Chapter 565
Lu Heng had a discussion at Zhen's house, and talked a lot about the official food monopoly. Everyone got along very well. From the conversation, Lu Heng knew that Zhen Ji's sisters married the sons of powerful local merchants. For example, Zhen Jiang married a dealer. The Zhao family of salt, and Zhen Tuo married the Xu family of tea sellers.

It seems that the Zhen family is really smart, only Zhen Ji invests in the Yuan family, and the rest are merchants' families, so Yuan Shao's suspicion can be avoided.

When Lu Heng left, he also took away two young people, Zhen Yi and Zhen Xiang. This is Zhen Yao's helplessness. He failed to invest in the Yuan family before, and let the youngest Zhen Ji marry Yuan Xi. Even the Zhen family does not have it now. Daughter to marry.

But Zhen Yao also heard that Lu Heng is not a womanizer, and now there is only one wife, Lu Lingji, so even if Zhen Yao has a daughter, there is nothing he can do about it, right?

The combination of the Zhen family and Lu Heng can be said to be mutually beneficial. Lu Heng needs to deal with the Zhen family in a stable way to control the food in the north, while the Zhen family needs to rely on Lu Heng, a towering tree. 'Looking at it, there will be a certain amount of profit being shared by Lu Heng, but it is very likely to use Lu Heng's influence to open up the national market.

Whether it is a profit or a loss here depends on each person's perspective on this issue.

A few days later, Lu Heng received information from spies infiltrating Jinyiwei in Yecheng, as well as spies from various parties, the most important of which was that Yuan Shao appeared in Yecheng.

This surprised Lu Heng. There was no news from the direction of Yingchuan in Yuzhou that there was any change in Yuan Shao's army, but why did Yuan Shao appear in Yecheng?

Lu Heng did not doubt the reliability of the information at all, because in addition to Yuan Shao, Lu Junyi, Yan Liang, Feng Ji, and Guo Tu also appeared in Yecheng, and even after Yuan Shao returned to Yecheng, it was a big move.

This big move is that Yuan Shao mobilized all the troops of Wei County, and also mobilized the Bingzhou Army, and even Xian Yufu wrote a letter saying that Yuan Shao called the Youzhou Army to invade the south and asked Lu Heng if he wanted to "rise up" now?
This proves to each other that the only person with this energy is Yuan Shao!Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan are not qualified yet!

"Order Yingchuan Jinyiwei to investigate whether there is any change in Yuan Shao's army, and at the same time pass the news of Yuan Shao's appearance in Yecheng to Yu Junshi (Yu Yunwen), Marshal Du (Du Gao), and Marshal Zhuge (Zhuge Liang)."


"When contacting Xian Yufu, don't act rashly, follow Yuan Shao's orders with your troops, and wait for my orders at any time."

"Here!" The other orderly took the order and left.

Lu Heng believed that when Yu Yunwen, Du Gao, Zhuge Liang and others knew that Yuan Shao had appeared in Yecheng, they would naturally take action and he had to be prepared.

But before that, Lu Heng was going to summon a strong general, and he hadn't summoned a strong general for a long time. This time, he was just to deal with Lu Junyi. Very important.

The few people who can win the jade unicorn in their hands are not around, which makes Lu Heng a little flustered and wants to gamble on his character.

"The system will use 100 prestige points to summon a general!"

[The host chooses to consume 100 reputation points, and the system of breaking a hundred summoned warrior-type heroes of the Song Dynasty is being matched...]

[The matching results are as follows. Randomly select a hero from the Song Dynasty with a single force value of 90 or more and other five-dimensional individual attributes that cannot exceed the force value. The match is as follows when he comes to the host's sphere of influence. 】

[Five Latitudes of Shi Wengong's Peak: Commander 75, Force 98, Intelligence 56, Politics 51, Charm 71]

[Yang Yande's peak five latitudes: commander 72, force 95, intelligence 72, politics 71, charm 82]

[Hu Yanqing's peak five latitudes: Commander 82, Force 97, Intelligence 32, Politics 23, Charm 71]

[The five latitudes of the peak of high favor: Commander 76, force 104, intelligence 53, politics 46, charm 87]

[Yan Shude's peak five latitudes: commander 70, force 97, intelligence 21, politics 13, charm 43]

[System extracting...]

