Chapter 570
A big battle in Jing County officially started. The front battalion commanded by Qianzhao and Jiang Yiqu was fighting with Yuan Shao's front battalion. When Lu Junyi and Yan Liang rushed into the formation, the front battalion had no formation at all.

Fortunately, Lu Junyi and Yan Liang, the two top fighters, were stopped by Tao Sanchun and He Yuanqing. As the recruits of Hebei generals, Jiang Yiqu naturally knew the bravery of Lu Junyi and Yan Liang, and they were definitely not their opponents alone.

Tao Sanchun's silver hammer and Lu Junyi's golden spear collided with each other, even if he was as strong as Lu Junyi, he would not dare to confront Tao Sanchun head-on. For Lu Junyi who "behaved" like this, Tao Sanchun was so contemptuous. The old lady is stronger!
However, Tao Sanchun's contempt was contempt, and Lu Junyi still put a lot of pressure on Tao Sanchun. This person can be said to be the strongest general he has ever met!

On the other side, He Yuanqing was evenly matched against Yan Liang. Yan Liang's sword was slapped back and forth by He Yuanqing's pair of hammers, and the newly replaced sword lost its domineering power in front of He Yuanqing's double hammer.

That's right, the sword is "the master of a hundred soldiers", which is very domineering, but so what?

The sword of the tyrant of a hundred soldiers has to be hammered and tempered before it can be formed. It can be said that the hammer is the source of a hundred soldiers!
All knives, guns, swords, and halberds are younger brothers in front of the giant hammer!
The one who hadn't been educated by Hammer before playing?
It can be said that under the condition of the same martial arts skills, all weapons have to retreat when encountering a giant hammer. Therefore, Yan Liang's big sword has no momentum in front of He Yuanqing's giant hammer. What?
Naturally, it is more effort!

Yan Liang's broadsword is powerful and heavy, and He Yuanqing's natural power is exclusive to all kinds of "powerful and heavy", so Yan Liang fights very aggrieved, obviously feeling that the opponent's moves are not as good as his own, but the enemy's strength is greater than his own, so many moves are not at all useless.

That's right, He Yuanqing's martial arts is only first-class and mid-level, and he hasn't reached the top level, but when he meets a powerful fighter, He Yuanqing is a top fighter, but Yan Liang is the representative of a powerful fighter, so who is not aggrieved?
Of course, if Yan Liang knew about the original time and space, he would be even more aggrieved if he died in Guan Yu's hands inexplicably. It's still a small scene now!
"Order Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to lead people to attack Lu Heng's left and right flanks!" Seeing the stalemate in the front army's battle situation, Yuan Shao ordered the two brothers Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to continue to attack. Yuan Shao never expected to defeat Lu Heng by relying on the front army alone. Not realistic.

After receiving the order, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang rushed to Lu Heng's army with their large armies. Because the latter's army was in the shape of a V, the armies of Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang basically ran in arcs.

"Wang Yin and Lao Jie led the attack with the left and right wings, Gao Shun and Ju Yi were on standby!"

When Lu Heng saw Yuan Shaojun's left and right armies attacking, he decisively dispatched his left and right wings. He saw an army separated from the two sides of the V, and then formed a diamond-shaped square formation ready to attack, while Lu Heng's central army It changes from a big v to a small v.

The battle between the two wings is about to start. Unlike the former army Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang's martial arts are not as brave as Lu Junyi and Yan Liang. Although Lu Kuang is also a second-rate player, fighting and breaking into the mandarin duck formation is not as easy as Lu Junyi and Yan Liang.

However, there was no problem for the two of them to kill ordinary soldiers, and they slowly entered the battle under the cover of their own soldiers.

Soon the two saw their opponents Wang Yin and Lao Jie. Both of them were of the level of the Five Tigers of the Water Margin. In this time and space, they were about the top threshold. The knife clicked.

Both sides are desperately fighting. The battlefield is divided into three parts: the front army, the left army, and the right army. Like a meat grinder, people die every second. The corpses and blood of both sides are lying on the grass. Even so, Lu Heng and Yuan Shao We all know that neither side has tried their best.

Yuan Shao's central army hadn't moved yet, and Lu Heng's own central army hadn't moved either. Lu Heng even had a few trump cards in his hand.

The two sides fought for more than an hour, and Yuan Shaoxian couldn't help suppressing his own army. Yuan Shao's army had a maximum strength of about 2 troops, and Xin Ping commanded them to charge out.

"Order Gao Shun and Ju Yi to fight against Xiandeng's dead soldiers, while Li Yi, Xie Jing, and Tan Xiong lead the Chinese army to fight!"

"Kill!", "The ambition to fall into battle, never give up!"

Following Lu Heng's order, the little V of the Chinese army once again separated an army,
This time, in the field battle, Lu Heng's side was closer to the camp, Yuan Shao and the army were exposed to the wild, so apart from the separated troops Lu Heng and Yuan Shao, there were thousands of troops staying behind.

Moreover, the army that Lu Heng assigned was different from before!

There were 3000 people in front of this army, each wearing black infantry armor, covered with heavy armor, carrying a shield in one hand, and a long knife in the other, rushing to the front is Gao Shun's camp!
There is an army of 3000 on the right side of these [-] people. This army in the center is also different and is not equipped with shields. It is wearing leather armor, carrying a large crossbow behind its back, a small crossbow hanging on its waist, and each person has a broad sword in their hands. Zhi is Ju Yi's first deceased soldier.

The big crossbow shoots cavalry, the small crossbow shoots infantry, and the broadsword is used for close combat and cutting horse legs.

When Yuan Shaozhong's army encountered the trapped camp, just like all light infantry encountered heavy infantry, when Yuan Shao's soldiers rammed into the trapped camp with their large shields, they were first bounced off and then a white sword light appeared, because Yuan Shaojun's soldiers Most of them are related to shields. This time, the trapped camp is aimed at the positions that are not covered by shields.

"Ah!" The screams were endless, some were cut from the waist in two, some had their legs cut off, and the soldiers trapped in the camp were just like their coach Gao Shun, with expressionless faces as if they were cutting air instead of people.

On the other side, the Xiandeng soldiers grinned grimly one by one, raised their broadswords and ran forward. Ju Yi personally selected the Xiandeng soldiers from Lu Heng's army. Pass.

Then there is only one feeling, that is, these lunatics are my soldiers?

That's right, they are a group of lunatics. If this group of people are all manic patients who escaped from the Fourth Hospital, Lu Heng would believe that everyone has a murderous expression on their faces.

After Lu Heng inquired carefully, Ju Yiyao's soldiers were all the kind who were excited when they fought, and they rushed to the forefront in the battlefield, and they were proud of how many they killed every day.

Years of war, there are inevitably such people in the army. This kind of people are veterans, it is absolutely impossible for them to be recruits, and they are all very skilled, and they have their own methods of killing people.

Such people are not conspicuous in the army, and at most they are the kind of people who say: "Whoever fights will die!" Such a description.

But when this group of people are all selected from various armies and then form an army of lunatics, this kind of madness will make people instinctively afraid. This is the "first to die"!
(End of this chapter)

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