Chapter 408
And the fierce general with the mace, surnamed Qin Mingming, is one of the five tiger generals in Liangshan in the Water Margin, Thunderbolt Qin Ming!

Huang Zhong discovered that this person was brave and capable of commanding troops, so he recommended him to Liu Pan, who was overjoyed to be named a school lieutenant, and went to battle together this time.

I don't know if fate has tricked people, Qin Ming joined Liu Biao's camp, and faced off with Fang La's group under Sun Ce's command. No one knows whether this fierce general who died tragically at the hands of Fang Jie will be able to avenge his blood feud at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty!

Sun Ce summoned all his counselors that day to discuss countermeasures. There was only one moderate solution, which was to detach some elite troops to hold down the formation and block Liu Pan's reinforcements at any time.

However, Lou Minzhong came up with an idea. The elite troops stood still to prevent Liu Pan from attacking, and continued to attack the city with Wuximan's death squads, constantly consuming the defenders' strength. When the slope formed by the corpses was high enough, they could jump up to The city wall, when there is an opportunity, send elites to rob the city.

At this time, the Jiangling city wall is no longer a threat, and even Liu Pan's army can take Jiangling in one fell swoop.

As soon as Sun Ce heard that it was reasonable, he ordered Zhou Yu to continuously pull Wuxi Man to the rear, even to the point where even a seven-year-old child to a seventy-year-old man would not be spared!
On the second day after Liu Pan's attack, Sun Ce began to resume the siege method of using the Wuxi barbarian death squad, and let these poorly equipped 'armies' go to the city wall to fight hand-to-hand with the Jingzhou defenders. Anyway, the defensive equipment of the Jingzhou defenders is almost Run out.

Squad after team of Wuxi barbarian death squads were sent up, and Sun Ce even came up with new tactics after each summary, that is, the death squads mixed with elite soldiers to attack the city, and they almost captured the city a few times. Jiangling was firmly resisted by Wenpin.

Of course, the Jiangling defenders were not without cost. Under Sun Ce's attrition strategy, the casualties of the defenders gradually increased. Wenpin and Wang Wei were each wounded.

There was fighting on the ground, and there were also battles of varying degrees on the Yangtze River. Because the Jingzhou navy turned from light to darkness, Zhou Yu began to send a small team of ships to look for the Jingzhou navy while protecting the grain road.

Zhang Yun concentrated his firepower to storm the team Zhou Yu's water army, but there was still no problem. The rich water system made Zhang Yun fight a guerrilla on the water!

For example, once Zhou Yu was so annoyed that he assigned half of the fleet to Zhu Zhi to guard the Jiangling River Basin, and he ordered the rest of the navy to go east to destroy the Jingzhou navy led by Zhang Yun.

But Zhang Yun was afraid of Zhou Yu's powerful combat power, so he fled to Xiashui and Xiashui's tributaries, even bypassing the back of Zhou Yu's fleet!
If it was Zhou Tai's Shenshui camp, they would directly order the arrows to attack, and Zhou Yu would definitely suffer heavy losses.

But Zhang Yun was frightened by Zhou Yu's beating, so he just hid quietly, and when Zhou Yu searched and retreated to no avail, he fled to Xiashui again.

When Zhou Yu received the order to transport a large number of Wuximan death camps, he had no choice but to give up the search.

In short, Kuai Liang originally had high hopes that the Jingzhou navy that could attack Sun Ce's Liangdao had only completed the task of containing Zhou Yu's navy.

When the time came to December, Jiangling City was almost breached several times, but Wen Pin managed to persevere. Jiangling City was so crumbling that it could be broken, but it still stood firm.

In the end, Kuai Yue realized that Jiangling's defenders were insufficient, so Huang Zhong led half of the infantry to bypass the north gate and enter the city suddenly. Liu Pan and Qin Ming continued to harass Jiangling with the remaining troops, which made Jiangling defend for half a month longer.

