Chapter 41
In the recruiting hall, five big fish were actually caught, and these five people were Ding Wei, Zhuge Jin, Yan Yan, Bu Zhi, and Wei Jing.

Although these five people have different ages, different personalities, and even different purposes of seeking refuge with Lu Heng!
However, the most important thing for a superior person is not peerless force, nor is it absolute resourcefulness, but knowing how to use people well, and only by using the most suitable talents in the right positions can they exert their greatest capabilities.

Don't you see that at the end of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu was a hero who was unrivaled in the world, and his martial arts was unrivaled, and he was still no match for Liu Bang, a rascal who was incapable of writing and martial arts. Such examples abound in history.

However, as a superior person, one cannot govern according to one's own likes and dislikes. What is good at the top must be the same at the bottom. This is not empty talk!
In ancient times, there was Zhao Ji, one of the faint emperors of the ages, who was not good at political affairs, but only liked calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, flowers and stones, and he lost the good Northern Song Dynasty!
There have been thousands of talented people since ancient times, and there are Tao Yuanming and Fu Bi who are proud and fearless of power and bow their heads.

There are those who flatter their horses for the sake of superiority, and those who make compromises for the sake of the community.

Of course, there are also people like Ding Wei and Cai Jing who give up their personal bottom line for the sake of fame and fortune, and of course there are people like Li Yan and Zhu Yu who have no bottom line at all and only for their own selfishness.

After Lu Heng summoned Ding Wei, the leader of the five ghosts, he has been thinking about how to use him!

It can be said that there are many notorious and notorious people in the entire Song Dynasty, such as Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Jia Sidao, Qin Hui, Gao Qiu, Ding Wei, etc., but among these people, Ding Wei and Cai Jing are really talented .

In the third year of Chunhua in the Northern Song Dynasty, Ding Wei passed the Jinshi examination and served as a judge in Dali and a general judge in Raozhou. He was resourceful and versatile.

During the Chunhua period of the Northern Song Dynasty, Shaanxi rebelled against the masses in the border areas and the people were in dire straits!

Ding said that he adopted the method of exchanging salt for grain to solve the disadvantages of military pay in Kui and Wanzhou states, and at the same time relieved the labor of the border residents in delivering imperial grain over long distances.He also promised that the horses raised by the people in the south of Guizhou can be freely exchanged in the market.

He personally planned and built the Kuizhou Walled City to strengthen the frontier defense. Song Zhenzong once asked Ding Wei how to make the frontier defense long-term and peaceful, and the northern peoples dare not do anything wrong.

Ding Wei replied: "As long as the officials sent by the imperial court don't ask for credit to cause trouble, and take quietness as the victory, there will be peace."

Hou Ding said that when Ren Shengzhou (now Nanjing, Jianye of the Three Kingdoms) was the magistrate, the back lake in the north of the city had not been treated for many years and turned into a dry lake. The former magistrate leased the bottom of the lake to the common people. Taxation.

After Ding Wei took office, many problems were discovered through investigation, and he requested to reduce or exempt this part of the tax, and asked to send troops to organize excavation and treatment, return the fields to the lake, store water, plant water chestnuts, plant lotus, and raise fish to feed the hungry people , to increase income; if there is a severe drought, the farmland can be irrigated, and it can kill multiple birds with one stone.

Ding Wei was also a well-known economic expert in the Song Dynasty. At that time, the national food tax was very chaotic.

After Ding Wei served as the envoy of the Third Division, he conducted special investigations, formulated corresponding policies, and proposed to use the six-year household registration and financial income of Xianping as the standard, and then collected according to this data every year, and reported it to the imperial court for the record, so as to benefit the national economy and the people's livelihood.

The imperial court will play and issue an imperial edict to reward.

During his tenure, Ding Wei also organized and compiled many monographs reflecting the financial situation in the early Song Dynasty and adopting coping strategies, which became important documents for future generations to study the economy of the Song Dynasty.

Ding Wei has made a lot of political achievements in history, but it cannot be denied that Ding Wei catered to the emperor's large-scale construction projects, and built a number of luxurious palaces for the emperor. , Consumed a lot of people's fat and people's cream.

