Chapter 44
When everyone heard Ding Wei's words, they behaved differently!
The generals such as Lao Niu, Zhou Tai, Hu Yanzan and others all showed joy!
Compared with encounter battles, outside of field battles, siege warfare is a headache for many generals, probably because the cost of siege is too high in this era.

There is a saying in the art of war that if you are ten, you can surround it, if you are five, you can attack it, if you are twice the number, you can fight it, if the enemy is small, you can defend it, if it is small, you can avoid it.

That is to say, the principle of using troops is to surround the enemy with ten times the force, attack the enemy with five times the force, and divide and destroy the enemy with twice the force.

If you have troops comparable to the enemy, you can fight. If you have fewer troops than the enemy, you should avoid direct contact with them. If you have weak troops, you should retreat far away.

Therefore, a weak army will become a prisoner of a strong enemy army if it is stubborn and reckless.

The loss of storming a city will be dozens of times that of a field battle. If you meet a good general who is good at defending the city, you will have to sacrifice your life to capture a city. It is only at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Those who are more than one year old are relatively good.

For example, Sun Ce attacked Lujiang, Cao Cao attacked Yongqiu, Yuan Shao attacked Yijing, etc.!
If it hadn't been for Yuan Shu's battle in Yangzhou, Lu Heng would have used his troops to besiege Moling and wait until the food was exhausted before entering the city.

And he himself led the army, first wiped out Sun Ce to avoid future troubles, and with Yuan Shu's large-scale invasion plan, it was in vain.

In addition to the military general showing joy, Lu Heng looked at the civil servants, Wang Chong and Sun Shao had been thinking.

Gu Yong thought to himself and seemed to think of something but couldn't grasp it. Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun, Liu Ji, and Henry Zhang were discussing in a low voice.

After a while, Yu Yunwen tentatively said: "Gongyan wants to give up Niuzhu, lead Qiaorui into Moling, and destroy them all?"

Ding Wei didn't think of Yu Yunwen at all, and looked at Yu Yunwen in surprise that he could think of his own strategy so quickly.

This person's talent is absolutely not inferior to mine in this world, he should be a strong enemy and needs to be paid close attention to.

Ding Wei bowed to Lu Heng: "Of course, but this strategy is based on Li Shu. If the Lord uses this strategy, he must contact Li Shu as soon as possible."

As soon as Ding Wei finished speaking, Sun Shao came out and said, "My lord, this plan is too dangerous!

There are too many variables and we have given up on the natural dangers on the river, and let me wait for Moling, why take such a risk, a little carelessness will ruin all our army's advantages in Danyang!I hope the lord will think twice! "

Ding Wei didn't refute Sun Shao's objection when he saw Sun Shao's objection, but just retreated to sit and wait for Lu Heng to make a decision.

And Lu Heng secretly analyzed that if this Li Shu is the same Li Shu in history, then this person is by no means a loyal minister. Under the current situation, Lu Heng has a good chance of instigating this person.

As for Li Shu, there are only a few records in history, but this person has always been Sun Ce's confidant.

In history, after Sun Ce unified Jiangdong, Lujiang River was the bridgehead on the north bank of the Yangtze River in the north of Yangzhou, and its importance was no less than that of Chaisang!
At this time in history, Sun Ce's generals are all star-studded, not to mention the three elders in Jiangdong, Tai Shici, Dong Xi, He Qi, and Lu Daike under Lu Heng's command are all generals under Sun Ce's command.

But Sun Ce asked Li Shu to guard Lujiang, and in 200 years of history, Sun Ce asked Li Shu to intercept and kill Yan Xiang, the governor of Yangzhou appointed by Cao Cao.

It can be seen that Li Shu was Sun Ce's absolute confidant in history, but Li Shu betrayed Sun Ce as soon as Sun Ce died.

He ignored Sun Quan's orders at all. In order to find out Li Shu's intentions in the same year, Sun Quan did not take strong actions at first, but wrote to Li Shu, asking him to detain the "rebels".

This move was very calm and calm, but Li Shu really couldn't hold his breath, and publicly stated, "If you have virtue, you will return, if you have no virtue, you will rebel, and you should not return it.