After seeing the list, Lu Heng felt that his character had returned. On the list was the strongest and most favored in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the weakest was Yang Yande, whose martial arts was as high as 95 points. Shi Wengong was the top of the second echelon of famous masters in the Water Margin, stronger than the Five Tigers of Liangshan on the line.

Yang Yande is the one who became a monk at the end of Yang Wulang, and he also made great contributions after he became a monk, such as when he broke through the heavenly gate formation, he made outstanding contributions.

Yan Shude knows this person relatively few people, this person is the fierce general in "Rogue Bandits", the cousin of Qin Ming, the five tigers of Liangshan, fought with Qin Ming for [-] rounds and beat Qin Ming to death, this is the point of martial arts Stronger than Qin Ming on the first line.

And this Hu Yanqing should be the Hu Yanqing in the Hu family general, not the one who was sent to the sea alliance in history. The latter is good at foreign languages ​​and diplomacy rather than martial arts.

Needless to say, Gao Chong is the successor of Gao Jiaqiang. People who have read "Yue Quan Zhuan" feel sorry for him. It can be said that if it is not for the bad horse, this person will definitely have great military exploits in the future, and even Gao Chong is likely to be the unparalleled one in that period. Strong!

Lu Heng has never been sure whether it is Gao Chongqiang or Yue Yunqiang. The historical power of the latter can be said to be a real version of human flesh Li Yuanba. Of course, it is not as exaggerated as described in the novel. Beloved.

This call doesn't need to look at Lu Heng, of course I hope it is a high favor!

[Congratulations to the host for being highly favored by the character of Yue Quanchuan, and has come within the reach of the host. Please recruit the host as soon as possible. The remaining reputation value is 255 points. Because the high pet power value exceeds 100, the remaining quantity of a summoning order will be consumed. 3. 】

[Because the host summoned the mighty general Gao Chong, Xing Luohai descended on Li Jiqian's forces, Arich descended on Yelu Abaoji's forces, Wanyan Golden Bullet descended on Wanyan Aguda's forces, Bo'er Jijin Batu descended on Boer Jijin Temujin's forces Please host attention. 】

(⊙o⊙)... Lu Heng was instantly surprised, when did he become so popular!

He actually summoned Gao Chong, it seems that cultivating character during this period of time is the right choice, Lu Heng almost jumped up!
Gao Chong This is Gao Chong, described as the most fierce in the novels of the Southern Song Dynasty, and almost recognized as the most fierce among famous figures in the Song Dynasty, Gao Chong who picked eleven pulleys in a row, can be ranked in the system martial arts classification The first general.

Moreover, he was a fierce general with the same basic force as Lu Bu, and he didn't have a special skill that was considered a high favorite. Lu Heng expected it after thinking about it. He had achieved Lu Wenlong on the left and high favor on the right.
Now that Gao Chong had already been born, Gao Huaide was definitely related to Gao Huaide because of his systemic urination. Lu Heng immediately sent someone to ask Gao Huaide if he had a younger brother or cousin named Gao Chong.

By the way, I have to explain the issue of the solicitation order here. Lu Heng currently occupies Yangzhou, Jiaozhou, Xuzhou, Qingzhou, and Yanzhou, so the solicitation order is 5 yuan, and summoning Lu Wenlong and Gao Chong consumes 2 yuan, so the remaining 3 blocks.

Suddenly, Lu Heng thought of a question. In the novel, Gao Chong is the No. [-] fiercer in the Southern Song Dynasty. Who is the No. [-] fiercer in the Northern Song Dynasty?There doesn't seem to be an accepted answer to this!

(End of this chapter)

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