Chapter 568

At the Inner Boundary Bridge in Jizhou, north of the Yellow River, Zhuge Liang rushed to set up camp in this dangerous place, preventing Yuan Shao's forwards Lu Junyi and Yan Liang from advancing an inch.

Also because of this, a great battle between fierce generals started again. When Wang Mo and Lu Junyi fought for a hundred rounds, Wang Mo couldn't hold back his horse and left, but Yue Sheng firmly suppressed Yan Liang.

Under this explanation, it's not that Yue Sheng's martial arts are better than Yan Liang's, and the two martial arts are evenly matched between brothers, but Yue Sheng's weapons are superior. Touch, this will test the quality of the weapon.

Even Yan Liang's big sword made of refined iron had many gaps and even cracks after colliding with Yue Sheng Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

If the two of them fight with all their strength, the edge of Yan Liang's big knife may be blown away, and the big knife may become a stick, making Yan Liang dare not use the big knife to fight head-on with Yue Sheng's Qinglongyanyue knife intentionally or unintentionally. How can we fight like this?Can you not be at a disadvantage?

Wang Mo retreated because he couldn't bear it, and Yan Liang was a guy in his hand who couldn't do it at all and had the intention to retreat. In this way, if both retreated, Lu Junyi would be caught by Yue Sheng if he wanted to chase, so Lu Junyi had no intention of chasing again.

This person has been with Yan Liang for many years, so he naturally knows Yan Liang's strength. Lu Junyi is confident that he can win Yan Liang's brother-in-law master, but after a hundred rounds, there is Wang Mo on the opposite side, and it is impossible for him to fight against him. Chance.

The two sides retreated their troops and fought another day. Lu Junyi and Yan Liang had only [-] troops. With equal strength, there is no doubt that the defenders of the big battalion had the upper hand. The two had no choice but to wait for Yuan Shao's main force to converge. Make another plan.

After being delayed by Zhuge Liang for a few days, Yuan Shao led the army to Jieqiao, while Lu Heng was stationed in Jingxian County in the northeast of Julu (Jingxian County in Anyang State, not the one in Danyang, Jiangdong), echoing Zhuge Liang's Jieqiao.

When Lu Heng arrived in Jing County, he kept boasting that Zhuge Liang was very relieved. If it wasn't for Zhuge Liang who led his troops northward to station at Jieqiao, he would have done a great job, otherwise Lu Heng would have been in a lot of trouble!
Because of the special terrain of Jieqiao, it can block Yuan Shao's army from abroad in Hejian, otherwise Lu Heng can only give up Hejian and station in Xiu County. In fact, this is not a very good terrain for Lu Heng now.

Yuan Shao could completely ignore Lu Heng's garrison, and if he went north to attack Anping, he would bypass the heavily defended city, so Lu Heng could only passively go to the rear defense line, such as Guangchuan, to garrison.

Someone has a question, can't Yuan Shao divide his troops or bypass the boundary bridge?

Of course, it can be all about the cost. As I said before, in China, there is nothing that can completely block the enemy's advance in one place. It can be detoured, and the price is all.

Zhuge Liang set up a big camp at Jieqiao. As the name suggests, Jieqiao is a bridge that can establish a defense line on the Qinghe River. Yuan Shao can naturally divide his troops or bypass the Jieqiao. country.

Let’s talk about fighting Guangchuan along the Qinghe River. When both Yangping and Qinghe Kingdoms are in Lu Heng’s hands, marching like this is a lone army going deep, which is a big taboo in using troops!
Yuan Shao didn't know the ratio of Lu Heng's troops, and the latter sent troops to intercept and then cut off his retreat. The final end was similar to that of Sun Ce.

Or it's not impossible to take a detour and divide Julu's troops to fight Lu Heng's main force north. This will be a long-term war of attrition and protracted war. The tens of thousands of troops consume astronomical amounts of food and grass every day. Lu Heng now has the support of half of China, and now there are more With the support of Hebei Zhen's family, it's completely worth it.

One ups and downs, Yuan Shaona?Just relying on the remaining counties of Jizhou can indeed support Yuan Shao's army with food and grass, but does Yuan Shao have such time?

Even if Lu Heng didn't know about Yuan Shao's condition and fought all kinds of wars of attrition with Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao's main force didn't have the time.

What's more, changing the marching route when encountering the opponent's defense line will give soldiers and soldiers a feeling of fear of the enemy. If morale is lost, the battle will not be fought.

Some people will doubt that Yuan Shaoming fought the battle of Jieqiao back then, so why should he be cleared?
First of all, the current situation is completely different from that of the past. The battle of Jieqiao between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan was a glorious battle for Ju Yi. The attacker was Gongsun Zan who attacked Yuan Shao who was on the defensive side, and was ambushed. After that, Gongsun Zan wanted to defend the Jieqiao defense line. It is the current defense line of Lu Heng, who lost the boundary bridge defense line because of a big defeat and was defeated, this is Yuan Shao's big victory.

But now Ju Yi is in Lu Heng's camp, and Yuan Shao has changed from the defensive side to the offensive side. It can be said that the previous experience is almost useless.

So now a difficult problem is thrown in front of Yuan Shao. As the attacker, should he gnaw at Zhuge Liang's Jieqiao defense line, or attack Lu Heng's main force, or choose to retreat?Or bypass the Qinghe defense line and attack other places?

Perhaps with Suiyang's experience and Guo Tu's lack of escape this time, people including Feng Ji, Xin Ping, Guo Tu and others felt that it was not a good idea to forcibly break through the boundary bridge.

This is actually a choice question!
Yuan Shao finally made up his mind to keep the high-ranking Bingzhou Army to confront Zhuge Liang, and he led the main force northward to Jingxian County to have a showdown with Lu Heng.

The reason is very simple, not only is it a rare unanimous opinion of the counselors, Yuan Shao knows his body, if he can't defeat Lu Heng's main force in a short time, then it is meaningless for him to return to Hebei this time!
So Yuan Shao has made up his mind to hit Lu Heng's main force directly!
Yuan Shao's actions could not be concealed from Lu Heng's scouts. As long as the scouts were not blind, they would be able to see the movement of tens of thousands of people.

Jing County, where Lu Heng is located, is a small county town in the southernmost part of Yangping Kingdom. It is not a strong city, but its geographical location is relatively prominent. Julu is to the west, Xindu is to the north, Yecheng is to the southwest, and Qingzhou is to the southeast. It can be said that it is a city extending in all directions. key position.

Although Lu Heng brought some craftsmen with him to the north this time, he was able to manufacture stone catapults on the spot, but most of them stayed in Nanpi, and he didn't bring the Ba Niu crossbow. Jing County is a small county, so it can be said that the defense system or something None, it was almost a field battle with Yuan Shao's main force.

Lu Heng ordered Chen Gong, Qianzhao and others to take [-] soldiers to station in Jing County to store food and grass, while he led the army to build a camp under the city and wait for it.

The distance between Jingxian County and Jieqiao is only a day's journey. Soon Yuan Shao's pioneers, Lu Junyi and Yan Liang, have arrived within Jingxian County. An hour later, Yuan Shao also arrived with the main force.

And Lu Heng was ready for the first battle. The scouts from both sides had already started fighting from time to time. Lu Heng was waiting in the camp outside Jing County, and a big battle was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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