, will this war delay the spring plowing?
Is our army food and grass enough to support the war? "

Zhang Zhao motioned for Sun Shao to answer, and Sun Shao did his part and said: "My lord, since the lord implemented the policy of garrisoning fields, he has reclaimed tens of millions of acres of wasteland. Last year, Wuxing, Wujun and other places had a bumper harvest, and the food reserves were enough for the army to eat. winter!

This year's new places of refuge, such as Moling, Yuzhang and other places, will practice farming. If there is no natural disaster, there is no need to worry about food and grass! "

After collecting the opinions of all the counselors, food and grass are not a problem. All that remains is the candidates for the expedition. All the generals looked at Lu Heng expectantly. After some final thought, Lu Heng announced: "

It was ordered that Tai Shici be the commander-in-chief, Bu Zhi be the deputy general, and Zhang Hong be the military counselor to lead the generals in Yuzhang to go to the south of Yuzhang to break Sun Ce's return!In addition, Qiao Rui led [-] troops to join Tai Shici to attack the southern part of Yuzhang.

As the vanguard, Zhu Huan led Xu Sheng and Ling Cao with [-] troops to set off to assist Kuaiji County.

Jiang Qin, Quan Cong's Haijiao Army, and Zhou Tai's Water God Army blocked the river to ensure the safety of Jiangdong. Zhang Cheng was transferred to the Water God Army as a deputy. Zhang Zhaoshou Moling commanded the overall situation of Moling. Moling is in charge of farming.

Wang Chong led the supply battalion and set off with the army, and the rest of the generals set off southward with a certain Wei Zhongjun. "

Lu Heng originally had a total strength of 9 troops in Jiangdong, but now more than 4 Yuan Shujun has surrendered, and the total strength has exceeded 13, reaching [-].

This time when Lu Heng went south, he was determined to wipe out Sun Ce. He not only dispatched almost all the generals except the navy, but also sent [-] troops to the Yuzhang battlefield.

Moling stayed behind with [-] troops, and Lu Heng personally led [-] troops to the south to reinforce Kuaiji to fight Sun Ce!

At the same time, in Kuaiji County, Wang Lang was also discussing with Yu Fan that Shunchang was attacked by Sun Ce, and Wang Lang decided to lead his army to rescue Shunchang himself.

Yu turned out to persuade him: "Shi Jun, Sun Ce is good at fighting and is one of the few strong generals in the world, it is better for Shi Jun to wait for a few days, and now Sun Ce invaded Kuaiji.

The lord (Lu Heng) will definitely not be unresponsive, there will be reinforcements arriving in Kuaiji in the near future, why not march with the lord to rescue Shunchang! "

But Wang Lang vetoed it: "Yunlong will indeed send troops to help us immediately, but it is too far from Moling to Shunchang, Shunchang is in crisis, I am a court official, I should protect the city.

Zhongxiang stays here to meet Yunlong, and I will lead the reinforcements to the south first! "

So Wang Lang personally led [-] troops and went south to rescue Shunchang before Lu Heng.

Before the soldiers and horses moved food and fodder, they went first. After the army was reorganized, Zhu Huan's vanguard and Qiao Rui's army led by Zeng Bing Tai Shici set off first.

There are actually many roads going south from Moling to Kuaiji, and the fastest way is to go upstream from the Yangtze River and head south after arriving in Chaisang. The fastest marching route is half of the waterway.

However, a total of 7 troops marching along the Yangtze River will definitely stir up the nerves of Yuan Shu and Liu Biao. Lu Heng did not choose this route. Instead, he crossed Wujun from the river to the south, crossed Hangzhou Bay to the north of Kuaiji, and then went south by land.

For this battle, the two sisters Zhuge Xiu and Zhuge Lan also came to see off. As for seeing off Zhuge Liang or Yan Yu and Yan Baihu, Lu did not know.

Anyway, Lu was very happy when he saw Zhuge Liang's little face, which was a little dark!
About 7 or 8 days after Lu Heng set off, he just walked out of Wu County, and received news from Jinyiwei that Sun Ce personally killed Shunchang City and defeated Zhou Xin without retreating.

Zhou Xin's younger brother, Zhou Yu, was captured by Sun Ce's army. He scolded Sun Ce for being unfaithful and unrighteous, and was ordered to be hanged by Sun Ce!

Sun Ce did not go north, but continued to the east, and fought with Wang Lang, the prefect of Kuaiji. The prefect Wang Lang was defeated and retreated to Dongye.

At this time, Lu Heng's vanguard, Zhu Huan's army, had already marched to Wushang (now Yiwu City). Lu Heng feared that Wang Lang might lose, so he ordered Zhu Huan to quickly march to rescue Dongye.

However, the distance from Wushang to Dongye was more than 1000 miles, and the distance was too far. It would take more than 20 days at the marching speed of infantry. Lu Heng was secretly worried about whether the old man Wang Lang could last more than 20 days in Dongye, and ordered to speed up the march.

About ten days later, Lu Heng received a letter of confession written by soldiers sent by Zhu Huan. In the letter, Zhu Huan said that he marched to Longquan and was attacked by Pan Linshanyue.

They fought with each other. Although Pan Lin was repelled, Zhu Huan sent Xu Sheng to lead [-] troops to rescue Dongye for fear of being cut off. Zhu Huan himself left the troops to confront Pan Lin at Longquan Mountain.

Lu Heng's heart sank a little. Pan Lin, the leader of Shanyue in Longquan Mountain, really hated the Han people. If he wanted to bypass Longquan Mountain's supply line, he would be stretched, and the supply line would be attacked by Pan Lin at any time.

In fact, Lu Heng could choose another road, take Lishui to the east, detour to Yongning (later Wenzhou City), and then go south to rescue Dongye, but this road must send troops to surround Longquan Mountain.

Otherwise, if Sun Ce contacted Pan Lin, he could attack Lu Heng back and forth, which would be very unfavorable to Lu Heng. It seems that this nail can only be pulled out, but Dong Ye's old man Wang Lang is still waiting for emergency treatment!

I hope the old man will stand firm and wait until Wen Xiang's [-] reinforcements arrive before the city is broken, otherwise the old man's safety will be in danger.

No, suddenly Lu Heng remembered that he had a special bargaining chip, and immediately ordered the Jin Yiwei beside him, telling him: "Send someone to Sun Ce, and say that Cheng Pu is still alive in the hands of my Lu. Attack Dongye!
If Wang Lang suffers any loss, Cheng Pu's head will be sent to Sun Ce's desk!

Then he ordered someone to bring Cheng Pu from the house arrest in Wu Jun. "

Lu Heng thought to himself that it was a good thing he didn't kill the old boy Cheng Pu, and he could exchange Cheng Pu's life for the old boy Wang Lang's. "

PS: Have you forgotten Cheng Pu, who has been in Lu Heng's hands and has not been put back haha

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(End of this chapter)

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