Chapter 51

Lu Heng's visit to Xu Shao did not get Xu Shao's evaluation, and he felt a little disappointed, but Xu Shao was so seriously ill that he couldn't force others to make things difficult for him.

For the next two days, Lu Heng would find time to visit Xu Shao every day. On the third day, he received the news that Xu Shao had passed away. He rushed to Xu Shao's bed in a hurry, and saw Xu Jing in a naked body.

Sun Shao burst into tears after hearing this, and kept shouting: "The world has lost another scholar! Sun Ce's fault!!! Zhou Yu's fault!!!"

Seeing that Sun Shao was so sad, Lu Heng stepped forward and patted Sun Shao to comfort him: "The deceased is gone, Changxu should not be too sad! Mr. Heng should bury his son with great honor."

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he went forward and brought Su Su on his own. After two days, Yu Yunwen, Ding Wei and other Lu Heng officials also knew the news that Xu Shao was here, and they rushed to pay a visit, but they had already left , One after another, they wore plain plain clothes to pay homage to Xu Shao.

What Lu Heng didn't expect was that, out of his own kindness, wearing onyx as a sacrificial memorial service for Xu Shao was widely spread among the scholar class and won the hearts of the people.
Originally, Lu Heng thought that Xu Jing would take Xu Shao to Runan for burial, so he was secretly anxious about how to recruit Xu Jing, but what he didn't expect was that Xu Jing buried Xu Shao outside Moling City.

This made Lu Heng very puzzled. Don't people in this era pay attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots and returning to their hometown?

But Lu Heng couldn't ask in detail, since Xu Shao's close relatives have made such a decision, what else can I, Lu, say?

But the day after Xu Shao's burial, Xu Jing came to visit!

When Xu Jing saw Lu Heng, the first thing he said was: "Duke Ming is here, Jing is willing to serve as Duke Ming, and is willing to be a small official who writes for Duke Ming. I hope Duke Ming will take him in!"

Lu Heng was a little surprised, a little overjoyed and smiled: "If people in the world know that Mr. Lu is only used as a small official who writes, it won't be spurned by many scholars! Haha, Mr. De is lucky to have a third life!"

"The system prompts the host to gain the refuge of Xu Jing, a famous figure in the Three Kingdoms, and the reward is 10 reputation points, and the current reputation value is 15 points."

Now that Moling has just been taken down, all kinds of things have to be dealt with. Yu Yunwen, Ding Wei, and Wang Chong are all busy without nodding their heads. The arrival of Xu Jing can help them deal with the accumulated government affairs.

However, Lu Heng knew about Xu Jing, in fact, it was entirely because his older brother was also the deceased Xu Shao. Later, Xu Jing served in the Shu Han. As for his ability, it is not known, it still depends on the system!
Lu Heng ordered in his mind: "The system will help me inquire about Xu Jing's attributes.

Xu Jingzi Wenxiu

Peak Five Latitudes: Commander 8, Force 14, Intelligence 74, Politics 82, Charm 86, Yili 93, has reached the peak

Commander: Cavalry F, Command Infantry F, Ranged Soldiers F, Sailors F, Siege F, Defender F
Special skill-'recommendation', it is easy to find talents, and the intelligence value increases by 5 points when recommending and persuading talents

After investigating Xu Jing's five dimensions, he found that Xu Jing's ability is actually similar to that of Yan Yan and the others, and there is a big gap in the level of celebrities!

Xu Jing's strengths are knowing people and recommending talents. It seems that he will be the Minister of Talents in the future, so let's help Moling's government affairs first! "

Just as Lu Heng was busy with Xu Shao and Xu Jing's affairs, the land of Chang'an in Guanzhong was also raging with fire. Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and several other Xiliang remnants of Dong Zhuo's lineage attacked each other.

The military discipline of the Xiliang army is very bad. They don't even look down on the emperor now, let alone the common people. The people in Chang'an are devastated, the people are displaced, and the people are in dire straits.

Now it was approaching August, Guo Si and Yang Feng robbed Emperor Xian and returned to Luoyang. On the way Guo Si hesitated to return, Yang Feng and Dong Cheng continued to protect Emperor Xian and went to Luoyang.

It was at this time that Lu Heng's envoy finally found Emperor Xian and presented the prepared gold and silver finances to Emperor Xian. Fortunately, it was at this juncture, otherwise these finances would definitely belong to Li Jue, Guo Si and others.