In this way, Li Shu's true face was undoubtedly exposed, so Sun Quan decided to use Li Shu first to establish his prestige.

Another possible speculation is that Li Shu's rebellion was supported by the Jiangdong clan.

Sun Ce's strength forced them to submit to the power, but Sun Quan's power was insufficient, so they instigated Li Shu to be the first bird to see Sun Quan's attitude and ability.

But Lu Heng was very clear that the big clan in Jiangdong didn't know Li Shu at all. As for Lu Heng's knowing that Li Shu would drop, it was also the result of calculation based on the current situation.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng waved his hand and said to Sun Shao: "Changxu, I know what I am worried about. No matter whether we use public opinion or not, we need to take down Moling first. Otherwise, it will be the shadow in the wind and the moon in the water. First contact Li Shu and then we will take down Moling." Think long term."

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he said to Ding Wei: "Gongyan and Changxu are both dedicated to serving the public. Although they have a strategy to go left, they must not make any grudges!"

Ding Wei and Sun Shao bowed to each other, and then said to Lu Heng, "My lord, you are too worried. Let us wake up!"

After deciding to contact Li first, Lu Heng worried that Xu Sheng only had [-] troops in Niuzhu, but he needed to defend against Qiao Rui, who had ten times his own troops, so he said, "Wen Xiang only has [-] troops stationed in Niuzhu, so it is better for Youzi Zhan to defend Niuzhu." (Ling Cao's style name is Zi Zhan) led [-] troops to reinforce."

Just as Ling Cao was about to receive the order, Gu Yong stepped forward and said, "My lord, Niuzhu is dangerously situated, surrounded by water on three sides, and the southwest foot protrudes into the river. Wen Xiang can command five thousand troops. If there are heavy troops stationed in Niuzhu It would be unsightly if Qiao Rui, who has been commanding troops for many years, divides his troops and goes north from the river to attack us.

It's better to let Ling command five thousand troops to garrison Shicheng, which is enough to echo Xu Sheng. "

In fact, although Lu Heng came from Jiangdong, he has never been to Danyang. The last time he returned to Wujun from Lujiang, he also took the waterway and passed by in a hurry, and he didn't know the danger of Niuzhu.

Colorful stones were produced here, and their shape is like a snail, and there is a legend that "the golden bull came out of Zhu", so it is also called Niuzhuji.

Together with Yueyang Chenglingji and Nanjing Yanziji, they are collectively called the "Three Rocks of the Yangtze River".

With its steep mountains, beautiful scenery, and numerous historical sites, it ranks first among the three rocks. It is known as "one beauty through the ages". It is a battleground for military strategists.

You must know that there is one person present who shined in Niuzhu and left his name in history, that is, Lu Heng's military advisor Yu Yunwen's great victory in quarrying happened in Niuzhu!
In this case, Lu Heng ordered Ling Cao to lead [-] troops to Shicheng and wait for news from Li Shu.

A few days later, in a large house near the south gate of Moling City, Li Shu, who had been guarding the city for a day, returned to the house to rest. Moling had been besieged for more than a month. Cheng Pu, Li Shu and others also fully understood the stone throwing machine power.

At first, Li Shu was shocked by the power of the trebuchet. The power of the giant stone bombs and shotguns made them suffer a lot. If Cheng Pu was not afraid of life and death and always stood on the tower with a big shield on his back, otherwise the army would have collapsed .

Suddenly, a personal guard came to report to Li Shu, and a soldier outside the door said he wanted to see the general!
Li Shu shouted impatiently: "What time is it, and I still want to see these idlers!"

The guard said in a dilemma: "But the alchemist said that the general will suffer a bloody disaster, and he came to save the general."

Li Shu said with a gloomy face, "Bring him in!"

After a while, Li Shu's personal soldiers brought a middle-aged alchemist into the hall. Li Shu thought about this person and said, "What kind of bloody disaster do I have? If you don't say that you are ugly, otherwise you will have bloody disaster now!"

The middle-aged alchemist didn't panic when he heard Li Shu's threat, he bought a glass of water for himself and said: "The general is like the water in this cup, trapped in this cup and let others slaughter him, this bloody disaster depends on this holder." How does the cupman deal with the general."

