Chapter 579 The Death of Xin Ping
After Xin Ming and Xin Pi appeared on that day, the two never appeared outside Yecheng, but the interrogator did not let go of the monitoring of Xin's family for a moment. This person knew that Lu Heng would do everything possible to find a way from inside Yecheng breakthrough.

At the moment when the judge was suspicious, someone really secretly contacted the Xin family, who were all small and medium-sized families in Yecheng. When they learned that Xin Pi had surrendered to Lu Heng, they thought there was some way to come to visit.

Originally, with Xin Ping's resourcefulness, he naturally knew the sensitivity of this time period. As the head of the family, he also ordered that no guests be allowed, but Xin Ping's loyalty to the Yuan family does not mean that the Xin family must be loyal to the Yuan family and must be buried with Yuan Shao!
In addition, several families who visited secretly were indeed old friends of the Xin family, but they didn't know that their every move was under the surveillance of the judges.

After the judge got the news, the staunch person personally led the team to Xin's house with Guo Tu, Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan, Meng Dai and others. Sure enough, a letter was found in Xin's house, and it was written: "Three In the future, we will take refuge with Marquis Wu together, and so on."

"It seems that Xin Zhongzhi (Xin Ping) has been connected with Lu Heng for a long time, and this letter is the ironclad proof!" The judge held the letter in his hand with a serious face.

The faces of Guo Tu and Meng Dai changed. Guo Tu believed that the evidence was conclusive, which could not help Xin Ping at all. He could only protect himself and chose to keep silent.

And Meng Dai wants to help Xin Ping, but now is not the time.

The information in this letter is very brief, but with the evidence, the trial and trial will not be polite, and more than 30 members of the Xin family will be directly put into prison. A man who is equal to himself has no right to do so.

When Xin Ping scolded the judge loudly, the latter had no scruples and even ordered: "Put Xin Ping in prison too!"

Xin Ping saw that the trial match was going to force the Xin family to death, and said loudly to Yuan Tan: "My lord, you must trust your subordinates."

At this time, Yuan Tan's expressionless face seemed to be acquiescing, which made Xin Ping feel that he was so angry that all thoughts were lost at once, and he was jealous of his loyal work for the Yuan family!
In addition to Xin Ping and the thirty-odd members of the Xin family, there are also a few families who have come to visit in the past few days, which have naturally been wiped out by the judges. Many of them really want to join Lu Heng. Xin Ping did not connect with Lu Heng, but also became connected.

Regarding Xin Ping's matter, the judge thinks that he has a clear conscience, and because of Xin Ping's special status, even if Yuan Shao is seriously ill, the judge also thinks that the lord needs to know, so he tells Yuan Shao about it.

Here I have to explain, unlike Guo Tu, who only protects himself, Meng Dai believes that Xin Ping is Yuan Tan's mastermind, so he first seeks Yuan Tan's help to intercede, but Yuan Tan's tendon has already exploded!

Thinking that Xin Pi's surrender to Lu Heng was a betrayal of himself, and Xin Ping should do the same, so how could he help Xin Ping intercede?
Helpless, Meng Dai could only look for Yuan Shao by himself.

When Yuan Shao heard that Xin Ping, his trusted counselor, was also connected with Lu Heng, he was so angry that he almost spit out blood. The angry Yuan Shao directly ordered: "Kill Xin Ping, the whole family and these connected families!"

"Your subordinate obeys orders!" The examiner took the order and left, but Meng Dai swallowed all his words as he looked at the enraged Yuan Shao.

Because if he pleads for Xin Ping at this time, even he will die together, even if Meng Dai is Yuan Shao's confidant!
Inside the prison in Yecheng, Xin Ping silently sat on the side and looked at the trembling family members with a sneer. They betrayed themselves and chose to join the enemy, so naturally they had such an end.

Suddenly there was a glimmer of light in the dark cell, and the judge brought someone in. When Xin Ping saw the judge, he knew that today was his memorial day!

"Shenzhengnan (shenpei's word is Zhengnan), I didn't expect you to go so far in front of the enemy!" Xin Ping shouted loudly.

"Xin Ping, you are collaborating with the enemy and the seller! You still have the face to be presumptuous here." The judge looked at Xin Ping with disdain.

"Xin didn't, he was loyal to the lord!" Xin Ping looked upright.

"You Xin Zhongzhi (Xin Ping's courtesy name Zhongzhi) doesn't have it, what about your Xin family?

What's more, the lord's health is getting worse and worse, and the eldest son is a simple-minded fool, how can he defeat the enemy?

And this time it was the Lord who ordered the killing of you and your family, not Shenmou. "

Xin Ping was stunned by the words of the judge, and it turned out that the judge was so active in promoting all this for Yuan Shang to get rid of himself.

It's a pity that Yuan Tan doesn't know it yet, and even Yuan Shao doesn't trust him. Xin Ping only has one feeling at this time, that is, all hope is lost.

"Come on! Let's go! Let's go! Xin will go on the road first, I believe you will all come soon." Xin Ping now only wants to die.


"Forgive me! We will never dare again!"

"I am the head of the Li family in Hebei, who dares to be presumptuous!"

In the prison, there were those who begged for mercy, some who broke down, and some who spoke out about their identities, but Xin Ping was the only one who remained silent.

That's right, the trial and assignment has its own purpose in doing all this, and the first is naturally to stabilize the situation in Yecheng.

It can be said that even if Yuan Shao doesn't order to kill Xin Ping and the whole family, he will also use the sword in the trial. Yuan Shao will live in a few days. Anyone who sees Yuan Shao knows this.

Therefore, the trial match must kill the chicken to warn the monkey. The chicken must have weight, and Xin Ping and the Xin family have enough weight.

Otherwise, in such a dangerous situation, how can everyone fight Lu Heng's battle secretly?
The second is to pave the way for Yuan Shang, because Yuan Shao's illness has worsened in this time and space, and he is no longer able to handle government affairs, and the trial and assignment is unscrupulous.

In addition, the current situation is so bad that there is no way for the trial and distribution to be slowly laid out, and more drastic actions are needed.

The judge thinks that once Yuan Shao dies, Yuan Shang must be put on the throne, otherwise Yuan Tan, the idiot, will be played to death by Lu Heng?Qingzhou's ending is proof.

Xin Ping, Guo Tu, and Meng Dai, who supported Yuan Tan's party, were too powerful, while Feng Ji, who supported Yuan Shang, was nowhere to be found, so an important person had to be eliminated first.

The next day, "The lord must avenge the Xin family!!" Xin Pi came to Lu Heng's big tent early in the morning, kowtowed and cried loudly.

Lu Heng was stunned, what's going on?
Lu Heng remembered that the Xin family seemed to be killed by the judges before the city was broken. Could it be that they are doing it now?
"What happened to George (Xinpi's name is George)? Please get up quickly." Lu Heng quickly helped Simpi to ask about the situation.

"My lord, yesterday Pi contacted his friends in the city to contact the Xin family, and agreed to join the lord in a few days, but I didn't expect..." Xin Pi couldn't speak anymore and choked up.

"My lord, you should go out of the camp and look at the city wall." Shangguanyi whispered in Lu Heng's ear.

After listening to Shangguanyi's words, Lu Heng went out of the camp to check first, and Xin Pi followed with tears in his eyes.

I only saw more than 100 human heads hanging on the city wall of Ye City, floating with the wind. This scene will be very scary in later generations, but it is very common in this era.

Seeing the head in front of him, combined with Xin Pi's words before, Lu Heng naturally knew that this was the Xin family and other people who wanted to vote for him.

(End of this chapter)

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