The envoy saw that Emperor Xian was in a state of desperation, with less than a few hundred guards. Besides Emperor Xian, he also had a carriage. Officials such as Yang Biao and others mostly traveled on their legs, and they did not have the image of high-ranking officials in the past.

The envoys paid tribute to Emperor Xian and the grain they bought along the way were robbed by various officials. It was Yang Feng and Dong Cheng who intervened to stop the chaos.

The envoy took the opportunity to tell Emperor Xian, Dong Cheng, Yang Biao and other important officials of the Han Dynasty how Liu Yao died, how Sun Ce killed Zhu Hao, how Lu Heng defeated Sun Ce, how ambitious Yuan Shu was, and so on. Mu Yunyun.

Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud shout and walked out from among the officials, a veteran, he stumbled and grabbed the emissary and asked, "You said that Zhu Hao was killed by Sun Ce! But the Yuzhang prefect Zhu Hao?"

The envoy nodded, that's right!

The veteran cried loudly and sadly: "My son! My father has harmed you!"

The veteran cried and passed out, and was taken to rest by other officials.

Han Xiandi is only a 15-year-old child. Since Dong Zhuoqiang brought him to the throne, he has never been in power for a day. How would he deal with these things? He looked at Dong Cheng, Yang Biao and others with blank eyes.

Dong Cheng came out and said: "Now that the Han Dynasty is in crisis, Yangzhou is far away from here. If there is no need for the imperial court to send people all the way here, the ministers have asked the surrounding princes for help many times, but there has been no news!
Only when the country is in turmoil can you show your loyalty!
Last year, Prefect Lu Kang also sent Xiao Lian to pay tribute to the court, which fully demonstrated the loyalty of the Lu family father and son, and His Majesty should reward loyal ministers for it! "

Fu Wan also said: "In recent years, there have been many incidents of killing Shangguan without authorization, and Gongsun Zan in the north attacked and killed Liu Yu!

Now Yuan Shu ordered Sun Ce to kill Liu Yao, the shepherd of Yangzhou without authorization!
What's more, Yuan Shu forced the court envoy Ma Rixun to be detained!
It is really treasonous, because the crimes of these three people should be announced to the world! "

Emperor Xian heard that his right-hand man and right-hand man who had always been making ideas agreed, and finally looked at Yang Feng. Emperor Xian was afraid of being held hostage. He was in the palm of this warlord all day long, and he had no power at all.

Although Yang Feng was more obedient to Emperor Xian, unlike Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, and Guo Si, the young Emperor Xian still looked at Yang Feng under the shadow of fear.

Seeing Emperor Xian looking at himself, Yang Feng said: "It's meaningless to be a minister, but Jiangdong is too far away, that is, Lu Heng is a loyal minister of the country, far away water can't save near fire, helpless and helpless Your Majesty!"

After Yang Feng finished speaking, all the ministers were whispering, after Fu Wan, Dong Cheng, Yang Biao and others discussed.

Fu Wan said again: "Since the princes of various places are granted official positions in the name of the Son of Heaven, if there are loyal people, they will surely wait for the soldiers to rescue them!"

After deliberation by the important officials of the court, Lu Heng was appointed as the shepherd of Yangzhou, Cao Cao was the shepherd of Yanzhou, Liu Bei was the shepherd of Xuzhou, Yuan Shao was the shepherd of Jizhou, and so on.

As for Yuan Shu, Sun Ce, Gongsun Zan, etc., because they sent people to attack and kill imperial officials and clans, they were ambitious to the end and deprived all official positions. Lu Heng's butterfly effect also added a boost to Yuan Shu's madness!

Immediately, Emperor Xian ordered people to announce the crimes of Yuan Shu, Sun Ce, Gongsun Zan and others to the world!
He also sent ministers to deliver edicts to various places. Because Zhu Hao, the prefect of Yuzhang, was dead, Fu Wan recommended Hua Xin as prefect of Yuzhang, and handed it to Lu Heng with the imperial edict.

Ask Lu Heng to send more food!
Therefore, Lu Heng's way is Hua Xin, the prefect of Yuzhang appointed by the next imperial court, to come!

Lu Heng's envoy went to Jiangdong together with Hua Xin, and learned from Hua Xin that the old general who cried and fainted when he heard Zhu Hao's death that day turned out to be the famous general Zhu Jun. The only remaining famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty died of hatred a few days later!

The messenger can only lament the gloomy world, not to mention the withering of famous generals.

(End of this chapter)

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