Li Shu was shocked when he heard what the alchemist said!

Could it be?Li Shu tested the alchemist and said, who are you?

The middle-aged alchemist took out a token from his bosom, and saw that the token was made of brass, engraved with a wild animal on the top, engraved with the three characters of Jin Yiwei in the middle, and a symbol Ⅵ that Li Shu couldn't understand on the bottom.

The middle-aged alchemist said: "Under the prefect Xialu, Gu Wu of the Jinyiwei West Factory is in charge of Moling information.

As for whether the general's bloody disaster should be fulfilled or not, that's up to the general himself. "

Li Shu looked at Gu Wu with an uncertain face and said threateningly, "Aren't you afraid that I will take you down to pay homage to the soldiers of the three armies?"

Gu Wu shook the water glass in his hand and drank the water in one gulp, saying: "The Jinyiwei in Moling City is more than just Gu. Since the general is stubborn, Gu is just one step ahead of the general to find a good place for the general in the underworld. , the general can do it now."

Seeing that Gu Wu is so fearless of life and death, Li Shu became curious about Gu Wu!

This name is obviously a member of the Gu family and there is no name, it's just a code name, so he said: "You hold any position under the command of the prefect, and you can actually work so hard for the prefect Lu?"

When Gu Wu heard Li Shu's question, he felt that today's mission was mostly successful, and said with a half-smile: "I'm just a small Jinyiwei commander under the lord's command, and there are countless people like me under the lord's command.

My lord was born Huo Da, who is the most loyal person known in the world. Since returning to Wu County, he has occupied most of Jiangdong for half a year, and has defeated Sun Ce many times. Why is the general so dedicated to Sun Ce?

Gu does not force the general either. Gu will come again tomorrow, hoping that tomorrow he can become a colleague instead of an enemy with the general. I hope the general will think twice before he acts. Is it worthwhile to be buried with Sun Ce? "

After Gu Wu finished speaking, he got up and walked out the door, but was blocked by Li Shu's personal soldiers. Gu Wu turned to Li Shu and said, "What? The general already has an answer?"

Li Shu's mind was full of thoughts about where to go, and he didn't know what to do for a while, so he waved his hand to the soldiers to let Gu Wu go.

Gu Wu, who walked out of the mansion, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said secretly: "It seems to be all right. If the lord is really a god, he can count on Li Shuhui to surrender."

As for Li Shu who stayed in the room, he recalled the past half a month. He, Li Shu, was not Cheng Pu who was loyal to Sun Ce. Bouldering.

Thinking that Huang Gai took most of the ordnance and supplies when he left, Li Shu felt abandoned by Sun Ce.

Now Moling is an isolated city with no reinforcements. The food and grass in the city can last for a month at most. Arrows, kerosene and other sharp weapons for defending the city are lacking, and there is no shortage of stones. The morale of the army depends on Cheng Pu alone, and it is almost reaching its limit .

Based on Li Shu's own observation, with this catapult machine in place, Moling City will not be attacked by Lu Heng's army within a month, and he will become chaotic. Li Shu tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep, and the thoughts in his head gradually turned into one idea. .

There is only one voice in my heart, that is, I, Li Shu, cannot die, and Li Shu still has fame and fortune waiting for me, so why should I be buried in this small Moling City for Sun Ce.

The next day, Li Shu tormented on the city wall for a whole day. There were no stones in the sky and he didn't pay attention. Finally, he returned to the mansion to rest after dark.

After entering the mansion, Gu Wu was not in a hurry to ask Li Shu about his decision, and after sitting down, he poured a glass of water and held it in his hand to play with.

Seeing Gu Wu's calm expression, Li Shu gritted his teeth and sat beside Gu Wu and said, "I wish to live, I wish to surrender to the prefect of Lu, and I wish to surrender to my lord! Mr. Wang will teach me!"

Gu Wu heard Li Shu's words and said with a smile: "The general is willing to surrender to the lord, you and I are colleagues, serious words! Heavy words!