Under this circumstance, there was a time when Jiangling was almost breached. Fang Jie showed his supernatural power, climbed up the wall and led people to attack left and right. Both Wenpin and Wang Wei fell to the disadvantage in both battles.

In the end, Wenpin had no choice but to go to the reserve team and drive off all the other Sun Ce soldiers, and Fang Jie took a retreat.

However, Huang Zhong's arrival and the assistance of the new force gave Fang Jie restraint, and he could no longer be as unscrupulous as before.

Someone wants to ask, when Fang Jie attacked the wall, what about Sun Ce's other fierce generals?Why not cooperate with Fang Jie to attack the city?

Chen Wu flew over the city wall before, although he was not killed or seriously injured and never went to the battlefield again, but Xing Daorong was shot in the thigh by Huang Zhong while climbing the wall and was unable to go to the battlefield.

As for the fact that Li Tianrun and Fang Qifo wanted to intercept Huang Zhong and Qin Ming and avenge Pang Wanchun, in short, thanks to the existence of Huang Zhong, a top general, he restrained several generals under Sun Ce's command!
Of course, it was not that Lu Su had not thought about it, and planned to lure and surround Liu Panjun who had been harassing him, but no matter how he was lured, Kuai Yue saw the plan.

Even so, the defense in the Battle of Jiangling was extremely difficult. This time Sun Ce attacked Jiangling and used all the death camps captured last year. The effect of tens of thousands of lives was piled up, and Sun Ce did not want to give up.

Another day of attacking the city, the slope of the corpses had piled up to [-] feet, which was already a height enough to climb the city wall with a single leap.

Sun Cejun pushed out a few Jinglan vehicles sparsely.

The cannon fodder in the Death Battalion was gone, so they could only attack with their own elite. Sun Ce divided the army into two, led by Lu Meng and Lu Su. Lu Meng led the Wuxi Battalion to attack the city. , Li Tianrun, , Li Tianyou, and Fang Qifo are also sharpening their swords to participate in the siege, and Sun Ce is going to take Jiangling in one go.

Wenpin, Wang Wei, and Huang Zhong on the city wall are waiting for them, Kuai Liang leads the reserve force and is ready to join the battlefield at any time, and Liu Pan and Kuai Yue outside the city are also ready to attack at any time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The drums were beating, and Sun Ce's army began to charge. Soldiers from the Wuxi Battalion charged forward with ladders. gun, Li Tianyou followed closely behind.

Although the Wuxi camp and the death camp are both Wuxi barbarians, the former is a tribe that has taken refuge in Sun Ce, but in the hearts of Sun Ce and others, it is just a bit more advanced cannon fodder.

When Wuxi Battalion set up a cloud ladder and climbed vigorously one after another, the guarding Jingzhou soldiers also greeted them with long sticks in their hands.

Huang Zhong was even more brave. A slash of the red blood knife in his hand would not only kill a Wuxi barbarian soldier, but also damage the ladder to varying degrees!
Fang Jie was the first to step on the slope of the corpse, Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand to clear the way, Wuxi barbarians stepped aside one after another, Fang Qifo and Li Tianrun followed closely, Fang Jie stepped on the ladder, pulled the spear on his head, and shot back with his backhand. The stabbing opponent died in response, swept away and forced a few enemy soldiers back, and wanted to kick up the city wall to make room.

But what caught Fang Jie's eyes was a blood-red sword. The knife was fast and fast. Fang Jie could see the blood groove on the red blood sword. It was Huang Zhong!
Fang Jie quickly dodged back. Although he dodged the attack of the big knife, his center of gravity inevitably fell backwards and fell to the ground.

At the height of the slope of the corpse, unless one is particularly unlucky and falls on a stone or a beam, one cannot even be injured.

It can be seen that the advantage of city wall defense is no longer there, only the advantage of condescending.

(End of this chapter)

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