Chapter 477 Training Commander
In fact, some people will ask, since you want the commander-in-chief on the southern front, why don't you try your best to draw the commander-in-chief, wouldn't it be perfect if you get Meng Gong?

That's right, if Meng Gong can be drawn, this problem can be perfectly solved, but it depends too much on character. If the first and second prizes of the system commander classification correspond to Yue Fei and Di Qing, then Meng Gong is very qualified to be Third prize.

For the character of the third prize, it is almost impossible to come by!This is even less likely than drawing an SSR!

Someone refuted this, how many good commanders were there in the Song Dynasty?
If the management of the two Song dynasties is really useless, at any rate it is a dynasty spanning 319 years. In 300 years, talents have emerged in large numbers, and there are also many excellent commanders.

Someone wants to refute here again, no one can beat the trash of the Song Dynasty!Also outstanding talent?

I really want to refute here, this is the land of China, and the Chinese people are raised by the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. Why are there no talents in the two Song Dynasties in the past 300 years, and they are all waste?Tang and Han were talented people?

Even the fictional Li Yuanba in the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties is so fierce that he doesn't want it. Can he fly Xiang Yu and step on Li Cunxiao?

Li Yuanba, Yuwen Chengdu, Xiong Kuohai, Wu Yunzhao, Wu Tianxi, Pei Yuanqing and other fictional generals of the Sui and Tang Dynasties are all comparable to the generals of the Three Kingdoms. It seems that the fierceness is recognized?

Li Yuanba's The World Warriors is an exaggeration of the novel, so everyone is convinced, Lu Junyi's The World Warriors is closer to reality, but it is not necessary. Nobody recognizes those of the same status in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms?What's the point?
Everyone thinks that Song is weak, but what few people know is that not everyone in the two Songs can't beat it!

The Northern Song Dynasty fought with the Liao Kingdom, the most powerful military in the world at that time, for 25 years without a draw. The national border did not lose half a point. This is still without the Yanyun sixteen-state defense line. I really think that a weak country can sign the Tanyuan Alliance. Such a century-old peace treaty?

Some people say that the old coin of the Tanyuan League is a loss of power and humiliation to the country. Then these people are probably just watching a lively layman. The 30 year old coin of the Tanyuan League is about 0.5% of the annual tax of the Song Dynasty at that time. It is the money to send beggars. You must know that the military expenditure was as high as 3000 million a year at that time. The difference can be imagined.

The battle between the Northern Song Dynasty and Xixia was also a protracted century-old war with mutual victories and losses. Some people would say that Xixia is a weak chicken!
But it was Xixia, a weak chicken, who forcibly consumed Temujin to death!


It is also that this weak chicken occupies all poor places such as Liangzhou during the Three Kingdoms period, and the area it occupies is less than one-half that of the Shu Han, and there is no so-called natural danger and land of abundance in the Shu Road.

The prosperous period of the Jin Kingdom was actually not much worse than the Mongol era. At that time, the Song Dynasty was one of the most economically developed eras in the world at that time, and was robbed by a group of barbarians.

This is like you, a high-level intellectual who is studying in university, can't beat the savages when you encounter cannibals in the mountains.

Even the Southern Song Dynasty blocked the mighty Mongols for 50 years. Are these numbers blown out by those idiots?Or was it a delusion?Wasn't it the countless national heroes who were looked down upon by the world, and they were beaten down abruptly?
To put it further, it is not that the Song Dynasty lacked talents, let alone commanders and strong generals. The weakness of the Song Dynasty is completely a problem of various high-level problems.

It can be said that Zhao Kuangyin was half responsible for the tragedy of the 100 years after the Song Dynasty, and Zhao Guangyi was absolutely responsible!
It's not that the rest of the descendants didn't want to change their fate, such as Shenzong and Zhezong, but they all failed.

Even the Song Dynasty encountered the era when the nomads were the strongest. In the face of national righteousness, there were those who were timid and afraid of death, some who made compromises, but there were also those who rose up to resist!
Whether it’s the early battle against Liao Kingdom’s Kou Ni, Pan Mei, Yang Ye and others, the mid-term battle against Xixia’s Zhong Shiheng, Liu Fa, Zhang Kai, or the battle against the Jin’s Yue Fei and Han Shizhong, or the final battle against Mongolia’s Meng Gong, Du Gao, and Wen Tianxiang are all national heroes!
Ridiculous politicians obliterated the deeds of these heroes for some purpose, even the names in the textbooks were erased, but as a Chinese, we cannot forget the figures of these heroes.

It's even more ridiculous that thousands of years later, even Hande made the empress dowager of the Liao Kingdom into a positive role, and he didn't even dare to announce the name of the famous Song Dynasty general who fought against the Liao Kingdom's invasion.

Some people say that Yuan and Qing are the indelible history of China, and they are part of China. This is also true, because others are the winners.

This has nothing to do with Song Chui, Han Chui, or Tang Chui, but simply telling a historical fact.

During the 300 years of the Song and Song Dynasties, countless Chinese elites went on and on, contributing a series of historical stories for China.

In the chaotic era of the Three Kingdoms, there were strong generals like Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Dian Wei, and Xu Chu, as well as counselors like Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, and Zhou Yu.

Similarly, in the 300 years of the Song Dynasty, there were good generals such as Yue Fei, Di Qing, Han Shizhong, Yang Ye, and Liu Kai, and capable ministers such as Fan Zhongyan, Wang Anshi, Fu Bi, and Kou Yan.

This has nothing to do with any era, it is an indelible memory in the long history of China.

In the dynasties that lasted three centuries, there were still a lot of commander-in-chief talents. Song Liao, Song Xia, Song Jin, Song Meng, it can be said that these three centuries have been fighting, and peace is not as much as imagined. There are many talents.

Therefore, the probability of the commander Lu Heng summoning to draw Meng Gong is actually not that high. The desperate selection of the commander is for Li Jiqian, Wanyan Aguda, Yelu Abaoji, and Temujin. The four are constantly adding commanders.

Just to consolidate the southern front, the gain outweighs the loss, as well as cultivating a commander. For example, Lu Xun is a good candidate, and Lu Xun from the original time and space has done a very good job!It is also Lu Heng's first choice!
However, Lu Xun has this potential, but Lu Heng is more worried about whether he has the ability to shoulder this burden at a young age. The war in the north will take at least five years, which is better than Cao Cao's annexation of Hebei, which will take eight years.

Fortunately, Lu Xun has been in Yu Yunwen's army for so many years, not to mention that the Yuzhou defense line has allowed Lu Xun and Liu Ji to gain practical experience. Lu Heng believes that Lu Xun can get started quickly.

Lu Heng decided to let Lu Xun fully study on the Yuzhou defense line this year, and leave it to the southern line next year. At the same time, he is sending an experienced person and some elites to this kid, and then slowly let Lu Xun take charge of it.

After Lu Xun has fully grown up, the southern line should not have to worry about himself, and he can wholeheartedly plan for the north!
(End of this chapter)

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