The lord cares nothing but the moss mausoleum, the general opened the city gate to present the moss mausoleum, with such a qualification for promotion, why worry that the lord will not reuse it? "

Hearing Gu Wu's words so clearly, Li Shu knew that Gu Wu had a special way to communicate with the outside of the city: "Since this is the case, after three days' midnight, I would like to open the south gate to Mr. Wang to contact the lord."

Gu Wu replied: "It's easy to do. After three days, Midnight will be the time when the general will fly to the sky. I hope the general will take care of him in the future. I will do it here."

Gu Wu passed the news to Lu Heng the next day, agreeing that three days later, Li Shu would open the gates of the city and let Lu Heng enter the city. After receiving the news from Jin Yiwei, Lu Heng called all the generals to prepare.

Three days later at midnight, Lu Heng ordered Niu Gao, Hu Yanzan, and Yang Jun to take the lead and seize the south gate first.

Yu Yunwen and Gu Yong guarded Dazhai, led the Chinese army and then entered the city.

Just in case Zhu Huan ordered the army to follow, although there was news of Jin Yiwei, Lu Heng, who had suffered a loss once, still felt that it was better to be cautious in military affairs, and he also had this habit after many years and saved Lu Heng's life for the time being.

Lu Hengjun entered the south gate very smoothly and met Li Shu. After leading the Chinese army, he ordered Lao Niu and Dong Xi to control the other north gate and west gate respectively.

Li Shu's refuge in the system did not prompt Lu Heng, who was a little worried and said to the system: "The system will help me check Li Shu's loyalty."

"The system prompts the host that Li Shu's current loyalty is 35 and rebels at any time, please pay attention to the host!"

Sure enough, although Li Shu took refuge with me, Lu, it was only for self-protection, and he might turn against me at any time when he knew that Yuan Shu's army was at war with me.
However, it is reasonable for such a general who is greedy for life and afraid of death to be able to do such a behavior, it seems that he can use this Li Shu to plan his next step. "

After making up his mind, Lu Heng ordered Li Shu to lead the way, and personally led the Chinese army to the east gate. After the battle started, Cheng Pu lived in a mansion near the east gate to guard the city day and night, and did not live in the prefect's mansion in Moling.

If Cheng Pu is taken down, Moling will be completely taken down. Cheng Pu is the army soul of Moling and also Sun Ce's diehard loyalist.

After arriving at the east gate, Lu Heng's army made such a big noise that Cheng Pu himself led the guards and the east gate soldiers to fight in the streets.

To say that Cheng Pu's commanding ability really should not be underestimated, under such circumstances, the soldiers under his command are still willing to follow Cheng Pu to fight to the death.

It's a pity that Cheng Pu had few major generals. After Lao Niu killed Yuan Xiong and led his troops to the east gate, Zhu Huan also brought troops to the east gate to report to Lu Heng. Several troops gathered at the east gate.

With Hu Yanzan, Niu Gao, Dong Xi, Zhu Huan, and Yang Jun joining in, Cheng Pujun couldn't stand up to so many fierce generals.

Dong Xi was fighting fiercely with Cheng Pu, both of them were equally skilled in martial arts, they both had magic weapons such as the Iron Tribulus Guduo and the Iron Ridge Snake Spear in their hands, they were going back and forth, each hitting at the opponent's vital points.

But now the situation is not two generals fighting one-on-one. After Hu Yanzan and Niu Gao cleared out the soldiers around them, Cheng Pu fell into an absolute disadvantage when they joined the battle group.

Under the attack of three fierce generals, within ten rounds, one accidentally wounded his right arm with the mace of Lao Niu. Although he was protected by good armor, he could no longer use his strength. Dong Xi found a flaw and flew away with a stick Pu's Iron Ridge Snake Spear, Cheng Pu was captured.

After Cheng Pu was captured, the Moling defenders collapsed in an instant. Except for the loyal guards who attempted to rescue Cheng Pu and launched a suicide attack, they were all wiped out, and the rest of the soldiers surrendered. Half of Koto.

"The system prompts the host to win the siege of Moling, and the participating forces Sun Ce's commander Cheng Pu and Lu Heng's commander Lu Heng killed Yuan Xiong and captured Cheng Pu.


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(End of this chapter)

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