The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 405 ? Onslaught on Jiangling

Chapter 405 Onslaught on Jiangling
Sun Ce stormed Jiangling, the seat of the Southern Commandery, and wave after wave of death camps were driven by Sun Ce to attack the city. The heavy casualties filled up the moat, and now they are filling up the city with human lives.

Sun Ce didn't feel sorry for these lives at all. If Lu Heng was here, he would feel so heartbroken to death. This is all population!Precious population!
Even though there are mountains in the east of the river descending one after another to flood the population, the area ruled by Lu Heng is still vast and sparsely populated, and the population is far from enough!

Sun Ce, who also occupies the vast land and sparsely populated Jingnan, consumes the population like this. Lu Heng will definitely scold Sun Ce here and waste everything!

However, Lu Heng didn't know this at this time. At this time, Lu Heng was still busy attacking Xuzhou, and hadn't received the battle report from Jingzhou. Even if the Jinyiwei rushed forward, it would take half a month to get the news.

Sun Ce doesn't feel bad, Lu Heng knows that he will feel bad to death, and now Wen Pin is frowning, worried to death, as a veteran of the killing field, it's not that Wen Pin has never fought tough battles, and it's not that he hasn't seen dead people, but that's the case This is the first time I have seen a siege with less casualties. Although Jingzhou started the war more than ten years earlier, it is still not as intense as the northern war.

Even if Yuan Shao and Cao Cao attacked the city, they would be very distressed by their elites, but Sun Ce didn't care at all, as if these human lives were not human lives, and after one batch died, another batch was added.

"Archers shoot arrows! Throw logs and rocks! Shoot these people down!"

Wenpin still ordered to yell to throw logs and stones, and he had to use defensive equipment. It would be even more terrifying to be climbed up the city wall by these people. Even in times of crisis, fire oil and fire attack can be used to weaken the momentum of the siege. No matter how ruthlessly Sun Ce burned the fire and let people attack the city, it would cause riots, but the consumption of such fire and oil rose rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, one month has passed, and Sun Ce's daily onslaught consumes all captured Wuxi barbarians. The death camp alone has killed more than two dozen battalions and tens of thousands of people. The city of Jiangling is full of charred and fresh corpses. A ramp has reached a height of more than ten feet. Fortunately, it is already November and the weather has turned cold. If it is summer, the smell of corpses alone can destroy Jiangling City.

The archers in Jiangling City have no arrows, the fire oil has been used up long ago, and the rolling logs and rocks have been used up. Now Wenpin has people demolishing Jiangling houses and smashing them down. He was killed by Wenpin and Wang Wei together. If so, the Jiangling defenders would have suffered tens of thousands of casualties, all of which were casualties in hand-to-hand combat.

The cruel Sun Ce didn't even send out archers to suppress the archers of the Jiangling defenders for the death squads, which caused the arrows of the Jiangling defenders to go and never return!
Wen Pin looked at the slope formed by the groups of corpses with a gloomy face, and wanted to conjure up fierce kerosene to burn these corpses. Sun Ce ignored the casualties and did not clean up the corpses. His idea was to use corpses to pave the road. Wenpin immediately changed his strategy. Fa every time the corpse slopes to a certain height, fire oil is sprinkled on it to burn, but the original fire oil consumption will become larger and larger. Wenpin has burnt corpses for countless times, and now Wenpin can't change even a drop of fire oil If you come out, even if you defend Jiangling and other battles, the plague will easily occur.

Wen Pin believes that Sun Ce will soon send out real elites instead of these beggar-like 'armies', but now that the defense equipment is almost used up, how to defend against Sun Ce's elites?
Also, the request for help was sent out a month ago, so why hasn't the lord sent any reinforcements now?
On this day, after Wenpin repelled two death camps in a row, Wenpin, the third siege force, found that Sun Cejun was different. He was no longer dressed in tatters, but was wearing leather armor and holding a regular shield and a steel knife. regular army.

Even Sun Ce launched one after another Jinglan, there were many archers above, and Wen Pin's face was serious. Obviously, the real siege of Sun Ce's army has just begun!
Under this circumstance, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu knew that Lu Heng's army had superior equipment, and even sent scouts or spies to steal Lu Heng's equipment technology more than once. Unfortunately, the Jiangdong Army Factory and Jiangdong Academy R&D Institute are key protection units, and personnel must enter the Jinyi Guards How can the spies steal the technology if they have to find out the bottom line, and even require the guarantee of the old man to enter?
Therefore, Sun Ce's army still does not have such a big killer as a catapult, but only traditional siege equipment, such as Jinglan, Chongche, and Lvgong vehicles. Now that Sun Ce uses Wuxi barbarian lives as Lv's vehicles, there will be no such equipment. , As for the door opening of the car, it has long been covered with corpses, making it impossible to push in.

Wen Pin was waiting in full force with an iron gun, while Wang Wei stood aside with a side knife. Now even Wang Wei can see that a tough battle is about to be fought.

Squads of siege troops rushed towards the city wall with ladders, and it was much faster to climb the more than ten feet of the city wall, and this time the siege troops were all the Wuxi Man tribe under Sun Ce's command, climbing mountains and wading like walking on flat ground, Climbing up the ladder is a lot faster, and there are corpses on the ground who fell down and fell down without even being injured, so I patted my butt and continued to climb!

"Look at the crowd and hit me with beams and stones! Let me kill the rest!"

With just one charge, Wuxi barbarian regular soldiers rushed to the top of the city wall. The first Wuxi barbarian soldier who stepped on the city wall was pierced by Wenpin's iron gun, and he kicked down the city wall and turned over four or five Wuxi barbarians. Barbarians, if these four or five Wuxi barbarians fall down the city wall under normal circumstances, they will not die or be seriously injured and lose their combat effectiveness.

But now these four or five Wuxi barbarians raised their weapons again and continued to climb up the city wall, which made Wenpin's expression very ugly: "Kill everyone!"

"Archer! Arrow! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

It was the Jinglan team led by Pang Wanchun who yelled, shooting arrows into the city one after another. The defenders without arrows could no longer counterattack and could only be shot as targets.

"The shield soldiers stepped forward to defend, the pikemen followed up, and the archers picked up the arrows and shot them back!"

Wenpin roared anxiously, and responded instantly. Unfortunately, it was too cumbersome to collect Sun Cejun's arrows and shoot them back. There were very few counterattack arrows, but who made Wenpin have no arrows?
In just an hour, Wenpin felt his hands were sore. He didn't know how many shots he had fired and how many enemy soldiers he had killed. How could ordinary soldiers be better off if he was already like this?
"My lord! Xing Daorong, please fight!", "My lord! Chen Wu, please fight!", "My lord! Fang Jie, please fight!"

Seeing this situation, Xing Daorong, Fang Jie, and Chen Wu, who were watching the battle with Sun Cejun, felt that the heat was about the same, so they called for a fight!

Sun Ce suppressed the generals because he was afraid of losing in the siege battle, but Sun Ce agreed, Fang Jie, Xing Daorong, and Chen Wu got off their horses and rushed towards the city wall with weapons in their hands.

Gao Ma Da Chong from Xing Daorong was the first, followed by Chen Wu and Fang Jie. After a while, the three rushed to the bottom of the city and each chose a ladder to climb up.

"Concentrate on hitting the one with the big axe, Fang Tian's halberd, and iron spear for me."

(End of this chapter)

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