He also colluded with eunuchs, framed Zhongliang, and Ding Wei blindly catered to him, and gave the emperor bad ideas, which would naturally be opposed by upright people. Kou Zhun hated him for flattering the emperor.

Ding Wei held a grudge in his heart, and tried his best to squeeze him out with accusations.

In the fourth year of Tianxi (1020), Kou Zhun was expelled from the imperial court, and was demoted to Xiangzhou (now Anyang, Henan, Yecheng during the Three Kingdoms period), and then demoted to Daozhou (now Daoxian, Hunan, Lingling County during the Three Kingdoms period) Sima.

In the first year of Qianxing (1022), Ding Wei colluded with eunuch Lei Yungong again, revised the "edict", blamed Kou Zhun for Song Zhenzong's death, and demoted him to Leizhou (now Haikang, Guangdong, Jiaozhou during the Three Kingdoms period), and finally The guest died and was demoted.

Ding Wei took the opportunity to eliminate all ministers in the court who were friendly with Kou Zhun.

Ding Wei used superstition to fool the emperor, which can be said to be daring. Ding Wei claimed to be a descendant of the god Ding Lingwei (a mythical figure)!

There are Xianyou Pavilion and Xianyou Cave in the garden of his own house. Every day, he "occupies the magpie in the morning and the lamp core at night. Even if he goes out to return to his residence, he must listen to people's words and use them for divination."

Ding said that he was good at talking about cranes. When he was appointed as the envoy of Yuqing Zhaoying to the palace, every time he offered sacrifices, he would report how many cranes danced between the halls and verandahs. He was ridiculed as "the crane minister".

When Song Zhenzong visited Taiqing Palace in Bozhou, Ding Wei specially presented a white deer and 9 ganoderma lucidum. Ruiwu was dedicated to the emperor and recorded in the annals of history.

Ding Wei manipulated Liu Demiao, a female Taoist priest, to say that a tortoise raised at home was the incarnation of the old emperor, and he praised it himself.

It can be said that Ding Wei is talented, capable, and courageous, but he is also bold. What he does is very similar to Cai Jing but slightly different. Ding Wei dares to ignore imperial power while Cai Jing does not. In Lu Heng's view, this is why The biggest difference between the two.

That being said, Ding said that he formed a party for personal gain, deceived the emperor, eliminated dissidents, colluded with eunuchs, and all kinds of bad deeds are too numerous to record, so why don't Lu Heng use it?

No!Lu Heng will use and reuse Ding Wei's talents. As Lu Heng becomes a vassal, the territory is getting bigger and bigger, and talents are needed to govern the stable rear in order to pacify the world.

What's more, Ding Wei's talent is not inferior to Yu Yunwen's, and his intelligence value as high as 98 is definitely among the top counselors, but how to control Ding Wei is what Lu Heng has to consider.

Lu Heng talked with the talents introduced by the officials one by one in the recruitment hall, and talked with the candidates in detail every time.

When encountering craftsmen, medical officers, accountants, etc., they will respect each other. Some are sent to Jiangdong Academy as instructors or teachers, and some are assigned to subordinate officials as assistants.

It took about an hour to interview all the talents that had been accumulated in the recruiting hall recently, and only the last five people remained.

These five people were not impatient, they quietly sipped tea and read books while waiting for Lu Heng to receive everyone one by one, nodding their heads from time to time to express their affirmation during the process.

After the five people saw Lu Heng, Ding Wei was the first to come out. They saw that this man's eyes were as thin as willows, his ears hung like beads, his eyes were bright and bright, his lips were square and his mouth was straight, and his moustache was light. , with a wide forehead and a flat top, with full skin and flesh.

There are two younger ones beside him, the older one is about 12 years old, and the younger one is about ten years old.

Ding Wei paid homage to Lu Heng: "Meet Yangzhou Mu! I'm Ding Wei's character Gongyan. I've heard Yangzhou Mu's name like thunder for a long time. He said that he came here to seek refuge with the eunuch and take him in."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the other four people were different. Among them, Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, and Yan Yan frowned slightly, while Wei Jing looked angry. As for the two young ladies who were too young to know the situation, they looked at them with adoring eyes. big brother. (Lu Heng was born in 178 and is only 18 years old this year)
Lu Heng was very surprised when he heard Ding Wei's appellation and said, "Gongyan, when did someone become a Yangzhou shepherd? How could someone not know?"

