Chapter 421 Send troops again
Although Li Yuanhao took down Wuwei County by force, compared with the things that can be resolved in one battle, the people who have been mobilized are desperately resisting, and now they have to pay a hundred times the price. Li Yuanhao didn't want to see it.

When attacking Xiutu, Li Yuanhao wanted to massacre the city, and then threatened the local people to give up resistance. After being persuaded by Zhang Pu, after analyzing the pros and cons, he pointed out that the source of the people's resistance was Ma Teng, General Zhengxi, and it would not be enough to break this source. For fear!
Li Yuanhao calmed down, and felt that Zhang Pu's words were reasonable, so he wanted to attack Ma Teng, but Zhang Pu continued to remonstrate: "It should be like this, and Han Sui should be attacked even more. Save, I can suddenly intercept and kill."

Li Yuanhao felt that Zhang Pu's strategy was indeed better than attacking Ma Teng directly, marching towards Jincheng in a mighty way!

The illusion of defeating TV dramas, and the impression of Xiliang or Longxi, are all high loess slopes of later generations, with large areas of wind and sand, scarce water sources, and harsh living environments.

In fact, the desertification was not so serious in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. The loess high slope areas of later generations include Wuwei County, the northern part of Anding County, Beidi County and other places. There are also fertile grasslands suitable for grazing and raising horses. Xiliang war horses were bred here.

However, with the rise of nomads, this vast grassland was gradually desertified after being over-grazed by nomads, and it became the loess high slope in the later period, and the Xiliang horse became the swan song of history.

Among the prefectures of Xiliang, Jincheng County and Longxi County are quite different. Jincheng County is flown by the Yellow River, the great mother river of China, and Longxi is flown by Taoshui, an important tributary of the Yellow River. The population of the two places is much larger than that of other regions.

This is why Jia Xu said that Xixia's strength in winning Jincheng County will far exceed Ma Teng's.

Jincheng County can be said to be the most populous county in Xiliang, and the governing place is Yunwu County (later Yongjing County, Gansu Province) instead of Jincheng (later Lanzhou), but Han Sui is from Jincheng, and he focused on developing Jincheng after the troubled times.

Li Yuanhao decided to send troops to the south. Unlike the rapid dispatch of troops before, this time Li Yuanhao's marching speed was much slower than before.

Ma Teng, who was stationed in Gengdao, just wanted Ma Chao and Ma Dai to leave according to the original plan, but was stopped by Jia Xu.

"Jihou, at this time and at that time, Xu's original plan to attack Li Yuanhao's siege army has become useless due to changes in the situation."

"Why is this, Mr. Wen He?"

"Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Lu Heng contributed to the flames, greatly increased the prestige of Marquis Ji, and won the hearts of a large number of people in Liangzhou. The situation is very different. I dare to conclude that this time Li Yuanhao sent troops. Hou!"

What Jia Xu said made everyone look at each other in blank dismay. This was completely different from Jia Xu's previous analysis. The main attack on Han Sui and the main attack on Ma Teng were completely different concepts.

"I'm afraid he's a bird, what Li Yuanhao, Li Tianhao's, my Mi Sheng's big ax cut off his head!"

"Mi Sheng, don't make mistakes, listen to Mr. Wen He, I believe that Mr. Wen He must have a good strategy to defeat the enemy!"

"Brother, listen to Mr. Wenhe!"

The ones who spoke were Ma Chao and Wang Shuang. They were the only two in Ma Teng's army and Ma Teng could restrain Mi Sheng. After Mi Sheng voted for Ma Teng, he refused to accept and wanted to compete with Ma Chao. The latter naturally agreed, and was defeated in thirty rounds !

Yan Xing also persisted for [-] rounds after recovering from the injury, while Yan Xing and Mi Sheng were tied.

As for Wang Shuang's age, he is only weaker than Mi Sheng and Yan Xing, so Yan Xing shouted: "You can be called a younger generation!"

"It's not that there is no way to defeat the enemy, but it will be hard for the generals!"

A few days later, Li Yuanhao received news from the scouts that Ma Teng sent troops to rescue Han Sui. Li Yuanhao still marched slowly. When the scouts reported that Ma Teng's army was only three days away from Jincheng, the speed of the Xixia army more than doubled in an instant.

However, the direction has not been adjusted, and it is still in the direction of Jincheng. Ma Teng's army scouts the Xixia army and speeds up their march in order to arrive at Jincheng before Li Yuanhao.

The Xixia army is all cavalry, even infantry like Bubazi have horses to travel, and their food and grass are cattle and sheep with their own feet, so the explosive marching speed can be imagined.

Although Ma Teng's army is also cavalry, although Han Sui promised to provide food and grass, Ma Teng still prepared food and grass to set off together because of his doubts about Han Sui's character. We will arrive at the intersection of Jincheng.

Just when the two sides were about to think that Jincheng was the center of the battle, Li Yuanhao suddenly changed direction, leaving a small army to guard the cattle and sheep, and the main force rushed towards Ma Teng at high speed.

It turned out that Zhang Pu wanted to take advantage of the fast marching speed of the nomads to pretend to attack Jincheng. In fact, the scouts reported the position of Ma Teng's army from time to time, and rushed suddenly within the attackable range, catching Ma Teng by surprise.

In order to increase the attack speed, the iron kite rides three horses at once, and waits for the light cavalry of the former army to wrap around the enemy before putting on the armor!
Li Yuanhao personally led the army to attack and rushed for hundreds of miles. Sure enough, he saw the vanguard of Ma Teng's army. The two leading generals in Xixia were unknown to everyone. They each had a sky-opening axe.

Seeing Li Yuanhao's army attacking, Li Yuan and Han De were unprepared for the chaos of the former army being beaten, only one charge forward was scattered, and Xuan Yuan didn't know whether it was luck or bad luck. The so-called Wenwu is the first and Wuwu is the second, and I am still very unconvinced after hearing the praise of the king's bravery!
The big ax that opened the mountain intersected with the chain of flowing gold, and his hands almost went limp. As expected, he has great strength.

However, although the strength of the 縻貹 is not as strong as Zan Tianwang, but the martial arts are also among the first-class. Not only is it powerful, the mountain-breaking ax flies up and down, and collides with Zan Tianwang's bull horns. The horse will go.

"Zan Tianwang is well-deserved of his reputation, retreat! Quickly retreat!"

Yan Ji waved his great axe and drove the King of Zan, killed two Xixia cavalrymen and ran away. As for Han De, the second leader of the Xixia army, he ran away at the first moment of the Xixia army's charge, and the Xiliang cavalry galloped back. The Xixia army rode their horses in wild pursuit.

Zan Tianwang's crotch is a black horse, and the gold in his hand is boring and chasing.

When Li Yuanhao saw Zan Tianwang's battle report, he laughed loudly: "The whole army, speed up, we will pursue Zan Tianwang together!"

But Zhang Pu remonstrated: "My lord, this may be Ma Teng's plan to swindle defeat!"

"Mr. Zhang Pu, a certain self-examination!"

Now that Li Yuanhao had countermeasures, Zhang Pu no longer said anything. The latter had seen that Li Yuanhao was leading the main force to attack, and Ma Teng could personally rescue him if there was an ambush.

(End of this chapter)

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