Ding Wei's expression remained the same, neither humble nor overbearing, and said: "My lord is too modest, now you have defeated Sun Ce several times, and now Sun Ce has only a few thousand defeated troops, nothing to worry about.

Kuaiji Wang Lang has always been friends with Lu Gong (Lu Kang) and He Gongzi. As long as he defeats Yuan Shu, he will be able to secure Jiangdong. Moreover, Yuzhang Gong has sent someone to the court to seek the post of Yangzhou Shepherd. Who in Jiangdong can compete with the prince?
It is only right for Yangzhou Mu to be called the son. "

After a pause, Ding said: "Recently, you said that you have come to seek refuge with the young master, and you have to ask the young master for one thing, and I hope the young master must agree."

Lu Heng listened to Ding Wei's analysis of Jiangdong's situation. Although there was no reaction on his face, he agreed in his heart. Hearing that Ding Wei asked for something, he said: "Gong Yan, it's too serious. What can I ask for? Do your best!"

Ding Wei pulled the two boys behind him to point to them and said, "These two are my younger brothers. The older one is called Ding Feng, and the younger one is called Ding Feng. The parents of the three of us died early, so we are lucky to be honored by famous people." Gao Dai likes to teach one or two.

But shedi has been good at martial arts since she was a child, and she looks very powerful and has a lot of strength. It is said that she is too shy to hire a famous teacher for her brother.

It is said that I heard that the son set up Jiangdong Academy to set up martial arts students, and that he can worship Tai Shici and other famous generals as teachers when he chooses the best talents. "

Lu Heng heard Ding Wei say that this kid turned out to be Ding Feng, and the system actually sent Ding Wei to Ding Feng's brother, Ding Feng, one of the Twelve Tiger Ministers in Jiangdong!
This kid will be a general in the future, you must know that the commanders such as He Qi and Zhu Huan have not entered the Twelve Tiger Ministers.

Ding Feng, who made his debut very late, was included in the list of the Twelve Tiger Officials, and he was listed alongside Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, Chen Wu, Dong Xi, Gan Ning, Ling Tong and others to show his talent.

Although it is still Xiao Zhengtai now, Ling Tong and Tai Shixiang are also being trained together by Zhengtai, and Ding Feng is also a good general, but their relationship with Ding Wei makes Lu Heng faintly worried, don't be poisoned by Ding Wei .

After thinking about it, Lu Heng said: "This matter is easy, Ding Feng and Ding Feng, the gate of Jiangdong Academy will always be open for you, today you are the disciples of Jiangdong Academy, not only you two, but also the children of poor scholars in the world, Jiangdong Academy will also open the door for you !"

As soon as Lu Heng said this, not only the two boys were overjoyed, Ding Wei's eyes shone brightly, not only Ding Wei, Ding Feng, and Ding Feng, but also Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, Yan Yan, and Wei Jing's eyes lit up. Nod secretly.

You must know that knowledge in this era is monopolized by the gentry, and there are those who can teach selflessly!But very few, only a few great Confucians such as Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning, Gao Dai, etc. gave lessons to the children of poor families.

It is very difficult for children from poor families to learn knowledge in this era. Most of them rely on self-study and can only learn single books.

Lu Heng said to Ding Wei: "Gongyan will come back to the mansion with me later and discuss in detail."

Ding Wei nodded and stopped talking. After Lu Heng finished speaking, he looked at the other four people. He saw that these four people had extraordinary looks and were of different ages. The oldest was about thirty, and the youngest was about the same age as Lu Heng. , but the temperament is good.

Lu Heng asked the four of them: "Excuse me, Heng can't tell you apart, may I ask the names of all the great talents?"

Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, and Yan Yan are all generous and humble people, they looked at each other and made a gesture of asking for humility.

And Wei Jing was the youngest, with a strong and courageous personality. Seeing the three of them like this, he took a step forward and said, "Under the Wei Jing Zizi Banner, a native of Guangling, Xuzhou."

Then he introduced the remaining three people and said: "The oldest one is Mancai Yan, a native of Pengcheng, Xuzhou.

The taller of the other two, whose compound surname is Zhuge Dan and whose name is Jin Ziyu, is from Yangdu County, Langya County.

The other is Zishan Buzhi, a native of Huaiyin County, Linhuai County.

Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, and I were about the same age and had a close relationship with each other. They often read together and debated with Yan Mancai and gradually became acquainted.

One day, a team of Jin Yiwei came to say that the prefect was looking for Zhuge Jin, and said that the prefect invited Zhuge Jin to Wujun. "

After Zhuge Jin and Wei Jing finished the introduction, they came forward and said, "My lord, Zhuge Jin, I don't know what happened to the eunuch Xun Jin? I hope the eunuch can clear up the confusion!"

When Lu Heng heard this, he realized that these four people didn't come here because of admiration of his own reputation, but because they were afraid that someone from me, Lu, would conspire against Zhuge Jin to plead for mercy. Still have some ideas.

Lu Heng cupped his hands to the four of them and said: "Haha! Heng needs to thank Ziyu for bringing three great talents to Heng. Haha, to be honest, Ziyu's father Zhuge Xuan served under a certain command, and he is currently serving as a military officer with Chaisang.

Junxian (Zhuge Xuan's word Junxian) asked a certain to look for his son who had gone south.

Zhuge Jun and Zhuge sisters will go to Wu County with the army in a few days, and Ziyu's family can be reunited.

As for that kid Zhuge Liang, who is currently studying under the military adviser Yu Yunwen, he is the second disciple of the military adviser, and the younger brother of a certain younger brother Lu Yi is currently in the army. "

After hearing Lu Heng's words, Zhuge Jin was extremely excited, stepped forward and bowed down to Lu Heng, saying: "The prefect's great kindness is like re-creation. Since Jin lost his family, he misses them every day, but there are so many people and wars everywhere, where can we find them?

I can only study hard day and night to understand the lovesickness, never thinking that the whole family is safe. "

Lu Heng hurriedly stepped forward to help Zhuge Jin up and said, "Ziyu please get up quickly. Heng only asked Jin Yiwei to inquire about Ziyu's whereabouts. Ziyu can see his family after waiting for a few days in Wujun."

After speaking, Lu Heng bowed to Bu Zhi, Yan Yan, Wei Jing, and Zhuge Jin and said: "I heard that there are four talented people. Jiangdong has been through wars for a long time, and there is a lot of waste waiting to be rebuilt. A certain subordinate is in urgent need of talents to govern the place. Now I see four talents. He is a great talent, and I hope that everyone will help Lu Mou in front of the people of Jiangdong."

Wei Jing had heard about Lu Heng's name a long time ago, and now he saw that Lu Heng established Jiangdong Academy for the underprivileged people in the world. As an underprivileged scholar, he admired Lu Heng very much, and immediately said: "I am willing to serve my lord!"

Zhuge Jin also said: "My lord and Jin have a great kindness, and Jin Wan will die!"

Bu Zhi has a very good relationship with Zhuge Jin and Wei Jing, seeing that the two of them have agreed to become officials, he thought about it and nodded, "Zi is willing to serve the Lord!"

Yan Yan looked at the three of them and said with a helpless smile: "Good job you three boys, whatever! Yan is willing to serve the Lord!"

"The system reminds the host that it has obtained the effects of well-known figures from the Three Kingdoms, Wei Jing, Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, and Yan Yan.

Among them, Bu Zhi, Yan Yan, and Wei Jing's individual basic value exceeded 80, and Zhuge Jin's political value exceeded 90, with a total of 45 prestige points and a current prestige value of 95
The system promptly reminded Lu Heng that the four of them had already served, and it was a bumper harvest to recover 45 points of reputation all at once!

Gaining both talents and prestige points, this wave of blood earns! "

As the four of them were willing to serve as officials, Lu Heng's mood improved, he laughed and said, "It's getting dark today, everyone will have dinner with a certain man back home."

After speaking, Lu Heng pulled the four of them, along with Ding Wei, Ding Feng, and Ding Feng, back to the Lu Mansion.

However, at this time, Lu Heng heard the system prompt again: "The system prompts the host that Ding Wei, the advisor under his command, has launched a special skill 'Fawning' - doing what he likes to the target, and reducing the basic intelligence difference between the target and Ding Wei when the skill is activated. Half of the intelligence, the difference is negative and the decimal point is not counted.


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(End of this chapter)

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